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Old 03-09-2014, 11:50 PM   #104 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

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x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Why did he seem so surprised that she was letting him go? The appropriate response was 'thank you', Mister Summers.

Once she got her word of thanks, Alice grinned and held out his wand... only to pull it back out of his reach again. Such a tease, she was. The Head Boy still wasn't receiving that nifty thing back in his possession until after he admitted defeat in this duel. Her conditions were standing.

"Give you your wand and help you grow your hair back." Unless he wanted to stay bald forever...

His girlfriend wouldn't be too thrilled though, yeah?
Alec didn't understand the grinning. He was down on the floor, wandless and hairless, and... she found this sight pleasing? Girls were confusing. He did, however, grin when she held out his wand for him. Nice, that was. And he was just going to reach over and grab his wand--


Maybe not.

BLINK. "Tease," he said, shaking his head at her. He did still want his wand back so he tried to grab his wand back from where he was laying down on the floor. Tried.

Oh. So those were her conditions? "Okay, you win. You, Captain Biter, have beaten the Head Boy in a duel... making him... wandless and hairless." And, luckily, not missing any body parts.

"You think I can get my wand and hair back?" Otherwise he was going to pull out his secret weapon: the puppy dog eyes.
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