Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: in my head [GMT-6]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amelia Adara Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma Montmorency (#301199) Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da) Ravenclaw Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kara Walsh (#aa1506) Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Tiffany Rose Slytherin Third Year
x12 x8
| YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Quote:
Originally Posted by Team ronmione Yes, Tag was watching the three people working over there. Watching them all very closely. Sigh. They seemed slightly friendly, didn't? Two in fact. Watching.
Anyway, discussion time once again. Good, Tag would get bored just standing around for 45 minutes doing nothing. Now, why did they need sugar in the dough. The blonde believed he had an idea so he just put his hand in the air, waited to be called upon, before giving his thoughts. "Doesn't the sugar help the dough rise, somehow? Or make it easier, slightly softer, for the dough to roll out when its time to do that?" Something like that. Tag didn't know, and if it was true or not, how exactly sugar did that to the dough, but if that was the case, he wouldn't question it. Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Sugar? Why it's used in pizza dough? Cris decided to hazard a guess. Raising his hand, he gave his answer.
"Professor, could it be that sugar helps give the pizza its nice brown color. I think it's called carmelization or something like that."
Well that's what he thought was the most possible reason, since sugar had been known to do that with other stuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah Cutty's newly washed hand was raised as he tried to offer an explanation, "Maybe it's an agent to the yeast? Like a catalyst or something?" Like in ales 'n such. That's probably why is smelled nearly as bad. He'd never forget that time he almost got to drink firewhiskey. Such a smell it had!
He couldn't wait to make Bart try the yeast substance. Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 When the discussion resumed, a new question was posed to the class. Why add sugar to pizza dough, the Professor asked. Jasmine raised her hand to respond. "The sugar can help the dough to be more tender.". Jasmine wasn't sure where she had heard that, but she thought that it was from a reliable source. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emms Professor Hadley was speaking again. Turning away form his partner slightly, he refocused on the Professor. So why did pizza dough have sugar in it. Simon paused. Hmmm... Maybe.. He raised his hand. "Perhaps the sugar is a nutrient for the yeast? By having the yeast there, it makes the yeast more effective at making the dough rise."
Did that make any sense?
Well, he didn't know.
He thought it did, but oh well. He shrugged nonchalantly. They'd find out the answer soon. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel smiled at her Cutie-Pie. "Yeah I agree." Angel beamed as she grabbed the cup and measured out some more flour and poured it into the bowl. "See I think we make an amazing team." Angel beamed as she looked at Benny. "Do you want to do the honours?" Angel hoped he would because she knew how messy she got.
Angel then heard what the Professor said. "Maybe so that you can have a sweet tooth?" Angel raised her hand before speaking, she wasn't sure but that might have been a good reason. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone If it had been anyone else -- or certain other people -- Grayson would have been thoroughly confused by the shoulder touch. Since it was someone he more or less trusted, the boy took no note of it.
A second opinion on his dough? There was a certain ego-boosting effect from that because out of all the people the third year could be asking this question, he was asking Grayson. So, smirking slightly, the boy reached over and poked the dough gently. "Uh huh," he said, looking over and around the sides of the dough, "Yeah, I'd say it looks good. Perfect, even." High compliments coming from the Slytherin.
............. Sticky?
SNORT. "It's cool. It's only dough." Wink. Don't fret, young one. "I'm gonna head back before Hadley notices buuuuuut," He lowered his voice. "I'll share my pizza with you if you share yours with me too." Pizza party in the boy's dorms. Just saying. Aaaaaaaaaand Hadley was talking so, smirking and nodding at Cutty, the fourth year headed back to his workstation. Hello ladies.
Sugar in dough seemed like a weird combination. Grayson really wouldn't have questioned it. It was just pizza, after all. He really didn't care as long as it was cooked well and not poisoned. But that didn't stop him from raising his hand after a minute or so to say, "I heard that if you're in a rush and want the dough to be baked quickly, sugar helps it turn brown quicker." Thank you, Ma. Which then raised the question as to whether they knew this in pizza places and used this to their benefit. He would.
MAN, working in a pizza place would be brilliant. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
After Kace let the yeast stand for 10 minutes he added the 1/2 teaspoon of salt and he stirred it into the bowl. Now onto the flour. He added the 1/2 cup of flour and poured it in. It was always good to do little amounts. Then he started to mix it and then he added more flour in. It was getting harder to mix but it wasn't sticking to his fingers. Success!
Then he sprayed the other bowl with cooking spray and covered it. He wiped the flour from his hands, shirt and forehead. Then he heard the professor move on and she asked why they added the sugar. Kace raised his hand and said, "Professor I think you add in sugar to add color to the crust!" Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Adi was quite bored by now having watched everyone in the Kitchen as they made their dough or shove it in the bowl. Why did waiting have to be so bad? He was just studying his Head of House (she looked a tad bit different to him) when she spoke up.
