Thread: Potions 2
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Old 05-29-2014, 09:36 PM   #310 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

Text Cut: Zahra and Kevin
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz View Post

The very, very uncool Professor STOLE HER POTION.

He stole her WAND.

The worst was him STEALING HER POINTS though.

Who caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaared about the cauldron? He'd said this was the last class of the term ANYWAY. Besides, it was pretty cool, the melty bottom and all. Since she was APPARENTLY DONE with her potion and wand waving, Zahra got up on her stool, knees first, and FULLY INSPECTED the melty bottom cauldron.

.... cool. She used a quill to write her initials in the MELTY CAULDRON before it cooled too much.

Z. D. K.

And she was breathing that metallic air?

Oooookay. Cosgrach stopped questioning this girl long ago, so he shrugged to himself, decided against lecturing her about the poisonous metallic air, and placed her wand safely into his pocket.

"You will get your wand from your head of house," he simply announced, and turned away...

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
The Gryffindor's face was still red with anger but he stayed quiet. Not that he had any other choice since Lex had Jinxed him... He noticed that the Professor was ignoring him again and now went to Zahra...vanished her potion AND he saw her wand flying towards the Potions Professor. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the man yet again and wanted to shout at the injustice ...but he couldn't

So with a groan, the Gryffindor was kind of forced to work on his own potion so he turned to his cauldron. Making a mental note to help the girl get her wand back somehow... Doxy Venom.. The boy looked around his table but then remembered that he had ACCIDENTALLY! Dropped the jar on the ground and that the man had vanished it.

He opened his mouth to say that he didn't have any doxy venom anymore but what came out of his mouth was something even he did not understand. And he was the one saying it! Getting frustrated again, Kevin grabbed a piece of parchment and with his muggle pen he wrote something on it.

Satisfied with the result, Kevin held it up in the air and waaaaved it around to get the Professor's attention...hopefully....come on just look! a weird Kevin.

No - wait - did he take Cosgrach's words THAT seriously - oh Merlin this was a historic moment - ooooooh this was worth all the drama -

So, Cosgrach's face was completely neutral, if not confused, while he nodded - but before he could reply, Sophie had already offered help. Better. Then the boy wouldn't enter his precious room. So he shrugged to himself casually and turned away. On the inside, though, he was SMUG and ARROGANT and COCKY - exactly triple the amount he normally was. Because this sealed his victory: Kevin was TOO scared to even ask that? HA-hahaha-HA! Preciousssss. Made his WEEK.

Cosgrach was delightful again.

He smiled at the class - they were probably confused about this sudden change, but it was perfectly in order! He'd taught that Kevin well. So clapped his hands once and said "Last step: Add the frog leg and whisper a motivational quote or an inspirational person's name. The potion will turn dark grey and it should sit completely still even if you shook it. That's it." Class ended!? Yesssss.

Originally Posted by Blackboard
10. Add the frog leg and whisper a motivational quote or an inspirational person’s name.

-The colour is dark grey and it sits completely still even if you shook it.
-It depends on how strong your will is. The weaker it gets, the longer this potion will last and the more effective it will be.
-It will also reawaken suppressed guilt and especially these will eat you alive.
-Anyone can induce guilt, but the brewer is more powerful.
-If added into a drink (not potion), it will briefly smoke. Once the smoke dissipates, the taste and the colour of the drink is the same.

"Final notes on how it works: Like I've already said, it completely depends on how strong your will is, just like the Imperius Curse. The weaker your will, the longer this will last and the more effective it will be. It'll also reawaken suppressed guilt, wake up that conscience and eat you alive. So I wasn't joking when I told you to come with a clean conscience. You may do some rash stuff - whether it will be apologising from your ex, I don't know." He smirked. These teenagers were prone to do that, weren't they?

Oh, the fun.

"It will smoke briefly when added into a drink - any drink, unless it's another potion - but once the smoke dissipates, the drink will just and taste just the same.

"So how it works is as follows: I brewed the potion, and gave it to, say, Donald. Donald is a weak willed person, but he's also a good fella, so he helps his friend at class. But I'm mean so I go tell him: 'What did you help him for, Donald?' Donald starts to worry what he did was wrong, and he feels guilty. Yes, a weak willed person can and probably will feel guilty even if they did the best thing on Earth. So, anyone can make Donald feel guilty, but my words will be more effective on him, because I brewed the potion."

He looked at them all (except Kevin and Zahra). His previous happiness was almost restored.

"There isn't any class activity for today, so you are dismissed if you are done with brewing. Those that have a question may ask me now, I'll be here for a while. Homework will be announced soon - save a vial for it. Thank you for your contribution."

OOC: I will leave the thread open for another 24 hours for you to catch up/finish brewing etc. You may RP your characters out if you are done. Thanks for participating!
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