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Old 06-13-2014, 07:53 PM   #62 (permalink)

Pygmy Puff
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoenix Marchbanks
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Wiley Whittebrook
Second Year

x12 x5
Default *rearranges just a tad*
Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent

SPOILER!!: so many replies! *loves everyone*
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Thinking real hard about the question he raised his hand " professor when the dementors where attacking the muggle population.. They still felt it and saw mist even though they couldn't physically see them it's a type of witness? " it was a scary topic and everyone brought up those events but he just totally felt uncomfortable talking about it. He lowered his hand down slowly.
As answers poured in from such eager students, Nessa turned her full attention on them. Nodding to the Gryffindor boy, she paused upon hearing his answer. “Well.. I am looking for more specific events from history, but that’s a good example of Muggles being exposed to magical entities. Even if they don’t exactly know what it is..” Good try.. and Professor Glendower smiled at him encouragingly.

Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
The professor spoke a lot, but didn't say her name. The Slytherin blinked. "What's her name?" She whispered to the random person next to her. And the woman was speaking rather fast and was already asking something. Any detail is history? That still happened nowadays, didn't it? But it was a History of Magic lesson, so it made sense for the woman to ask them that. "When young kids used magic unintentionally?" ....That hadn't been an historical event, but it was the only thing Agatha thought of. It was still quite normal, actually. She has even witnessed a case or two.
Oh, this was even more generalized. Perhaps Nessa should have been more specific in her instructions to be.. well, specific. But she was pleased that the Slytherin girl was willing to give an answer and didn’t want to discourage her. “Sometimes Muggles are witness to that, yes,” she confirmed with a smile. But they wouldn’t be talking about that exactly today.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
What did register was the happy new Professor. Had they ever had a female HoM Professor? Not from her memory, this should be interesting. The Gryffindor sat forward in her seat, feigning interest while introductions and questions were being tossed out. So far, she liked the idea of living history as opposed to memorizing dates and people that were of no importance to her.

As for whether she could think up an incident, nope. Did she want to go searching through her textbook....not particularly so Lex sat there, waiting for them to move on to a question she might have had a greater chance of knowing or the activity; the girl had always been a more hands on learner.
Nessa’s eyes fell for a moment on the Gryffindor prefect as she looked interested in the discussion.. was she going to add something as well? Something on the tip of her tongue? No? Professor Glendower still smiled at the girl encouragingly. It was alright if she couldn’t think of anything just yet. They’d all get a chance to participate in a few minutes.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
As for the question... Zander had to think a little bit. He nodded as Simon gave a very intelligent answer. Woah, he must've done his research for that one. And then bingo, Zander thought of something! "At the 422nd Quidditch World Cup, wasn't a muggle family taken by the death eaters?" he asked. "I'm pretty sure the death eaters used magic against them and levitated them and cruel stuff like that," he added. Ugh. Using the term muggle still felt kinda weird to him.
Oh goodness, now that was a very specific answer! Down to the number and everything. Nessa thought a moment. That particular World Cup was rather memorable, wasn’t it? It was likely that number would stick in people’s minds.. even if it had been nearly 100 years ago. Did anyone remember what happened at the 423rd? Probably not. “Yes, you’re right,” she nodded solemnly. “Those Death Eaters did awful, awful things to those poor Muggles.” Frown. At least they were ok in the end though. “Very good example.”

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
In the middle of her groove, Lux was sad when the music stopped. BOOO! But it was okay, because the Professor had arrived. AND LUX LIKED HER A LOT ALREADY!!! Oooh, the idea of placing oneself in a moment of history was really interesting. Not being able to think of anything to answer the first question, Lux remained silent and instead got out her notebook so that she could write things down.
Even though this girl did not look like she was ready to offer an answer when Nessa’s eyes swept over her, she still got an approving smile. She must be so interested in the discussion to jot it all down like that. Which made her certain that she’d enjoy the activity.

Originally Posted by JennMarie View Post
Wait, WHAT!? no date memorizing?! no intellectual fact note cards to study!? He didn't want to GO places he wanted to READ about them. they we're history for a reason and he'd rather have no part in History but rather the future. This was a nightmare and this lady had point FIVE seconds to turn this class around or else he'd... he'd, he'd cry! Also, did she ask a question? he didn't catch that. oops.
Oh, another silent one. That was alright for now. He could listen, observe, and absorb. Nothing at all wrong with that.. though participation later was a must! And Nessa was sure the boy would get even more out of that then just listening to answers!

Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
“Professor? How about the sighting of the largest kelpie in the world? Um, the Loch Ness Monster?” Yeah, that’s the one.
Well, that wasn’t exactly specific, more of a general answer, but he wasn’t wrong! “That’s a good point,” Nessa nodded to the Slytherin boy. “Sometimes Muggles like to make up explanations from what they see or experience that fits into their views of life.” It just seemed to make more sense to them that way or something. And she supposed it saved some busy Obliviators from doing extra, unnecessary work.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
"Professor there was that incident where a Flying Ford Anglia was witnessed by 5 muggles flying over London. Inside the car was Harry Potter and his friend, Ron Weasley."
”Oh, yes! That’s a good one!” Nessa exclaimed with a clap of her hands. “When I was at WADA, my class put on a show and that particular event was included. So much fun!” Unfortunately, she didn’t get to ride in the replica of the flying car.. she played one of the Muggle witnesses, but it was still a good time and oh so memorable.

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
But not be invisible, exactly. Cutty raised his hand to offer an incident, "Muggles would've seen all those unfortunate things which were the responsibility of Voldemort and his followers, wouldn't they? Only they would've thought things like gatherings of dementors were storm clouds." They were one question in, but he already had questions so his hand immediately rose again. "Professor, do sightings of creatures or incidents always lead to memory modification charms where possible in Wizarding History? Even if muggles think they've seen something else? Something more mundane that belongs in their wehld?"
Nessa simply loved young, inquisitive minds and this one had such an adorable accent to go along with it. She beamed at him and gave him an agreeing nod. “They certainly would have, you’re right. Many Dark Wizards simply don’t care about the Secrecy Statute or trying to keep magic away from a Muggle’s witness. And as I told..” She glanced over to the other Slytherin boy who had mentioned kelpies. What was his name? She probably should have had them say when they answered, but she had been far too excited to get started to think of it. Anyway, they were both Slytherins and about the same age. They probably knew each other. “Often Muggles come up with their own explanations for things beyond their understanding. Memory modifications aren’t always necessary.. what do you think the difference is?” As in why sometimes they are used and sometimes they are not.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
"I don't remember the exact date of when it happened the first time, but the Ministry had a hard time with muggle sightings of Yeti in Tibet. Muggles refer to them as Bigfoot or the Abominable Snowman. It was horribly bad that the International Confederation of Wizards established a permanent International Task Force in the mountains." Meaning...

She had yet another career path!
Oh this was another more general one, but how fun this one could be as an improvisational exercise. She’d have to keep that one in mind! Nessa didn’t know as much about creatures and such and she felt that this fell under that category, but she knew the gist of it enough to know the girl was correct. “Another good example.” She got an approving smile.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel raised her hand. "Professor when that Peter fellow faked his own death he made sure that it was the seen by everyone, which if I had been an Auror at the time then I would have been suspicious about the fact that all they found after was a finger." Angel wondered how the Ministry had got the wrong guy and wonder if they had pardoned him after all what had happened, seriously though the Ministry must have been thick to just let it go at that.
Peter.. Peter.. Nessa tapped her finger on her chin thoughtfully as she tried to work out just which Peter, Angel - or was it Aubrey? – was meaning. The first Peter that came to her mind was a certain very good-looking Gryffindor that had been a few years ahead of her in school. “You don’t mean Peter Montgomery, do you?” Professor Glendower let out a little gasp and looked at her rather suspiciously. Faking deaths, hmm? She had some owling to do.

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post

Raising up her hand, the second year said, "Professor, I don't know if this counts as an event, but Ariana Dumbledore was seen practicing magic when she was six years old by muggles." Poor her. Leah did not mention that Ariana was attacked by those muggle boys after that.
”Yes, that is quite a common occurrence, Muggles witnessing the unintentional magic performed by young children,” Nessa agreed with a nod. She wasn’t sure she’d necessarily count it as an event either, but she appreciated the attempt.

