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Old 06-10-2014, 02:17 PM   #216 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
It was time for another pizza question from the Professor. Jasmine raised her hand to take a stab at the answer. "Olive oil and garlic salt both add flavor to the pizza crust. Drizzling olive oil helps the crust to have a golden color after it is baked and it can also help it to have some crispness to it if the crust is thin."

Jasmine thought about what type of crust she might like to have for her pizza. Then she continued to write notes, condensing all of the information that the Professor had provided. She also had to figure out how she and Cris would divide up the next tasks for making their pizza.
"Precisely right," Fina nodded, as she carefully brushed oil onto her own crust...

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Yay there were getting closer to actually baking the pizza. Cris listened carefully as Professor Hadley gave them a choice of using a rolling pin or kneading with their hands to roll the dough. Could they try tossing it? Now that was a great idea. Yes he was good at tossing stuff but Cris decided that for now, since they were supposed to eat what they had baked that it would more practical to use the first two methods she suggested.

Ahhhh...and here's another question? Why drizzle olive oil and garlic salt on to the dough? Cris figured he'd hazard another guess. Raising his hand, he shared his thoughts.

"Professor, could drizzling the olive oil and adding garlic salt over the dough help make it easier to stretch the dough and maybe make the crust nice, thick and chewy? The garlic salt could also add to the taste and flavor of the pizza."

Now that he had shared his thoughts, Cris turned to Jasmine. "So what would you like me to do, Jasmine. These hands are prepared to do anything," Cris asked his girlfriend. Yes she was the cook between the two of them. She would know which task he would be able to undertake without making a mess of it.
"No, no, not at all. Olive oil does nothing for the elasticity of the dough. That's all credit to the chemical reaction between the ingredients." Fina explained. "Olive oil and garlic salt is all about the flavor."

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Adi opted for the thinner dough. Yep, that was pretty much how he preferred his pizza, anyway. So he got the rolling pin, placed the dough on the stone and began to roll it out. As he did this, he thought of his answer. Pausing to raise a hand in the air, the third year answered. ''For flavour and colour. The garlic salt does the first and the oil does the second.'' Now back to rolling the dough.

Okaaaay. Adi's dough wasn't that round. Ugh! He tried to level it out in places until he was satisfied it was round. Sort of. Mostly. Haha. What was next? Oh yes! Use the fork to poke the dough. The boy did just that. What's next, Professor?
"They both work together for flavour and colour." Mmhm. It wasn't solely the garlic salt for flavour; oil played a role in that too.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
Finally, onto the next step. They were nearly there to put the toppings and then put it in the oven and then hopefully to eat decent pizza. This is what Tag had been waiting on.

So Tag listened as Hadley went on and on about the sugar and salt. He supposed they should learn a little bit more about it since they were using it. And to people the sugar may seem like a really random ingredient.

Now, onto the dough part. They could knead it or roll it out depending on how they preferred their pizza. Tag liked his with a bit of fluff, thicker. He knew what kneading looked like but a question popped into his head as his knuckles working on the dough, turning each side every few seconds after working on it equally. "If we like thicker crust, and have to knead it, do we roll it out afterwards or just keep it however it is once we believe it's kneaded well enough?" They probably didn't need to roll it out? But this was something Tag had never remembered seeing from his father.

"I think the olive oil gives it that slightly browning crust, so it doesn't just look like bland white crust. And the garlic salt gives it flavor, perhaps. Again, so it doesn't taste boring, bland." Tag answered as he worked on the dough.
"If you knead it and work it out with your hands into a round pizza shape, then no, you don't have to roll it afterwards unless you feel like it doesn't resemble pizza crust in any way...." Hadley said thoughtfully. "There's nothing like hand-tossed or hand-kneaded crust though." It just seemed so ... real.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Just when she thought things couldn't get any worse, the Gryffindor was nearing the end of her chocolate. No chocolate and no pizza. This was clearly a sign, she just needed to find out what it was saying. Perhaps that she should drop Muggle Studies or face.....THIS.

Lex stared at the chocolate, as if trying to will it to last longer than it currently was but her eyes drifted back to the Slytherin as he began to speak. She could have his dough? Lex grinned even after him mentioning her owing him. "You won't be disappointed--though you might be with the dough. I reckon I should apologize before I get my hands on it. You'll forgive me, won't you?" Of course he would, they were buds. It'd have taken more to change that. Sandwiches in the kitchen sealed all deals. Obviously. This was legit now whether Grayson liked it or not.

