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Old 05-19-2014, 10:02 AM   #155 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jasper Hart
First Year

x10 x10
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf

Ooohhh and look at all those hands! This was exciting... and on top of that, she was curious to see how they fared in general as well as in relation to these fine beauties before them.

SPOILER!!: Angel/Pruning
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Angel smiled at the Professor and raised her hand. "Professor, I know that you have to prune the bush in late winter or just before new growth appears in early spring." Angel beamed. "That if it is needed of course." Angel really loved to care for plants and she knew that you had to prune a rose brush and must other bushes and she was sure this one would need pruning as well.

"Pruning, yes!" Seren replied beaming. "Flesh eaters don't require as much, they tend to self regulate their limbs, but certainly on occasion they could do with a tidy up."

SPOILER!!: Maddison, Kate/ Space
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Wait, wait, wait, waaaaaaait. Maddie could actually GROW these things if she wanted to? The small brunette's eyes widened and she glanced at the bushes thoughtfully. MAYBE she could be a Star Herbologist someday and grow the very BEST Weigela and Chokeberry plants around! She'd need to add this to the very LONG list of career options as soon as she got back to her dorm. YUP!

They probably needed lots of things, these bushes. She assumed lots of it was the same as other plants. Water and maybe some fertilizer and stuff. She DID have ONE thing to offer, though. "What about space, Professor? Do they need to grow away from other plants so they don't HACK chunks out of them if they accidentally touch or something?"
Originally Posted by Waddles View Post
How to grow flesh-eating plants 101. That seemed to be the topic of this class. Nervous about being in such close quarters with somewhat dangerous plants, Kate kept her hands safely in her pockets. Well, until the professor asked a question that she could guess an answer to, that is. One hand still in its pocket, Kate raised her left hand.

"You need to make sure they have enough space to grow and spread out both their roots and their leaves. If they don't have enough space or have to compete for space, plants don't grow as healthily," Kate said happily. It was much easier being in class if she could contribute and not just sit and listen.

It seemed as though the Ravenclaw girls were on the ball, and most certainly in relation to flesh eaters. "Absolutely, space is vital for these plants, the only exception being such as now when they're so well looked after and maintained in a confined space, they don't need to compete for space and with regard to space, prey." Because that's what space was all about, luring in the prey and hunting its food source.

SPOILER!!: Lux/ Watering
Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
The whole time Professor Bentley was talking, Lux listened carefully and watched the plants. She was on guard and didn't trust them. There was also no way that she was going to put her hands near one of them, even wearing gloves.

Raising her hand, she figured at least this question wasn't too hard for her. "Well, all plants need to be watered, so I'd say that would be one of the care requirements."

A generic requirement if any, but it wasn't wrong. Seren nodded in response to Lux's answer. "Of course, particularly if the plants are kept in captivity and sheltered from the rain."

SPOILER!!: Jasmine, Sophie, Norah/ Sunlight
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Jasmine listened as her classmates made their comments and took notes. When the Professor finally revealed the correct answer, she wrote down the pertinent details about both of the plants.

Jasmine decided to take a guess regarding the care of the two bushes. She raised her hand and said, "Professor, would both of those bushes do well in direct sunlight?" She thought that her answer was correct, at least she hoped it was.
Originally Posted by Sararara View Post
Norah looked up from her notes, a little shocked, to hear the pretty berry bushes could eat her. She perked up at the fact she could keep them in her own garden, though, that sounded cool! She pondered the professor's latest question, hoping she could contribute to this conversation after her failure to answer the last one. Hmm...All plants needed sunlight, she knew that, but her mum had told her they need sunlight to make food. Did the plant that ate people need to eat sunlight too? She raised a gloved hand and said, "Plants need sunlight for food. It's called photography or something, right? But does the mean bush need to eat sunlight if it eats flesh?" Well, she had kind of answered it, right?
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Weigela and Chokeberry...right. Sophie had never heard of those. At least, not until now. She made a quick mental note of the names while trying to associate them with the plants. Then her bright, blue eyes flashed up to the professor as Bentley gave more information about the plants.

