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Old 05-22-2014, 12:20 PM   #310 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

x10 x10
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

SPOILER!!: Silent Studentz
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
The Professor came by to answer Ethan's question about the proper order for doing things. Then she announced that they would be moving on to the next part of the lesson. Gathering her things, Jasmine followed the group toward the back of the greenhouse. They would be learning about the Flesh-Eating Fir? Jasmine didn't know what kind of flesh the tree preferred, but it must be unusual based on the way that the question was posed. She would have to think about that one.
Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
"Hey, no worries." She didn't to apologize, really. The professor didn't hand any instruction anyway, so it was all good. While Ethan waited for Cris to respond to his question, he made his way over and watered the Chokeberry. "Water...for the thirsty." The Slytherin grinned and turned to where Cris was standing as he started to explain things to him.

This guy's good. Ethan nodded and internalized what he said. Again, Herbology isn't his best subject, and gardening at the very least isn't his major interest. But then again, he thought that it's not wrong to ask about stuff that you don't know.

Knowledge is key, yes. And it just might save his life in the future. The Slytherin grinned at the older boy and gave him a thumbs up.

The Slytherin opened his mouth to thank Cris, but their professor passed by and caught up with their conversation. So...there's really no sequence when it comes to watering and fertilizing toughie plants? Noted.

Maybe the explanation offered by Cris applies to not so toughie plants and...seedlings? Hmm. But before he could even ask, the professor started to round them up and gestured them to follow her. Ethan turned to Jasmine and Cris and waved to them. "Come on, guys!" The Slytherin didn't wait for the two and headed towards where Professor Bentley was standing.

Flesh Eating Fig Tree.

Nope. No idea what the tree feeds on. Perhaps...

Ethan slowly turned to where the Hufflepuff was standing with a slacked jaw. That tree, eats another tree? That's Silence of the Trees!

Ridiculous idea, really but then again...who knows what those dudes eat. If it can latch on human flesh, then eating its own specie won't be much of a surprise.

Interesting. Very interesting.
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Bay stopped with his bag of dung in his arms almost completely gone. oohhhh now we get to learn about another plant.. Thinking about what type of flesh the tree would eat, he had no idea. Instead of answering Bay just tried to remember the answers that the students were giving.. he truly hoped that it wasn't human flesh, GULP.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
So working with dung wasn't exactly glamorous but it WAS cool to be so close to these plants. Maddie found that she was fascinated by the way they looked and what they were capable of. She wanted to draw them and observe how they moved too but she knew that being close to them when they were active could be dangerous. WHY was it that the dangerous things were the most interesting, anyway? It was something she was VERY curious to know.

They were moving on now, though. Maddie set any remaining dung back in the bucket and placed the container she'd used as a scoop aside. Then she hurried over to where Bentley was.

She'd never seen a Flesh-Eating Fir before but it WAS pretty neat. Even more neat was the fact that apparently they fed on other trees! LIKE the cannibals of the tree world! And yes, Maddie was assuming that the Toby boy was correct cause he seemed awful sure of the information and he responded with a statement, no questioning in his tone. If he DID turn out to be wrong, the small brunette would be sort of disappointed so brown eyes flicked from him to Bentley awaiting confirmation. Did they REALLY feed on the flesh from other trees? DID THEY?

Though it seemed that some were too mesmerised by the tree to answer, Seren wasn't at all disappointed. No, they were welcome to admire it for as long as they possibly could.

SPOILER!!: Audrey, Marigold / Humans and rabbits XD
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
They were moving on to bigger and better things. She ended all conversations and followed Bentley. She looked at the tree that the professor was talking about and was a bit let down thinking that they would be dealing with something cooler. Then, flesh eater came out of Bentley’s mouth and Aubrey was all ears once again.

Hmmm… She didn’t really know the answer, but she was going to give it a go anyways. AJ raised her hand. ”I think that they prefer human flesh, but considering you don’t want us to die anything their second choice would be fluffy little bunny rabbits.” Hey, the others liked rats, and really how different were rabbits from them?
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
Marigold raised an eyebrow at Lex. The immobilized tree was kinda for firsties and stuff, but whatever. She turned her face back to the professor and followed her to a flesh eating fir. She raised her hand while watching the tree warily. "Human flesh." Ominous answer, but they were ominous plants.

It didn't come as a surprise to her that some of the students thought to suggest humans, flesh-eaters tended to ave a bad rep where that was concerned, but fortunately for them, the Flesh Eating Fir wasn't one they needed to concern themselves with. "Actually no, this one doesn't post a threat to humans at all... and nor rabbits," she mused, offering Aubrey a wink for her thoughts.

