SPOILER!!: earlier post
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Would they be acting it out? That would be fun. Listening to what other people said, and looking at her book, Penelope put together an answer. She didn't really have anything new to add. "A common Welsh Green dragon attacked some muggles. The Toke wizarding family cast a lot of memory charms on all of the muggles."
This guy was another first year Ravenclaw. He seemed to really like dragons.
His answer was different than Maddie's, but saying that Maddie's answer was wrong was completely uncalled for. Respect was the first rule in this class, and saying that someone's answer was wrong was not respecting that person. He would not get away with saying stuff like that without Penelope saying something to him. "You should not be telling the class that Maddie's answer is wrong. Respect what people say. Maddie is a smart Ravenclaw girl, and she is entitled to respect in this class. If you want to hug a dragon that is attacking people, you should rethink that. Use that Ravenclaw brain of yours. Any dragon attacking muggle sunbathers is nuts, even if it was beaten up as a baby. Being beaten up as a baby would make the dragon angry, and an angry dragon could go crazy. Dragons are really dangerous. Do you really want to hug a crazy, dangerous, angry dragon when it is attacking you? Do you really think it's okay to say that Maddie's answer is wrong? The answer to both should be no. Use your brain to figure out that you should respect what Maddie, and everyone else, says." That should show him not to think Maddie was wrong. It was so sad to see a Ravenclaw who seemed to lack common sense. Penelope expected rude remarks from Slytherins, but Ravenclaw? Really? Did he come from a family of Slytherins? Did he really lack the sense to know not to hug dangerous dragons?
Penelope hoped that she had not sounded too rude or mean, and that she wouldn't get in any trouble for talking to the boy (Kyroh). Also, she was disappointed in this guy for being so rude to Maddie. How could he be so rude to his housemate? Maybe it was just because he loved dragons, but that was not an excuse for being rude to people.
SPOILER!!: Kyroh
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If Maddie was upset by him calling her wrong, Kyroh didn't notice at all. Nope. He was too distracted by Mo and the talk of everyone knowing the memory charm. He was suppose to know how to erase everyones minds now?Did that mean they expected more attacks? More dragons that never got any hugs?
He was deep in thought until all of a sudden a girl started to yell at him.
"I never said Maddie wasn't smart." How could he say that? Maddie was his friend. And Maddie was observant and stuff, and Kyroh was pretty sure she was smarter than him. But the girl kept going and as she went on and on he found that his vision was becoming slightly blurred from the water that was starting to form. "I NEVER said HUG it when it was ATTACKING." He meant hug it before! When it was a baby dragon. People had to care for it before. "Do YOU think it's okay to say MY answer is wrong." Because it WASN'T! OKAY!? She was saying stuff. And it wasn't nice and he didn't like it at all. It made him feel stupid. "And you know nothing about Dragons because a Common Welsh would not just go and attack people for no reason! Like Maddie said I just mean that they don't just go nutso." That's ALL he had meant okay?
But nope. She kept going and telling him to use his brain and stuff, which was WHAT HE WAS TRYING TO DO! He was TRYING to answer questions and use his brain and be smart. He was trying to be a good Ravenclaw. He hadn't meant to say anything bad about Maddie's answer."I didn't even WANT to be in stupid Ravenclaw ANYWAYS so leave me alone!" The boy yelled slamming his arms on his desk and burying his face.
Had she really just said that? Penelope couldn't believe that she had just done that. Kyroh probably wasn't trying to say anything bad about what Maddie had said. He was probably just worried about the dragon. She had really said that to him? In front of the class? And the professor? What had she done??? Now Kyroh was yelling at her. She really hadn't meant to make him feel bad, or start a big fight.
"Sorry about that. I didn't really mean most of the stuff I said. I... I should have thought more about it before I said any of that," Penelope said to Kyroh before turning away from him. It was so embarrassing that she had spoken to him like that in class. In class. In front of everyone. And the professor. She shouldn't have said anything. Then she could just be silently taking notes. No, she couldn't just do that after what she had said. Penelope wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. She really hadn't meant to say all of that to Kyroh. How could she have said all of that?
Holding back tears,
Penelope ran out of the room. She had to get away from this place. She felt really, really bad about everything she had just done. The whole thing never should have happened.