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Old 06-02-2014, 09:00 PM   #57 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
Default whoops. we fell asleep last night, sorry! *hides* But starting NOW!
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Jasmine found the Muggle Studies classroom and was surprised to find that she was the first student to arrive. Seeing the Professor standing at the door, Jasmine introduced herself. "Hello Professor, my name is Jasmine Guidry. I transferred to Hogwarts this term. It's nice to meet you." Taking a nametag and a marker from the Professor's cup, she wrote down her information and stuck the sticker onto her robes.

Then she found a seat and sat down. The Professor said not to get too comfortable so Jasmine wondered what she had planned for the class.
"Pleasure to meet you, Jasmine and what a lovely name!" See, this is why the nametags. Though she knew most of the students who'd taken Muggle Studies before there were lots of new transfers, so best to just make everyone rather than single out the new people.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Even though they'd had their disagreement the last time Layla had attended a Muggle Studies lesson, she thought that Professor Hadley was a good duck. So, she was perfectly fine with entering the class, especially since it wasn't outside in the cold. And yes, she may have even been smiling.

But what were they going to be doing today that wouldn't have them in the classroom? They'd still be in the castle, right? Because she didn't think she could stand being outside.

Anyway, she took one of the name tags and a marker with a "Hello, professor," and hurriedly took a seat, filling out the tag.
Text Cut: tag
Layla Channing-Sands
Seventh Year
"Hello Layla! Welcome back!" See, she remembered her prior students, even those who'd only been with her a year...

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Zander walked into the classroom with a smile plastered onto his face. Finally, a class he could actually do well in. If he even so had to make another potion again, he'd probably combust. So muggle studies was definitely a relief. The third year noticed his Professor as he walked through and he widened his smile even further. Hopefully he wasn't looking like a total creep by now. Most people dread coming to muggle studies, but nope not Zander! This was probably the easiest class to actually follow.

"Hi Professor! How are you doing?" he asked her as he grabbed one of the markers and a tag. He kneeled next to the doorway, but far enough to the side so that the doorway wasn't blocked. Writing his name as carefully as he could, he got back onto his feet and stuck the tag on his black robes. He even drew a deliberate little lion in the corner. Rawr.
And another unfamiliar face, so not completely unjust and definitely easier than having them state their name before answering a question. "Wonderful, thank you!" Considering today's lesson plans, how could she not be?

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
It was his first time setting foot inside the Muggle Studies classroom, but Cutty was trying not to make that obvious as he entered by retaining his eyeballs and keeping them focused only on what mattered; The Professor and the seating arrangement. "It's nice to meet you, Professor Hadley." That was her name, wasn't it? Of all of the teachers presently teaching at Hogwarts, the Muggle Studies one seemed the hardest to run into.

Maybe that was a good sign.

Or maybe she was squib.

Did they let squibs teach at Hogwarts? He took a marker and a name tag introducing himself as he wrote down his name and year. "I'm..."
And another new student; well new to Muggle Studies at least, she recalled seeing his face around the castle last term. "Likewise ...." she beamed back as he introduced himself. "Cutty."

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy walked into the Muggle Studies classroom
She said:"Goodmorning, Professor Hadley! I'm Lucy Petersfield; it's my first year here at Hogwarts"..She she found a free seat and she took one of the markers and a tag..
Heh, that name had a nice ring to it. It amused Fina for a brief second. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Lucy! Morning!"

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel walked into the classroom. "Good morning." Angel beamed as she thought about what they might do in this class, being a muggle she probably didn't need to come to this but it would be great to see what the magical people thought of them.

Angel went over and sat down and then saw a name tag, what was going on here were the back at Primary School well Angel thought that it would be cool to wear the name tag so she put it on.
"Morning," Fina offered in return, to another newcomer.

Originally Posted by Mell View Post
Even though Professor Hadley had given him and Z detention last year, Michael still liked this class.

"Good day Professor." He flashed the woman a smile as he picked up a tag. He doubted that she would forget his name but he was happy to amuse her by wearing a name tag. "I promise you have my full attention this term."
And a returning student! She smiled though at his comment. "Excellent to hear, Mister Toussaint." Perhaps the attention thing was cause he realized his OWL exams were looming nearer? Either way, paying attention was always a good thing.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Muggle Studies! This was one class that AJ was likely not to struggle in given her background. As the first year walked into the classroom her eyes immediately fell on the professor. "Hello professor." She saw the name tag and thought that it would be funny if her and Angel used each other's names. Her eyes scanned the room and saw that Angel was already there. Bummer. Her sister most likely wouldn't have been down for it anyways.

