Text Cut: Precious, precious Ravenclaw boy (Kyroh) <3
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Grayson was the older boys name. HE COULD REMEMBER THAT! But then a bunch of other people came and started giving off their names. Hayden and Zander and Kace and even a Kevin. THERE WAS A KEVIN. Kyroh's head was starting to spin from all the names but then Candice showed up. Oh he definitely could remember her name! Duh. "Hi Candice!" The first year exclaimed loudly.
Then Grayson started talking again.
They WERE the best and coolest group. Cause he said so! He had! "I'll carry some stones!" Kyroh announced raising his hand. Because that was a good idea to split up.He wasn't about to try to make the fire pit though, he didn't even know what those looked like.
Plus, he still had not taken ANY potion so....that would be more lifting than needed. With a quick salut to Grayson Kyroh started toward an area with the stones. Flexing the first year positioned himself and started to push the large stone.
......Or he thought he did.
He was pushing.
It just wasn't moving.
Uh. Kyroh's eyes flickered to a smaller stone. "Hey you!!" The boy called out to another Slytherin. "Watch look how strong I am!" He held his breath and PUSSSSHHHHHED.
...It probably moved a solid two centimetres..... SCORE.
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Annnnd MORE PUSHING. Kyroh pushed and surprising the stone continued to move. Very slowly of course. Very very slowly. Pausing to wipe the small beads of sweat off his brow Kyroh was ready to continue when a girl came up to him. This one was........Hayden! Yes. That's what she had said her name was. Kyroh grinned, he was about to answer when another girl appeared. He couldn't remember this one's name but...his grin vanished slowly as he stood up straight. "Er-" The claw brought his hands together, and started wringing them. Was he in trouble? If both of them had noticed he had to be in trouble right?a
"-I like dragons." Kyroh answered, his voice slightly lower than usual. He didn't want to be in trouble. Though maybe the girl was right and he could grab it from lower? "And I don't want to drink the potion because of the dragons heart." But he could still WORK okay? He was strong? See how he had moved that rock?
Cutty had just finished putting down his own brick-stone thingy when he heard some kid calling him. Oh, he wanted him to see something. Alright. Couldn't hurt. The Slytherin turned his frigid gaze toward the tiny Ravenclaw boy and watched as he...was he rubbing his hands against the surface vigorously? Was that what was going on here? No. Noooo. He was trying to move it. Cutty's stone face was soon home to a mouth, the corners of which were curling upward into a smile and he began boisterous laughter with a,
Remembering the fine example, though, of Cassia Somerlad, his laughter soon relaxed. Kid was gonna impede their progress and hurt himself in the process most likely. Cutty gave this some thought as he went over to the bag and again drew out another stone for building the firepit. He moved it over to the site of their project where it joined the other he'd brought earlier. "
You didn't take your potion? Okay. Let me talk to Whitty and see if we can't make yer a specialty duty."
Text Cut: The Smarter Twin/Dorm-mateftw!
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Lissy Longbottom
Caleb had to take the potion and pick a group. Yes, he needed to do that and FAST because they were already breaking up into groups.
So he gulped down his potion and, as he waited for it to take effect, headed over to the first group. Cutty was in that group, so he figured it would at least be entertaining to hang out with them. "Hi, can I join?" he asked with a smile.
Yup, friendly snake over here!
Aaand Caleb was here now too. Alright. Time to earn points for Slytherin! He hadn't seen a terrible lot of his dorm-mate since the term rang in aside from the usual encounters in the common room and of course the Slytherin boys dorms. What was he up to, h'mmm?
Anyway, he was here now and it was a perfectly look opportunity to observe how Caleb and Whitty interacted. Cutty considered them the top two contenders to take Kinsley's place when the year was up.
Merlin. Where was Kinsley? NEWTS really did eat him, didn't they?
Text Cut: Tora!!! <3
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Since Tora had been leaning against the rocks, she had decided she might as well join the fire pit group. Turning around and lifting the top one off the pile (she had already drunk her strength potion before arriving), she hefted it over to where she saw the group of volunteers for the fire pit were gathering. "Yo!" she called. "Where should I put this?" she grinned, relishing in the fact that she could lift the rick up with one arm like it was a simple tray. It was quite fun really... Perhaps they could play a game of catch with the rocks before they put them all in place? It was no fun to build something without a little deviation from the task at hand. They all had super strength. No one would get hurt!
Oh, Circe! It was Tora Gallaway.
And she'd been given strengthening potion.
Text Cut: Whitty <3
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Hold the freaking phone.
FREAKING. YEEEEEEEEEES. Grayson actually grinned at the Professor, showing his pearly white teeth and everything. He was in charge, snitches.
........................... Oh wait. Oh jeez. He had first years. Now he really DID have to babysit them, didn't he? Make sure they didn't get themselves into trouble or overexert themselves and whatnot. He shot Cutty a smirk, just because. Welcome to the group, Mordaunt.
Some were heading off to carry the stones. Brilliant. He smiled over at Hayden when she introduced herself, saluted Kyroh in return and called out, "Don't break your backs, mkay?" Otherwise his neck was on the line. And aside from that rule, he really didn't care whether they broke rocks or charmed some to fly at each other in an epic rock battle.
................ If it was the second one, he was SO joining in.
Trusting Gold with them, Grayson rubbed his hands and turned his attention towaaaaaards Mr New Person (Caleb). "'Course! We're just splitting into two groups: one that makes the firepit and the other that carries the rocks over." So pick a side, new person.
And speaking of carrying stones, this new one over here (Tora) was already doing so. "YOOOOO!" He liked this one. She greeted people in a cool way. Cool points for you, new person. "Just leave it here, Superwoman. Thaaaaaanks!" He flashed her a smile too and a small wink.
Jeez, he was being nice. This needed to stop.
Clearing his throat, he turned his attention to the FIYAH people. "Okay, sooooo has anyone got any ideas on what kind of firepit we want to make?" Round ones? A square one? A fancy schmancy one? "And the more stones the other lot collect, the bigger the fire pit we can make?" What did they think?
OOC: (mainly so my brain can sort things out properly)
Stone carriers:
Kyroh (Kaos.Doodles)
Hayden (littledhampir)
Marigold (ScarletCharm104)
Tora (amadshade)
Fire pit builders:
Kace (Expecto-Penguin)
Zander (ArianaBlack)
Candice (Poolicious)
Grayson (hermionesclone)
Cutty (Slytherin Sistah)
Caleb (Lissy Longbottom)
Cutty returned the smirk when he'd seen Grayson be elected leader by Culloden. He knew it. He wasn't surprised at all as a matter of fact. Grayson was leadership material.
Coming to stand again near the little Ravenclaw boy (
Kyroh), he offered up something else as well, "
Oi Whitty, this kid didn't take his potion. Maybe he could make a good stone fuser instead of having to lift 'em." Cause you know, they kinda wanted to make PROGRESS. "
We can teach him and another first year the sticking spell and let them fuse together the stones once they're laid by the builders." Cause that kid was gonna hurt himself and how would that look on Whitty's record in his first go at leadership at Hogwarts. Cutty was incapable of thinking about anything else but his own schemes and plans, apparently.
Yeah! A big-bad amazing one that will be the firepit of Mr. Kirkby's life!" He gave this somewhat vague answer in reply to Graysons question. "
We should make it tiered. So that he can cook multiple things with it all at the same time." He gave suggestions that he thought he'd find most useful. Not because he was considering Orsino, but because he himself was planning on using it from time to time.
Oh! And maybe round in shape. And a bit sunken like an amphitheatre!" You know, nothing too...complicated?