Lottie got a nudge and a smile in thanks for getting her a dough so she wouldn't have to start again. Thank you very much Lottie for saving her from starvation, even if only temporary and exaggerated starvation. Ahem.

Oh and they'd be kneading the dough now? Lex wasn't going near the oven. This was muggle studies, no magic allowed, no levitating the pizza into the fire hot oven but she would do this kneading thing.

She didn't know what type of crust Grayson preferred but if he wanted this thing tasting even half decent he'd appreciate her using a rolling pin instead of attempting this with her own devices. The Gryffindor grabbed the pin and began beating at the dough, whacking it over and over until she was sure it was dead until it looked like a lump of dough with holes in it. didn't LOOK like a pizza crust....."Help?"
Now that was what Hadley was waiting for ... or expecting ... a help? From the Gryffindor Prefect, nonetheless. Frowning over at the sixth year and her lump of dough, she raised an eyebrow curiously. "Miss Cambridge. The dough is not a bludger to whack. No need to beat it. Smooth it out flat..." This wasn't quidditch.

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
Salt could do all that? Cutty imagined that it had even more uses outside of Muggle Food Transfiguration. Wouldn't hurt to start keeping some on his immediate self if going into an experimental zone. He lifted his quill and dirtied it with a bit of flour as he took the time to write: Research, Magical Properties of Salt.

Cutty searched for a rolling pin. It was his personal preference that dough and breadly items be of the flatter, thinner sort. Not that he would object to a roll, he just liked thin crust. He pulled out one pin, took one look at it, rejected it, then pulled out another which appeared to be exactly like the one before. Only this one he kept for use when they'd rolled out their dough. Raising his hand then, he offered an answer to Professor Hadley's question, "Maybe it helps with even cooking. If it's cooked in the oven then we obviously can't interfere once the cooking process has begun as we could with something cooked over a stove, so those things probably help ensure one side of the pizza doosen't coom out all black whilst the rest is almost uncooked."
"It does help with the cooking. It keeps the dough from getting soggy in the middle too." Hadley nodded in explanation.

SPOILER!!: Professional Pizza Tosser Zander!

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander listened carefully as he carefully thought about what kind of dough he wanted. Thick or thin? Thick. The fluffy crust was the best... right? Mostly because the crust was actually the BEST part of the whole pizza. So it'd be better to have a nice fluffy pillow of it. Yep. It's only logical.

Now for the kneading bit? How does one knead exactly? But oooh, hand tossing? That sounded like fun. Zander never tossed a pizza before! The Gryffindor took the pile of dough into his hands and began tossing. He made sure to only hardly throw it though, so that he could actually catch it. But after a successful two tries he was starting to gain more confidence.

Zander Adair, professional pizza tosser at your service! He started throwing the pizza up higher and higher. Oooh it looked like it only needed one last toss! And here it goes!

Zander reached up his arms to grab the pizza for the last time but uh.... Nothing was coming down? WHERE DID IT GO?! Uh-oh. "... Professor Hadley? I think my dough disappeared?" Little did the third year know that it had gotten stuck on the ceiling.... OOPS.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
"Um...Zander, it's up there?" Cris gestured up to the ceiling.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander looked around in utter confusion. Was Zahra the cause of this, that evil arm-biting, up-to-no-good doing---

And his thoughts were interrupted by none other than Cris, the older hufflepuff he met in the dueling arena. What? Zander followed Cris' fingers all the way up to the... Uh-oh. "Oh," that was the most he could say about the predicament. Uh. What does one do with a ceiling pizza? How could he get it down? It was way too far up to reach for. And they weren't supposed to use any magic in this class. Uuhhh.

What the heck!? Muggle studies is supposed to be easy!!! Ugh.

Zander kept his eye on the pizza dough as he tried to think of a way to get it down from up there. Uh... And just as he started brainstorming, he noticed that one side was starting to get all, unstuck. Oh no. Well there's a reason he never made it on the Quidditch team because his reflexes were definitely not quick enough to catch the pizza, which sure enough fell.

SPLAT. Right on top of his head. Well things just got really gooey and real doughy real quickly. Now what?

Hmm? What was that? Someone lost their dough? Dough didn't just disappear unless they were referring to dough as money, and it was a spouse. But pizza dough didn't just disappear. But oh, it seemed the sixth year badger pointed it out to the gryffindor... and he'd done such a good job throwing the dough, pity it had to get stuck up there on the ceiling.