Originally Posted by Saraie View Post
Now this approach to History of Magic no remembering names and dates was totally great. It was so hard to remember names of old people and dates of times long ago. Now a answer she raised her hand "This actually isn't a time of witnessing magic. But being told. When there is a new Prime Minster appointed the current Minster of magic meets with them and tells them a the magic world." Or at least that's what she thought she heard once.
Nessa nodded at the girl. True, it wasn’t a specific example from history like she had asked, but she appreciated her contribution to the discussion all the same. “It is a time when a Muggle becomes aware of magic, yes.. and it is important. Though we are going to focus on a specific event for today.” She gave her an encouraging smile all the same.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
When the first History of Magic question was asked, Jasmine raised her hand to respond. When Harry Potter was attacked by dementors in Little Whinging, his muggle cousin was involved. Actually he was attacked as well, so he was a witness to magical activity.
Nessa nodded. This was a specific example, yet a general one as well. “More often than not, Muggleborns – or those raised in Muggle homes..” As Harry Potter was.. “Often expose their magic to their Muggle families. It can’t often be helped.” Especially to their parents and they find out about the magical world that way.

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
The professor's entrance... Had she been there the whole time? First question, magical events witnessed by muggles. Many people had already answered, so Penelope decided not to say anything, taking time to think about it. She did not know much about the wizarding world and magical history, so she listened to what people were saying and got out her notebook and quills for taking notes. If she thought of anything to say, she would, but for now she remained quiet.
Another silent one, but one that seemed to be an avid learner. Nessa gave her an approving smile and nod as she observed the girl taking notes that coincided with the discussion. The next part would be more fun though.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Err... AJ wasn't sure about the answer to this one, and she really didn't want to look through her textbook. Plus, it seemed like everybody else had already said everything so did she really need to hunt further? "How about when a bunch of wizards got together in their wizard attire and caused suspicion?" She totally just made that up, but that could be a thing.
Still smiling at the other twin sister, Nessa nodded slowly, sort of waiting for her to add more. That was very generalized.. but it was ok! What counted was that she put forth effort. “We are looking for specific examples,” she started, still using an encouraging tone. “But that would indeed cause suspicion. Things that look out of the ordinary often do.”

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Yep, he didn't feel very good. Luckily , the first question came and everyone was silent again. Well, there was a case of muggles seeing Kevin use magic before he got to Hogwarts and it resulted in him being bullied by them ...was that an answer? Probably not . So instead he grabbed his book and flipped the pages.

"Weren't the tents at the Quidditch World Cup located where muggles camped out as well? So they might have seen a kid flying on a broom or someone using magic at least a few times , right?" he asked.
Tapping her chin lightly with her finger, Nessa thought over this boy’s answer. Which Quidditch World Cup was he talking about? The most recent one? Or perhaps the 422nd one that had been mentioned, that one was rather famous. Or maybe he just meant generally. “Oh no, the coordinators of that event take such care that Muggles are not aware.. charms and such.. but if they didn’t, they certainly would see something magical.” With such a large event as that, they had to take rather lengthy precautions.

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy raised her wand and said:"Professor when Lord Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter and he was
defeated by Harry Potter who was a child the entire wizarding community celebrated the event with fireworks and many feasts..At that time there was a danger that the wizards were discovered by the Muggles!
”I think that’s another good example of how Muggles would see something magical and come up with their own explanations..” They celebrated things too, of course! And while that was a little more specific, not exactly what she was looking for. Good try though!

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
"What about Petunia Dursley?" she asked, raising her hand. "She's the sister of Lily Potter, and I read where as a kid, she sometimes saw Lily doing magic, but she thought her sister was just strange for doing it." Petunia counted as a Muggle, right?
Nessa nodded lightly. She had just mentioned something similar to.. er, another student. “Yes, Muggleborns often expose their own Muggle relations to magic. Something that can’t really be helped.” But that was still generalized even if she did mention specific names.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Yes, Adi could think of an event. "Dudley Dursley saw when Harry Potter cast the Patronus charms when the dementors were sent after him.''
Another example of wizards in Muggle families.. she touched on that a few times. “Yes.. and since he was part of his family, he was aware of magic.” But good contribution and Nessa gave him an approving nod.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
And YES. There was something here was someone hadn't said, he was sure of it. "What about Carlotta Pinkstone?" he asked, his hand in the air, "There aren't any details in here about what she did but she was an activist who tried to list the Statue of Secrecy and tell Muggles about magic and whatnot. She basically just used magic in public, deliberately too, and was imprisoned for it quite a lot of times." Uh huh.
Now there was an important name in history and another of her favorite improv subjects. “Oh, very good,” Nessa nodded at the boy. Not exactly any specific events right there, but not really a general answer either.. somewhere in between. “Not as much of what she did do was documented, mostly because there was so much of it, basically everything she did was out in the open.” She half wondered if she was more imprisoned because she was on everyone’s nerves from trying to gain some restraint over her near-constant antics. Poor free-spirited soul.

