Thread: Potions 2
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Old 05-24-2014, 11:46 PM   #31 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

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Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Slightly surprised that Professor Culloden wasn't at the door to greet them, Lux wondered where the man was until she spotted him sitting in his chair.

"Hello, Professor. How are you?" Choosing a workstation, she took out things she would need for the lesson before taking a seat. Hopefully more people would arrive soon so they could get started because this class always made her excited.
"Oh, Lux." He smiled at the girl. He was glad she was the first one. Imagine if it was someone he hated.

"I'm fine, thank you. You?"

Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
She was early. This was the second lesson this term where Gwen had been one of the first to arrive. She resolved to start leaving later, reasoning that it was because she knew her way around the castle so much better than last year, so she didn't need to build in time in case she got lost.

"Hello," she waved to Culloden as she came in, remembering that he knew how stupid she was now, and avoiding eye contact with the professor. Hopefully Adrienne would sit near her again so Gwen could read the notebook. The thing was, sometimes teachers wrote things up on the board without saying them out loud and expected that by their age, all the kids could read just fine. Which they all could, excepting Gwen-the-dyslexic. It was okay. Gwen would sit by Adrienne when the older girl came in.
Oh, the dyslexic kid. Well, she had a friend, right? In any case, he took a mental note to read every step out for her.

"Hey!" he said back and looked at where she sat down.

Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post
Sophie was sufficiently back in the swing of things and had no problem getting to potions early today. When she passed through the doorway, she was surprised Culloden wasn't there - was she that early? - but oh, he was at his desk. Okay. Even better, maybe.

Crossing the classroom to the workstation closest to the professor's desk, Sophie snorted once at the board, and shook her head playfully at Culloden as she took a seat. As she unpacked her things, she remarked conversationally, "Nice smiley face, sir. Ruins your scary image a bit, though." Griiiin. Did he know? Still amused by him, she set to cleaning all her materials, as per usual. The perks of being early.
Snorting? What for? He grinned at her as his eyes followed her.

"I figured," he said and shrugged casually. He didn't care that much, see? He was happy today, again. Let's hope it would last this time.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel wasn't sure about coming to this lesson, the professor was a bit mean and Angel was worried about what would happened if she went wrong, but she decided that she was going to come and do her best. "Good Day Professor." Angel smiled as she walked into the room.
Aaaand a student whose name he didn't know.

"Hello, welcome." He smiled at her politely. Oh well.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Jasmine arrived fairly early for Potions class. She noticed that only a few students had arrived so far. Spotting Professor Culloden sitting in his chair, Jasmine addressed him. "Hello Professor. How are you today?" She washed her hands before going to find a seat. Seeing Lux already present. Jasmine went over and took a seat near her. "Hi Lux", she said pleasantly while easing into the comfortable chair. Deciding to get a jump on things, Jasmine proceeded to set up and clean her position supplies.
"Hey... eagle." He didn't know her name too, oops. He hoped she didn't mind much. "I'm alright, thank you. You?"

Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
"Hiya, professor!" Marigold said as she walked into the classroom, her hair a bit straggly over her face. She beamed at him, then went to find a seat.
"Hello, Marigold." He nodded and smiled at her.

Originally Posted by Fira View Post
This Culloden man, Gareth had to admit, was not a bad one at all. At least he seemed to have an intelligence degree above of the many people in this school. Perhaps he could say he liked the Potions Master however he was sure that he didn't like the students at all. And it was not only because he had not befriended anyone yet or anyone tried to befriend him. It was simply because most of them were a tattletale, hostile bunch.

Hands in his pockets and his school bag dangling down his left shoulder, the Slytherin boy walked into the classroom with a careless expression and stopped by the washbasin. Oh...did people use this here? Did the kiddos use this? Ha!

Pretending to be washing his hands and actually washing them a bit, Gareth took out the tiny vial the wart growing kit potion out of his pocket as he acted like he was dying his hands on his robes then he quickly dumped the oily contents of the potion on the faucet. Now he dared people to try to wash their hands. Being done with it quickly in seconds, Gareth slipped the empty small vial back into his pocket and walked to get himself a seat at the back side of the classroom without greeting anyone. greeting? Not even after the last lesson?

