Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi He could have his candy back after class? Good. That was all the Gryffindor wanted to know so now he waited till she would open up the door to do greenhouse. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't been in this one before...or had he? He couldn't remember...
As the Professor entered the Greenhouse, Kevin followed her.This whole, mysteriously keeping the Greenhouse shut had made him curious so he was one of the first to enter.
As they entered, the Gryffindor nearly jumped at the sight of a fanged geranium snapping its fangs in his direction. They were going to work in here?! with these plants?!
Yes, Kevin thought that this was awesome and he wasn't even scared of the fangs. The jump earlier was simply one of surprise because how many times do you find a plant snapping their teeth at you?
He stopped following the rest of the students and left behind a bit to watch the fanged geranium for a while. This was so cool! Oh right, no wandering off. And just as the Gryffindor turned around and walk away , the geranium missed snapping at his shoulder.
Kevin was oblivious to the attack though and a grin was on his face when he was back with the rest. He looked at the two bushes in front of them. "Berry bush" he said while raising his hand. He had no idea... ... Berry bush.... "It has berries, yes... but no..." You're half way there Mr Hirase. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred
Ethan's eyes widened as they were greeted by the flesh-eating plants. He was tempted to greet back by showing off his teeth, but decided against it. Those flesh-eating plants might not be that 'darling' after all.
The Slytherin made sure that he was within a safe distance away from those plants and turned his attention to the bushes that was being shown. He wasn't quite sure about it, but he thought it was worth a shot to throw in an answer.
Hand up. "Is that a Barberry, professor?" he asked then pointed at the bush with the red berries.
Ethan made a face and shrugged at his own answer. Herbology isn't his strongest subject after all. The new Sytherin was most deifinitely closer to the correct answer than Kevin was, and at least he identified a deciduous bush with berries. "Mmm no, not berberis," she mused with a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Lose a limb?! Errr...
Sophie held her arms close to her side and walked with small steps as she followed the professor. She'd like to keep her arms and legs on her body, thank you very much. She'd take careful note to keep one eye on the plants and the other on the position of her body. Losing a limb was NOT on her 'To-do List' today. Nope.
She eyed the plants that seemed to turn toward them and spring to life, complete with their fangs snapping. EEP.
She stopped when the professor did and eyed the plants before them. She took note at their height, as well as the fact that their leaves were reddened and they grew berries. Different colored berries, yes, but berries nonetheless. Just...what were they? She started roaming through her brain at some plants she'd read about or encountered in the past.
Raising her hand, she said, "What about Euonymus? I think they also call them Celastraceae or Burning Bush. I came to that conclusion, because those bushes have red leaves, bare branches, and grow berries." Seren's brows arched curiously at Sophie's response. It was an interesting thought, and it showed the girl was taking her studies seriously, it almost sounded like something memorised from an encyclopedia. Was she a closet Ravenclaw?
.. "No, sorry to say it's not one of those either." Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Adi's curiosity was sky high as Professor Bentley mentioned not wanting them to loose a limb. What plant did she have in the Greenhouse? Meh. Whatever it was, he wasn't afraid. Nope.
The Puffer moved closer to the Professor. Er...what were these ferocious? plants that were snapping at them? The fangs were cool, though. He now moved his attention to the two plants that were been pointed out by Bentley. Hmm...his knowledge wasn't that good when it came to plants. So basically, Adi had no idea what the plants were but he raised a hand anyway. "Innocent looking berry bushes that are not so innocent.'' They probably had fangs like those plants over there. "I say that because most of the plants in this greenhouse seem dangerous.'' Hehe. And that, was perhaps a level more observant than Kevin's response. Seren chuckled lightly. "You're correct in thinking they're not innocent, and they most certainly wouldn't be locked up if they were." Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Gwen stared at the bushes for a second. Was this in the textbook? They looked pretty harmless to her. Except for the fact that Bentley had said they might all get eaten. "Audrey 3?" she guessed under her breath. It wasn't a real guess. They looked a little like baldy plants with berries on them. Holly, maybe?
Gwen wondered vaguely if the berries were edible. Maybe that was why the plants ate people, as a defense mechanism? Really though, she had no idea what they were. She thought about taking out a notebook and making a sketch so she could label it, but she was standing and she didn't want to use the carnivorous plants as a table, nor did she really want to use her knee and hope she could balance while she drew. ....