Grabbing a marker and tag, she hastily scribbled down the needed information. Deciding that she would sit next to her sister this time, AJ plopped down at a desk closest to her.
Blink, blink. Was she seeing double? Fina frowned glancing from the girl before to another who'd just entered moments prior. How come no one informed her there were identical twins coming to Hogwarts this year? That would've been NICE to know. And both Lions too; Merlin, she felt bad for Seren.

"Hello, welcome!" She replied finally, shaking herself out of her reverie.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
One of the subjects he was good at, for obvious reasons. Adi happily entered the Muggle Studies classroom but not before greeting his awesome Head of House. "Hello, Professor Hadley,'' he said and smiled at her. He collected the blank tag and marker.

"Hey, AJ,''
the third year said as he slipped into the seat beside his friend. He quickly filled out the necessary information on the tag:
Ah, one of her best students was back again. "Hello, Adi, welcome back," she smiled at the young Hufflepuff, as she took a seat.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Soooooooo Muggle Studies eh?

The subject didn't particularly interest him that much. He'd grown up around Muggles, even if said Muggles happened to be stupid Billy down the road whom he'd, luckily, only known for less than a year. What exactly was there to know more about? But, having heard quite a bit about this woman here, he was quite interested to come here and see what she was like as a Professor. Juuuuuuust because.

So, the fourth year made his way down the first floor corridor and over towards the Muggle Studies classroom, where the woman was standing by the door. Uh huh. Was this a normal thing over at this school? Probably. He couldn't tell just yet. "Hello Professor," he said, once he reached the door of the classroo--

....................... They had to wear NAME TAGS?! Name tags on their ROBES?! What in the name of merlin?

Er. This was weird. MERLIN. Grayson grabbed a name tag and took a blue marker, giving the woman a nod as a way of saying thanks. He then headed over towards an empty seat near Cutty and gave him a nod and a "Hey!" in greeting before sitting down. Right. Lets fill out this bad boy.

Done. Filled out. And onto his robes it went.

This was still freaking weird.
What was that LOOK when he saw nametags? From a new student too. Really. Did he not see that this was easier than stating names before speaking? Figures he had on Slytherin robes this one.

"Hello there ..." she waited, as he filled out the nametag, since he hadn't introduced himself. "Grayson."

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Bay was getting excited for muggle studies, he knew he would always count on having fun in this class. As soon as he came in he spotted the professor handing out name tags "good morning professor and thanks " as he took one and wrote his name on it.

Now after he wrote down his name he stuck it to his robes as he went to go sit in a seat.
See now that there's a nice polite student; a returning one too and one of her best. "Morning Bay," she nodded at him.

Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Norah wasn't sure what to expect as she reached the Muggle Studies classroom. She knew a good amount about muggles, or at least thought she did, considering her mum was muggle born and she spent a good amount of time with her muggle grandparents in France. When she reached the door she was delighted to see the professor holding a cup of markers. Were they going to COLOR? YAY! Accepting a name tag excitedly, she bid the professor a quick "Hello!" before bouncing over to a desk to decorate her tag.

Drawing a few flowers around her name, Norah stuck the tag to the front of her robes and slid into her seat. She bounced a few more times because COLORING YAY. Even someone as old and wise as eleven can enjoy coloring, yep.
Ooh, one of her new Hufflepuffs, whom she hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet! Beaming at her energy, she smiled back. "Hello there! Welcome!" Ooh, lovely flowers too. Quite the artistic one, Fina noted.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Muggle studies wasn't his strongest subject, but he wasn't bad at it either. So with a neutral feeling, the second year Gryffindor made his way to the classroom and when he saw the Professor at the door, he nodded at her. Grabbing one of the nametags and a marker, the boy entered the room completely and found a seat near the middle

Placing his school bag down on the ground beside his chair, Kevin began to write his name on the label.

When he was done he stuck it to his uniform near his chest and leaned back in his chair, on two legs.
Fina nodded at another returning student who entered quietly and politely filled out the nametag but then was leaning back in his chair ...... oh no he was not doing the thing that was like a teacher's biggest pet peeve. REALLY?? Innocently watching him, she inconspicuously and non-verbally cast a spell to push the chair back just a little bit more....

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Muggle Studies.

So WHY did they have to study the Muggles again? Meh. It wasn't like Sophie felt like denying her magic and running to live amongst the Muggles anytime soon. Oh, well. This class also seemed to be an easy O grade at the same time, so she'd deal with it.