Cosgrach narrowed his eyes at this one and eyed him, but he was soon distracted with another student. Well, he would be watching this on during lesson. He didn't trust the boy.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
So Potions. Again.

Not that he was complaining since their last lesson had been a good one. Extra strength. HELLO?! He just expected there to be homework, 'tis all. And this was a piece of homework he had actually been looking forward to. Oh the things he could have done if they were allowed to try some of the potion out for themselves. SIGH.

The thoughts had been ringing in Grayson's mind as he headed down the corridor and entered the Potions class--

.................. Er. OKAY?!

Smiley face????? Was Culloden feeling okay? Had someone spiked his morning cup of coffee? Eyes went over to any of the people in the Huggers and Finders house because if anyone was going to try and make people unnecessarily happy, it was going to be them. Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe, just MAYBE, he'd stay in this mood for the rest of the day, guaranteed that nobody decided to make him mad.

Whatever. Professor. "Hello Professor!" he called, before heading over towards a seat and plopping down. He pulled out his things slowly, his eyes still focused on the board and a look of mild confusion spread across his face. It. Was. That. SMILEY FACE. He just didn't understand.
He was eyeing the smiley there, right? Ehehe. This professor liked to surprise his students.

"Hey there," he greeted the boy with a grin. He lived for these reactions!

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
After reading his schedule and seeing that it was almost time for Potions class again, the Gryffindor had hoisted his bag over his shoulders and ran through the dungeon corridors towards the classroom. He was looking forward to the lesson and wondered what potion they were going to learn now.

As he ran enthusiatically towards the door, he noticed that the Professor wasn't standing at the door this time. Which was a good thing because right before he entered the classroom he had changed his happy features in to a normal looking expression. He looked the Professor straight in the eyes as he walked passed his desk and sneered at him. He then turned around without saying an hello and sat down on a seat. The cushion shaping his form.


If only the boy KNEW! Cosgrach grunted in reply, then reprimanded himself for acknowledging the kid, even. This one didn't even deserve his recognition, but alas!, he could brew potions.

Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Norah was surprised to see there were only a few students seated in the classroom when she arrived. She had gotten completely lost on her way down to the dungeons, and by then she was thoroughly convinced the moving staircases had made a pact to move in all the wrong directions when she tried to use them. She took a deep breath before entering the classroom, distinctly aware of her bordering-on-nothing knowledge of potions. Despite this, Norah still gave the professor a wide grin when she stepped into the uncharacteristically calming dungeon classroom. "Hello, professor!" What was his name again?
Norah weaved her way through the cushiony chairs to take a seat right in the front. She wouldn't want to be too far from the professor if she blew up her cauldron or anything, yep.
"Hello student!" He didn't know her name too. What a coincidence. He watched her sit in the front, and HOPED she could BREW.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
When Cris read on the Bulletin Board that there was another Potions lesson, he was excited. The last potions class had been really interesting and he wondered what Professor Culloden had in store for them today.

When he entered the class and saw the professor, he walked up to him and greeted him with a smile. "Hello Professor. I'm looking forward to this lesson."

Then he turned around, found an empty workstation and sat down. Pulling out his textbook and writing material, he placed them on the table. Opening up his textbook, he decided to review some of his notes while waiting.
"Cris Strand, good to see you," he greeted the boy back with a smile. He wondered if he had any more siblings, because Strands were good.

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Another Potions class!

And Kyroh was ready for it. The Professor no longer scared him, not after the visit following the first class of the term so everything was good right? They had an understanding. Kyroh would not drink dragon potion stuff and everything would be good!

The first year skipped into the room, eyes only glancing on the board for a second. LOOK SMILEY FACE! "HI PROFESSOR CULLODEN!" See? He had gotten it right this time. Looking around a bit he ran over to the spot in the classroom where Toby had been before. Hopefully he'd sit here this time too. WITH HELPER MO!
Oh, it was Kyroh, wasn't he? Cosgrach still hadn't decided what to feel about the boy, but he grinned widely at him. In any case, he was a nice lad with an innocent heart.

"HI, KYROH!" he answered back. Hopefully he would like this lesson.

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
Potions again.

Benny could have sworn they had just had the class but that was likely because it happened a bit too much for his liking. Why couldn't they have more COMC and Herbology instead? Much more enjoyable in his opinion. But that likely wasn't going to happen anytime soon so he was altogether stuck.

