Join Date: May 2009 Location: Western US
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| Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees  Evelyn Rose Carter
Department of Mysteries Ever-Locked Room Supervisor Name: Evelyn Rose Carter (née Flores) DoB: August 20 2058 Age: 25 Pets: Poof ; Berry Patronus: Caracal Wand: Robust 10 ⅓" stained Ash with Basilisk Fang core 2nd Wand: Classified Boggart: Classified Amortentia: Classified Education and Work History 2069 – 76 :: Studied at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
2076 – 77 :: General Worker in DoM, Ministry of Magic
2077 – 80 :: Ever-Locked Room Potioneer in DoM, Ministry of Magic
2080 ::_____Ever-Locked Room Supervisor in DoM, Ministry of Magic
▷ Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ---Head Girl ; Quidditch Seeker/Keeper ; Gobstones Player ; Yearbook PhotographerHouse: Slytherin Excelled in: Arithmancy, Charms, Potions, and DADA Disliked: Astronomy, Ancient Runes, History of Magic, and Divination ▷ Hogwarts OWLs Year
Ancient Runes [O]
Arithmancy [O]
CoMC [O]
Charms [O]
Divination [O]
Herbology [O]
Potions [O]
Transfiguration [O]
▷ Hogwarts NEWTs Year
Arithmancy [O]
CoMC [O]
Charms [O]
Divination [O]
Herbology [E]
Potions [O]
Transfiguration [O] Appearance Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Light Hazel Skin: Lightly Tanned Height: 5'8" Model: Lily Aldridge
Evelyn is five foot, eight inches tall with soft brown hair falling a few inches past her shoulders. She has light hazel eyes that can look almost white when the sun shines on them just right. Her wardrobe holds a variety of clothing for every occasion, though she prefers to stick with her jeans, blouses, and jackets if the event doesn't call for something a little more elegant. Inner Personality: Evelyn is a very stubborn and independent girl, with a profoundly curious nature. She prefers to be alone most of the time, due to her dislike of almost everyone; however, there are a few people she doesn't mind sticking around. A perfectionist you could say, she hates when things don't go her way or correctly. A bit manipulative, she has a habit of twisting people's words and minds to get her desired end result. On the other hand, she does in fact have an open mind and listens to other's opinions, though her stubborn nature doesn't let her so easily agree with them. Despite her distant nature, Evelyn is very protective of the people she is close to and isn't afraid of standing up for them in her own subtle yet cunning way. Deep down, she is a romantic, loves poetry, a gardener, an artist, and a free spirit, yet her life has driven her to keep up a cold wall to avoid any conflicting emotions that should arise. Outer Personality: Evelyn comes off as a very independent and driven girl, though with a rather kind and nurturing nature. Willing to lend a helpful tip or hand in most situations, she's perfected the sweet smile and friendly attitude down to a tee. Sometimes her busy bee nature can make her seem tense and unapproachable, but all in all, she does her best to make others feel welcome. She does prefer things to be perfect, though is patient to obtain it in most cases, and will give a little nudge if things aren't going correctly or quick enough. Naturally, she doesn't let people get too close to her, and would most likely be seen sitting by herself during down times with either her head in the clouds or something to read in front of her. There is a subtle crafty and cunning air about her, and she will stand up for most people, though she does not waste her time with arguments or conflict. She is a go-get-it type of girl, with a cup of tea and dash of honey on the side. History Place of Birth: Amsterdam, Netherlands Current Residence: Dorset Countryside, England Blood Status: Halfblood Heritage: Spanish ; German ; English Language: English ; Spanish Relationship Status: Married [July 15 2083] Significant Other: Joshua Matthew Carter Children: Hunter Brandon Carter, Ryder Jamie Carter [Sept 30 2081] SPOILER!!: Click
Born on one of the warmer days during the summer of 2058 to Leona and Demetri Flores, Evelyn was much loved when she was younger. And even though they pushed her to her limits to be the very best she could be, one could tell from a mile away she was the light of their lives. Yet, as she and her curiosity grew, things started to change.
Most often then none, Evelyn was left alone in their large home to wander about, though never permitted to go outside without company. Unfortunately, her adventures indoors had her stumbling across a small hidden room, filled with new and old books, scattered papers, notes, crumpled parchments stacked high, and a handful of scrolls. Being one that loved to learn and make her parents proud, she kept quiet about the room and decided to surprise her parents in the end.
However, such information was not for young children. Handwritten by generations of family members on her father's side, the room held much information about people, languages, plants, creatures, notes from schools, and a wide variety of spells, maps, and questioning topics such as food and drinks, all geared towards one particular topic. Dark Arts wasn't a foreign magic for her family, but it was indeed forbidden to speak of such things around other members. Their reputation was far more important then their fascinations. Yet being the youngster she was, she didn't know what the information the room held was really about, though she did have a great fascination whenever the topic of 'fire' came up in the readings. And the more she read, the more her attitude became rebellious and obsessive. Her parents noticed the change and not wanting to deal with it themselves since they couldn't 'fix' her, they left Bibby to take care of her as they continues to focus on rising up in their business ranks and wizarding community.
Being home schooled before Hogwarts, Evelyn spent plenty of months by herself with normal textbooks, until she came to a point where she started to read out loud. At least to just hear someone's voice. A surprise was revealed soon after that they were going to be expecting another addition to their family; something that didn't quite suite well with the young girl since the center of attention would no longer be one her. Once her brother was born, never had she felt so frustrated and alone in her short life. Being a kid was tough! Yet long conversations with herself about this and that hadn't helped as her thoughts turned down a very winding road, and she seemed to have started to obtain a multiple personality disorder.
Of course, she somewhat gained control of it over the years, though had a particularly rough time during her school years with unpredictable nightmares. Especially when she was disowned halfway through her third year of school. But once a dark child, she'd grown up to be in control of her life and to finally see the positive side of things, though still struggled with her past and obsessions even today; the pyromania side of her more evident than ever. A career opportunity from a friend of her deceased Uncle had her accepting almost immediately to keep her mind focused and away from turning completely down the wrong route in life. While this new job of hers isn't the most legal, she finds peace within it.