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 Alley Proprietor Mooncalf
Join Date: May 2003 Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,090
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt Slytherin Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
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Isaek Fyodore Edelbach International Cooperation Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre Gringotts Wizarding Bank x8 x7
| • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • SPOILER!!: Their appearance+ behavior Quote:
Originally Posted by JustAlice "They bite, sir." Derry volunteered, listening to the other answers. "And they're like... super ugly." Quote:
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom There wasn't much to know about gnomes, was there? Other than the fact that they were ugly and a pain to deal with. Caleb raised his hand though, because he had first hand experience with this. "Well if you're not careful, they'll bite you and it HURTS," he explained. They weren't poison or anything but it still stung. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lislchen
Leaning against Schuyler's side slightly, Olly just listened. Oh, garden gnomes. That made sense yes. Without raising her hand and not really looking the professor's way, she finally said, "They're quite dumb." Yes. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny
Gnomes. Meh. Pests. She raised an unenthusiastic hand and offered, "They're helpful and eat things like worms," which was okay with her, "but also the roots of plants and stuff underground, which makes 'em pretty pesky to deal with." Digging up yards and all that. They were just nuisances, really, and she eyed the ones in the garden with distaste. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deezerz Yes, she had her full mobility and youth again and that made for a very happy Beverly. Thinking the question over, she raised her hand. "They look like large potatoes with legs," she said, with a wrinkle of her nose. She's seen pictures and they were honest to Merlin the ugliest things ever. Quote:
Originally Posted by magikewe
As for the question the professor posed, Bryant raised his hand to offer an idea. "They're one heck of a nuisance, professor, especially if you're trying to grow things." Quote:
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles " No one really likes them at all. I mean, no one ever wants them around." Poor gnomeys. They were just potatoes with legs! Quote:
Originally Posted by littledhampir Gnomes, huh? Hayden didn't know much about them except that they liked gardens and they were a pest. She didn't know what she could say about them that someone hadn't said already. She raised her hand tentatively. "They're short." She didn't know if that was important, or if someone had already said it, but she didn't want to not say anything. Quote:
Originally Posted by MissMUDBL00D
Heh, Tag. Did annoying count as a fact? Donny shrugged, he might not know a lot about them but he could still participate! He raised his hand, "I know they look funny." Quote:
Originally Posted by Ringo Gnomes. What did Dylan know about gnomes? Hmm. He looked down at the ground in thought. Was there much to know about them? He wasn't so sure. The third year slowly rose his hand when he had a bit of an idea. "They can be a bit of a pain, and bite pretty bad." he said. It wasn't exactly a good answer but he didn't really have anything else. Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow Bay raised his hand "Professor they bite" he had to deal with these things all the time and he always got bit. Gardening during the summer in the family garden , it was hard work but the food tasted amazing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Colley "They certainly look like potatoes, but I don't think they taste like them." Not that she knew for sure, but well, did anyone want to try to prove her wrong? She didn't think so. Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black "They're small and they're mean." Declan fumed. Now he's all bothered. Boo. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred "They're not just ugly sir." he said as he turned to Cutty and gave him an approving nod. "They laugh too when you don't properly de-gnome them." MEAN. CREATURE. Quote:
Originally Posted by Star-Lord Ugh, gnomes.
Pesky little creatures. "I know they're really mischievous and annoying," Bless his parents for not living in the wizarding world. Though either of them couldn't do magic. But bless his magical family for living in the muggle world too. Jun could barely handle annoying family members that reminded him of gnomes. Quote:
Originally Posted by nanyjj "Gnomes are pests. That's why people do de-gnoming and stuff." she shrugged. Leah could not stand the presence of gnomes. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily "My mum has a Garden Gnome." He said automatically. "They're really ugly. The muggle kind." Not exactly an exciting fact, but Theo didn't know much about magical gnomes, just the statue kind. Either way he didn't find the idea of learning about them exciting. Nodding, " They certainly do have a notorious reputation because of that." Least they covered majority of their 'dangerous' aspects. SPOILER!!: Habitat Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa Bree had not studied magical gnomes much but she did know a little bit and raised her hand and said, gnomes like to live underground in burrows known as gnomeholes.". Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin "Professor i know Gnomes live in burrows underground which is why sometimes they are hard to catch if you want to degnome your garden."He knew from past experience when he helped his Aunt with her garden. " Correct. They will also stay underground during the colder climates whilst the garden is developing." Hence their habit of never leaving. SPOILER!!: Silent ones Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Those little potatoes were garden gnomes? Weren't garden gnomes like those stupid little things with the hair and the hats and flowers that people put in their gardens? Apparently some of them were really living potatoes.