Don't get too comfortable? Ohh--did that mean class was going to end early?! WOOT! Sophie took a seat and filled out her name tag.

She peeled it off the backing and stuck it to her robes.
.... and then turned her attention towards another student; the female Newell! She knew this one too! Fina gave her a brief nod and smile. Now where was the male half?

Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
For no reason in particular, there was a bounce to Schuyler's step as she approached the Muggle Studies classroom. She held her books against her chest as she slipped past the threshold and collected a blank nametag. "Hello, Professor," she smiled.

Don't get too comfortable?

Okay, so they were leaving soon. Schuyler interpreted this as a good thing because when they left the classroom, they did fun things like play bumper car games. So, she ran her hand back through her hair and crossed her legs as she claimed a seat.

Now, nametag.

She really did have lovely penmanship.
"Hello, Schuyler. Welcome back!" Fina nodded at the seventh year.

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Benny was still not a happy lion. Granted the potion had worn off but the aftermath was in full swing. The feelings of hurt and anger at Adi was one and embarishment over who had heard him was another. Silently making his way to the muggle studies classroom, he stepped inside listening to the instructions given.

"Hello Professor," he greeted the woman out of politeness and with an afterthought added quietly. "Welcome back." She had been missing at the opening feast so now was the first time he had seen her. Though he might be seeing her later about a certain Hufflepuff of hers. He took an offered name tag and wrote it out, adding it to his robe as he moved to take a seat however temporary.

No Ben and certainly not Benny. Just plain Benjamin his given name thank you.
Aw ...... someone remembered at gave her a welcome back; since unless they'd been at breakfast the morning of return, most probably hadn't seen her since June. "Hello there, Ben, and thank you."

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Toby wasn't technically muggle born, but he had grown up muggle. You'd have thought that would have been enough reason to not take this subject, but Toby was taking the full set, Muggle Studies included. In any case, it was fun, more challenging than he'd been expecting, AND was a useful qualification to have, right? Right.

So here he was, smiling and looking a little more distracted than usual, but otherwise perfectly present and correct.

"Hi Professor Hadley!" the Hufflepuff beamed at his Head of House as he entered the room. "S'good to see you back."

Toby took the nametag from her and went to go claim a seat by the window. He quickly wrote Toby, Fourth Year on his tag and stuck it to his chest, just above the Hufflepuff logo on his robes.
And another welcome back ........ Well sorta. "Hello Tobias! Thank you and it's good to be back and see you as well!"

Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
Muggle Studies. This was a start wasn't it? To attending classes that was, because Abbi didn't exactly enjoy participating in that part of Hogwarts. Her marks weren't too bad, but they could have been much better if she tried harder. That was the thing she wasn't silly, just had other priorities. That's how she saw it anyways.

As she entered the class, Abbi nodded towards the Professor. "Hello, Professor." Beam. She then took her name tag and marker as she skimmed for a place to sit.

OHHH. Would you look who was here? Why Hello Grayson Potato...and Cutty too. Cutty got beams, but Grayson...he got sassy eyes. The third year plonked straight beside Grayson and quickly waved towards Cutty.

Hehehehehehehe. She grabbed her marker and in BIG BOLD letters scribbled the word 'LOSER'. Then with a pat on Grayson's back she stuck the tag to his back, all sneakily of course. "Hello, Grayson." INNOCENT smile. "I think you spelled your name wrong in that tag." But the back tag was spelled PERFECTLY.

Such a pity she'd 'lost' her tag so soon, or was it? Hehehehehehehe
"Hello, Abbi. Welcome back," she smiled at the Gryffindor as she took a seat and watched her curiously as she stuck her nametag on the back of the Slytherin. It seemed she wasn't the only shifty one in the room - so clearly she could just blame it on the Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Muggle Studies was a class that Lux was looking forward to even if the last lesson had freaked her out with the whole coffin thing. Smiling, she said, "hello, Professor Hadley," before taking a name tag. Even though she was surprised if her Head of House didn't know who she was, she had no problem wearing one.

Taking a seat beside Bay, she smiled at him. "Hey there!" Surely he was looking forward to this class like she was. Filling out the name tag, she stuck it to her robes.

Another of her best students! Beaming at the third year when she entered, she greeted her back as well, "Welcome back, Lux." And smiled in amusement when she crossed out her nametag and wrote a nickname.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Ugh, why did Caleb have to fill one out? Shouldn't Hadley know THE Caleb Newell at this point? He sort of understood why she wanted him to do that, though, especially since it seemed like there were a billion first years this term.