Care requirements? You mean, other than just staying away from them altogether? Heh.

Sophie raised her hand, though. She did have a few thoughts. "Maybe the plants need a certain amount of sunlight to ensure the berries grow," she said. "So maybe we have to keep them in certain areas to make sure they get that sunlight."

Sunlight! Didn't everyone just feel so much better when the sun was out and shining... unlike what they would be experiencing from now on. "Indeed, sunlight is still important... for some varieties, not necessarily for all," she nodded. The Hufflepuff girl was a dear, so cute with her photography. "Photosynthesis," Seren corrected for her, "and certainly flesh eaters don't often receive all the nutrients they need from their food."

SPOILER!!: Bay, Marcus/ Soil
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Bay had to think about it…. what kind of care requirements would these plants need. Raising his hand he slowly spat it out.

"Professor… like… would.. they ..need special…like soil?? because their dangerous?" he wondered if she knew what he meant. Like some plants needed blood or other things in its soil to help it survive, did this plant need the same?
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Mo gave Sophie's hair a tousle when she got the question right, although he was careful not to move her at all in the direction of the flesh-eating plants. He was trying to avoid losing his baby Claw to flora as much as possible.

As for requirements to help these plants grow, Mo assumed that it was generally similar to taking care of non-flesh eating plants. He raised a gloved hand. "Professor, because they aren't in their natural habitat, they probably need properly selected soil with good drainage."

And now this was an interesting point, such capable young men... though Bay's answer was lacking conviction. "You're on the right track Bay," she encouraged with a small smile before turning to the Ravenclaw... former Captain. "That's certainly an important consideration, perhaps more so for those that rely on their root systems as predators, you'll want to select your soil so that it's not too compact and doesn't inhibit them from behaving normally."

SPOILER!!: Lucy/ Damp
Originally Posted by Chiara View Post
Lucy said:" I think they need damp and insects ...!"

Damp? ......... Did she just say damp? While the response was only in part correct - considering the two specimens didn't require such conditions specifically - it was in fact correct for many flesh eaters in general. "You'll find a large number of flesh eaters prefer the damp, yes, not necessarily these, though they wouldn't be hindered by it either."

SPOILER!!: Lex/ Idiots
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Words.....words were going right over the Gryffindors head. She could tell everyone was giving input to the lesson and she was quite aware of the discussion but at the same time...she wasn't? There was a plant across the Greenhouse...waving at her and making it extremely difficult for her to pay attention to anything else. Distracting this Greenhouse was distracting and Lex wasn't trying very hard to change this.

At some point the word 'Weigela' floated through her ears but that was all it did before being replaced by the word 'Chokeberry'.

Chokeberry? Had she missed something?

Lex blinked back to the present class, trying to decide what they might have all been on about. Vaguely she thought she'd heard something about care methods and plants being dangerous but not restricted and something about damp soil. Yeah....this was very unhelpful. She would hazard a guess at them discussing how to take care of these things though so the Gryffindor tried to look like she was paying attention by raising her hand. "You have to keep them away from idiots. Those things would be hazardous to the health of the plant in more ways than one and prove bothersome to the growth and development of said plant."


........ Idiots?

Seren considered this for a moment, a finger on her chin and her lips pursed as she thought. Idiots. "I suppose you're right... but that's more a preventative measure for anti-care." Still, she'd pay it. The Prefect received a nod.

SPOILER!!: Kevin, Zander/ sun!water!flesh!
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
So the bushes names were Weigela and Chokeberry... Kevin liked his Berry Bush name better. Much easier as it had berries AND it was a bush...yup. He wasn't really listening to their descriptions though because he had eyes for himself and he could see what they look like anyways. Instead, he turned his head a bit as his gaze kept turning to the front of the Greenhouse. Could he have a Fanged Geranium? pleaaase? he promised to take good care of it!

Grinning widely at the thought of owning one of those plants, the Gryffindor suddenly snapped his head back to the front and even a small gasp came out of his mouth right after the Professor had said that they were going to work with a dangerous plant as well. "AWESOME!" Alright that might have been a bit TOO loud. BUT SO COOL!

