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Old 03-28-2014, 06:59 PM   #44 (permalink)
Braith McCormack
Former Visiting Professor
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Posts: 570

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Braith McCormack

Originally Posted by Edward Penguin View Post
When the professor asked the first question, Ian answered best he knew how. Sir, it was created jointly by Albus Dumbledore, previous headmaster here and Nicholas Flamel, an alchemist of some note.
McCormack furrowed his brow a bit then shook his head. Maybe he should stay another term if these kids weren’t getting their facts completely accurate. “No, no,” he started, “While it’s true that Nicholas Flamel created it, Albus Dumbledore did not assist with that particular discovery. There are other parallels between the two men’s lives however.” Yes, Dumbledore was also a reported alchemist from what he knew and they were friends perhaps, but their age difference was far too great for the boy’s statement to have been a possibility. “The stone was actually created before Dumbledore was born.”

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
They were going to discuss the Philosopher's stone. Alex knew a little something about that topic. She raised her hand hoping to get her fact out before someone beat her to it. "The Philosopher's Stone could be used to make the Elixer of Life. That would make a person immortal."
M’hmm, Braith nodded in the seventh year’s direction. “That was one purpose the stone was used for, yes. And immortality would be a possibility if one continued to take the Elixir.” Something that would have to be maintained for sure.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Philosopher's Stone? What... did he know... about the Philosopher's Stone...? Apart from the bit about Nicolas Flamel and the Elixir of Life. There was something... else... right? "Professor?" he asked, raising his hand in the air, "It had the power to turn any metal into pure gold." Nodnod.
Braith nodded at the Head Boy to call on him as he spotted his raised hand. “It did.. yes, that was its other main purpose, good.” M’hmm, it was good to know that the students at least had the basics down.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
[COLOR="Blue]Ascanius didn't bother to raise his hand or say a word. However, he did know about the thing. Who didn't? It was the same stone that Harry Potter played keep away with from Voldermort. Kind of important in wizard history.[/COLOR]
Braith glanced at the shy, studious one, though... no note-taking at least? He was sure he was at least listening or absorbing something. And some students learned best by doing, which he’d have the chance to shortly.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
When Professor History man started he only was half listening. Stone? What stone? He couldn't even think what the man was talking about. So he kept on daydreaming. That's when he heard someone answer about immortal,
"Are we making one so that this old stuff won't kill us?"
Hey someone had to say it right? It was on everyone's mind so why not ask.

He sighed thinking about the dumb stone, "Wasn't it hidden in this castle or something?" He didn't read the history book so it was just what he had heard from someone.
The boy’s answer had caught him slightly off guard and it took him a few seconds to regain his train of thought so he could answer. “No, unfortunately not. We won’t be making a philosopher’s stone today.” Just talking about it. He wasn’t an alchemist, see. But he supposed he could figure how someone could get that reasoning from today’s subject especially with what was currently going on at the school. “You are right about it being once hidden in this castle though, almost 100 years ago.” So much amazing history this building held!

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow View Post
Oh… the Philosopher's Stone… this was a very interesting topic.. he wondered what everyone else was going to say about it but he raised his hand "Sir.. it was red in colour.. so it would make gold things.. but if the stone was white it would make silver things.." he added for there were two different types right.. he hoped he remembered that correctly. putting his hand back down on his desk he took notes on what the other students were saying.
Hmm, interesting that Mr. Bay would pull that bit of information out. He wondered how many knew that. “There were two different types theorized,” he nodded at the boy. “We’re going to focus a little bit on the one that was once inside the building. And that was indeed red.” So it made gold.

Originally Posted by FireboltAvis88 View Post
Sander raised his hand, "Professor, from what I recall, the moment the Stone was destroyed, both Nicholas Flamel and his wife died soon after. They did however have enough time to get their affairs in order."
Braith nodded slowly as Mr. Strand then offered his answer. “Yes, I suppose that it was a good thing that they allowed themselves a little time for that type of thing knowing that death would be soon inevitable.” He chewed the inside of his cheek a bit as he thought this over. Curious that he would speak on that particular bit actually.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
The Philosopher's Stone. Sophie remembered being told stories about the stone. True stories. There were things her classmates were sharing that she didn't know, though. Still, she thought she could come up with something. Raising her hand, she said, "I heard that Harry Potter used it in the Second Wizarding War. He opened it and got to see his long-dead loved ones again."
Wait.. what? It took McCormack a minute to realize what Miss Newell had mistaken the philosopher’s stone for. “Actually that would be called the Resurrection Stone. Something different from what we are speaking about today.” One of the Deathly Hallows. But certainly no less interesting.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Adi had been day dreaming about food. Yep. He was hungry even though he had eaten a snack before coming to class. Meh. He should have eaten more. Oh well.