"Hello Professor Hadley," he said with a soft smile as he sat down. He scribbled his name on his nametag and propped it up as instructed.
Ah, there was the male Newell; she knew he couldn't be far behind his sister. "Hello, Caleb," she returned his greeting.

Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black View Post
The seventeen year-old Hufflepuff stepped into his new Muggle Studies classroom feeling rather prepared. His mother was a Muggle-born and his father was a Pureblood, but taught Muggle Studies at Winchester. Other than his father, the only Pureblood in the family was Rorie and she was adopted. So, this probably won't be anything new to him. His life had been almost perfectly balanced with Muggle and Wizard things. Who knows, though. Hogwarts can probably bring something new.

He took a label and scribbled down his name on it.

Sticking the label on himself, he looked around to see if there was anyone he really talked to. Nope. Any seat it is, then.
Noting another quiet student, she made careful note of his name on his nametag, because she didn't know this student...

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
As Cris made his way to the Muggle Studies classroom, he was actually surprised to find himself actually excited to be attending this lesson....not that he wasn't with the others. This one was special because this would be the first time, he would be meeting his Head of House.

As he entered the classroom, he broke into a smile that stretched from ear to ear. There she was. Professor Hadley!!....and there was Jasmine too!!

Walking over to the Professor, he greeted her with a smile. "Hello Professor. Congratulations on the newest addition to your family, and welcome back to Hogwarts. Sander also asked me to say hello for him too,"Cris told Professor Hadley before taking a marker and a name plate from her desk, and filling out his information.
Ah ... another Strand, Fina quickly deduced from his familiar but new face, as he wrote his name on the label. Clearly explained how he knew of her pregnancy. "Hello there and thank you! Welcome to Hogwarts yourself, as well as Hufflepuff." Like brother, like brother? They were brothers, right?

Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
This class Marigold technically didn't need to take, because her mum was an actual flesh and bone muggle, but she liked it. It was comforting, PLUS good teacher, yup. "Hi, Professor!" she said enthusiastically, then made her way to a seat somewhat near her cousin. She waved at him. Then, she started writing her name on her name tag, embroidered with flowers and dots and lines and pretty stuff.
Heh. There was something with Hufflepuffs and flowers? Was she drawing Marigold flowers too? Symbolism and all. Beaming at the fourth year, she greeted her back. "Hello there, Marigold! Welcome back!"

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Sooooooo......Muggle Studies.....that class she'd managed to scrape an 'E' in by some great miracle after nearly burning the kitchen down. If someone had told her that cooking involved hard work and the possibility of a few fingers getting chopped off...she'd believe them but now she knew it also included too much salt and ovens that weren't meant to be opened simply with one's hands. In the end one thing was abundantly clear, she was not meant for the kitchen.

Also, the Gryffindor was staring, in a similar fashion to the staring back in Diagon Alley when she saw the VERY PREGNANT PROFESSOR, who was not pregnant anymore.....

"Hello Professor's the baby?" Was she allowed to ask? Did you have to be a Badger to know because she and Grayson had seen. Did the boy even remember? Lex grabbed a quill from her bag and got to the name plate, her attention split between writing and the Professor who'd never bothered to TELL her. Wasn't like she'd had plastered it all over the Aparecium. Who did that anyway?

She felt horribly guilty when Alexa had seen her and stared that fateful afternoon in Diagon Alley. HORRIBLE way for her student to find out, but the Gryffindor should have used her bravery and NON-SHYNESS to come over to her and talk to her instead of just stare. Really.

Like now; she wasn't afraid of speaking now. But seeing her in London created feelings of shyness? Oh well. She'd get over it; probably after this lesson.

"Hello, Alexa...." No Prefect Cambridge this time. ".... The baby boy is great, thanks."

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
They were meant to write down their name? Didn't Hadley know most of her students by now? The name tag thing only made sense to Tag if it were for lower years or transfer students, but a name tag?

But anyway Tag took the little name tag, named after him of course, and wrote his name on it, and everything else that was required.

SPOILER!!: Name tag
Mr. Unicorn
Seventh Year

And yes, Tag was being serious about the Mr. Unicorn thing.
Another sarcastic one. Shaking her head at his nickname on his label, she smiled at Tag. Yes, she knew his name, of course, but did he not realize it was for the OTHER students. And she didn't want to single out those who she didn't know, so she just made it uniform, because there was a mix of known and unknown students here...