And another question came. Mweh, couldn't they just start working with the plants right away? "Plants need to have water as well as sunlight...but it all depends on the plant itself...i guess..oh! they EAT flesh?!" huhuhuh? did they huuuuh? And no, his eyes weren't twinkling right now...yeah ok they did.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Herbology was supposed to be the one class where you didn't have to put your life on the line. Then they haaaad to go enter the restricted greenhouse. And now they haaaave to look at flesh eating bushes. Great. Love herbology. Besides Zander's knowledge of magical plants was at an ultimate zero. So instead of trying to answer the question he kind of just stood quietly and let the other students take a stab.

But eh, every plant needs some basic requirements right? Like water, sunlight, food? So if he attempted a response with one of those he couldn't technically be wrong right? And he wouldn't want to disappoint his head of house. Especially after that whole flutterby guess. So he might as well attempt some sort of an answer? "Would they need a specific amount of water or sunlight?" Or not. But whatever, worth a try?

Considering a duo of Ravenclaw girls had impressed her with their reponses earlier, Seren was hoping that the duo of Gryffindors would too... and so she looked to Kevin and Zander as they both provided their answers. She nodded, agreeing... "Sun, water, yes ... though some are rather sensitive to it whilst others are quite hardy and self-serving," she mused. Of course, it didn't come as a surprise to her that Kevin had questions, he was rather loud... but appreciatively so. "They do eat flesh," she confirmed with a nod... adding a wink. He ought to wait and see the demonstration!

SPOILER!!: Kace/ Gloves?Poison?
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin View Post
Kace was jotting these notes in his mind. So he knew the names of the bushes and plants. They were interesting names. Chokeberry being one of them. The professor wondered what care requirements they needed. Kace thought about it and gave the logical answer, "Well professor, i think we need gloves incase the poison from the berries leak onto your hands or they don't like human oils?" He suggested. I mean he wasn't an expert on this subject but at least he tried.

Oh Merlin. Sweet sweet mother of Merlin.

Seren gave the boy a sympathetic look, had he been off with the fairies this whole time? Or was he just struggling to keep up? ...

"The berries aren't poisonous dear, and plants don't often wear gloves. Though you're quite right, WE do need gloves to protect ourselves." At least he understood that much.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Cris listened carefully as the others gave their answers. Soil, fertilizer, sunlight, food, even space had been mentioned. So Cris tried to think of another answer before raising his hand.

"Professor how about taking care of its teeth. Likes brushing or flossing it. I mean if it's flesh eating it would have to rely on its teeth to chew. If they aren't taken care of they could rot," Cris paused to think before continuing.

"If the plant is unable to chew and eat, it will eventually get sick and die."

Cris hoped his answer had not been previously mentioned.

And now would you listen to that? Dental care! The boy was onto something, onto something, though not quite there. "Dental hygiene is so very important, not only for us but certainly for plants too," she agreed with many nods. "Flesh eaters in captivity require dental care, those in the wild, not so much. This is largely due to them accessing more foodstuffs in captivity and the type of food they are usually provided don't have the means to help them regulate flossing." Hairs and reeds and the like.

SPOILER!!: Adi, Benjamin, Sophie/ Fertiliser

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Finally! Chokeberry. What a funny name. Meh. Adi listened as Professor Bentley went on about the two plants, all the while keeping an eye on them. They looked so innocent but were so dangerous. Which was actually kind of cool. What was life without a little danger, right?

Adi raised his hand. "Fertilizer, Professor. Maybe they need a specific kind or a specific mixture.''
Originally Posted by hermygirl View Post
Flesh-eaters were Benjy's sort of plants. Oh yes. Anything potentially life threatening, and he was TOTALLY there. Could they get closer? As in, within nibble range? He wanted to try.

...except, being in a lesson meant questions to answer before they could get to that bit. He raised his hand. "Fertiliser. That's what provides other nutrients to those provided by the flesh bits."
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny View Post

Sophie was relieved, then, because it would've been embarrassing to be wrong twice. Now that she could visualize in her head where they were at in the textbook, she was much more at ease. Now she knew what they were dealing with. Maybe not hugely life-threatening plants right now, but cool all the same.

