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Old 05-08-2014, 04:45 AM   #4 (permalink)
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SPOILER!!: Normal Text
Anyone who’s been at Hogwarts long enough knows that Alexa
Cambridge isn’t exactly the most responsible of Prefects, though
you’d think she’d at least care about her lion cubs enough to
make an appearance at her house table. But at this term’s
opening feast, Gryffindors old and new weren’t even graced
with her presence for a second or two.

What’s the distraction keeping this student leader from staying
focused on her regular duties, might you ask? For the majority of
the night, the lioness was spotted loitering around the doors of
the Great Hall with none other than Ravenclaw’s Jun Kim. T
here two have been seen a lot together lately, and suspicions are
arising. Since when have they been so chummy? Cambridge makes
her distaste for Ravenclaws quite apparent, so the fact that
she’s clearly smitten with one is no small matter.

It seems that a former Gryffindor Captain’s bite has been
replaced with that of a love bug, but we do hope that dear
Alexa soon realizes her badge comes before her boy toys.

Psssst, stay in the know

Siggies by the lovely Cedric
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