Sugar. Why was it added to the dough? Adi really had no idea but he raised his hand. "Because sugar is good,'' he said nodding. "It gives the dough an extra or different flavour.'' Okay, he wasn't sure about that last bit. Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara
Norah watched as Hayden added portions of flour to the dough, impressed with her ability to move such quantities without spilling. She smiled and nodded in answer to her question and picked up the cooking spray. Making an effort to cover the whole thing, she sprayed it into the bowl before picking up the dough and placing it in. Step four was done! The next step wasn't very exciting, so she figured she' just do that one too so they'd be done. Covering the bowl, Norah smiled at Hayden and said, "Now we wait, right?"
She looked up when the professor began to speak, asking the class about sugar. Oooh, she knew that! Well, she knew something about it anyway. Waving her hand in the air she answered, "The sugar makes the yeast bubble!" She didn't know how or why, but she was pretty sure her grandmother had told her that. Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 Marigold scrunched up her nose and tried to remember what sugar had to do with baking. She eyed her dough in the process. "I think it has something to do with the yeast? Not quite sure though." Because it wasn't to make it taste sweet - it was pizza, not pie. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "Such a terrible waste of the last minute you have, don't you think?" She mused, feigning a tone of contemplation, as if she could think of severel things more interesting to do in one's final minute in this world. "I'll agree with you there though. Nothing tremendously interesting when it comes to being a ghost. It's so...limiting." The tone of contemplation continued as she idly went about sprinkling the flour in his hair--until he retaliated with flour of his own, flicked right at her face. Makings a war right here, if she ever saw one. "I would miss you, but only because you've got a brain and fewer and fewer people are being born with them." Shame really.
What he said next was actually worth a laugh. "I do stand out, though not for the right reasons." But she couldn't complain. After Jessa was born and her Aunt screwed up her kids Lex became the favourite so...no skin off her back. "Lottie moreso than me." Lex admitted. "I don't care as much about what you say so long as you're not stupid." Because Lex was tolerant, see? Though Merlin knew her definition of stupid differed from the standard meaning but shhh.
Lex leaned against the counter nibbling at the chocolate after Lottie had taken the piece offered to her. The Gryffindor had long stopped taking her candy to Muggle Studies and most classes for that matter. Whether sitting in her bag or her pocket, the temptation would be too great. If you didn't want to play with fire you left the matches back in your Common Room, no? And Grayson was understanding. He had not lived til he had a pizza dessert, especially Lottie's.
She gave a small nod. He just figured they knew each other. Was that all? Far less interesting than anything she'd imagined but nothing more could really be said he was being called over by Cutty and the Professor was saying something....to her?
Did she need her ears cleaned? Lex's lips parted for her to respond but the Professor simply went on until she dropped the bomb that in fact Lex HADN'T heard. When did THAT become a rule? She'd seen the notice board for Muggle Studies. Making your own pizza had never been a requirement and she didn't think the Professor could go adding rules at the last minute. Rules that would ensure she didn't eat.
She tried explaining that she was in no way set back but the Professor was STILL going on, this time about her working alone??? "But Professor." The beginning of some serious whining there. She couldn't work by herself. That was the whole point of her grabbing a group as fast as she did--hjsdxgfigutrsi!! Was the Professor hearing herself? Both Grayson and Lottie had been making plans for their pizza, she highly doubted that either of them who had spent so much time on their dough would just willingly give it up so she could eat.
That was it, wasn't it? She wasn't going to eat? This class just got even more painful.
The now very dejected Lioness, slumped against the side of the counter she was at, elbow resting against the table and her palm propping her head up. Could the Professor see how miserable she looked now? COULD SHE? Naturally she didn't know the answer--why anyone did anything in the kitchen was beyond her. "Because sugar tastes good so why not." That was all she had to offer as she watched Grayson join them once more. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Ohh, Sophie knew this one! "I'm with that girl..." "...right there," Sophie said raising her hand. Whoever that girl was. Sophie pointed her finger at the Gryffindor girl. "Sugar makes everything taste better, and since pizza tastes really good, it makes sense that sugar has been added to it."
...and so was the logic of Sophie Newell. There were people talking about brown colors and dough rising, but Sophie had no idea about stuff like that. Her mom did the cooking around their house. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious So they don't need to add sugar to their dough? Cool. But unfortunately for her, her partner already put sugar in their pizza dough so no pizza for her today. "I'm allergic to sugar, Professor." And anything that sweets.
She was getting bored waiting for her pizza dough to rise. Ohh. Another question from Hadley. She knew the answer for that question. She raised her hand up in the air. "To give the dough a sweet taste?" And to stop people who allergic to sugar like herself from eating Pizza. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Beverly kept a keen eye on her dough. She wanted to watch as it rose and not lose sight of it, but apparently there was a discussion going on and she didn't want to be left behind. Looking up from her bowl, she thought the question over.
Why is sugar in pizza?
Honestly, she's only heard once of why sugar was added to the dough, but she threw it off as nothing. It had been during a time when all of her aunts gathered together and forced her to help them in the kitchen. Didn't they understand the function of house elves? Obviously not. Anyway, all that had mattered to her was eating the pizza, but luckily Bev was one of those people who remembers what they're told.