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Muggle Studies didn't sound too hard. After all, she'd grown up around muggles. So Hayden wasn't worried at all for this class. In fact, she was pretty excited. An easy class seemed nice, and it was taught by the head of her house, who she had not had the chance to meet yet. So, yeah, she was pretty excited.

"Hello Professor," Hayden said cheerfully when she walked into the room. She found an empty desk and sat down. Don't get too comfortable? Were they going somewhere? Hayden shrugged and grabbed a name tag and the pen she'd brought along. It was purple.
Like this one. Unknown. It was a lot of unknown. Seriously; Gryffindors, thinking they were the center of everything.

"Hello there, welcome," she beamed at the first year.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
Well, finally.

Someone had taken a very long break, eh? Yes, Lotus knew why, but it was still a long break. Being left at the mercy of Orsino was NOT the greatest idea, though. That made her wonder about Hadley's sanity. Either way, she still came and greeted Hadley with a smile, "Hello, Professor. Welcome back." That 'Welcome back' sounded as if they were receiving the woman from the Janus Thickey ward at St. Mungo's.

To not get comfortable? Then why was Lotus here? And where were they going? Interesting.

Did she need to write her name as well? Well, whatever. Fine.

Not even 'Lotus Wisteria'. Why? Because after two years, if you don't know her name, then you don't even deserve the 'Lotus' status. Airey, however, could refer to her as 'Lottie', but didn't. How come?

Also, LOL! Tag's... tag.

.....Wow, did she just realize that?

"Hello there, Lotus and thank you! It's good to be back." She beamed at the sixth year, ignoring the fact that she didn't write 'Lotus Wisteria' on her nametag. Because she knew this one's name.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Muggles Studies wasn't her favorite thing in the world. She didn't like the lack of magic, but the Slytherin comforted herself by thinking of things that she likes less than this subject. Then she imagined thumping said things. Right on the face. It made her feel better. She did, though, respect the Muggle Studies professor for that kind act from last term, so instead of putting up a sour front, she was pretty neutral.

It was only when she reached the professor at the door that she grinned timidly. "Hello, Professor Hadley," greeted, taking a name tag and marker, ogling them as she went inside. It'd better not ruin her robes.

Writing her name and year on it, she stuck the tag onto her robes.
Another of her best students. "Hello there, Beverly! Welcome back!" she beamed at the Slytherin.

Originally Posted by Zoe View Post
Demelza did not understand why they had to wear their uniforms to Muggle Studies. Wouldn't it make more sense to go to class dressed like Muggles? Monkey see, monkey do? This had always puzzled her since she started going to Hogwarts. Back at the Academy, dressing as a Muggle was an important aspect of the class. Plus Demelza had some radtastic Muggle outfits that she would be more than willing to show off. But there she was walking through the doorway, clad in her boring and uninspiring uniform.

"Welcome back, Professor Hadley!" the young actress-to-be said enthusiastically, in spite of her outfit. A blank name tag was then handed over to her. At first Demelza was confused. Surely Hadley hadn't forgotten her name, even though she had only been at Hogwarts for a term. But then she heard the professor say that there were some newbies in the class. Well, that made sense. So the seventh year took a marker from the cup and wrote down her name ... and year. This was her last first Muggle Studies class ever. Oh, the sadness!

Photos!: Demelza's name tag
Pleased with her handiwork, she put the marker back into the cup and stuck the name tag on her robes. Now where to sit? Hmm. After taking a quick glance around the room, she decided to sit behind Cris so she could stare at the back of his pretty head and waited for the lesson to begin.
"Thanks, Demelza," she greeted back, not QUITE as enthusiastic as the seventh year, sadly.

Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
What exactly was Muggle Studies? Kate wasn't really sure, but she hoped it was useful. Probably it would help her understand how wizards viewed Muggles, yes? Kate figured that the way wizards viewed Muggles and Muggle things was different from how Muggles viewed themselves. After all, fish don't think breathing water is weird.

Oh, name tags! Kate happily took a name tag as she entered the classroom and, after sitting down, wrote her name and year on it before sticking it on the right-hand side of her robes.
And another newcomer; Fina nodded at the new young Ravenclaw, as she quietly took a seat. Hopefully these students would warm up once the lesson started?

Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
Sophie wasn't thrilled about finally taking Muggle Studies. She just didn't care all that much, and Ira Banner hadn't listed it as one of the many subjects she really needed to be good at to be a Wandmaker, for obvious reasons. So... why was Sophie there?

She wasn't entirely sure.