She let the others have a go at care requirements will she jogged her memory for other specific details about the Chokeberry Bush, since that's the only one of the two plants she could recall some details about. After some mentioned fertilising, Sophie raised a cautious hand. "Professor, since they're pretty much self-feeding, wouldn't they probably only need the added nutrients from fertilizer maybe only once or twice a year?"

Benjamin's response was fairly straight forward, and got a nod, Aditya's elaboration also received a nod and a slight wobble on the head. "Yes and no," she added. And then Sophie hit the nail on the head, again. Was it just her, or was the Ravenclaw simply blooming today? "Of course, so those kept in captivity generally benefit from a sprinkling or two of dragon dung fertiliser annually," she confirmed.

SPOILER!!: Bree/ Away from animals?
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa View Post
"You would probably need to keep the carnivorous bush inside a remote area of a greenhouse away from animals " , Bree responded with her hand raised high.

The interesting answers kept on coming, and her young Lioness didn't disappoint. Keep animals away from them? ....

"Eeeerr...." she started, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. "It would depend on the animal perhaps," she mused before elaborating on the point. "See, if it's a pet, then by all means keep it away, if it's an animal that could harm the plant, then by all means keep that one away too... but otherwise, well, the plant needs to eat too." It was the circle of life thing, and as hard as it was condoning the death and murder of otherwise innocent animals, the plants life was - in her eyes - more valuable.

SPOILER!!: Ethan/ Feed it with SOMETHING
Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
"You have to feed it with something..." because if those bushes get super hungry, then it just might uproot itself and go find its own prey rather than use its scent to lure them in. An image of him being chased by a bush came to mind. "I'd rather chase a blueberry cheesecake..." he thought.

Feed it with something? Seren chuckled, "That's generally the idea," she replied, shaking her head in amusement at the non-answer.

SPOILER!!: Gwen, Kyroh/ Climate!Temperature
Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
Professor Bentley had probably never seen Little Shop of Horrors, Gwen realized a little too late. Probably not many people in the greenhouse had. That in mind, she resisted the urge to say Feed me, Seymour! when asked about care requirements. They wouldn't laugh, they would probably all think she was insane. She couldn't help it. They were talking about plants that ate people. How much more Audrey 2 could it get?

She tried to shake the musical out of her head, but Suddenly Seymour was running through her head, distracting her from the question at hand. Finally she raised her hand. "You'd have to know what kind of climate they grow best in." Right?
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
The Weigela and the Chokeberry. Bushes that used their berries to lure things in. Which only gave Kyroh the conclusion that no plant could be trusted. After all if a PLANT was trying to act all nice just to eat you? Nope. No trust at all.

He wiggled around a bit, thinking about what you would need to care for these plants.

Kyroh wanted to say cookies.


Well if he was a carnivorous plant he would like cookies.

The first year refrained however and raised his hand. "I think you need to make sure they are in the right temperature and stuff. I mean if you give them sunlight but keep them in a room that's like -10 degrees that can't be too good."

Though he wouldn't mind.

That would mean he'd get to eat cookies without worrying about getting eaten himself.

Such considerate little Claws they were, were they not?

Seren beamed, her features enough to express her delight in their answers. "Of course, you're both correct," she agreed out loud. Particularly appreciating Kyroh's example. He was a sweet boy.

SPOILER!!: Hazel/ MeatySoil!Sun!Water!Lol
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63 View Post
Hazel wondered what you could possibly do to care for a carnivorous plant. She raised her hand anyway, though. "Erm, maybe you have to water it and give it sunlight and nutrients like normal plants, but then you feed it meat? Or maybe it's a certain kind of soil that has meat in it? And then you stay very far away from it for a long time, I hope," she answered. Looking at the suspicious berry bush, she took another step closer to safety. Please don't make us take care of them, she thought to herself. Maybe the professor could read minds.