SPOILER!!: Benjamin / Reptiles
Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
SPOILER!!: Angel and Aubrey

Thankfully Aubrey was fine with his assistance, something Ben had briefly wondered about, They hadn't exactly spent that much time together, at least not as much as he and Angel. It did seem they both loved plants though. He didn't think anything on the use of Benny, the nickname easily circulated thanks to Adi. And why wouldn't one sister use it when another one did just fine.

"You're welcome," he said with a nod, putting away his wand now that they were done.

So they were moving on and Benny was quick to follow. The students momentarily leaving behind what they had previously been working on in search of bigger and better things. The flesh-eating fir that Professor Bentley was showing and speaking on didn't exactly fit the bill. The third year listened to what was being said wondering if any of the suggestions were the true response.

Other trees? Human? Rabbits? Plants?

For all he knew, any and all was the truth. The human response nearly forcing a shiver as it was certainly bigger then the other plants that posed a possible danger. But then he had another idea. "Does it go for reptiles, or stuff with scaly flesh?"

And here was another out-of-the-box thinker, and one of her Lions no less. She was rather proud of them, and of Ben. Though that didn't change the fact that he was incorrect this time round. "No, unfortunately not," she replied with a light shake of her head.

SPOILER!!: Aditya / Not Usual
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
"Sure. I can teach you all the basic spells,'' Adi said as he happily surveyed his handiwork. Being able to get spells right on the first try was awesome! And if he could help AJ with that, he won't mind. Ah. Baseball. Cool! But he couldn't say anything more for Bentley spoke again.

"Er...I'm guessing it's not regular meat because you wouldn't have asked us that question, Professor,'' the Badger said, his hand in the air. But beyond that, he had no idea what the plant ate.

If there was any response that could elicit a chuckle out of her, it was this one. Seren observed the Hufflepuff affectionately, grinning brighter than ever. "Well of course, you're not wrong there," she added.

SPOILER!!: Leah, Arielle, Sophie, Beverly, Grayson, Kace/ Mammals/Small Animals

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post

Moving on! Leah put her wand back inside her pockets and followed the group. She looked around curiously during the walk, watching some plants wiggling and stretching. She nearly slammed into the person in front of her as they came to a halt. Was that the plant they were learning? The snargaluff or something? Eh no. It was a short tree. Thank goodness. It did not look very frightening... yet.

The second year frowned at the professor's words. The type of flesh it chooses to feed one is remarkable. She raised up her hand. "I hazard a guess as to animals!" It was a guess, after all.
Originally Posted by ginniepinkston13 View Post
Arielle didn't exactly know what was going on in the class. She didn't get enough sleep last night, so her head kept bobbing up and down as she dozed off. When she finally awoke with a startle, she heard a question clearly. She raised her hand and said, "Professor, wouldn't it just eat small animals? Flesh is like meat, right?" Even though she was probably wrong, she answered anyway. It's not like it mattered if she got the wrong answer, she was here to learn, sleep or not.
Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
They were moving on, again. Before turning to follow the professor Beverly watered the plant she was stationed at, and at the corner of her eye caught a small Gryffindor (Candice) fertilizing one of the plants she had immobilized. The Slytherin wouldn't admit it, not even to herself, that THAT felt nice. Helping. BAH! What was this kind of thinking? >.>

Coming to a stop her gaze fell upon the tiny tree. A Fir tree. Beverly made a mental note she needed to focus more on Herbology stuff rather than...other stuf because she was lacking today. Waynes don't lack!

For the guess, she raised her hand. "Does it eat a selective kind of creatures? Like small ones it can digest." And not choke on, 'cause honestly, how would someone perform the Heimlich maneuver on a plant?

Note to self: Learn how to do the Heimlich maneuver.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Sophie was just about to water another immobilized plant, when she heard the sound of Bentley's voice calling them to do something else. Petals? Was that her name for the students? ... Hmm. Okay then.

Sophie stopped what she was doing and followed Bentley. A plant wiggled at Sophie, and Sophie resisted the urge to stick out her tongue at it. She glanced up when they came to a stop. Err, hello plant guarding the door. Were they going to have an all out war and try and defeat the plant?! Err, no. Apparently not.

Sophie glanced around as her classmates answered. Raising her hand, she added, "Small animals?" It was a thought that hadn't been overly mentioned yet, at least, and the height of the plant sort of suggested its meals were small.
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

This one was weird, in a sense. He couldn't tell if she was being sassy or just plain obvious. Maybe both. MAYBE. Keep it cool, Grayson, keep it cool. "Just didn't want an argument, 'tis all," he said, shrugging his shoulders. Was that keeping it cool?