Regardless, there she was, saluting the professor and accepting a name tag as she entered. "Hi professor." Interesting way to learn names, she thought, but it was much more suitable than the woman having to hear dozens of new students chime their names over the span of a few minutes. Of course there was no way the professor could retain that information, right? She obediently scribbled her information down on the name tag with a marker and stuck it on her chest.

Text Cut: Name tag
Sophie Brown
Third Year

Easy enough. New class, new seating opportunities... hmm. There was a Tobes present, so naturally, Soph hurried over to snag the seat right behind him by the windows and nudged him gently to give him a 'sup' nod. Hehe. Hi, Tobes.
The other third year Sophie was here! Because yes, even though this one hadn't been in her classes before, she knew her from Quidditch reasons, even if she didn't really know her. But now she could!

"Hi Sophie! Welcome!"

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
"Hi professor." Hadley was right at the doorway so the greeting came immediately while entering instead of after. Penelope accepted a name tag and marker and sat down at a desk to write her name down since apparently they weren't staying here. She did notice Tag's "name" tag too and briefly considered also using some sort of nickname just for the fun of it, but she was too tired to think of anything particularly creative. So her actual name it was.

Still felt weird writing that sometimes. But the name tag was now stuck to her robes, so she just had to wait for class to start.
Was it just her or were there quite a few seventh years this term? "Hello, Penelope," she greeted to the Gryffindor, reminiscing for just a moment, how it felt like just yesterday the Ravenclaw Greenwell was graduating. My how time flies.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Well, Ascanius was READY, yeah? Before class he had really pumped himself up to deal with Muggle Studies and now he was more then ready to sit through a long-winded class about stuff that he had grown up with. 'Cause muggles and whatever. Or, y'know, just non-magical people. He never did understand the term muggle. Always tasted lesser in his mouth, which they weren't.

But, whatever, he was ready. Also, didn't hurt that Hadley was fit. Real fit. Nice to look at.

Anyway. He smiled all hazy-like-- 'cause he was ready-- and easily complimented Hadley, "Hello Professor. You look lovely." And she did.

Ah. Seat. He took one of those. Not before jotting down his name real quick.
Well wasn't someone just up for flattering the professor today? But didn't he learn by now that flattery gets one nowhere? Actually, he probably hadn't.

"Hello Ascanius," she greeted back, simply acknowledging the latter comment with a nod of appreciation.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
"Hullo Professor Hadley!" Kyroh greeted with a wave as he walked into the class. WAVE. HI. Yeah. He had actually remembered this Professors name. Cause his papa had told him everything. ...And maybe also because he asked an older kid.

He hopped that Muggle Studies would be easy considering the fact that he knew Muggle stuff. So...easy right?

Taking a seat somewhere at the front the Ravenclaw very carefully and neatly wrote out his name. Name tags were AWESOME.
Oh Merlin. She was definitely getting old. Considering it seemed like YESTERDAY when Dash Scabior was teaching History of Magic and had brought his son in .... and now said-son was a FIRST YEAR?!? LIKE how? She sighed, thinking that would be her in eleven years, but right now couldn't imagine anything but diapers and baby food.

"Welcome back, Kyroh." Because he'd been here before, even if this was his first time taking classes.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
One thing that can make a class seem awesome before it starts is name tags. They are awesome. Nothing more, nothing less. All the possibilities you can write on them and never write your real name. Likes Tag's name tag. There was a great one, Mr. Unicorn. Even Lotus' one. Which he hates to admit.

There was Hadley. Weird that this would be the last term seeing her. Very Weird. Pretty vague instructions. So they would be moving after the get seated. Interesting.

If she did not know his name by now. This would be an awesome replacement.
Heh. Awesome?

Leave it to a Prefect to come up with that name. But alas, it was Nigel's last year. Sniff. She flashed him a brief smile of welcome though.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Kace finally made it Muggle Studies. He didn't mind this class at all. He loved learning concepts from a wizards perspective. As he made his way to the classroom, he noticed he wasn't the only one there. Other's made it here before him. He smiled and then he saw the professor or rather his head of house. He nodded and said, "Hello Professor Hadley, Welcome back!" He smiled warmly and returned to his seat.

Once he got to his own seat as he put his bag down, he noticed there was a name tag. He was sure the Professor knew his name but he shrugged and did what he was told. He got out his quill and wrote....

He wanted to add a little pizzaz to his name tag. This was a nickname given to his friends. Why not try it out?
"Hello there, Kace and thank you! It's good to be back!" She beamed at him.

Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
Muggle Studies. She was looking forward fo this lesson. She did grow up in the muggle neighborhood after all so this lesson was definitely her cup of tea. Beside Willy also said that his Head of House was really awesome. "Hello Professor." She greeted and took a name tag before she took one of the empty seat.
And another new student. This one too was clad in red robes. Had Seren tricked the sorting hat into sorting everyone into Gryffindor or something? "Hello there!" she greeted back.

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
Professor Hadley was back!

Running up the stairs to the muggle studies classroom, Leah stopped at the corridor and slowed down, patting down her hair. Then she saw her at the doorway. "Professor Hadley!" she yelled, hugging her head of house around the middle. "It's so good to see you again." the second year grinned.

Taking the name tag and a marker, she wrote down her information.

Sticking it on her robes, Leah sat down next to Angel. "Hi. Excited?" she beamed. This class must be easy for the muggle-born girl. Setting her bag down, Leah looked around and wondered why so many people wrote rubbish onto their name tags.
Well this was awkward and quite the surprise when one of her young Hufflepuffs wrapped her arms around her middle. Patting her gently on the shoulders, she smiled back. "Likewise, likewise, Leah." She swallowed, grateful when the second year released her and took a seat. Sweet intentions, really, they were.

Originally Posted by magikewe View Post
This class wasn't exactly Bryant's cup of tea, but he'd give it a shot. Sure he had lived right next to one of the biggest muggle capitols in the world, but he didn't spend much time with them. When he wasn't at school back in the states, he was traveling with his brother's quidditch teams and living in various wizarding villages. He didn't really have much time for muggles. So the class, while he had done a lot of reading, would be a challenge.

Fidgeting with his old quidditch shirt from his former school as he entered the room, Bryant gave a glance around the classroom before giving a friendly nod to the professor. "Good day professor. My name is Bryant Morris, fourth year transfer. I do hope you are well." He said, taking a name tag and finding a seat. He pulled out the only muggle pen he owned and quickly wrote his name and year in a very neat cursive.
Now here was a polite transfer. At least they weren't ALL snotty like that Slytherin one ... Grayson. Introduce yourself if you're new. It made sense to Fina. "Nice to meet you, Bryant. Looking forward to seeing you around." She was, truly, because she always looked forward to seeing nice polite students. They gave hope for humanity.

Originally Posted by griffin View Post
She had lived with her muggle relatives in California for most of her life, so Penelope should do well in muggle studies. It was not until a few years ago when it was becoming closer to the time when Penelope would be attending Hogwarts, and her magical abilities were growing stronger, that her mother had insisted that her family should move back to the wizarding village in England that her relatives lived in. Before her family moved, Penelope had not known much about the wizarding world and magic. It had been really hard for her muggle dad to adjust to the wizarding world. Finding the class after walking all the way down to the first floor, Penelope entered the room.

Entering the classroom, Penelope greeted the Professor. "Hello Professor Hadley." She took a name tag and wrote her name and year on it.
"Hello there, welcome!" she greeted back to another new Ravenclaw.

Originally Posted by SweetPeea View Post
Relieved class hadn't started yet, the second year made her way into the classroom prepared for today's lesson. With her books held against her chest, she began walking towards the front of the classroom where she'd seen Professor Hadley. Hadn't she heard somewhere that she'd just returned from having a baby? Josette felt terrible for not even acknowledging this. Once near the Professor she gave a polite bow before she said softly, "H-Hello Professor...I-I hope you are well.." Giving her a nod, she turned to find a seat where she'd placed her things down. Soon after taking a quick moment to write down her name on the name tag.
So sweet. So quiet. Nodding at the small Ravenclaw (had eagles and lions taken over or something? o.O), she smiled grateful at her politeness. "Thank you, Josette. I'm quite alright." It wasn't as if SHE aged fifty years or so like everyone else had, last term. Nope, she'd been exempt from the curse or whatever and retained her youth.

Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
Muggle Studies.

Yep. Probably one of the classes he will enjoy genuinely. Prior to attending this class, Ethan made sure that he got the professor’s name this time. He guessed it was fair that way since the professors knew them all; transfers or not. Professor Josephina Hadley. Copy that.

The Slytherin walked into the classroom and gave the professor a warm smile and a wave. “Good day, Professor Hadley.” After giving her a nod, he then got himself a green tag and a green marker and wrote down his name. The house pride thing going on in their common room was finally sinking in.

He placed the marker back in the cup and got himself a seat beside a Ravenclaw (Josette) and placed his nametag on his robe. Ethan smiled and gave his seatmate a wave. Hi, person.

Now. Where’s Simon?
"Good day, Ethan," she noted in response to the young Slytherin, as he settled in next to the young Ravenclaw Josette.

