Aparecium Term 37
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05-19-2014, 10:16 PM
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Posts: 323
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How many prefects does it take to rule the school? Just one, according to Alexa Cambridge.
It appears as though being the only prefect last term in the house of Gryffindor has gotten to the sixth year who seems more than reluctant to share authority. The proof? She literally took out newly appointed male prefect, Louis Bolton, at the Gryffindor Welcome Party in the common room on the FIRST NIGHT back at school. This mischievous lioness levitated the boy and then dropped him right on his head and knocked him out. Cambridge seems to even have her own Head of House wrapped around her finger as the Herbology professor didn't do so much as raise an eyebrow at this. Coincidence? I think not!
It appears as though Cambridge may have some competition for the title of biggest and baddest Gryffindor in the tower. Who? We hear Zahra Kettleburn is able to really take a bite out of the competition. No, for real. She actually took a chunk out of fellow Gryffindor Zander Adair at the same party.
Better watch out, Hogwartians! Teeth and ambitions are bared when it comes to these two lionesses. One can only wonder who would win should their battles for dominance clash.
I would put my galleons on Kettleburn. That girl is just crazy.
Psssst, stay in the know
Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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