Was it just her? Or did this Hufflepuff seem a tad nervous about the bushes? Or was it flesh eaters in general?... It saddened her that so many students were frightened of them, and though they were well within their right to be wary of the plants, they were just that, plants... darling, gorgeous, innocent and natural little!big things.

Seren offered her a soft smile, hoping it would soothe the girl somewhat. "Those work... but there's not much harm that can come to one by staying close - depending on the flesh eater of course." She wasn't about to advise them to rub up against and make friends with an Ogreous Oak. That would be laughable.

Originally Posted by Hey Ju View Post
What in Merlin's beard? Why would anyone want to keep a flesh eating plant in their homes? To eat their enemies? That had to be it, but Agatha still thought that was pretty weird. She would never have such a thing in her garden. If she had a garden, that was; which she didn't.

Anyway, there was already another quesiton. Merlin, so many questions she couldn't answer. That really, really annoyed her, but at least the questions weren't directed to anyone in particular, so she could choose to be quiet and no one would think she was stupid. And also it would be good to not call attention to herself at the moment in case one of the plants decided it wanted to eat someone.

... ..... As her gaze swept over the gathering of students, Seren had to wonder if they were all coping with being in here. Particularly the quiet ones. Like Agatha.

"Are you alright dear?" she asked, just to make sure. She was still breathing yes? Still in this world?

SPOILER!!: Dimitry/ LOVE <3
Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Care requirements? Uh... well... everyone else had the technical stuff down, right? Dima didn't know much about dangerous plants or how to take care of them, so he was sort of counting on his classmates to give him helpful information in that area.

But, y'know, class participation and all. Woohoo!

"Be nice to them." Nod. "Make sure you give them lots of love n'stuff and motivate 'em, because nothing grows without that."

This boy. Why was he a Claw and not a Lion?! She wanted him in her nest! ...... "I couldn't have said it better myself," she replied, her expression quire serious but more out of awe with the child.

SPOILER!!: Leon/ Cage... *stares*
Originally Posted by GanymedeCraft17 View Post
Leon gulped down a yelp. His anxiety about carnivorous plants was building up.

He raised his slightly quivering hand and with a choked back scream said, "Professor, Perhaps a cage. Like with tomatoes.. to contain them. Keep them caged!"

The last bit was more a demand than a suggestion. He took a few deep breathes and continued scribbling down what notes he considered important. Some of the answers the others gave would probably give him nightmares.



Okay, there was no mistaking it. This one was petrified. Completely and utterly petrified. Perhaps he ought to be the first one to feed a fleshy today. Hhmm? Yes? That would show him they're harmless.

But no, she wouldn't force him to do anything against his will, that's how accidents happen. One second you're holding out a rat carcass and then next minute you freak and end up losing a hand too.

"Would you like to be kept in a cage?" she asked rhetorically. Plants were not for cages. Ahem.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Gaze set on the plants, Beverly tilted her head slightly to the side. She hoped, hoped some idiot would go close enough and they'd get a show. Liven up the lesson a bit, you know? Unfortunately, no one wanted to get too close. Switching her gaze back at professor Bentley, she raised her hand.

"Would the usual plant care apply to these? Like the sun light amount, fertilizer, watering, soil and pruning?"

And if that wasn't an all encompassing response then she didn't know what was.


"Yes and no," she started, her lips forming a thin line before continuing. "Some require more care than others, but for the most part they are rather independent and most certainly not like a usual plant." Very different. Very special.

SPOILER!!: Grayson, Caleb and Marigold but I lost the quote!/ Meat!Feed and insects
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post


Frigging YES. THIS was what he was talking about. He didn't even care that they were mild mannered or whatever. The Professor said that they were useful but dangerous. DANGEROUS. That was enough to make the boy straighten up so that he could get a better look at the plants. He was VERY interested in THESE kind of plants.

Care requirements? Well, sunlight and water had been said because HELLO. Plants. It was basic primary school learning to know that those were two of the things they needed. "Okay, Professor?" he started, raising his hand in the air, "Since they're being kept in a greenhouse, do you have to feed them small creatures on a regular basis? Like insects?" You know, nutrients for the plant or whatever.
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
What would carnivorous plants need besides the usual plant things? Caleb wasn't sure. He'd never dealt with these kinds of things before, not even those venus fly trap things. Still, he could probably hazard a guess. He raised his hand.

