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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | SPOILER!!: this boy is on fiyaaaahhh Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Hiding behind the legs of older boys was surprisingly uncomfortable, and Dima had to keep his line of sight directed downward to avoid observing things he did NOT want to see. But the worst part was that the temperature here was the same as it had been when he wanted to go inside. It was still cold enough to turn him and Maddie into snowmen (snowWOmen in his friend's case), and they didn't even have a route inside.
........ unless... torches? With wide eyes and solemn nods, he took the one that Lex offered to him. Nobody was lighting theirs yet, though. They had to chant or something first, but Dima didn't KNOW what to chant. Did that mean it was okay to light it? "Incendio." Of course it was okay. He was a TOUSSAINT, yo, not some human ice cube. Uh huh. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Maddie wasn't going to admit this to Dima but she was FREEEEZING. Her little body was shivering slightly as she hid behind the legs of some extremely tall person. She could TELL he was super tall cause when she looked UP, his bum was WAY WAY WAY higher than where her head was. Giant of a boy-man, this kid. Merlin.
And WHEN had they been spotted? The first year would have been disappointed with their lack of stealth had it not been for the torch they were passed. A torch meant fire, right? And warmth too though Maddie wasn't exactly sure having fire this close to people's trousers was safe. Unless...was that wall boy around? Hmm. Ideas, she had them. "That's cheating," She whispered to Dima when he used incendio to light their torch. She didn't MIND, of course, but it WASN'T the directions that had been given. "...But good job." Warmth, she felt it. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon "It's not, 'cause we aren't actually PART of the class, right? So the directions don't count. I think. I hope," Dima whispered back, sounding slightly frantic. Cheating was bad and dishonest and mean and his father would frown upon him participating in that very much. No cheating.
But Maddie was cold. He could so tell. "You're welcome." Mhm. But it was still a bit chilly where the fire DIDN'T reach, so the first year had to shuffle around some for extra warmth. It would have been a good idea to let Maddie hold the torch, yeah? Too late, though, 'cause it was in Dima's hand. And paired with his clumsiness, that fire was bound to cause issues.
Like.... uh oh. "Excuse me, mister?" He tapped the boy who was in front of him on the shoulder. "Your... er...... pants are on fire." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow His trousers...
His trousers....
His trousers were on fire.....
Uh-oh. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Ascanius had been waiting for the next set of instructions, y'know, when he suddenly felt a lot warmer. Jeez, took the old coot long enough to light a fire or something, yeah? The room did nothing for heat and standing 'round like a bunch of idiots wasn't helpful in the least.
Though, he couldn't help but wonder...was something burning?
It smelled like something was burning. Properly burning.
Just as he was about to investigate the source of the smell, that first year who had bothered him in Diagon Alley earlier in the year was bothering him yet again. What did this kid want? Couldn't he tell he was doing the whole dark, quiet and mysterious thing? "What do yo-"
Ascanius wasn't really sure what happened next. Screaming happened. That was for sure. So was patting down in the area where fire was, which was a VERY important area. He needed parts of his body that were on fire. And eh vaguely remembered having time to glare at Nigel who might have been laughing at him.
But no where in that did he bother to think of a way to put out the fire. 'Cause, y'know, he was on FIRE. Who had time to think about solutions? Not Ascanius. Botros hadn't seen the torch light up, he was too busy admiring the work of his other good students. Look at all those glowing runes, so beautiful, so promising, so proud, so great, so-- yes, he saw the flames now. A BOY WAS TURNING INTO A TORCH. "Aguamenti!" Botros bellowed at the boy, drenching him in cold water from HEAD to TOE. Just to be sure he was properly fire-less.
"WHO lit the torch?" Ab scolded, hobbling over to the Slytherin boy and taking off one of his own two coats and throwing it around him, a bit forcefully. The coat wasn't that big considering the boy was bulky and tall enough, but it was definitely warm. Too warm, maybe. Botros was grabbing Stark's shoulder protectively, and he BLEW hot air into his face, to dry his hair. Yes, it wasn't fashionably messy anymore but it was DRY now. "You're alright?" He patted his shoulder like a man did to a man. Do not scream again, men don't scream, it said.
The professor looked down a little and found two small creatures with the lit torch. They were humans, so they must be students. Why were they hiding? Botros let go of Stark and SIGHED. "Stand up, come on, stand up." He put out their torch and reached over to grab the little girl's hand, expecting her to grab her friend's hand. He then dragged them towards their laughing Prefect. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner You know if it was not for the fact that Dima and Maddie were in Ravenclaw House. Nigel would be on the floor laughing his head off. Ascanius' pants were literally on fire. It was hilarious.
First Years Claws were really awesome.
Just don't remember that Nigel is the Claw Prefect and everything will be dandy in this class right now.
Nigel was still silently laughing thinking about it.
He loved fire. Botros smacked Barrington on the back of the head softly. "Ease up on the humor, Barrington." And he continued dragging the two kids to the wall to deal with them. |