Once she'd extracted and collected enough of her own resin, Seren let the remaining drops and dribbles dry so that she could take to meandering around the students and inspecting their handy work.
They were all doing quite well, quite well... in fact, she was impressed.
SPOILER!!: Maddie
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Maddie sat up a bit straighter after hearing they'd be using a charm she'd never done before. Just another one she'd need to master, it seemed. Not that the hot-air charm would do much good in a duel unless her opponent was standing on an ice cube or something. Was there a spell to make THOSE? She'd need to investigate THAT but for NOW, her attention was focused on ventus.
"Ventus...ventus...ventussssss...ventus...vent us!" Incantation was simple enough to say which was reassuring. As for the wand movement, WELP. Maddie had watched Bentley carefully during the demonstration and now that she had the incantation down, she was willing to give the waving movement a try.
Waaaaave. Waaaaaave. Waaaave.
"Excellent! Just loosen up your wrist a bit," she advised, smiling at Maddison. Another quick demonstration of the wand movement for the girls benefit and then she moved on.
SPOILER!!: Cutty
Originally Posted by
When Cutty was in plain sight again, he was looking quite calm and small. What had he been doing that whole time that he deemed so important? Serenely, the boy took a spot near the other Slytherins and ghosted in to observe the plant. He was pulling at his sleeves, which now seemed almost too long for him and readjusting his dragonhide gloves making sure that there were no gaps for skin exposure, so apparently he had been listening in. Perhaps, even watching. Like a lil creepo.
He next gathered up the jar, scalpel and swab stick sample. Getting up close with the Flesh Eating Fairy Orchid, Cutty held a jar in one hand and the fairy dna in the other as he searched out one of the flowers that looked as though it hadn't digested a fairy yet. He wondered what they tasted like as he gently swabbed at the flower's column. Horrible thoughts occurred in Cutty's demented little mind as he caught the drip of lilac resign. It reminded him of thick bogey. It was for this reason that Cutty remained stimulating the plant for longer than was necessary. Fascination. When it was apparent that he could get no more resin from it and the resin that he had managed to extract was growing hard with the exposure, Cutty removed the swab from the plant, but left the jar beneath it incase there was still some run off.
He held the swab out and above the jar, inspecting it visually and noting the perfumey scent. He'd be behind a bit for the workshop as he waited for the resin to completely harden. There was a charm to practice meanwhile.
"Vehhntoos...Ven-toos...Tus...Ven-TUS...Ventus, ventus." His northerly accent giving the word an almost questioning intonation at first. He looked around at his fellow workshoppers and mimicked their wand motions until he had something consistent. "Venus!", he spoke the incantation trying it out with the wand motion. When he felt a gust of warmth emit from the tip, he looked back to the resin.
The resin, it seemed, took less time to dry and solidify than he'd imagined and as soon as he was done practicing the charm the put his wand down besides his work and traded it for the scalpel. Peering over at what the other students had done, Cutty could see that they had made an incision down the length of the resin. Why?
Keeping the jar beneath the lip of the flower, Cutty carefully incised what resin was left on the plant. The next step, judging from everyone else would be to apply the hot air spell. When he'd gotten further into the dried resin enough that he was almost at the column, Cutty put down the scalpel and picked up his wand once more. "Ventus!" He said performing the wand motion on the bit of resin and seeing why they had cut it lengthwise.
"Professor Ventley...Bentley?" He finally spoke to someone amongst the group. Their teacher, whose name he'd attached quite by accident to the spell she'd just taught them. "Is the resin still dangerous to the skin if it's in it's dried form?"
Ventley? VENtley? ... hehe, Seren grinned, tempted to go along with this, but opted not to simply because Vutty didn't sound nearly as appropriate as his slip of the tongue.
"Yes dear?" she replied nonetheless. Hearing out the Slytherin, Seren shook her head to indicate she was listening and that she liked what she heard.
"An excellent question! ...... yes, yes it is." Though she was perhaps being a little dramatic.
"It is harmful with consistent handling, and leads to skin irritability fairly quickly... though it's far from fatal." They wouldn't die.
"The outer surface of the resin, the side that has been exposed to oxygen is less harmful than the underside that hasn't oxydised."
But alas, time to continue wandering.. or even packing up...
It seemed that time already. Again.
"Once your jar is near full or the resin production slows significantly, let it dry and start packing up please. Please water, fertilise and thank your orchid for supplying you with resin... and then tidy up your area. Some of the resin will be given to Professor Culloden, the rest will be sold to fund the greenhouses. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask...." but otherwise it was time to get cracking!
Seren left her own workstation for the time being, again opting to do the right thing and supervise the students since the greenhouse was so 'dangerous' pfft.
OOC: Finishing up! The thread will be open for another 48 hours (approx) for you guys to finish up and do any last RPing in ze supervised greenhouse 8. Thanks for coming!