Audrey 3? ... Seren was going to assume that was the girl thinking out loud about something unrelated to what they were looking at. It made no sense. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow They were going IN! JHSJHDLHS! Ahem. INSIDE Maddie was ALL kinds of excited but on the outside, her expression remained neutral. She didn't want to look like some over-excited BABY or anything. NOPE. She was a mature child woman, practically. UH-HUH.
Shuffling along with the group, Maddie stopped when Bentley did and pushed navigated to the front of the crowd so she could see properly. The bushes LOOKED harmless enough but Maddie knew that you couldn't always make assumptions based on looks. "I guess they're dangerous, Professor." That was her answer and she gave solemn looks to Bentley. "Dangerous, yes they are," Seren replied with a nod... still waiting for someone to identify what exactly they were. The first year was adorable though, so she got smiles. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny THEY WERE GOING IN.
Sophie was beyond excited to see what was inside this particular greenhouse now that the door was open and they were shuffling inside. The third year instinctively stuck close to Benjy's side - hey, the big guy could probably punch out a plant to make it let go if it lunged at her - and kept an eye on all the different hungry-looking plants they passed. Some of them were vaguely familiar from textbooks or her mother's work, others were bizarre and like nothing she'd ever seen before. Very strange.
Huh. The two bushes before them looked vaguely familiar. One more than the other, and Sophie squinted at the both of them. No name was immediately coming to mind, but as the others spoke up and rattled off answers, one title came to mind. But... she figured it was a long shot. She might've been mixing it up with something else or not even remembering it correctly.
But it was probably worth a shot to guess, right? Wouldn't hurt. Bentley was nice enough to not make her look like an idiot if she was wrong. She raised a hand, "Any chance one of them's, um, the..." She tried to rack her brain for the right pronunciation, "...guelder rose? Kinda looks like it, at least. I think those are about the same in size, and I think that's the one that has the white flowers that turn into berries that are at least similar in color this time of year, and... the leaves are kind of the same?" From what she could remember. "But maybe not." Because why would they be in this greenhouse? She wanted to be right, but she probably wasn't, and she gave Bentley a sheepish grin. Nevermind. Pretend she hadn't said anything. And wasn't that active thinking. Seren nodded encouragingly, even though the girl was wrong.. "I see the point you're making, and it's a very good guess," because that's what it had been, obviously. "Unfortunately it's not the Guelder Rose." Quote:
Originally Posted by HogwartsStudent11 Marisol did not recognize this plant at all. The only thing it reminded her of were some exotic berries she'd eaten at the farmers' market once. Goji berries? Probably not, but it was her only guess. "Goji?" she reckoned. It was most likely wrong, and she'd be surprised if it wasn't. "Ate it. Bright red as this." And wasn't that just a darling guess too. "They are similar, but no, these are not Goji." They wouldn't need to worry so much about being eaten if they were Goji. Quote:
Originally Posted by JustAlice "Are they... some kind of... magical venus fly trap type... thing..?" Derry asked, eyeing the plants. "It's the only carnivorous plant I can think of." she added. Sure, there were the biting toadstools, but they certainly weren't any type of fungi. So she'd just mentioned something muggle instead.
She had a venus fly trap back home... it was pretty cool. Some kind of Venus Flytrap? ... Seren looked between Derryth and the bushes, then back again. Hardly trap-like. "Well then, today we'll be broadening your horizons," she replied with a grin. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Not to go touchy feely on the plant? That was something the Slytherin could do with no problem whatsoever. They were PLANTS, for Merlin's sake. And while he didn't deal with the common garden flowers and other namby pamby ones, he certainly didn't want to go around poking the dangerous ones. Observing them, smirking at their dangerous nature, but no touching. He wasn't DUMB.
Speaking of dangerous plants, some were SNAPPING, something he noticed as he entered the greenhouse. Brilliant. Just. BRILLIANT. Were they going to be working with them? Looking at them? Please say yes. Or, if it wasn't going to be during this lesson, maybe in one of the future lessons. THOSE were the kind of plants he wanted to work with, not..........
........... oh jeez, berries? What was interesting about berries?