Did she know anything about gnomes? Nope. Gwen hadn't even known they existed until right this minute. Did they have anything in common with the vegetables they resembled? Were they dangerous? Did they simply eat the flowers and things? Her best option was just to wait until other students started answering and hopefully get a god idea of what it was from their answers. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Kate blinked. Gnomes weren't just little garden statues? That was news to her, so she listened carefully to all the answers the other students supplied about gnomes.
Biting… eating plants' roots… so they were basically magical rodents, it sounded like. Kate bit her lip nervously. Hopefully they wouldn't have to actually touch any of these gnome… things. At least she was learning! Though… if gnomes were so pesky, it was surprising that they didn't bother Muggle gardens, too. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah Cutty thought about the last time he'd seen gnomes in his step-mother's garden. It had felt like ages between then and his first encounters with them when his mum and dad were together and they lived in a place that even had a garden. He'd forgotten how ugly they were. His hand went up as he offered this answer, "They are literally the ugliest things you will ever see in your life." Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict They were learning about gnomes? Really? Nasty buggers always bit and looked like potatoes. Ugly, ugly creatures.
If he wasn't excited for the lesson before this had only increased it. Jeez, why couldn't Professors just lecture or do activities that weren't insane? Was that too much to ask? Apparently at Hogwarts, yeah, it was. Quote:
Originally Posted by JennMarie Gnomes....... yeahhhhhh No he knew nothing about gnomes. In fact this was on of his least favorite classed based on the fact that he had such a small amount of knowledge in his brain of facts about Magical creatures. Unless they were dragons cause Beverly, his best friend, talked about them so much he felt like he could save them if they were a dying species. Gnomes though, he hadn't a clue...Though by the sounds of what everyone was saying he wasn't sure he wanted to know them. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Gnomes, huh? Penelope kinda knew a little about them, but they weren't particularly interesting or cool, so she only remembered the basics, and those had been pretty much covered by now. So she was just gonna sit silently and half-listen to the answers being given. Maybe she'd try to answer the next one. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah
A jarvey? Cutty had been meaning to get a pet, or some kind of animal companion for the sake of magic. And Odessa just made jarvey's sound a heckuvalot more interesting than he'd previously imagined they'd be. He couldn't care for a pet. Not properly anyway, but he was starting to think that if all there was to it was feeding it and what and how it ate were an entertainment value to him, why not a jarvey?
This whole thing reminded him of how he never did find the Arabic word for 'bait dog'. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty *Blink blink*
Did the professor just say garden gnomes?! As in, those cute little pointy hatted things that people kept in their gardens?
Only no, these weren't the ones Layla was used to, but a magical kind that were butt-ugly. Seriously, where did those things even come from?
So obviously, this seventh year had know idea about magical gnomes and from what her classmates were saying, she didn't want to. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Angel blinked, once and then twice, okay then how did the Professor know her last name? She had never told the Professor that, nor had she ever seen him until today, this was totally confusing her poor brain, was he physic or something like that? Angel was really scared now about what this place was like.