He perked up at the Professor's mention of the Philosopher's Stone. That was one fascinating Stone. And he did know some facts about it, in fact. Adi raised his hand. "The making of it is associated with the study of alchemy.''
”That is true,” Braith nodded at the young boy. It was a basic answer but certainly not wrong.

Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Moving on to the class topic, Lux was really interested. She did love this class, it was awesome. Raising her hand, she offered something she knew about the Philosopher's Stone. "It was at Hogwarts when Harry Potter was in his First Year. It was heavily guarded."
McCormack gave a nod to Miss Carrington as she raised her hand to offer an answer. A faint smile fell over his lips as he heard her response. “It was heavily guarded while it was here.” And they’d get to that soon. “Interesting that it was a few first years that could get past those obstacles though.” At least he thought so.

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
The Philosopher's Stone was a subject Ella had learned about and given all her NEWTs studying lately, she'd come across the subject a couple of times. Now what to add to what had already been said. Hmm. "The Philosopher's stone caused a lot of trouble and in the end, it had to be destroyed so that no one else could benefit from its power and then do harm to others."
Braith nodded again as he listened thoughtfully to the Head Girl’s answer. “It was ultimately destroyed because of certain circumstances.” And he’d figure she already knew what the situation had been. “But that particular stone was likely around a good 500 years. Why do you think it caused so much trouble at that point and no time before then?” Really, a question for the entire class.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
Tag listened as everyone gave their own input when it came to the Philosophers stone. What did he know about it that he hoped no one else knew about it. "Ummm... wasn't it protected by some obstacles? Like, it was here at the castle, right? I guess that's something." The blonde said unsure. Hopefully it was something McCormack could go off of. And if it wasn't then, no problem, Tag simply listened to his classmates own answers.
Sometimes Braith wondered if Mr. Kildare was really some sort of unaware genius behind a façade of seeming guesses and stabs in the dark. Or maybe just really intuitive, because it seemed that in all of his classes he happened on the very path that he would end up leading the class on. “There were several obstacles placed before it, yes.” And he supposed he did mention that along with Miss Bishop’s answer. “We’ll be going more in depth with one of those obstacles shortly.”

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
"Sir, y'know Hogwarts' vault number is 713. That's the one that got robbed two terms ago, yeah? My Gran- she's the bank manager at Gringotts- mentioned once that the school stored the Stone there for a bit. Luckily, I think someone got it out in time, 'cause there was a robbery planned for it. Or so I've heard. Bet they upped security after that by a fat load."
”Hmm.. is that right?” Braith murmured thoughtfully as he mused over Miss Fischer’s answer. He did not actually know the specific number of the Hogwart’s vault at the UK bank (or that her Gran was the manager there), though he did know of the attempted robbery when the stone had been stored there. The second attempt that turned into an actual robbery was something he had been made aware of only recently. “Good foresight on someone’s part,” he nodded, noting the possibilities if the robbery had been successful. “And maybe, though perhaps slackened in recent times,” he added in response to the security bit. Or else an actual robbery wouldn’t have happened just recently? Though it was nearly 100 years later so the lessened security wouldn’t be too unlikely had there not been further attempts.

Originally Posted by Deezerz View Post
Beverly was sure she's read something on the Philosopher's Stone in one of the many potion books from home. She raised her hand. "It's believed the stone could somehow boost the user's knowledge of alchemy, in which it'd make anything obtainable." That would be wicked cool. Too bad alchemy didn't interest her.
Braith thought over young Miss Wayne’s answer a moment before responding. Those two certainly did go hand in hand, however.. “Perhaps.. though one would need to be quite skilled in alchemy in order for it to exist in the first place.”