"Maybe you need to feed it some sort of meat or something to keep it satisfied? Otherwise it'll come after you," he pointed out. THAT would be terrible. Just terrible!

Caleb was perhaps rather blunt with his consideration, "Yes, flesh eaters ought to have a diet consisting of meat..." that was rather essential, and this was confirmed by Marigold too. It was Grayson who seemed to build on that idea quite well. "Absolutely, because they're kept confined, ensuring they have access to prey is essential."

SPOILER!!: Cutty McSly(s)therin!HAHAHAHA(/s) ahem... / Flesh galore!
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post

Yeah, yeah. Or witches or wizards? Cutty was curious about how she went about doing this and still maintained her career at Hogwarts. That was some s t e a l t h right there! And he figured that if his Herbology teacher could get away with all of that on top of having left a ghost behind to tell the tale of how she was murdered, he could only benefit from her knowledge. She was obviously a Gee.

Cutty looked oddly at peace for being surrounded by fanged, flesh-eating, Rate 6, dangerous plants. He was thinking about Professor Bentley's fabulous mind. He raised his hand, showing that the gloves were slowly starting to fit, year by year, "Wouldn't you need to make certain that they get all the flesh they could eat, then? You know to kind of satiate that part of their diet so they don't try to eat" Not unlike marine life keepers do at Aquariums. "Or can they be satiated that way? Will they keep on eating no matter what you've fed them?" What if they even ate during rest periods, being deciduous plants.

If she didn't know better she'd have assumed he was as fearful of the plants as the other young Slytherin boy... but no, Cutty seemed all too confident with his words to be scared. She was convinced of this.

"By all means, feed until they're satiated and they won't be as likely to want to snack on you - depending on its size and temperament." Some were easier to befriend than others, so it was by no means a blanket policy. "But it's best not to give them indigestion."

"Flesh eaters in captivity are more likely to be conscious of routine, so regular but moderated feeding is advised."

And speaking of...

It was about time to get things moving. Moving along quite nicely.

"The Weigela and Chokeberry are both rather low maintenance, so long as they have access to food. Their predatory instincts are all that is required for them to manage in a garden quite comfortable, but when grown in greenhouses we need to be a bit more accommodating with the food." Because it wasn't as if birds and garden gnomes would get in here very often. Nope.

With a quick gaze around the space and the area they were in, Seren was able to do a head count and some quick mathematics told her all she needed to know.

"Fortunately for us, we've come in time for feeding!" she announced brightly, though waiting to see the reactions of the others... or actually, best not, "but before you start worrying, the more dangerous plants in this greenhouse have already been fed and their meat has been laced with a sedation draught so they won't post a threat to either of you." No... there was just the lesser man-eating ones that might try to take a nibble. But they could handle that, they had gloves on.

"First things first, meat!" she announced, taking a few strides to one of the raised flower beds and pulling out what looked to be an ordinary trunk. A few brisk wand movements later, and the opening of the lid revealed dead rats, steak cuttings and offal. The smell wasn't particularly nice, but it could be overlooked. "Come and take a bit, and offer it up to any of the shrubs and plants in this section only," she noted, indicating the immediate area they were in. "Levitate the meat to it, or throw it, unless you're comfortable risking your hand..." which she didn't advise, because she rather liked her job and would hate for it to be taken from her. "The fanged geraniums, savage sword lilies, pygmy piranha plants, throat latching carnations and barbaric banksia also need a good feed... though you'll need to serve them smaller portions."

Taking a couple of chunks of offal for herself and stepping away from the trunk of meat bits, Seren indicated they could have at it too. "There's no need to be afraid if you don't get too close, and even then, the bushes are what will hurt, the others will only puncture you at best."

OOC: The lesson will continue in 28-39 hours depending on people posting. Have fun with this, tis an experience. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.
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