The fourteen year old continued to water the plant, making sure that the soft trickle fell on the fertiliser afterwards. Oh look. Older Penelope was smart. "Uh huh. I guess you're right," he said, before casting a furtive glance over at Bentley, "She doesn't look like she'd be pleased if we killed a plant." The idea of killing a flesh-eating plant sounded epic but, on the flip side, that meant more namby pamby plants in the world.

No. Just no.

A light sprinkling? Er, shoot. Did he know? No. He wasn't a Herbology expert. All the knew was that these flesh eating plants were great. "Er," Merlin, she was going to think he was DUMB. Grayson cast his eyes over towards the amount of dung she had sprinkled onto the plant, "No idea but I think that much should be fine. Isn't there such a thing as too much fertiliser?" Something about polluting water or whatever. "Yeah, I think that should be good enough for the plant to grow big and dangerous." Could she tell that he was happy about that?

Just in time, too, because Bentley was speaking again. Casting a small "Finite!" to stop the flow of water, the Slytherin gave the Gryffindor two thumbs up before turning his attention to the Professor. Er, did she just call them PETALS?! What?! Was this normal? Couldn't she call them something a bit more, er, EPIC?

Stowing his wand away, Grayson followed the Professor and the group over towards........ a group of trees. Flesh Eating Fir? And they ate something along the lines of flesh, but there was something remarkable about these. Those were his only clues. Er. Okay, he was going to guess, then. The hand went up in the air and he said, "They don't eat insects, I bet. Do they only eat mammals?"

And wasn't eating other trees cannibalism? Was this tree cannibalistic?
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Kace heard the professor ask to continue on with the lesson. He perked his head up and he followed the other students to the front. He heard the professor talking about Flesh Eating Fir. Hmm...she asked what they could eat. Student's said insects but Kace thought logically that insects didn't really have flesh. They only had shells and crunchness. He heard Grayson's answer and agreed with him.

"Professor i agree with Grayson.." he said raising his hand. "I think they only eat mammals because they are the ones with the flesh? Or could they really eat humans?" he asked just being curious.



Small creatures....

They were rather popular considerations it seemed. It was rather amusing in that sense, purely because it was other than that. Creatures was too typical, too mundane, no.. this was far more inspiring.

"Not animals, mammals or small creatures... nope... " she replied, shaking her head but not shaking her smile. Of course, Kace's after thought was incorrect alo, and something that had already been established. "No, humans are safe, very safe in fact."

SPOILER!!: Lucy / Worms or Parasites
Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy said:"Professor, it could be that these Flesh Eating Fir eat worms or other parasites of the plants?

Seren's lips pursed slightly and her eyebrows raised while she nodded her head. "That's certainly an interesting idea, and I commend you for that, but no... that's incorrect."

SPOILER!!: Cutty / Pure!Healthy!Meat!
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post

Could there really be considered different types of flesh? Meat was meat, wasn't it?

Text Cut: Cutty's Wild Imagination
Cutty's wild imagination pictured himself well dressed in a small suit that had obviously been tailored to fit him. He was on a date. With one of these flesh-eating fir trees and they were ordering dinner at a restaurant. When the head waiter came over and asked them what the matter was with their dishes, Cutty envisioned himself trying to explain that the meal ordered wasn't to his tree date's liking and that she had a problem with the meat portion specifically.

They'd be getting a complimentary bottle of elf-made wine out of this if it was the last thing Cutty did.

Thinking more about it, maybe the trees were like his Tita. Maybe meat wasn't just meat to them at all and certain meats were better than others. But that wasn't the way he'd heard the question. Type of flesh? Type of flesh? Tempus's answer filled Cutty with inspiration. But, then it's name would hardly be accurate, unless the name-giver of the tree was not too unlike Bentley and prone to thinking of plantlife is akin to human life. Flesh-eater eater, then? Or even a Flesh-eater eater eater, if Tobes's scenario held any weight.

Cutty didn't want to say the same thing as everyone, so he ventured a guess from experience to try and look consistent, like he didn't know the score, "Professor?" Hands up, Mordaunt. "Maybe the flesh-eating fir only eats the purest types of meat. Like only the healthiest specimens that crawl or fly into it's branches? Or the opposite, as in only the sick and dying." The latter is what Cutty would chose if he were the tree. Less likely to put up a struggle.

Also, he liked it when she called them 'Petals'.