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
"The inventor of the stone, someone already mentioned his name was Flamel, he was born in the fourteenth century, which means that he used that stone to live to be over 600 years old. That... would be a lot more fun if you didn't have to be old the whole time, I guess." And he wasn't sure if the man had just aged slowly or had stopped aging or what. Hmm.
McCormack nodded as Mr. Branxton supplied his answer. “That is a long time to be alive… and I suppose you’d be right about that. That would certainly affect his quality of life it that were the case.” He really didn’t know much about whether or not the man aged incredibly or not, though he wasn’t so sure he wanted to be a 600 year old man ever.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
But first, they were talking about the Philosopher's Stone. And how. But what could she say that hadn't already been said? "It's easy to confuse one with a large, uncut ruby." Okay, not the best answer, but it was an answer. An out-of-the-box one, definitely. And true.
Braith mused over Miss Channing-Sands’ answer for a moment. “I suppose that could be true, at least by outward appearances.” Of course he had never come into contact with one to be certain, but from what he knew it did look much like that particular gemstone.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Most of what Nigel was going to say was already said. Guess that is what happens when you daydream or don't really want to answer. Someone probably already said the most obvious answer.
The Ravenclaw prefect appeared to be deep in thought. Or maybe just conserving his energy. He might need some of that in a little bit here anyway.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"A lot of people would kill for that stone and it'd do me some good right about now unless someone can pop into this lesson and offer us a cure." What? it was true. They all knew where this disease was going in the end whether they wanted to admit it or not. In the event they never got cured she would at least like to live longer than til the end of the year, you know?
Well... what was one to say to that? Braith gave the Gryffindor a tight smile. He really wished he could offer her his sympathies with this affliction or help out in some way, but a healer he was not. “I suppose that’s true,” he said with a nod. “It’d by my guess that quite a few people would find great value in such a stone.”

Originally Posted by nanyjj View Post
"The Philosopher's Stone is related to a Nicholas Flamel, the guy mentioned on Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card. I just don't quite know why." It was a fact, right? Leah had memorized all information on Chocolate Frog cards before, but realized that they will not come in handy very often.
Braith furrowed his brow slightly as the first year gave her answer. Not sure why? “Nicholas Flamel created the Philosopher’s Stone.” That was why.. but he offered the young girl a small smile for her efforts.

“Good, good,” Braith nodded at the class as he addressed them all again. They all seemed to have at least a basic grasp of the Philosopher’s Stone which he had expected. And those that really didn’t would certainly learn something as one of their peers brought up any tidbit of information and he responded. ”Alright, so we know that Nicholas Flamel, noted for his advances in the study of alchemy, created the Philosopher’s Stone in the 15th century and lived well into his 600s due to the Elixir of Life made from the stone itself. Though he was a friend of Albus Dumbledore and in fact worked with him as an alchemist to some degree, Dumbledore did not actually help to create this particular stone.” Just to clear that up and give a basic background. “As most of you are aware, the Philosopher’s Stone is used to turn metal unto gold and to create the Elixir of Life, extending the life of its drinker, indefinitely in theory.” Or however long the person drinks it, which Flamel and his wife eventually stopped as noted by Mr. Strand.

“And also as noted by several of you, that particular stone was once kept in this castle guarded by several obstacles before it was eventually destroyed.” Or so one would claim. And hopefully they would have a little fun with a simulation of one of the obstacles shortly here, but first more discussion. As he often enjoyed doing for his approach to class, McCormack noted several questions that had arisen to ask his class to expand on. “So a couple questions have come up while we discussing the stone, let’s talk about them before we move into our activity.” Fun while learning, hopefully. Then they could be on their way to do whatever kids did. It was just too bad many of them didn’t look or act like kids anymore. It was too bad this early dismissal might be wasted on them then.

(1) “This Philosopher’s Stone was around for about 500 years before it was apparently destroyed. Why did it cause such issues in the 1990s for this decision to be made and not at any time before then that it might have earlier been destroyed?”

(2) “As a few of you mentioned, there were several obstacles placed in front of them to keep any potential thieves away. And ultimately these obstacles were overcome by a few first years. Were they really good enough for any adult who might be desperate enough for it, had they known it was located here? Or what would you suggest instead?”

OOC: Please answer either or both question(s) and we will proceed in 24 hours or so
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