"Good day Professor," he greeted politely to the seated man. It wasn't his fault potions wasn't a good class for him. Even if Ben had seemingly managed to keep surviving the lessons so far since he had arrived. Moving further inside the classroom so others could come in as well, the third year snatched a free seat in the middle of the workstations.
Benny hehehe where was Adi yet? What was taking the boy so longgg? Cosgrach didn't know, but the Hufflepuff's secret was safe with him, so he simply greeted Benny with a "Afternoon, Ben!" He didn't even say 'Benny'. Progress!

Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black View Post
Dec walked into Potions, head held high even after his defeat to the first year last lesson. PFFFFFFT, beginner's luck. It was HIS awesome potion that did it anyways.

He sent a small smile and nod to the professor and took a seat, this time in the back. Switch things up, ya know? Also! He prepared himself for these super comfy chairs he cursed them with. LOTSO COFFEE. Allllright, let's do this thang!
Cosgrach smiled and nodded back. He didn't know this one's name either, soooo... silence was golden.

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
"Good morning, Professor Culloden." Cutty greeted the Potions master upon entering the classroom. Not his usual custom. Not his usual custom at all as the Slytherin usually preferred to slip in unnoticed and observe the environment.

Must've been the smiley face.

Cutty took out his wand and hand by hand cleansed beneath his fingernails and his hands.
Cutty - greeting him!

"Hello, son." He looked at the boy for a moment longer before he turned his attention to Cat.

Originally Posted by Colley View Post
Potions was Cat's favorite class cause she certainly liked creating things, and it was sort of like cooking, all recipes and ingredients and such. Plus, it was the closest class to her common room and that meant she was never in danger of being late, which was always a plus. Considering that she'd been working on Uni things and reading before class, she still had her glasses on as she entered the lesson. She hadn't noticed them until it was too late to take them back to her dorm, so she supposed she was just going to have to wear them until she could return.

"Hello, Professor." She smiled happily at the man as always. Aww! Lookit the smiley face on the board! That was cute. Sophie was also cute and Cat decided to sit near her today.
...since when had she been wearing glasses?

Oh well. Apparently she did.

"Hello, Cat," he greeted her thoughtfully, but a moment later, it was away and he smiled.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Second Potions lessons for the term and Adi was looking forward to it. Of course he was. He liked Culloden a lot more after the man had been such a sport and provided those two ingredients for the Potion Adi wanted to brew.

"Hello, Professor,'' the third year greeted with an innocent smile. No secret here, folks. Hehe. He eyed the board. The smiley face would have struck him as odd but now he knew a whole other side to his Potions master so it didn't surprise him.

Adi turned to go take his seat but spotted Angel instantly. And there was Benny not too far off. Meh. Still not ready to talk to either of them, he stalked off in the opposite direction. He was going to sit as far away from them as possible.
"Adi!" He griiiiinned. Well? Was the potion ready? Did he need help? How was Ben - WHY didn't he sit with him!? Was Benny angry because he found out the plan and -

Okay okay, he had a class to teach, but he would be eyeing these two!

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
Potions. She was all set and ready for this. And excited, too. For in this lesson is usually more different than the others. In a good way of course. Because where they are always using their wands in the others, here they use a lot more than that. Some of her colleagues find it close to Herbology from the usage of plants and its parts but Cassia refused to think that. She wouldn't compare the two subjects, which one of them she loathed while the other she enjoyed. Surely it was obvious which she enjoyed. The one she was heading to attend right now.

And it was close to her common room so it was absolutely convenient. Meaning she'd never be late as well as not having to head for class too early.

The seventh year entered the classroom and her eyes first caught the writing on the board. Aww, a smiley face. What a better thing to first see than that. The blond's face mirrorred the smile as she stepped further into the room. "Good day, Professor, I hope you're well," He surely did look so but just to check on the man and all.
"Head Girl," he greeted back and a bow and smile, "I'm alright, thank you. And you?" Did she like the smile? Ehehe.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Welcome to the term's second potions lesson.

...with a smiley face.


Vesper beamed at the nice gesture when taking her seat. She hadn't chosen to sit anywhere special...or near anyone in particular. It all looked about the same to the Ravenclaw. The calming blue walls were slightly disarming at first, but she'd long gotten over them in this setting. Relaxed potion making. Mhm.