Originally Posted by Samia View Post
As far as her question went, Noel wasn't really planning on answering but then everyone started answering - and when Sophie said something about Lily Potter's sister. Noel chimed in: "What about the time Mr Potter turned his uncle's sister into a balloon?" He said, cackling in the end. It was funny.
Oh this was a very specific event, had it been that well-documented? Or maybe the boy just liked to pick out obscure facts from history.. how interesting! And Nessa couldn't help but chuckle along with the boy's laughter. That had to be a funny sight, even if it probably had been rather frightening for the woman. "That would be an example," she nodded. "Do you know what the ramifications of such magic on a Muggle would be?" Sort of related to what they'd be doing, she supposed.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Kyroh wiggled a bit in his seat. He actually wanted the music to turn back on. But he could still move to his own beat in his head right?

Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle, yeah?

Anyways the professor was talking and right away Kyroh's hand shot up quickly. "Basically like every instance and stuff before 1692 and the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was put in place cause if they weren't then the Statute wouldn't be needed." It wasn't a SPECIFIC example but it was the first thing he thought of and that was good enough right?
Nessa's eyes fell on the boy grooving in his seat to the music that was apparently still playing in his head. It almost made her want to continue dancing to the music that was playing in her head. But she supposed she had a class to conduct and she called on him as he raised his hand. "Exactly!" she beamed, nodding at the boy. "Certain things prompted that Statute to be written and put into place, many magical events that Muggles saw happened before then.. though some happened afterwards as well. Once the Statute was enacted, those events became fewer - and illegal for the most part - so they're more well-known and documented." Otherwise it would be more commonplace. And she wouldn't go into some of the events that prompted that particular Statute. They were kind of scary.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
P.S. Maddie didn't have anything NEW to add to the discussion so she tapped her chin and tried to think of SOMETHING interesting to say. LIKE...UH...UM... "Do they have that disillusionment charm rule for Hippogriffs BECAUSE muggles once saw them and they don't want to let it happen again? That's why we do stuff, yeah? Cause we've learned we need to have rules like that to prevent things from happening AGAIN?" OH OH OH! "And you can't travel on Hippogriffs cause of what Freck-I mean Kyroh said so there's that."
And this little Ravenclaw girl made the next connection, expanding on what she just told the last Ravenclaw. Aww, Ravenclaws were so cute when they were making logical conclusions. It was almost as if you could see gears turning in their heads. She beamed at the girl and nodded happily. "That is why we do stuff, yes. Sometimes something has to happen for us to realize that action needs to taken to prevent it." That was just life though, she supposed. Oh wait.. they were meant to be looking for specific examples. Nessa was getting off track.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Alright so onto the lesson. He saw the professor make her entrance and he was getting a good feel for her already. He liked the idea of experiencing it than taking notes after notes. But as he was doodling, he heard the professor ask a question. Kace raised his hand and said, "Professor I know at the 422nd Quidditch World Cup there was a whole lot of death eaters and they were torturing some of them by hanging them up in the air..." He knew this was the dark arts but this was something of wizarding history right?
Nessa nodded at the boy as he provided his answer. Hadn't someone else said the same thing.. or was she experiencing deja vu? She was pretty sure it was the former. "Yes, they did do that to a couple of Muggles who lived nearby.." she still answered him with an encouraging smile. Sometimes repetition was important for learning.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Oh, a specific question. Well that stunk. Vague answers were always so much more fun. Well...and that was all he had. So.....

"All the sightings of the Yeti."

