Join Date: May 2009 Location: London
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alexander River Hirsch Gryffindor Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: --
x11 x11
| Is this post #4? Group one! urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse Text Cut: Firepit people/ideas Quote:
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline So judging by who was doing what, Benny decided firepit was going to be his goal. That way he stayed out of the way of the two that he wanted to, or rather it would be best to avoid at the moment. Namely a certain Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. Definitely feeling the effects of the potion now, the third year figured it was best to get a move on, some of the other students were already getting into it. The other groups even getting playful in their activities.
He had to get to Grayson since Professor Culloden had named him as their group's leader. So he grabbed a stone from the supplies, much easier because of the potion, and headed over two where group one seemed to be gathering. "So...the firepit...how's it gonna be?" Like how big and rough shape?
Could they decide and actually do it? Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah "Yeah! A big-bad amazing one that will be the firepit of Mr. Kirkby's life!" He gave this somewhat vague answer in reply to Graysons question. "We should make it tiered. So that he can cook multiple things with it all at the same time." He gave suggestions that he thought he'd find most useful. Not because he was considering Orsino, but because he himself was planning on using it from time to time.
"Oh! And maybe round in shape. And a bit sunken like an amphitheatre!" You know, nothing too...complicated? Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Zander turned his attention to Mr. Leader (Grayson). Yeah the design would be pretty important, huh? And then another kid (Cutty) spoke this time with an ACTUAL idea! What was his name again? Either way, an amphitheater sounded kind of cool. "Oh I SECOND THAT! The ampitheatre thing," he said with a small nod towards Cutty's direction. "And I think we should make it a medium, more on the larger size? That way he could do a lot with it," Besides they had a pretty big group so there'd be more than enough people to make that happen. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom "I can help with the stones," Caleb said with a grin as their leader - some dude that he was PRETTY SURE was in his house but he wasn't totally sure - told them to break up into two groups. Stones seemed easiest. At least until Cutty started brainstorming ways to build a veritable leaning Tower of Piza out of the thing instead. They were aware that it RAINED for like, half the year and he probably would never really use the thing, right? "Let's be sure the thing will actually stay UP," he reminded them all, since they were getting a bit crazy with it all, in his opinion. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah This is why Cutty loved Gryffindors. They were doers. Made things happen and full of energy.
It would be so dangerous if he were ever to team up with one.
"Yeah! YEAH! Bigger is better!", said the Slytherin in a generally encouraging tone.
Just when Cutty thought he was at the pinnacle of spreading chaos and insanity, the voice of reason or Caleb Newell (whichever comes first) made itself known.
But he didn't say they shouldn't or even couldn't proceed with the current BIG!idea project. Only that it should be quality.
It would be. Oh, it would be. Some great ideas were coming along. Really. Grayson was actually impressed and this didn't happen often.
He nodded slowly as his blue eyes shifted from Cutty to Zander to the new kid (Benny) -- who got a genuine smile and nod as a way of welcoming him to the group -- to some other guy he didn't know (Caleb) and then back to Cutty. Jeez, so many ideas and all tumbling off so quickly. Let a dude catch a break.
It was making him think. Think CAREFULLY because he did NOT want this to go wrong, thank you very much. They were the coolest group and they were going to prove it by making the BEST firepit, mkay? "OKAY," Yes, he was speaking up. "So heeeeey!" New person. (Benny) "I think the general consensus is that we make it as big as possible because the bigger the better," OBVIOUSLY. "And to make it into an amphitheatre shape." High walls and sunken in in the middle. He glanced around at the others to see if they agreed too. Speak now or forever hold your peace. As for strong person (Caleb's) question, Grayson turned his attention to him and said, "WELL. If it's round, it'll be harder to be broken. Something to do with surface area and strength and whatnot." He waved a hand to show that he clearly knew what he was talking about but wasn't going to bother explaining properly. Basically, circles were better. "ANYWAYS. To make it EVEN STRONGER, maybe we could build it up so that there are even numbers of different size rocks? We can line up the big ones side by side and then fit the smaller ones in the gaps. And sticking charms will be our best buds." Uh huh. "And the stronger looking rocks can go on the OUTSIDE. The really heavy ones." It was a bit like multiple people trying to shield the weakling. The weakling went in the middle, some namby pamby people surrounded that one and the strength in the circle of people grew stronger and stronger until the STRONGEST were at the outside.
Also, the sooner they got this talk over and done with, the sooner they can start with assembling. JUST SAYING. Text Cut: Special duty peeps (Kyroh+Hayden) and we do see you Gold :3 Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah Cutty returned the smirk when he'd seen Grayson be elected leader by Culloden. He knew it. He wasn't surprised at all as a matter of fact. Grayson was leadership material.
Coming to stand again near the little Ravenclaw boy (Kyroh), he offered up something else as well, "Oi Whitty, this kid didn't take his potion. Maybe he could make a good stone fuser instead of having to lift 'em." Cause you know, they kinda wanted to make PROGRESS. "We can teach him and another first year the sticking spell and let them fuse together the stones once they're laid by the builders." Cause that kid was gonna hurt himself and how would that look on Whitty's record in his first go at leadership at Hogwarts. Cutty was incapable of thinking about anything else but his own schemes and plans, apparently. Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir While she was waiting to see if Kyroh needed help, Hayden lifted up another stone of her own and carried it over to the group. She was both multitasking so they could actually get it done, and kind of proving her strength. She'd taken the potion so she could be of help. While she was near the rest of her group she heard a couple people discussing the plan. "That sounds cool," she said. Though she didn't know what an antitheater or whatever was. It was the other part that excited her. "I want to learn the spell!" she jumped up and down with excitement. But then she stopped and considered it. "Unless you need me to carry stones." Maybe she could do both. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles "Special duty? Okay." Before he could even wonder what kind of special duty the boy started talking about fusing rocks and stuff and learning MORE spells and that just sounded pretty awesome. "YEAH Whitty you can teach Hayden and I the sticking spell!" Because Hayden wanted to learn too and-wait....who was Whitty? Did he mean Grayson? Kyroh didn't even know. He just grinned.
STICKING SPELL! ROCK FUSING! AWESOME! ....................... Oh jeez. Someone hadn't taken their potion? Oh Merlin, what was he meant to do NOW?!
It seemed as though Cutty had an answer. His blue eyes looked over at Kyroh and Hayden and he nodded slowly. Uh huh. This tied in WELL, actually. He was going to be leaving the FIYAH people to discuss and maaaaaaybe get started if they wanted to go ahead with his plan, mkay?
In the meantime, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Okay, come here, you two." Special force people. "I'm going to teach you a really useful spell that you can use to stick two objects together: like a bow to a gift box." Or to secure that piece of gum in your arch enemy's hair. "The incantation," he continued, pulling out his wand, "is Adhaero. Adhaeeeeeero. Ahd-high-row!" Uh huh. "The wand movement is tracing whatever you want sticking with your wand while saying your incantation."
Oh jeez. This could be confusing. "Here. If we want to stick this little bugger," He grabbed a small pebble and held it up. "with that big rock over there," He nodded at a very large rock not too far away. "we trace the outline of this tiny rock while saying Adhaero. Then, we go and smack it against that big rock to see if it sticks. Make sense?"
Heeeeey Gold, we see you!
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