Taking out her notebook and quill, she doodled while waiting for something interesting to happen.
No greeting? Nothing? Just beaming? Oh well. Cosgrach watched her with a small smile. He wanted to see what she was doing on her notebook, but he knew he shouldn't be nosy, so.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
A SMILEY FACE! Elodie could have wiggled her nose in delight, but instead she pointed at it and grinned at the professor. "Are we gonna be all smiles today, 'fessor?" Because that was just brill! Ooooh, smiles! "Hi, by the way." She hadn't intentionally missed that out when she'd walked in, but the smiley face had just GOTTEN her.

Giving him a little finger wiggle, she headed to sit down, somewhere near her best friend but not right next to her. But Caterina and Sophie got smiles.
"Elodie," he greeted her with a big grin. "I'm afraid it might be the opposite, but I hope we can keep positive despite the negative things in life."

Such philosophy. Ehehehe.

Originally Posted by Sonea View Post
Pfff, a new teacher? The black haired girl stared ahead of her and frowned. She had missed her first lesson because… well… Eh… She had a good explanation… Wait, she needed to think about a good explanation because… What if somebody was asking her why she had missed her first potion lesson since she was back? Eh… Oh! She had a excuse! She could tell that she had accidently made a mistake while practicing a potion and it had ruined ALL her school clothes, so she needed to stay indoors until she had a new pair of school clothes! Yes! That was a good story! A big grin appeared on her lips and still with that same grin she entered the potion classroom, curious who this new teacher was and if he, or she, was good enough to take the place from her previous potion teacher… But, the first thing she saw when she entered the classroom were… Blue? Euhg… All the walls were blue! This was NOT a good beginning of her first potion lesson from this year!

Next she saw message the teacher had left for them and she frowned again, not so sure what to think about it, then she saw the professor... She walked toward him, stopped and looked at him, curious. Not sure if he was friendly or not she offered him her hand, "Hello profess, I'm Sonea Duvessa, i have missed you first lesson, but... Nice to meet you." She smiled her most sweet smile and she walked away from him. Slowly she searched for a empty place to sit and she waited for something to happen...
A hand? A student was offering him a hand!?

Wasn't that sweet, now! Cosgrach eagerly shook her hand with a smile on his face. She even introduced herself and apologised! See this, people? This was how you should treat professors!

"Nice to meet you, Sonea, I'm Cosgrach Culloden," he said back in wonder.

New favourite student here!

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Beverly Wayne was in a good mood. Despite her slight sleeping issues, she was ready to go when it came to potions. That and she really enjoyed professor Culloden's lessons. Now, if no mishaps were to happen, then she'd probably keep this mood of hers.

Slipping into the classroom a small grin made it to her face. It was the smiley on the board. Bev was a sucker for smiles - real or not. She knew it. It was a weakness, but no one knew that. And no one would. Her eyes landed on the older man, the small grin still on her face.

"Good day, professor Culloden," she greeted before claiming a seat at the front row. Wand, parchment and quill out. Ready!
"Afternoon, Miss Wayne!" He beamed at the girl - she was also one of his favourites, did she know? If he had to show someone as an example, she would be there.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Another potions class?! Merlin, Culloden was on a roll! She paused by the door, expecting to see him standing there, but was somewhat surprised when he wasn't. Looking around, she spotted him at his desk. "Don't worry, Professor Culloden," she said. "I'd get tired standing at the door while waiting on the whole school to file through, too."

...and there was Sophie's greeting to the professor.

After that, she headed to her usual workstation, plopped down her bag, and then waited for things to get underway. She would score perfect on this lesson. She WOULD. That whole minus two from the last lesson was annoying her.
Oh, she would? Ehehehe. Cosgrach laughed at her remark (though he also felt guilty for Sophie Brown reasons) and shook his head at her.

"I'm glad you approve, Miss Newell." His tone was light and friendly. And he didn't look at the other Sophie for a while.

Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy thought: "another Potions lesson, it's fantastic!"..
She really loved Potion!!!
Lucy entered into the class and saw the professor. She said with a smile: "Hello Professor!" Then she went to find a free workstation..
"Hello!" New girl. He was glad she came to this class too. She had potential.