That one actually caused a task force to be permanently set up there. Pretty Intense.
Goodness.. maybe she actually was experiencing deja vu today. Her thoughts distracted for a moment, she soon nodded at the Ravenclaw prefect. "Yes.. yes, really any sighting of a magical creature or being by a Muggle would count as an example." Though really she was looking for something a little more specific.

Originally Posted by Ivana R View Post
Annabeth was still thinking about the "entrance" of everyone, lost in her thoughts. She barely noticed the teacher asking something.
She raised her hand and said, "At the end of the first wizard war, all wizards and witches believing that Lord Voldermort had died, celebrated it on everywhere. At the time, it was on Muggles's news that there were shooting stars down in Kent, flocks of owls flying here and there." She nodded with a grin on her face.
The deja vu feeling was growing stronger, and, while she always found it to be an interesting phenomenon, it was making her lose focus. Maybe she should just move on from this question. Even if it was so difficult when the eager little students were so willing to contribute their answers! But she was sure a few people had mentioned this particular instance. "Yes.. good example of magic used in the presence of Muggles," she agreed with a slightly dimer smile, her thoughts growing distracted now. "Somewhat out of the ordinary, but they were easily able to pass it off as something more mundane."

Originally Posted by OwlEcho63 View Post
Hazel pulled her mind away from the entrances abruptly as the professor began to talk. She raised her hand eagerly. "At the end of the first… maybe the first… war, witches and wizards celebrated the 'defeat of Lord Voldemort'. Didn't Muggles notice and they got all suspicious or something?" She hoped her answer was at least partially correct. It sounded right, and she was pretty sure she heard one of her parents talking about it. She crossed her fingers.
Alright.. so no deja vu, Nessa was certain this time since she had just heard this one, just students repeating answers. And while she appreciated the effort, she would rather they attempt for something different. Still, she wasn't one to discourage anyone's efforts. "They got suspicious, I believe.. but they quickly came up with their own explanations for things," she said with a smile. As Muggles were often wont to do.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Once he settled in and the class began, Ascanius listened to the rest of his classmates talk about different events in history where Muggles had seen them. Not the best at hiding themselves, he supposed. Though it was a whole world of people. That kind of thing was bound to happen.

But he couldn't come up with one that hadn't already been listed. So he just remained silent.
Another quiet one, though Nessa was certain he would absorb something from the discussion.. maybe. If not, definitely with their activity. Which led her to the idea that he sort of reminded her of a slightly younger version of Brad Montague, the lead in last summer's revival of The Fountain of Fair Fortune. She vaguely wondered what this boy's acting skills were like before moving on to the next student with his hand raised.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"What about the destruction of Brockdale Bridge during the second rise of the Dark Lord? I doubt the Muggles who saw it destroyed realized what was happening and knew it was magical, but they did witness it," Mo raised his hand and mused aloud.
Oh good, something that hadn't been said already and Nessa's face lit up a little more. "That is a good example of Muggles witnessing magic, even if they didn't realize it. And not realizing what was going on, they'd have to come up with their own explanations." Otherwise they'd probably have some memory modification coming their way.

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
C'mon, Toussaint. Think. Make up a fact. Say SOMETHING.

".... er... I think there was that one time when... uh.... you know that one Muggle guy, professor? You know who I'm talking about, right? I don't have to say his name? He saw.... um..... Harry Potter.... transfigure a cucumber into a.... uh... parakeet."

It had to have happened sometime, yeah?
Nessa squinted a bit as she looked at this young Ravenclaw, trying to figure out what he was talking about. Because no, she did not know which Muggle guy he was talking about. She nodded very slowly as if to work things out for herself before answering. "I'm not sure I have ever heard about that particular instance.. but I suppose if it did happen, it would certainly be an example of Muggles witnessing magic." And that was a big if, because she wasn't completely sold on it. Very inventive though.. she had did give him credit for that.