Originally Posted by SilverTiger View Post
Muggle Studies should have been easy for her. Lily honestly believed that, considering she was sort of half Muggle. A quarter Muggle, really, not that anyone had ever felt the need to ask. The important fact was that she was a witch, and that was why she was at Hogwarts. Yet she still couldn’t ignore the fact she was related to a Muggle, and that was why she continually felt she should have considered the subject one of her stronger ones. Unfortunately, it was more one of her average ones, but she liked Professor Hadley. She’d been curious at the announcement for the lesson, too, seeing the rumors she’d heard as well as the knowledge she hadn’t remembered seeing her at school before now. She wasn’t about to ask, though. Maybe asking would have been rude, and she wasn’t that.

In any case, the professor was there, and she’d given her a smile as she’d entered the classroom and taken the name tag offered to her. “Hi Professor Hadley!,” she added. She wasn’t offended at the suggestion they all needed those, not like it looked like some of her classmates were. If anything, it would save her the trouble of needing to introduce herself if there was partner work, like she’d had to do in the first Potions lesson with Leah. She’d seen the second year as she’d headed for an open seat, too, and given her a little smile as well. She’d sort of eyed Demelza as she’d passed her sitting behind Cris looking as if she was trying to memorize the back of his head, too. As long as there didn’t end up being any hysterics, though, she figured they were all safe. She’d still found a seat nearby just in case, settling in and pulling a pen out of her bag to write on her name tag.
Another Seventh year. Yup. Seventh years, eagles and lions had totally taken over the school this term. Only this one - Lily - was a quiet one, more insightful than chatterer. Nodding in politeness at the seventh year, she noted the time and figured it was just about time to begin.

Originally Posted by Emms View Post
Simon walked into the door of the Muggle Studies classroom. He couldn't believe that a school that was filled with magical people had a class about regular muggles. He grinned as he entered the room. Oh boy, he was certainly going to enjoy this class. He wondered what they were going to learn about in this class. He gave the Professor a shy smile and a nod. "Hello Professor Hadley," he said as he walked past her desk, picked up a name tag and green marker. Simon quickly wrote his name down and then placed the name tag on him. He made sure that his handwriting was neat and legible. That was a always a good start.

His eyes scanned the classroom as he looked for a familiar face. He found Cutty and gave the boy a friendly wave and nod. His eyes continued looking for another familiar face and then he found Ethan sitting next to a Ravenclaw girl. He gave his friend a smile and grabbed the open seat on the other side to him. "Hey. Ready for this class?" he asked as he opened up his backpack and started unpacking his notebook and pens.
Originally Posted by JennMarie View Post
Jeremiah walked in with a grin on his face, this class he was particularly good at, Muggle stuff was right up the boys alley thanks to his sister. with his bag slug on his shoulder he was excited to bring pens and pencils other tan a self inking quill and even brought extras in case others needed them, if they didn't read the noticeboard. "Hello Professor!" he was chipper she could tell, yeah? Grabbing a orange marker and a red name tag cos gryffindor, and also cos it was the one on top of the pile he was just lucky like that. He scribbled his name on and year on it and stuck it to his robes, yup good.

Jeremiah Walker
Fifth Year
Right after the last two students just barely made it on time. Another new one? Or at least knew to Muggle Studies, but he seemed to know a few students (which wasn't unlikely even for a new student since they'd been at school now for a few months). "Hello there! Welcome," she beamed back at the two boys, before closing the classroom door after them and walking over to set the markers and remaining tags on her desk.

Now facing the class, her hands clasped together in front her she patiently waited for the students to settle in and quiet down (the few who were talking to their neighbors anyway). "Hello, hello! As most of you already know, I'm Professor Hadley. Bit of a background for you; this will be my third year teaching Muggle Studies, but before that I taught Arithmancy for ten years here at Hogwarts and before that, Charms for two years in South Africa. I grew up in a muggle neighborhood so despite my mother being a witch, we did a lot of things the 'muggle way'. I'm here to help you, so if you have any questions about anything, muggle related or not, don't hesitate to visit me." And that just about summed up the basics anyway. Now onto the lesson.

"Anyway, onto our first lesson. As I made note of on the notice board, I think this lesson is important for anyone. It will be slightly basic, but hopefully informative, even if you already know some about the topic. Just to see what you know; who can explain to me the difference between cooking and baking?"

ooc: Lesson has begun, so if you didn't post arriving, pretend on if you've been here the whole time or risk points being docked. Thanks! =)

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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