Angel was too busy trying to figure out about how he knew her last name so she misheard the full question and thought he was talking about the gnomes muggles have in the garden. She raised her hand. "They are made of plastic and normally they have a fishing pole on them, so they stay near a garden pond or something like that." Angel really wanted to know how the Professor knew her last name surely he would tell her right. Deep thinkers here, even if some of their thoughts weren't on the subject at hand. According to Javy that was. SPOILER!!: Jarvey mentions Quote:
Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 "Professor the garden gnome has to hide from the Jarvey because that creature is it's natural predator," Cris turned to look at the running potato heads. Darwin's Theory at work here for sure. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner "I know that a Jarvey can be used to de-gnome a garden" Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz What did West know about gnomes? Well, aside from everything already mentioned... he put his hand up. "When my dad was first an Auror, he arrested a man for running an underground gnome-baiting ring for profit and entertainment. They chuck Jarveys in the ring with the gnomes, and take bets on how long the gnomes will last before they get torn apart limb from limb." Pretty harsh really. It was illegal, obviously. " Correct," Curtly nodding, " The Jarvey's constant spewing of words also supports why they aren't used often with Gnomes." Though the underground ring proved how vicious they could get. SPOILER!!: Gnome Saliva Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack There was a reason why Zander took a liking to this class. And oooh Gnomes. Zander looked around and listened to all of the facts that other students listed. OOoh they're tiny he could mention that? Oof. Nope. Someone else stole his answer. Okay what about appearance? Nope. Someone took that too. OOOOHHH, "Some people have superstitions about gnome saliva being beneficial." Hadn't he heard that once? Quote:
Originally Posted by SweetPeea She slowly raised her hand, "I-Is it true that Gnome Saliva can give someone the feeling of burgeoning talents such as an urge to sing opera or declaim in Mermish?" Or was that just a myth? Ah, this common theory.." It's hard to trace that particular feeling with only Gnome saliva without other factors coming into play." Such as their sanity and any other influences surrounding them at the time. " While some may claim to exhibit that, there has yet to be an official ruling on that matter." SPOILER!!: Extra info, theories, comments Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Gnomes! Yes, the Puffer had noticed the little creatures the moment he got there. And Adi had facts! Yesh, multiple facts but unfortunately they could only share one each. He raised his hand. "They may reach a foot in height, Professor.'' " Correct.. Occasionally there are those who exceed that height from the attempts at domesticating them." Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone
As for the question, the boy thought about his answer for a couple of seconds before raising his hand in the air. "They're harmless!" And a little daft too. "I knew someone in my old school who used to keep them at her house. Said they didn't do much apart from digging up holes and biting you on your ankle if you weren't careful." They were daft but MAN would it be funny to see someone almost getting bitten by them. " While the prospect of them being harmless or not is debatable, there has yet to be a lethal case connected with them." So they weren't in danger of dying from them. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
"Their Ministry classification's Harmless, XX," she offered. Since her classmates said most of the things. " Correct," Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Wait. Some garden gnomes were real and weren't a statue? How did she get her hands on those? Her hand shot into the air. "Professor, I think they can be used to scare away birds." Cause birds could wreck havoc on a garden according to her mum. As far as the live ones, she had no idea. "Do the live ones only come around in gardens that have magical parents?" Because AJ was really starting to feel left of of all things magical. It wasn't her fault that her parents didn't make the cut. She wanted real live gnomes! " They certainly can." Most birds don't want to be bothered by a creature running around them. As for her question. " It's not necessarily magical parents who attract their appearance but on the magical properties in the garden from their prey that get them to appear." Hence why he wasn't allowed to 'help' out in the garden at his muggle parents anymore when visiting. Quote:
Originally Posted by Chiara
Lucy began to think and she remembered a book about the gnomes that her mother had read when she was a child .. She did not know if it was true all that she remembered but she said: "the gnomes build houses under the roots of trees, they are dedicated to treating the animals of the forest and they know the medicinal uses of herbs .. " Now didn't this tale sound familiar? Recognising it Javy commented, " Unfortunately, that's not the case with every type of gnome." Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola Richard usually liked Care of Magical Creatures. They got to be outside and learn about weird animals. But it appeared this lesson was going to be about garden gnomes and that was pretty boring. No unicorns or dragons? Meh! And people seemed to know loads about gnomes already, anyway! He in particular didn't really know anything about them. Except for one thing. Raising his hand, Richard cleared his throat. "The Hogwarts gnomes tried to start a war with Clifford Carden, the Falmouth Falcons Chaser, while he was studying here. He revealed that in an interview with Quidditch World so it has to be true!"