It wasn't a bad guess, and it was true that some flesh-eaters were pickier with their selection of prey than others. Still, it was a shame he was incorrect in this instance. "Interesting thought, but no... that's not the case in this instance."

SPOILER!!: Kyroh / Least Expected!
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
"Maybe...." Candice did have a point. Hm. As Bently spoke up again Kyroh looked toward Toby and quickly started to follow him. They were dong more stuff with more plants? He hoped it wasn't anymore feeding. Stopping in front of the Flesh-Eating Fir Kyroh observed it for a moment. Because that's what Ravenclaws did right? Observe and stuff. Maddie had basically said so.

He had NO clue what this tree ate but it was like a baaabby tree. How could it eat flesh? Looking from Candice to Toby as they both gave the same answer Kyroh raised his hand. "It eats what everyone least expects it too." Cause that had to have some truth in it right?

And now there was a thought. What was most amusing was that he was half right, or at least on the right track. "I suppose you could say that," she agreed with a nod. The answer was acceptable despite its lack of detail.

SPOILER!!: Marisol / Sausage XD
Originally Posted by HogwartsStudent11 View Post
Flesh? Marisol didn't know what that meant... This annoyed her, that she could barely ever tell what her teachers were saying. She didn't have a clue! The Spaniard was always having to guess based on hand gestures and context. She was going nuts!

Mari being who she was, she raised her hand anyway. Might as well try. Flesh might mean meat, from the context. Different kinds of meat...

"Eat the sausage?" Marisol asked very doubtfully. Sausage wasn't all that different from steak. Not unique, in any case. Sausage was one of the only food words the eleven year-old knew the word for in English. She was totally wrong, and she knew it.

...... .......

Did she just say sausage? The sausage? ... Well that was most certainly an interesting thought to behold. "I would pay to see that, but no... not sausages."

SPOILER!!: Marcus / Beauty Q
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Mo had heard the right answer over and over again, so he didn't bother to pitch in his agreement that the fir tree nibbled on other Flesh-Eating trees rather than on flesh itself. Instead, he studied the fir with great interest. He'd read about them in the text, of course, but he'd never seen one up close. They were sort of beautiful.

"Professor, why are they so pretty if they don't have to appear tantalizing and innocuous to its prey? It isn't like other trees care what it looks like."

It wasn't the response she was looking for, but the others seemed to have that covered. No, rather, Marcus had an exceptionally sound question to add to conversation. Seren beamed as she listened and nodded. "Well... just because one doesn't require good looks to lure in its prey, does that not mean it can't be pretty, naturally?" In other words she didn't have a good answer for it. Sometimes nature was just the way it was. Still, it was a remarkable good question, she was impressed. "Chalk it down to individualism, they're not against accessorising." As they could see.

SPOILER!!: Kate / Birds
Originally Posted by Waddles
Kate watched the boy (Cutty) water the bush and make a mental note to remember that spell. Being able to conjure a stream of water was probably one of the most useful things she could learn here. "I'm Kate Pearce," she said. Did she have to say her house and year? Surely it was pretty obvious. She was so short, she couldn't really be anything other than a first year...

Oh! Moving on? Great, no more dung! Kate set down her fertilizer scoop and followed the professor through the greenhouse until they reached… an itty bitty tree? Aww, it was so cute! But apparently still a flesh eater. So cute and dangerous.

What kind of flesh did it eat? Kate had no idea, but she could totally guess. Hand going up, Kate made a suggestion. "Does it eat birds?" That would make sense, it being a tree and all.

Birds! "That's an interesting selection, but I'm afraid it's incorrect in this instance." But still, clever thinking - not surprising coming from a Ravenclaw.

SPOILER!!: Candice, Angel, Zander / Other Trees/Plants

Originally Posted by Poolicious View Post

The Premium meat was made sense. Everyone loved Premium meat but not her though. She didn't eat meat. Nope. Touching meat was one thing but eating it just YUCK! "But maybe to them the dead rats taste like premium meat." Who knows?

Moving on? No more dung? Okay then. She dropped the scoop in where she found it then followed her Head of House to near the back exit.

Flesh-Eating Fire? Oh she heard about that particular plants. She had seen the picture but this one was rather small. Maybe its still a baby Fir? How cuteeeeeee. What type of flesh it chooses to feed on? Oh..Oh..Oh...She knew this. Candice raised her hand up in the air. "The other trees, Professor. It like to eat the other trees."
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel smiled at the Professor as she raised her hand. "Professor don't they eat other plants?" Angel had heard of plants like them and she totally hated it but it was life and she knew if she wanted to study about plants when she was older, she would have to learn about them all.

