Okaaayyyyy... mixed reactions. Half the students seemed disturbed by the feeding activity, and half seemed to ... like it too much? At least there weren't any disasters
yet and as far as she could tell most of the students were comfortable enough in the flesh eaters' presence. Some of the newbies looked particularly taken with the task, eyes on you Grayson and Maddison and of course her lioness, Candice.
Still the others were doing well too. If not as enthused by the experience.
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oh awesome he didn't have to risk his fingers. "this is so cool we get to feed meat to plants" but he totally had a question… Raising his hand "Professor… the meat.. does it have to be a certain type of meat… like is this beef or deer??" he was curious of the diet but maybe the plants didn't care what kind of meat it was as long as they were fed, ahahah just like Bay.
He walked up to the chest and took out a good sized portion as he thought he'd try tossing it in the bush's first. "so i just toss it?" he was starting to second guess his thought of throwing it. Oh well here he goes.
Bay tossed a piece of meat into the bush and saw it disappear "cool" he wondered how it got observed into the plant? like where their teeth everywhere, Bay was very interested to learn. Now was the time to go grab some more meat and feed some other plants.
Looking up at Bay's question, Seren shook her head.
"No, they're easily maintained, anything that moves will generally do the trick, or you know... not move." If they were already dead. It was one of the reasons she loved flesh eaters so much, they were so low maintenance it meant they could be better appreciated.
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Whatever bad mood Kevin had been in before class had started, it had seemed to have vanished in to thin air. He had also seen the wink that the Professor had send his way after he asked if the plants ate flesh and he grinned.
WAAAAAAAIT! They were actually going to FEED them!? Kevin looked at the Fanged Geranium at the back and he immediately wanted to walk towards it. However, he realised that he didn't have any food and he didn't want to offer his arm as food ...or a hand as the Professor had put it. He was all for risky stuff but losing a limb ? Even HE was not that stupid.
When his Head of House opened a trunk , Kevin took a step forward to look inside of it. He pinched his nose closed as the awful smell filled it. But after seeing the dead rats inside of it he looked up. This was officially the COOLEST lesson so far!
Eventhough they could use magic to feed the plants and Kevin knew he should be at least practising the levitating spell, he also thought that feeding the plants with his hands would be more adventurous.
With his gloved hands, the Gryffindor picked up 3 rats at once by their tails. He held them up in the air and got an idea for a prank as he looked at them. Buuuut....that would have to wait for later. He didn't want to get caught with the Professor standing so close. He learned from his mistakes...sometimes... He did have a question though before he walked away. "Which ones are the savage sword lilies?!" Because like the Fanged Geranium the Savage Sword Lilies had a cool name. It reminded him of the Gryffindor Sword. And yes, he was going straight to the dangerous plants to feed them.
It didn't surprise her that Kevin might like the activity, the boy was a stereotypical Lion in that sense, and really, who
didn't like feeding flesh eaters?
"White lilies, they're long and sharp and just across from the geraniums," she explained, indicating by pointing in their direction.
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They got to feed these things? O_O
Lux was honestly torn on if she wanted to do this or not. On one hand, the Professor had reassured her a little by saying that the really dangerous plants were asleep. But on the other hand, rats were disgusting and this 'feed' turned her stomach. "Yuck."
Making a face, she picked up a bit of meat and headed towards the fanged geraniums. Tossing the food at one of the plants, it SNAPPED!!! it up in no time.
"This is like feeding a pet," she said aloud to no one in particular.
The yuck barely registered with her, coming from young girls, it wasn't at all surprising. What did surprise her was that Lux compared flesh eaters to pets...
"Companions.... they're not pets, they're companions," she corrected warmly.
And Merlin...... was that an ow she heard? Seren's head span in the direction of the sound, first settling on Lex, but it seemed the Prefect was still in one piece, no... it was Toussaint.
... He didn't look like he was dying. He was fine. A weeeee puncture most likely, a drop or two of blood... the boy would live.
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He was RIGHT! The boy grinned.
Oh yeah, Kyroh was paying attention. He SO was. Kinda because he had to be good in this class, but mostly because he was scared that if he didn't pay attention some plant would grab him and eat him. And Kyroh didn't want to be eaten. Especially not by something like a plant, which so wasn't a cool thing to be eaten by. Maybe if it were the giant squid he'd rethink his position of getting eaten, but not by a plant, okay?
Time for...feeding?
As the Professor pulled out a trunk, Kyroh kind of wanted to run away. Kinda. As in. He did. Of course levitation the meat would be a good idea especially to get away from the smell, but the first year did not know the spell for that at all. It was a good thing they had their gloves on. Reaching into the trunk he pulled out a piece of the steak cutting.
He was not gonna touch a rat.
"How do you know it's yummy Candice? Did you lick it?" Kyroh asked, catching what Gryffindor had just said. Couldn't be that yummy. The Astronomy Professor for some reason thought that Kyroh would lick a chicken leg, so you know maybe licking meat was a Hogwarts thing?
Steak still in hand, he smushed it around in his hands a bit, allowing some of the blood to drain out before turning to the Professor. "Miss Professor Bentley! Do the plants have to eat raw meat? Isn't it nicer to give them something that's been cooked? And have you ever fed them students? Like the ones that don't listen?"
If you couldn't trust a Ravenclaw to ask good questions, then you could certainly expect it from a Professor's son.. or ex-Professor's at that.
"Uncooked meat has more nutrients, and typically wild flesh eaters don't have access to cooked meat, so their digestive systems wouldn't appreciate it."
And that...
Was she being accused of murder again?
"No," she replied, eyes on Kyroh.
"Not yet, but I suppose there's still plenty of time left in the year." She was joking, of course.
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"Huh?" Dima blinked a couple of times, having to look way up to see Miss Dora's boyfriend hovering over him.
And then we was gone. And then he came back. And then he was trying to give him a rat.
"Uh... thanks, but no thanks." He eyed the dead creature in Marcus Orion's hand, pulling a face and averting his eyes. Poor lil' rat. Didn't they know it had a life too? "I don't wanna feed the plant. S'just like potions with the dragon heart, 'cept this is a WHOLE animal instead of just an organ."
And ooooohhh... what did we have here? Not a creatures activist she hoped. Not that she condoned bad things happening to creatures. But food was food.
"We all have to eat somehow, don't we?" she asked, attempting to reason with logic.
"Plants have lives, creatures have lives, yet we still claim them in order to satiate ourselves. Does that mean we can't do the same for them?" Flesh eaters had to eat to you know, so it was either feed them animals, or surrender yourself. Or something like that ....
But on that note, feeding time was about up, wouldn't want them getting indigestion or anything. Or... mmm... some of them were still not done.
"Alrighty, before we finish up here and move onto our next and last specimen for today, can I have a few of you handing out these last scraps, and could I have... the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors distributing a light sprinkle of dragons dung, the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs watering ... and I ask that those in third year and above, or anyone that is capable, to just immobolise the bigger shrubs whilst dung distribution occurs, thank yooooooop!" While she was giving these instructions, she'd summoned the two buckets of dung from the stores cupboard in the entrance of the greenhouse with a stack of small containers to use as scoops.
OOC: The lesson will continue in 19 hours. Interaction and team work is encouraged.