That counted, yeah? Though Javy was a little behind on the Quidditch news (outside of Hogwarts, of course), this didn't give him any problems in answering, " Gnomes in packs could get rambuctious if not dealt with properly.." The war thing though.. Well, everyone was prone to exagerrate anything. Quote:
Originally Posted by Waterloo
"I don't like gnomes." " You're certainly not alone with that opinion." Though Javy was looking for an actual fact. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Not much else to say... except maybe theories? Theories were good. "Professor, I think they have some sort of homing signal, like pigeons and owls do. I mean, they always seem to wander back to their own hole, and that's why you have to make 'em dizzy and disorient them to get rid of them. And that usually doesn't even work!" " That's an interesting theory, Mr. Branxton." Now if only it could be proven. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell
They were going to talk about gnomes. A creature knew quite well. Michael raised his hand in the air. "They make the best wrestling partners." Well they used to, he was too big to wrestle gnomes now but when he had been smaller it had been awesome. "The correct name for a gnome is Gernumbli gardensi." Which was a mouthful. Merlin knew how these students spent their childhood, as Javy had to imagine one wrestling a Gnome. Least he did contribute. " Correct, also occasionally known as Gernumblies." So it wasn't as much of a mouthful. Quote:
Originally Posted by Poolicious Can anyone share another fact they know of the Gnomes? Beside ugly and small? "They're quick breeders, Professor." That's why they're sooooooo many. " Correct, their numbers are in no danger of decreasing." Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 "I know that they like eating worms, professor." That was from experience. One time when visiting Dec. " Correct." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz "UHMMMM..... Alls I know is that if you need your barnyard de-gnomed, you have TWO EXPERTS in your presence, Professor T." She flexed her muscles a little and started jumping up and down, getting AMPED UP TO DE-GNOME A BARNYARD FIELD OR WHATEVER.
In fact, yeah. She shed her robe. READY. JUST SAY GO, PROFESSOR. Well this one was certainly excited by her jumping. " ..Thank you for sharing that." He commended her enthusiasm though. SPOILER!!: Getting rid of them Quote:
Originally Posted by Sararara Norah grinned when she heard about they'd be discussing gnomes. They used to have garden gnomes living in their back garden and they were guaranteed to drive her mum up the wall. She waved her hand enthusiastically in the air. "You can get them out of the garden by swinging them around!" She giggled. De-gnoming days were the best, and her dad let her throw some of the smaller ones even if she couldn't throw them very far. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "If you wanna get rid of 'em, you gotta make 'em dizzy first, otherwise they'll come right back because they're persistent and can't tell when they're unwanted."
Useful information right there. Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy
Not having experienced these Gnomes first hand - fortunately - she still had some knowlege of them. Raising her hand, she offered something she knew about them. "You can get rid of them by spinning them really fast and letting go so they hurl through the air." She wondered if that hurt them, on top of making them really dizzy. " Excellently worded." Nodding. It was time to move on now.
" Good, most of you have some knowledge if not experience on them." Well, those who answered anyway.
" Now then, as I'm sure some of you are imagining we will be de-gnoming the garden here." But first off, " For those of you who neglected to bring own your gloves today do not worry, I have brought spare ones for you to use." Gesturing the basket by his feet. They were unfortunately permanently charmed to remain pink and glittery thanks to a certain individual. Ahem. " Once your gloves are on, go on through the gate and wait for further instructions." Unlocking it, they were free to move in now.
--- OOC: As instructed, take/don on a glove and enter into the garden. Next post will be later today. =) |