On second thoughts, maybe quite a bit. Grayson rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he looked over at the two bushes. They looked similar, so why was she showing them two of the same plant? So that there was enough for each of them? Er. "Professor?" he asked, raising his hand in the air, "Are any of those berries poisonous? Or maybe one of them could be poisonous because otherwise, you wouldn't be showing us two of the same plant." Right? Right.
Whatever, he was right in his mind. Maybe. Though it wasn't an answer to her question, it was definitely a good question to her question... yes... questions!
Seren grinned broadly before responding, her brows arching for a brief moment before settling back into place. "Neither are poisonous," she revealed after the pause. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara Lucy followed her classmates and looked at the bushes..
She thought:"I do not know what that are or if they are poisonous, but they are so nice that they could be used as ornamental plants!" No, they weren't poisonous, she just identified that... and as for them being ornamental... "I don't doubt some would keep them for that purpose," she mused, though again her question wasn't answered. Quote:
Originally Posted by OwlEcho63 Hazel wondered what could be so dangerous about a couple of innocent looking berry bushes, but knowing Hogwarts, if she got too close it might bite. She took a small step away from the bush with red berries that she was looking at. Maybe it was a bush of poisonous berries? Or maybe they lure prey to it since the berries look edible and then SNAP! Just like a Venus flytrap? She honestly had no idea. She raised her hand anyway, though. "Maybe they're carnivorous magical Venus flytraps?" It sounded so much better in her head. Another Flytrap answer? .... "Nope. That's not it," she chimed, virtually pleased with herself. Weren't guessing games just so much fun?! Quote:
Originally Posted by Liisa Ava filed inside with the others, eager to get out of the cold, wintery air. She moved as close as she could towards the front but still had to stand on her tippy-toes in order to be able to see over the taller students' heads.
She had no idea what the plants were. They were LOVELY though. In part, perhaps because they WERE dangerous. And although Professor Bentley was urging them to use caution, Ava felt no fear while looking at them.
She raised her hand, even though she really didn't have a proper answer. "They're so pretty," she said, smiling up her Head of House. Thankfully, if they were going to have to start poking and prodding studying any flesh-eating plants, it was with a professor she trusted. .... Ava. "They are, they have a certain charm about them... and that will become more evident as we continue," she agreed, though again, not sure how to take the lack of proper response. At least the students seemed to be well hearsed in the art of observation. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz This was quite exciting, the thrill of the possibility of meeting a dangerous plant. Back home Beverly was only allowed near the harmless boring ones, never to the greenhouse marked X. It was quite disappointing, so she grasped this as an opportunity. Or at least, she hoped it was one. Even then, she was smart enough to walk in between her classmates. That way if someone was going to get eaten, it wouldn't be her. She'd be out that door.
Gazing all around, taking in as much detail as she could, her finger prickled with the curiosity of petting things...plants. But for the sake of keeping her limbs intact, she kept her gloved hands to herself. Landing her attention on the professor, Beverly squinted her eyes at the plants the older witch had stopped in front of.
Hmm. Plant identifying, not quite her thing. Give her a dragon and she could give you ten facts about them all. This though, she wracked her mind for something she could have read somewhere. She had a question that might clear things up. Maybe.
"Are they related, the plants?" she asked, raising her hand. "Like roses, they come in different colors, but they're all related. Are these like that?" Keeping a distance, she couldn't quite see much detail but the color of the berries and leaves. Aaahhhh, and another good question. "Not a bad idea, but no ... and while they're quite similar at the moment, they look more distinct in the spring and summer months." Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel wasn't sure about this one and it was driving her nuts, she should be able to tell what it was but she couldn't. If she wanted to be an Horologist then surely she needed to know all the plants and well this was not on. She raised her hand and sighed. "Professor, I'm sorry but I haven't got a Scooby-doo." Angel was really upset now. "But I'll guess at maybe it being a Patriot?" .............. ..............
She didn't have a scooby what now? Seren blinked a few times, unsure what to make of the Gryffindor's response. Patriot? ... Scooby?
.. "Ahem...." moving on. Yep. Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles Nice to meet him? BAM instant friend! Kyroh was sure of it. Him and Candice were friends now.
The bouncing started again once they made their way into the greenhouse. Mostly because Kyroh was trying to make sure he didn't miss anything as some of the taller kids got in his way to look around. Ducking and pushing his way past a few Gryffindors he popped back up in front of the class.