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Bay walked into the classroom and said his hellos to the Professor "hello Sir" he gave the man a kind smile as he made his way over to his friends taking up his work desk he normally sat at… the chairs were something he couldn't get over.. fitting perfectly to him he sat down with a huge smile on his face.
"Bay, hello!" Hi! He was one nice student too. Cosgrach liked him.

Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Kace walked into the Potions classroom and was keen on learning something in this class. He missed last lesson due to being a little ill but he was determined to give this lesson a shot. As he made his way in, he noticed the other student's beat him to it. He smiled towards them and noticed the professor was there too. He nodded and said politely, "Hello Professor I trust you are well."

After he said he greeting, he went over to the back to find his proper workstation. He didn't see his friends here yet but they might come in late. He took out his notebook and started to doodle.
"Hello, badger!" He smiled at the boy and nodded. "I'm fine, thanks. You?" Hopefully well enough to keep a cauldron safe.

Originally Posted by Schroyers View Post
Connor walked into the class, he loved classes. Potions wasn't his best but he wasn't awful either so this would be fun. He liked learning and classes and books and all of it! School was something he'd always liked. "Hey, Professor!" He smiled and looked up at the board, good, this seemed to be a happy class and not a class with a grumpy Professor.

Speaking of things he liked he spotted Elodie and she wasn't surrounded by other girls, this made him feel a bit more confident. He plopped into the seat next to her and looked over with his best smile on his face. "Hey, Fancy meeting you here.." he said jokingly, he was getting better at this, right? He hoped so.. Even if not he was trying and that's what mattered, wasn't it?
"Hello!" Hehe, he WAS happy today, and he hoped to keep his mood!

Originally Posted by JennMarie View Post
Potions Numero Dos! Jeremiah walked in with a skip in his step, he might of only been a bit excited. Stopping at the entrance he read the door before grinning and giving the professor an enthusiastic wave "Hello Professor!" Good mood was good today and he only got better when he spotted beverly who he made a beeline towards and sat next to. "hi." he whispered as he set his book on the table.
"Jeremiah!" Cosgrach greeted the man, and intelligently noted he sat with Miss Beverly again. He distracted his one of the best students, and Cosgrach would simply kill him.

Originally Posted by RoseMalfoy View Post
Desiree walked into the not-so-familiar room for the first time in ages- it would be a lie to say it felt like home. Calming blue walls, a professor who wrote smiley faces on the board? It wasn't bad, just- different. She had to resist double checking she was indeed in Potions. A lot can change when your family decides to pull you out to travel the world for your fourth year. Not that she's complaining. Although that does make it sound a bit more thrilling than it was- most of it was spent with family in New Zealand, and sheep. Familiar or not, it was nice to be back, to walk in and send a small smile and a nod towards the professor, whose name she should probably know. But it wasn't her fault she missed the start of the term.

She glanced briefly at the washbasin and thought why not? but grimaced when she saw the discolored fungus growing on the faucet. Desiree had a feeling that wasn't natural.. and could only guess that a fellow student, probably a fellow Slytherin was responsible. Not that it mattered, she could easily perform the spell, and even allowed herself a small smile at the prank. Was it immature? Sure, but who was it harming really.

Instead of plopping herself near the front as she may have in the past she took a seat further back, deciding it might be more comfortable as she got into the swing of things. She had to smile again as the seat automatically suited itself to her shape. The professor had good taste at least. She didn't recognize anyone: surprise, surprise. But noticed another Slytherin in the seat next to her. He didn't seem particularly approachable so she just went about getting everything out; potions was still her favorite class after all.
Well? Another one that didn't greet him?

Oh well.

Cosgrach shrugged to himself, checked the time and used his wand to close the door. Then, getting up, he smiled at them.

"This will also be our last class for the term, I hope you will enjoy it. Before we begin brewing, I have three questions for you." He looked at their faces as he paused briefly. Then, clapping his hands once, he said "The first one is: which emotions can be used to manipulate people and how? For example, guilt is a strong manipulator. A person feeling guilty would do possibly anything to relieve his conscience. What else?"

OOC: The class has started now, so please don't post your character arriving late! Instead, act as if they have been here all along.

The class will continue about 18 hours later.
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