This was interesting, though. Cue chin rubbing. If her answer was wrong she was never speaking to her aunts again.
She raised her hand. "Sugar is added in order to give the yeast a sort of boost to rise and make it easier to shape." Yeah? "I've also heard small amounts of honey may work?" Did her aunts lie to her? Were they feeding her LIES? Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir
Hayden watched as Norah quickly completed the last steps. She smiled back. "And now we wait," she agreed. Waiting was her least favorite part. She wanted to skip to when it was done and could be eaten. The dough already looked pretty good, so hopefully the finished product would be even better. Hayden had thought about sampling a tiny bit of the dough but she decided against it since it wasn't just hers.
Luckily their wait time wouldn't be completely boring. Professor Hadley was asking a question, so they could continue with class while they waited. Hayden raised her hand to answer. "Because it makes it taste good." Norah's answer sounded better, and more technical. But Hayden thought her answer was fairly good. Taste was important. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom Why did they need sugar? Caleb had no idea...actually wait. No, he DID know why it needed sugar. He hadn't thought about it until someone mentioned yeast...he remembered when poor Baldwin had a yeast infection in his ears, and the animal healer told them not to give him any sweet stuff or fruity things until it cleared up.
He raised his hand. "Sugar is like food to the yeast, right? So it speeds up the rising process or...something?" he said. Yeah, that was it, he was sure of it! Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian
But, but... well, this was rather tricky. Lottie wasn't about to just give up her work, and she was almost positive Grayson wouldn't either, guess that leaves Lex without pizza. Her best friend shouldn't worry, really, Lottie could make one for her, and her alone, some other time. Sorry, bestie, no food for you.
Good thing she got that chocolate, eh?
As far as Hadley's question was concerned... Lottie raised her hand, "Yes, sugar is some sort of food for the yeast, it's particularly useful if you're planning on storing some dough for later, though," yet they weren't going to do that, so it must be all about the taste, "It also gives it a certain taste, very nice one." Wisterias didn't add too much sugar to anything, but well, yeah.
She was just following instructions here.
Hi, boyfriend. Her eyes caught his and she smiled at him, widely, and even winked once. There's really nothing to worry about, so please don't. HONESTLY.
Could she look any more miserable?? Actually, she could. So, Lottie sighed and turned to Grayson, wearing her most perfect smile, "Do you mind giving the dough you've made to my best friend, Grayson Whitlock? I think we...," both her and the Slytherin, "...could work together very well, and I'd really appreciate such a gesture." Wink. Seriously, Lex was looking so terrible right now. Be a gentleman, Grayson, Lex was letting you live. "Plus, I know what I'm doing." This wasn't the first time she was making pizza, you know?
Also, she could thank him later... Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Professor I think the sugar in the dough can hurry the fermentation ! Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Now half a coup of flour she added the flour and mixed that with the water mixture. Then some more flour. And some more and more and more. It was a hard process... To her at least. She added another half cup of flour and that was all it needed since the dough was no longer sticking to her fingers. Now where was that cooking spray she needed to spray that bowl..... She looked at her workstation searching for the spray. "Ah there it is." she said as she grabbed the spray. She gave the second bowl a nice spray before placing the dough into the bowl.
Sooooo now she had to wait for a really long time!!!
Arista had no clue why you added sugar to the dough, did she look like a chef. Honestly. She listened to the others though. Hearing AJs she smiled, "Yes definitely that is like the main purpose of sugar!!" Hadley just listened first to see what they had to say about why sugar. Obviously some of them didn't know, but some had good ideas (and possibly the right ones!)
She wrote some notes on the board as she heard them : * Help dough rise / catalyst for the yeast
* Make dough easier, slightly softer to roll out
* Gives it a nice brown colour. Carmelization.
* For the flavour / sugar tastes good She shook her head in amusement at the Gryffindor Prefect when she tried to plead against working alone. Really it wasn't THAT bad and it wasn't as if she couldn't ask for help if she required it. She had a room of full peers there as well as a professor (who actually cared if she passed!) so working alone wasn't as bad as she was making it look. Surely she'd realize that? "Yes, sugar has the dual purpose of acting as a catalyst for the yeast to allow the dough to rise, but also it helps to bake the dough and give it that nice brown colour. It should NOT affect the flavour of the pizza dough extensively ... and if it does, then you probably added too much sugar." Hence why the recipe only called for a small amount of sugar.
Hmm? Candice was allergic to sugar? Was that a real thing? Like was that even a possibility? She bit her lower lip, shaking her head. "It's only a very small amount of sugar added, Candice, but are you truly unable to have any sugar at all?" she asked quietly to the small first year. "Because we can make some dough without any sugar?" It wouldn't take too long.
15 minutes down. She eyed her wristwatch. "As you know from the sugar ingredient, yeast is used to make the dough rise. So then, what is the purpose of the small amount of salt we add? Is that for flavour? Also, why only add a little flour at a time - if we add too much flour what do you think will happen?"
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |