Thread: Potions 2
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Old 05-25-2014, 04:45 PM   #75 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

That sounded wrong, didn't it? Eh. Cosgrach waved his hands a few times to dissolve the confusion. No frowning, people. He wasn't going anywhere. Hehe.

"The rest of the classes will be all revision'n'stuff, nothing exciting. This is the last class where you will learn something new. I jus' worded it wrongly." K? K.

Moving on.

Text Cut: Replies
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
"When you're charming you can manipulate people SUPER easy. Like you can SWEET talk people into doing things you want cause you're all swoony and people want to be your friend." YUP. "AND when you're cute but that's not really an EMOTION." NOT that she knew anything about THAT. Ahem.
...Cosgrach thought her answer over for a moment, then shook his head.

"I'm afraid 'being charming' isn't an emotion either, but maybe you can replace that with 'affection'?" Like, when people liked someone charming and all that?


Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black View Post
"Love...?" The word awkwardly fell out of his mouth, "...could be manipulative if used in that way, couldn't it?" Ya know, like...'You'd do this if you love me' kind of ugly stuff.
Love? Cosgrach nodded. That was a STRONG manipulator! He even sneered at the last part, because well, many people were crazy like that.

"Very well."

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Ah, Manipulating People. Now that was an interesting question. If they were an idiot then it was pretty easy. But Culloden was talking about emotions. The obivous answer was sympathy. But Nigel did not really want to say that. "Not really an emotion. But appealing to their rational side works if they think logically. If you are good at making up believable facts and stories on the spot."
..."Wwweeeell... that... will be part of what we will do today, yes." Kind of. Maybe. So Mr. Prefect thought well.

Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
Hmmm.... thinking about the different emotions there was one that automatically came to mind. The first year raised her hand. "What about being sad professor? I know when I use sad puppy dog eyes my dad will do anything for me." Her mom never fell for it, but that's what her dad was for.
Sadness? Another classical but good one - even though her answer sounded like she meant 'pity'. "True, sadness is a beautiful emotion for manipulation." He wasn't going to correct her, not in front of everyone.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Manipulate people? Were they going to brew a potion that allowed you to manipulate others? Lux sure hoped not! Raising her hand, she tried to venture a guess at how else someone could be manipulated. "I don't really know if it's so much an EMOTION, but it it possible to manipulate others out of pity. Like if you make them feel bad for you, you can get them to do things." Okay, she was a fail. Just ignore her.
But she was correct! Cosgrach nodded a few times. "That is correct - pity is good." It was also close to what they would do today.

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
manipulation.. hmmmm.. this potions class seemed like it was going to be a very good one, he couldn't wait to see what they would be doing.. Raising his hand "Professor…errrrr…sir…Fear would be a good emotion to make people do things…" he nervously looked around and then continued on "its not like i've ever done it but if someone I loved or in my family" he looked over at Lux and quickly looked back at the Professor "was in danger and i was told to do something to save them… the fear of losing them would make me want to do it".
Ooooh, he was hearing some great answers. Fantastic!

"Fear, yes," he nodded at him, and also followed his gaze to Lux. He briefly wondered why she was in danger and why Bay had to save her, but he didn't dwell on it much. He didn't want to distract himself.

"That is also true." Nod nod.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
He raised his hand. "I'd say love is a great way to manipulate someone. I mean, seriously, how many times have you heard of someone using love to get fancy clothes and stuff?" he said. What were those people called again? Coal diggers?
...Cosgrach laughed, because the way he said it - "Very true, Mr. Newell!" The best answer he'd heard so far!

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"Fear, Professor. Someone can inflict fear on another by threatening them or their families, blackmailing them or something along those lines.'' People can do anything when it came to their families or protecting their reputation.
Fear. True. Cosgrach nodded at Adi. "I'm afraid they do that, yes." Bad world.

Originally Posted by Schroyers View Post
"Well Professor, i'm sure most would answer love which would be a good answer, but there's also Anger, Jealousy, Hate and even Happiness could be used to manipulate someone really.." But he couldn't think why someone would wanna manipulate others. Nope..that didn't sound right at all.
Cosgrach listened to the emotions the boy listed, and nodded in the end. "Correct. Even happiness, in evil hands, can turn into a strong manipulator." Sad, SAD world again.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Emotions. Manipulation. Oh... Right. Were they going to be doing something illegal this lesson? "Upset? If someone is sad, they might be desperate enough to try anything to feel happy. Which...someone could take advantage of." Here's looking at you, Meatball. Always nuzzling whenever Elodie was having a bad day. Making her bad for HIM and doing exactly what he wanted.
Oh, Mrs. Prefect had brains there! Cosgrach smiled at the girl. "Are you sure you aren't Slytherin, Elodie?" he joked lightly, "that's correct." A unique answer - something he would definitely think about later.

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
"Generosity can be manipulated," he chimed in. Did that count as an emotion? That had been a problem for him, on account of the kid liked to share EVERYTHING and often was taken advantage of in the past. Not that he really minded that either. Sharing was good!
"Mhmmmmm," Cosgrach made a thinking sound, "I'm afraid that's not an emotion..." He made a 'sorry, kid' face. He paused as if he was going to say something, but then decided against it. He didn't know the emotion of 'generosity', so...

Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
"Trust, sir. If you know someone feels that they can trust you, you can pretty much make 'em do what you want, to some extent. Either trusting your judgment or trusting that you wouldn't hurt them." She knew she'd do just about anything for the people she trusted, no matter how large or strange their requests were.
Trust? It was funny how SHE mentioned it, after all the conversations they'd had. So he smiled at her knowingly. He knew trust.

"Perfect, Sophie."

As if she would be 'un'perfect at this class. Hehe.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
The question? Easy peasy. "Guilt is a good way to try and manipulate someone," he said, his hand in the air, "If you got caught in the act of doing something you shouldn't be and you want to keep it quiet, someone can eaaaaaaasily manipulate you. Or, alternatively, if you caught someone red-handed, you could use what you know against them to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve. Manipulation. Uh huh."
Guilt? But that had been his example! Hehe, just kidding, the boy could utter any emotion, and he'd approached guilt in a different way than Cosgrach imagined, so he was safe.

"That's correct, but don't use MY example next time." The man grinned at him, though. It was all joke, did he see?

Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Ooooh. Norah had an answer for this one! She raised her hand eagerly and said, "Disappointment, sir. My mum can get me to do anything if she looks disappointed enough in me. Even clean my room." She shuddered slightly. Room cleaning was NOT a subject to be taken lightly, if you asked her.
Disappointment? He was hearing a lot of different ideas, so he liked it! He nodded at her eagerly.

"True, Miss." Miss... something. He was terrible with names. Was she disappointed with him? Hehe.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
So Toby made no move to answer. He just sat there, bouncing his knee restlessly and twirling his quill, faster and faster as the lesson drew on. Occasionally he'd make the odd note of what someone had suggested, but for the most part Tobias just sat there, straight-faced and staring at the little smiley face Culloden had drawn on the board.
...........was he alright?

No, he wasn't alright. Why wasn't he sitting with his friends? Cosgrach looked at the boy in worry, because he couldn't understand his distress. But Sophie Newell distracted him soon enough, so he turned to her after taking a mental note to watch Tobias more closely.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Ohh, manipulation! Sophie was going to like this class! She waved her hand in the air a little too enthusiastically. "Love," she said, "because sometimes people will do whatever their loved ones ask of them, no matter what the price."

"Also, in a strange turn, I think hate would cause manipulation, too, because some people looooove to see the enemy be put in his place!" she added.
Someone was eager, weren't they?

Cosgrach tried to hide his smile as his eyes were on hers.

"And why do I have a feeling you are one of them? The haters, I mean?" He laughed, hoping she wasn't mad at him for teasing her, and nodded in the end - she was correct, after all.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
"Professor I believe that happiness is an emotion that can be used to manipulate people. However in this sense, the manipulation isn't really such a bad thing. It's more like an influencing thing. If a person is happy, they want others around them to be happy too, right?," Cris paused as he looked at his fellow classmates. Yes a lot more happiness would make people feel a lot better about themselves.

"Look at that smiley face you drew on the blackboard. You may have done that to invoke a smile, which I have to admit I did when I saw it. It's just a natural response. Like laughter is considered contagious, so can happiness be." Cris paused to think of an example to show how that would work out.

"For example, the fact that you're in a good mood, makes us feel happy. And when we leave here happy, we could potentially pass on that happiness to our friends, or better yet, we could potentially make the next Professor happy because we're now attending their class with a happy and positive attitude."

Did that make sense?
It made sense, yes. Cosgrach was silent for a moment after hearing him out, then slowly he nodded. "That is correct. Even though I believe 'manipulation' is generally used as a negative thing, it is still correct. I'm glad that smile made you smile." Ehehewwwww cheesy stuff. Cosgrach didn't like, but he also really had done that to impress them, so...


Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
The second year had an answer in mind, but was not sure whether it was an emotion or not. "Greed." she said, raising her hand. She did not feel the need to explain it further, everyone would understand.
"Greed..." Hmm... "It could be, I guess..." He frowned, then shrugged. It WAS, but he wasn't sure if it was an emotion to begin with, so...

Good thinking, though.

Originally Posted by Colley View Post
"Sadness, perhaps, depression? If someone is sad, they could be talked into basically anything if someone tried, because.. they're probably not thinking about the repercussions, only feeling what they're feeling." Cat was feeling sad now. She could easily be talked into anything to do with food.
Oh, oh! YES! Cosgrach nodded eagerly at her and even smiled. "True - we'll do this with another emotion today, but it is correct."


Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Kace smiled and was glad the professor was so nice. "I am fine thank you." he said politely back. Then he heard the professor move on. He wondered about the question and thought about it. He raised his hand and said, "Professor i think if you are in fear it can be manipulated because then it can lead to anxiety." He thought he explained it well enough.
"And then? What after anxiety? How can you manipulate that?" Hmm? Could he elaborate a little more?

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
The Professor presented his first question and Jasmine raised her hand when she had thought of an answer. "Love could be used to manipulate. When a person is in love they are vulnerable. They may do things for the other person or to make the other person happy that they would not ordinarily do."
Love an vulnerability, a couple Cosgrach loved the most. Hehe.

"Perfect, Miss." He smiled at nodded at her. Ah, he liked Ravenclaws.

Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
"How about happiness!! Because when a person is happy the things they do are better!" the first year said with a big smile. It made sense to her, but probably only because she was always happy!
Oh, an over-eager one here. "True, true." Even though that wasn't the answer Cosgrach was looking for.

Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
Ooooh, emotions. This should be interesting. Marigold grinned, glad that the professor was smiling a little, then raised her hand, searching for an emotion someone hadn't already said. "I think boredom can actually be manipulative. Maybe causing someone to do something they wouldn't normally do?" She wasn't really sure, as she was rarely bored.
Boredom... Cosgrach frowned. "That would be hard." He wasn't declining it, but it would be hard. He would actually like to see her trying it on him one day.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
"Acceptance," she said. "Someone who longs to feel accepted is usually vulnerable and an easy target of manipulation because they want to please and feel like they belong." Which was sad, honestly.
And of course, another PERFECT answer belonged to Miss Wayne!

Cosgrach beamed at the girl, feeling proud for some reason because she was terrific.

"Great answer!" he exclaimed as he nodded. This one was going to be great!

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
She raised her hand to answer. "Hope." Was that an emotion? ...Yeah. Hayden continued. "If you give someone enough hope, you could manipulate them to do pretty much anything you want."
And this one too, another great answer. Cosgrach nodded. "Brilliant." Out-of-the-box thinking, he supposed.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
So instead, he distracted his rejoicing self by choosing to answer the first question. "Envy? A lot of people do weird things when they're jealous because the green-eyed monster takes over their soul and controls their mind," Yep yep. It was 100% true. That's what Mr. Adair had always said. The green-eyed monster is very dangerous AND powerful. And also very greedy.
Envy? Cosgrach nodded. He recognised the boy, of course. He was the one that almost burnt his potion. He would be watching this one too. Still...

"You are correct, Mister." He didn't know his name, sorry.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel smiled at the Professor and raised her hands. "Professor, if I used my puppy-dog eyes then my papa will do anything for me." Angel beamed as she thought about all the extra times she had got to stay up to watch a film with her sisters after they had done that.
No, wait, he could swear he saw the EXACT same girl -

He blinked against her face, then looked for the other one, and made a small 'Oh' sound: twins. Good. Well. How convenient both of them used the same exapmple.

"As your sister said, though 'puppy eyes' aren't an emotion." He wanted to meet their father.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Turning his attention back to Culloden Kyroh tapped his fingers to his chin. After a second his hand shot up into the air, a question suddenly hitting him. "Professor, can't every emotion do that? I mean some better than others but...." But what? Where was he? Oh yeah! "If you want one i'd say anger because if a person is angry at someone you can really make them do anything. Like fight a wild unicorn." GRRRR. Kyroh didn't like getting angry either. Not because people could manipulate him, but because being angry wasn't fun.
Kyroh. Yeah. Over-excited, innocent, cute lil thing. "Yes, every emotion can do that, I suppose." But he'd asked them first, see? He waited for more, and it came soon. Fight a wild unicorn? Cosgrach laughed shortly. "That is true. Great." Well done.

Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post
[COLOR="#B54872"Okay, moving on to much important things. The question. Which emotions can be used to manipulate people? Candice raised her hand "I agree with love, Professor. Because there's a phrase that say love is blind? People tend to do stupid things in act of love." She offered. [/COLOR]
Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
They were talking emotions here. Gwen wondered if the potion they were making today was about manipulating emotions. "I think love is a pretty powerful motivator," she offered.
Originally Posted by Star-Lord View Post
"Love is a strong manipulator. Some people feel the need to have someone there all the time, fall in love with them and do ridiculous things," Which is why Jun distant himself from people sometimes. He's never been in love, and doesn't know if he'll ever really be. Those were just things he'll probably deal with later in life.
Originally Posted by griffin View Post
"Love is a strong emotion that can be used to manipulate people,"
And then, four people in row said 'love'. Cosgrach made eye contact with every one of them, and nodded in the end.

"Love is blind enough to make people act weird yes." He briefly thought of Victoria, but shooed the thoughts away. He had to focus on the lesson.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
Last potion class? This made him frown. As much as he DISLIKED the man, Potions WAS his favorite subject...and now they didn't have it anymore? "We can still brew potions in the lab right?!" he asked. He was actually looking like he was going to miss the subject. And he did, but only the subject.

Oh right... they were ignoring each other.

He didn't raise his hand as the others did when they answered the first question. "Fear is a strong manipulator. Because when someone is scared, they might do irrational things. Unless you're a Gryffindor of course, we don't get scared easily" he grinned. But of course this wasn't true. Gryffindor's got scared really quickly, it was just their will to stand back up and face whatever was scaring them was what made them braver than the other houses. "Also, when you know someone else is scared, you can easily manipulate that person in to doing things. Like, "If you don't tell me where the candy is i'm going to hex you!"" He figured that would be scary. Kevin wouldn't know because he was usually the one who was the person to hex someone in to telling where the candy was hehe
"Yes. Of course." Cosgrach's lips barely moved as he uttered the answer, hoping Kevin wouldn't hear. He didn't want the stupid boy to mess with his precious lab, even though he'd pretty much admitted the boy was talented.

"True and true." And no more. He also wished the boy wasn't correct, but alas!, he was. And that was all the recognition he would get.

Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
But just when she wanted to raise her hand she heard that another student had given the answer she had wanted to give! So slowly she lowered her hand and stared irritated at the student!
But - why was she lowering her hand? Cosgrach frowned to himself. He wished she had nevertheless answered, because he LIKED this new student (and the fact that she was a Slytherin - PERFECT!). Oh well. Maybe next time she would answer?

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
But not wanting the Professor to think of him as manipulative, he raised his hand and attempted to manipulate him with some natural-sounding answer like, "Love is by far the most powerful emotion we can use to trick someone, Professor. It's so strong in fact it is the driving force behind some spells." Especially protective ones.
A very common answer from Cutty? Cosgrach was almost disappointed. He shrugged the feeling off, though. Most of the emotions had already been told, so he didn't blame Cutty. He nodded at the boy in the end and even smiled.

"This is fully correct. Love is strong."

Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy View Post
She didn't see the point in re-hashing what had already been said- love and fear were certainly the big ones but they weren't even scratching the surface, "Jealously professor, a person who is envious of someone or something else is discontent with their current situation, and can easily be manipulated into doing whatever it takes to obtain the object of their jealously or to deprive the other person of it." She hoped that came out alright. It sounded slightly more concise in her head. Was jealously even an 'emotion'? too late now.
Oh, she was a fan of jealousy too. Cosgrach nodded at her as well.

"Correct, Miss. Jealousy is a big manipulator."

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy raised her wand and said, "Curiosity is something inside that drives people to read, to listen, to study but also to poke their noses everywhere! Someone curious can be manipulated easily!"
Cosgrach briefly laughed at her answer. She made it sound funny, she did!

"Correct, Miss. Curious people, when also brave enough, may act recklessly and can be talked into many things."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"I think it depends if its conscious or subconscious manipulation. People subconsciously manipulate other people all the time, and that's when I think its more likely to play into the big ones... love or guilt or whatever. That's nature. That's instinct. If we couldn't play on other people's emotions, then people couldn't connect, and even parents wouldn't care to raise and care for their kids. But when it comes to consciously manipulating someone I think it also depends on how the emotion manifests in an individual. For instance I don't think everyone can be manipulated by love... because some people cut themselves off from it, but anger? Everyone gets angry. I think anger would be an emotion that could and is used both consciously and subconsciously when it comes to emotional manipulation, because when someone is angry they are less likely to think rationally."
...if this boy was going to be struck just as a band member or something like Cosgrach heard he was doing..!

Cosgrach tried not to look too impressed of him, but truly - he was. This answer was great, and explained how today's potion worked. "Amazing, Mr. Odessa," he could only say, and took a mental note to quote him while he explained the potion.

Slytherin was lucky to have him. He was lucky for teaching him.

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Hmm. Emotions to like manipulate people. Grace hummed a little as she thought. She knew a good answer. "Love...." She mused, as she put her hand up into the air. "If someone loves you... you can use it to make them do something for you." It worked. Because she did it a lot with her mother to be honest. "Like... you can say that the person would let you do something if they really loved you." She mused, nodding as she talked to the Professor.
Love? Nodnod. And the way she explained it - "Brilliant!" He smiled at her.

Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa View Post
Bree was intrigued by this lesson. Emotions that manipulate, this was gonna be interesting. She listened to the others inventively and in time came up with an answer of her own, she raised her hand, "Professor, I believe greed would be a powerful manipulator. If you know what someone desires and you have it or make the person think you have it you could have that person eating out of the palm of you're hand", Bree said with a smirk.
Oh, this girl knew. Cosgrach nodded and smirked his way too. "Correct. You could." But then, he stopped smiling, because she was the girl that threw up in her cauldron so he didn't like her at all.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Of course, the Ravenclaw did have an answer. "Any emotion can be used to manipulate...if used correctly." Not that she did this personally, but she'd seen enough to understand its validity. "If you want to focus on singular emotions, though, I'm going to say...stupidity."
"True, Vesper," a band memeber, sure he knew her name, "any emotion can be used for manipulation." Stupidity, though... hmm... Cosgrach nodded in the end, but didn't say anything, because he was still too thoughtful. Was that... an emotion? He wasn't sure. But it was suitable to manipulate.

Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Anyway, back to the question and manipulation. "What about fright?" Benjy said, raising his hand. "If people are frightened, they're probably distracted...and would do anything to get out of that situation."
Well, Ravenclaws were the clever batch, he got that alright.

Cosgrach nodded at the boy. "Fright is a big manipulator - enough to make people trust people they shouldn't trust to get out of that situation." They weren't going to focus on that today, even though it would make a great lesson.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
The Prefect lifted her hand to offer a response. "Happiness can be used to manipulate, like with my father, he likes me happy and I stress how happy I'd be were I to get certain things." So in the end she got what she wanted. See how that worked?
...he laughed. She had that - that talent to say THE thing and then it was great and the fact that she made it looked like she didn't even think about it -

"This is... I mean, it isn't in the form I want, but it's correct and clever." Ehehe. He... liked her now, to some extent, so it was all good.

"Many of you said 'love, hate, greed, happiness, fear, sadness' and 'jealousy'," he said, to sum up, and in case they couldn't hear all the answers, "but there were also answers such as 'anger, trust' and 'acceptance'. I believe, as Kyroh and Vesper mentioned, that all emotions can one way or another be used to manipulate people. Before we start brewing, I want to ask two more questions that are connected to each other: which potions or spells do you know that manipulates people? What are the laws regarding these? Please only name one spell OR potion."

Wellllll? Could they guess what they would brew today?

OOC: The class will continue about 5 hours later.
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