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
Penelope looked in her copy of Hogwarts, A History for things that other people had not said. "I'm not sure if this counts, but there was this time in 2073 or 2074 when some muggles sort of wandered on to Hogwarts grounds. They probably saw magical things."
Oh! This girl had been so thoughtfully silent the last time Nessa had set her eyes on her bur now she seemed to be willing to speak. Turning her brown eyes on her intently, she nodded a bit when she was finished. "Oh I had heard about that. That was a couple years after I graduated, but that's when the Cult of Walpurgis came into a lot of power and tried to remove the Statute of Secrecy." Her features clouded over a moment as she grew lost in thought before moving on. A different discussion for a different day perhaps.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Wait, what?! Was this lady crazy?! No dates?! "B-but how are we supposed to put the events of history into context if we don't know the dates? Like, without dates, we won't have an understanding of why the people were acting the way they did and without that we can't learn from it or prevent it from happening again!" Yeah, she knew she was probably getting looks from her classmates, but she didn't care. Dates were important for the understanding of history and the teacher needed to realize that.

Could Professor Domingo please teach History of Magic too please?

Anyway, Layla didn't want to look like a completely horrible student, so she thought of an answer to the professor's question. "There was one in 1996 where the Death Eaters and some giants attacked a place in the West Country and wizards had to go in and make the muggles think it was a hurricane." Though, that was weird, considering that the only places that Layla had heard of having hurricanes before the odd weather events of the 2010s were the Caribbean and the U.S. Gulf Coast.
Whoa.. wait.. what? Nessa stared at the girl for a moment after her little outburst. While she could certainly appreciate such passion, it was perhaps ill-placed. Especially when she seemed to misunderstand. "Oh I didn't say you wouldn't be learning things such as dates, I said you wouldn't be simply memorizing." Did everyone misunderstand her words? Or just this one girl? Of course they wouldn't all be aware of her teaching style, but maybe she should clear that up at least for this girl if not for everyone. "Instead, my objectives for this class are that students immerse themselves in the stories of the past," she said a bit dramatically. "That way it's almost like it's happening to you or you are there in the moment, thereby enriching your understanding of those events. Of course you would learn about the people and places, the when, where, and why. This just makes history come to life!" The setting was always an important part of the story. And honestly, it wouldn't be much of a class if they didn't actually learn something. What did this girl think they were going to do? No wonder she was so concerned! Nessa gave her a reassuring smile.

And now, on to the girl's contribution. "Yes," she nodded. "Good example. Actions often have to be taken to cover up either unintentional or malicious acts of magic to give Muggles reasonable explanations for their occurrences." Not the one they'd be going into more in-depth today though.

Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

*running man*


*.........half-hearted macarena*


If she wasn't going to get dance move points, Zahra SUPPOSED she better try and answer questions. "How about.... like .... " specific specific... uhmm..... Zahra was thinking hard for a change, "OH this one time, like a long time ago, a DRAGON ATTACKED some muggles. DRAGON!"

Ah, yes.. another still moving to the beat of her own music. Such creative spirits she surely had in this class, how wonderful! Of course Nessa was willing to let this girl express herself through dance, she wouldn't have minded her continuing to do the macarena while providing her answer, if that was what she was so called to do. But.. oh.. finished? Alright.. Her eyes widened a bit as she contributed, then she nodded excitedly. "Yes! I love dragons, they always add such an element of excitement to a story. IN FACT.." Pause for dramatic effect. "A dragon will be the antagonist in today's story." Because..
Originally Posted by Emms View Post
He raised his hand and gave it a try. "Professor, would the Ilfracombe Incident be an acceptable answer? It happened way back in 1932, when a Common Welsh Green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers at Ilfracombe. The attack was thwarted by the Toke wizarding family who had to cast a couple of Memory Charms on the group of muggles to make them forget about the incident," he said.
Professor Glendower could not be more delighted that this Slytherin boy brought up this event. The very event that she had in mind for today's lesson. "It absolutely is an acceptable answer," she beamed at the boy. "That is the very piece of history that we are going to delve into further today." How fun that he had guessed it!

Turning to the entire class to address them as a whole, Professor Glendower began quite enthusiastically. "So.. The Ilfacrombe Incident. Let's set the scene.. create a cast of characters.. what can you tell us at all about this moment in history?" Sure, the one boy mentioned it, but what else did they know? They needed to fill in a few more details before they could begin. "You can use your books again for this part if you need to."

OOC - Please name one fact, detail, whatever about this event (even something that had just been mentioned above). Feel free to make something up if you can rationalize it fitting in. But please, just one thing to give everyone a chance
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________

______________________don't you worry I'll be fine
_________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
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