Fighting the urge not to laugh (because it WAS funny! even if she'd never attempt to toss dough into the air herself and thought he was brave for attempting it), she was about to offer to use her wand to get it down - despite it being muggle studies - when it seemed to break free from the ceiling on its own. And land on the third year's head. Okay, can she laugh NOW? No. Okay.

"I think a quick sanitation charm and the dough should be okay to still use...It looks like its got enough flour to not get hair stuck in it, at least." Fina suggested. He'd definitely want to wash his hair later though; washing with flour and dough was not really clean. So yes, she was giving him permission to use one quick magic spell in muggle studies? "Did you need help?"

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Caleb was DEFINITELY a thick crust kind of guy, so he kneaded at the dough with his hands as his classmates answered Hadley's question. After he felt that he had a nice, round pizza crust in front of him - not TOO thick that it wouldn't cook but not so thin that it would burn - he raised his hand to join the discussion.

"Well, the garlic is probably for flavor, and probably the oil as well, probably want the oil so it doesn't stick to the pan and it doesn't cry out and get all crispy, right?" he said. He was pretty sure they used oil when making cookies at Christmas, so it was the same idea, right?
"The oil is on the top of the crust though, so it really has no effect on preventing sticking to the pan. But yes to the crispiness and the flavor," Fina smiled at the Slytherin.

Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post

There's such thing as Allergic to sugar in case the Professor was wondering. "Umm. I can eat sugar but just a small amount, Professor." So there's no need to make another dough without sugar for her. And for why they need to put salt to the dough maybe its because to balance the sugar but someone already said that so no need to repeat it again. As for the flour she had no idea at all.

That's very long explanation.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

But they're finally moving on with the dough. Yay! Rolling the dough? She turned her attention to her partner. "Do you mind to roll the dough and I can do the next part?" Simon had more experiences in making pizza than her so its safer if he do it, yes? Hehehe. And for the next question she had absolutely no idea why they have to drizzle their dough with olive oil and garlic salt.
Oh okay. Small amounts of sugar were okay. So the amount used in the pizza dough was probably okay. Good, good.

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy started to roll her dough..she prefered thinner crusts..
Then she said:" Professor I think the galtic salt does the flavour and the oil does the colour to pizza!
"Both the garlic salt and the oil add flavor, but the olive oil also helps crisp the pizza crust up and give it color." You know in addition to the ingredients which already will add colour on its own.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
What a LONG explanation about dough. AJ wasn't even sure if she soaked any of that information up. All she kept doing was looking at her dough and counting down the minutes before they could actually eat their creations. Was that a question she heard? She raised her hand. "You add garlic if you wanna have bad breath, and oil is for decoration." You know, it gives it that shine.

Deciding on thick crust just because that meant she could do the rest of the work with her hands, the lion got down to business. She started to knead the dough until her arms hurt. Once she was satisfied with her creation she poked holes in her dough. Her stomach was already starting to growl. How much longer exactly?
Ah yup. That right there. Totally the reason. "Garlic isn't just for bad breath...." Fina winked at the first year. "It helps keep the vampires away too." She was joking of course. Maybe. But hey, gotta add SOME humour, right?!?

"So yes, working the edges out by hand will give you a thicker crust." She explained, as she did this to her own dough. Thick crust pizza was definitely better in her mind, at least. Of course her sister would disagree on that account. There was a happy medium though.

"So next is to spread a layer of sauce onto the pizza if you wish. No you don't HAVE to have sauce, but for traditional pizza, then add a thin layer of sauce over the crust, using the back of a spoon to spread it all over the crust, leaving about half an inch to an inch of room from the edges."

"Then add about half a cup to a cup of the shredded cheese..." Fina explained as she worked her own pizza. "If you'd like to add a topping, you can choose up to three from the topping table over here. Or just leave it plain cheese is fine too. Top the whole thing off with some oregano ... this spice here, stick a toothpick in the center with the names of who worked on your pizza in the center and we'll have these pizzas baked in about 10 to 15 minutes!" And then slice them up and they could sample a little of everyone's, yes? No? Maybe? Sharing was caring!

ooc: there's a wide array of both muggle and magic toppings on a separate table near the chalkboard; feel free to be creative in what toppings you think there might be. No, there's no chocolate, Alexa, sorry! ;D There's toothpicks with little pieces of oven-resistant papers attached to them to write your names...

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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