He was suppose to guess what the plants were?
How was he suppose to know? Kyroh hadn't know that dandelions were weeds until just a few months ago. Maddie had a good answer though! Kyroh raised his hand slowly." "Professor? Could they be poison bushes?" He was being serious. His eyes focused on one bush and the next. "Like that one over there-" He pointed to the bush with the serrated edge to the leaves. "That one is poison if you touch the leaves or eat the berries and the other one is just the berries maybe." As for how he came to this? "I'm just guessing because it makes sense to me. Also 'cause those berries don't look very good, so they have to be poison." Made sense to him, yeah? Sadly it had already been established that the bushes weren't poisonous, so she simply shook her head no. "I can see why you might think that, but no... not this time." Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Why did she have to give so many warnings? Did they keep another whomping willow in this greenhouse or something? As they walked into the greenhouse Zander looked at all the different plants curiously. There were so many, but they all looked so dangerous. Were they in the careful-you-might-lose-your-head greenhouse? He only just begun thinking about all the different species of plants that were hidden inside when the group stopped in front of two bushes. Zander wanted to quip in an answer, but he was no expert on magical plants. Yet, he thought he'd give it a try. "Hm... What about a flutterby bush maybe?" Yep that was it. That was his extent on magical bush knowledge. Though he had never seen one in real life he had heard the name before and since they were both bushes he just tried to connect two and two together. He noticed the intelligent answers his peers gave. And after realizing the obscurity of his answer he hid his head within his shoulders. ...
Seren wasn't sure if that answer was serious or if it was a joke. She made made it perfectly clear they were entering the restricted greenhouse, no? "Not these, no." Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Uh... they were supposed to know what it was? DIma squinted. Why didn't teachers here just TELL them what it was and then have him learn and take notes about it? That's what his tutors at home had always done. And it would save him the embarrassment of making a completely ridiculous guess.
But obviously, he was still gonna TRY. "Is it edible?" He could go for some berries! Yeah! Was it edible? See it was not ridiculous of her to ask they leave their food outside, the whole lot of them had food on their mind. She was sure of this. "They are, actually.... both of them."
Though they ought not get any funny ideas just yet. "I don't advise you to try picking them though." SPOILER!!: Correct Answers! Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Mo hadn't brought any snacks with him, but he did rub his hands against his trousers as he entered the greenhouse. The lingering scent of bacon and toast might make him more interesting than he wanted to be, and he hoped he'd done a proper job of washing up after breakfast.
The paused in front of two plants, and Mo looked at both with serious consideration. Did he recognize either of them? Not right off, but he could make a good guess, right?
"Professor? Is that one with the bright red berries Weigela? It has the serrated leaves and the berries are the right color." And gulp... those were particularly carnivorous, weren't they? Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 Cris closely examined both bushes taking great care not to get close to either one of them. Both plants looked harmless enough but Cris suspected that in this case, looks we're deceiving. He had seen neither plants before up close and personal but if he was right one of them was the same one he had seen pictures of in book about flesh eating plants and shrubs.
Cris waited for the others to give their answers and when there was a break in answering sharing, Cris raised his hand and hazarded a guess.
"Professor, I believe Marcus is right. The plant over there is the Weigela. It tends to grow up to five meters, so this one's current height is almost right on par. What clearly defines it are its red colored berries which appear during Fall, and the serrated leaves which I believe are used to slice off the meat from its victims," Cris involuntarily shuddered at that thought. Yesssss!!!! Clapping her hands together as Branxton identified the first, Seren nodded enthusiastically. "Yes yes yes! Correct!... and thank you Cris for your insight also," she beamed.
So were they all paying attention? Did they hear all that? She certainly hoped so, and taking notes was also advised. "Indeed, the first bush we have here is the Weigela, which is native to Asia and is indeed a flesh eater which used its serrated leaves to take chunks from its bigger victims." So you know... don't try to pet it or anything. Not if you valued your digits, or your hand for that matter. "But our second is still unidentified... anyone want to hazard another guess?... I'll give you a hint, it's native to the US." Because the other hints ought to be fairly evident by now. No? OOC: The lesson will continue in approx 8-9 hours so we can identify the next bush.
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