Angel looked at the girl that had spoken to her as well but she couldn't reply now because the Professor was calling though she did give her a smile and decided she would speak to her when she got the chance.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Petals? Was he a petal now? Were they all petals now? Okay well as long as she didn't start dancing like Professor Flailsteed *ahem* Flamsteed, then there wouldn't be much of a problem. But petals? Really? Must she?

As for her next question though, Zander had no clue. Flesh Eating Firs? Nope. Still not ringing a bell. Maybe next time he'd brush up on all this plant stuff before coming to class. That would probably help. SIgh. "Do they eat other plants or something?" That might make them unique? Right? Right? His first guess was humans, but they wouldn't be standing near it if it did.


They were awfully close now! Seren nodded and smiled encouragingly... "yes, yes... other plants and trees... but of what variety?" she continued, hoping it would finally come to light.

SPOILER!!: Toby, Lux and Cris / Flesh Eaters!!! CORRECT!

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Before Toby could even start to respond to Kyroh, Professor Bentley was calling them along. He settled with a smile to the two boys and nodded his head towards the next plants.

"C'mon," the Hufflepuff said, hoping to get them both to group up before the others, because they were really quite small and it would help if they stood nearer the front. See, Toby understood that. He was still a bit shorter than he'd have liked to be.

Oooh, a question. A question Toby knew the answer to. He stuck his hand in the air.

"They eat other trees. Like other flesh-eating trees." And probably other Firs... now there was a thought. Toby's hand stretched a little higher into the air. "Professor, if it can't find any other flesh-eating trees or plants, would it then resort to............. eating itself? Or would it go for non-flesh-eating trees as its next resort? Or flesh that isn't from trees?" Endless possibilities, man.
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Awww, it was time for them to stop looking after the plants. Oh well, Lux was curious to see what they would be learning about next.

Joining the group where Professor Bentley was, she got a good look at the little for tree. Okay, she had never heard of this specific tree before; either she was living under a rock, or the Professor was wrong in how well known she thought they were. Raising her hand, Lux ventured a guess as to why they were given that name. "Do they eat other flesh-eating plants or trees?" Clearly its diet wouldn't be the same as the other flesh-eating plants shown today, since it would be pointless to go over the same things twice.
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Cris waited and then it was his turn to answer. Raising up his hand, he shared what he knew.

"Professor, most of us tend to assume that flesh refers to the meat off humans or creatures. For the Flesh Eating Fir, that is not the case. To the tree, flesh refers to the fleshy parts of other trees. This fir is somewhat like our guardian flesh eating tree because it feeds on the other dangerous flesh eating trees."

Then an idea popped into Cris head, and he raised his hand to ask a question.

"Professor, could it be possible that they got their Flesh Eating name from the fact that they actually feed on Flesh Eating trees?" Cris asked Professor Bentley.

....besides eating the flesh off said trees.

And alas!...... a correct response was had! "Excellent, Toby!" she announced as he was the first to voice the correct answer, flesh eaters! Lux and Cris both got thumbs up for their support and elaboration, well done.

"Now that's exactly it, the Flesh Eating Fir is the most wizard friendly, nay, human and creature friendly flesh eater. It feeds only on its own kind." Which was pretty remarkable, no? Though, she wondered if anybody questioned their diet choice? It could be seen as cannibalistic, she supposed - and it didn't surprise her that Toby thought to ask out loud. "Interesting that you should ask, they typically don't grow in areas that are uninhabited by flesh eaters, and because they have small appetites they may go for weeks without food, in addition to this, their agility allows them to travel considerable distances in search of food."

The Flesh Eating Fir was indeed a sight to behold. It was a stunning tree all its own, but the trinkets and trophies it had collected over time made it something to be admired for sure.

"One thing I'd like you all to consider when you leave here today, is that as frightening and harmful as some flesh-eaters may be... they're not all that bad, and at the end of the day, we all have life."

Yes, she was going her flesh-eaters-activist-tree-hugging-thing.

"And on that note, you may all be dismissed! Just make sure you stun the Snargaluff on your way out the back door... you won't want it getting its vines wrapped around your person." She indicated to the back door just meters away, where sure enough a Snargaluff was standing guard so to speak.

"First and second years, I suggest you team up with an older student to secure your exit." She would be here, of course, but it would be easier this way.

OOC: The lesson has finished, make sure you exit the greenhouse in a safe manner via the back exit, if you have any IC questions or want to hang around then feel free to do so. This thread will be closed in approx 48 hours.
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