Join Date: Feb 2010 Location: Rohan
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Louis Bracken Gryffindor Sixth Year
x3 x1
| Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia As the students listed off their pet peeves of old age, Piers started a list on the board: eyesight is rubbish
aches and pains
can’t play quidditch
slow-walkers are lame
hearing loss
tired ALL the time
creepy looking
gray hair
sore on the eyes
grandmother turtle
worried people might drop dead
snogging is awkward And then there was this screaming guy, who made Piers’ old heart nearly have an attack: Quote:
Originally Posted by Edward Penguin Ian was deeply in a sleep. He was enjoying the idea of fishing with his dad and feeling the wind on his face and joy as the catch was coming in. Then an awful sound as the boat began to crash into an unseen object under the waves. He started awake screaming and observed that he was back in class and the professor seemed to be talking. He listened, trying to figure out what was going on. Piers blinked at the kid as he woke up. ”Uh, hello, thank you. Welcome back to class.” And then he gave him a LOOK that said do it again and lose points. But he wasn’t taking any now, because he himself had been snoozing not too long ago.
There were, of course, a couple of examples by students that Piers had to comment on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa Oichi saw her reflection and just sighed as the professor put up mirrors so everyone could see their reflection to see the oldness of her and lots of others but it did not faze her, dhe was use to it as trrrible as it was. She then heard the professor say there were charms that could cover up parts of of the aging process to make them feel better and her face lit up. She then heard the professor say to vent our frustrations with the aging process. Oh thus was gonna be goid. Oichi raised her hand and responded, "I AM FINE WITH LOOKING OLD BUT THE ACHES AND ZPAINS ALONG WITH THE BRITTLE BONES IF AN OLD BODY MAKE IT DIFFICULT TO GET AROUND, ITS TIRESOME TO SAY THE LEAST",Iichi responded with no clue of how loud she sounded. Like the yelling, for instance. ”OKAY, THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT,” he yelled back crankily. Yarg. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "The aging itself." They were allowed to be vague yes? She hated the whole bloody thing and couldn't think of any one thing she hated more than another. "Hate feeling like Professor Botros looks--used to look sorry because he's quite young now. Blonde hair and all." Then a whole lot of grumbling. It wasn't fair. Ah, yes. Botros. Professor Fuller gave her a look. ”I’m sure that, uh... has nothing to do with it.” HE had no idea, but he didn’t want to go blaming the old young guy. Plus, he didn’t want these kids ganging up on him, either. Not that it WAS his fault. Anyway, Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin "My girlfriend is 70 years younger than me. I look like her grandad. It makes snogging her an awkward thing." So he didn't, frankly, and Cat seemed to be a good sport about it. For now. "And I think I might have a heart attack from all these stairs I have to climb. And my knees... don't get me started. When I was young, we didn't have classes all over the dagburn castle the way these smartalecky kids do now. No, we had sensible schedules set by professors who a decent set of brains located up in the ol' nogging. I dunno who made up these schedules, but they have no respect for my sore joints or my aching back. Not a lick of sense among the lot of them." What was he talking about again? And then there was Mo. Rambling Mo. Dagburn? Smartalecky? Nogging? Not a lick of sense among the lot of them... Yeah, okay, Mo. Someone hadn’t taken their meds this morning, eh? ”Thank you for your input.” Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen "I guess it is a bit irritating walking along hallways and stairs, people hobbling around, but then I do get to just breeze by and be my youthful spritely self." Have them eat her dust so to speak. "People being hard of hearing can be annoying too but the things you can get away with when they cant hear you well." she giggled wickedly. "So... in a place where I am younger, faster, smarter, and prettier-- why would I want to change a thing?" wink. And this girl. Piers wheezed out a laugh, but was secretly jealous of her lack of OLD-ness. Why was she not a Slytherin? She seemed like a Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar Okay so two things were for sure. The first thing was that this was obviously a major problem that was affecting way more people than she had originally noticed, and second it couldn't be fixed? That was new to her. "What do you mean it can't be fixed?" They were freaking wizards/witches after all. Somebody should be able to wave a wand over her and she should be able to go back to normal. This was insane. "More importantly shouldn't we find out who brought on this disgusting disease?" Hannah eyed the puffers.
So that wasn't what the professor was asking, but dangit she was grumpy and she wanted answers. Hannah had no intention of merely coping with this thing. She was not going to be in a grandma like state for the rest of her life. "Well, to answer your question besides taking forever to even get moving it would be nice if I could stop farting all the time." Yeah she said it. Fix that professor. ”Weeeell...” Piers paused, mid-thought and thought about how to approach this question. He was mildly surprised she was the only one who asked about a permanent fix. ”We’re working on it. I’m sure our charming school Healer will be able to fix it.” He didn’t need to mention the presence of Ministry healers at the school, did he? Didn’t want to make the kiddos worry.
The Charms professor was just about to continue with the lesson when -- Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell The smile faded from his lips though when the Professor began to talk. Oh Michael had absolutely no idea what the man was saying because he was now totally deaf and could not hear a single thing that was being said. He only knew the man was talking because his lips were moving.
And then he seemed to stop talking and his classmate's mouths were moving. Apparently a question had been asked. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA??"
That alone should answer the man's question. *deadpan*
He was not doing this today. ”LISTEN OR LEAVE, TOUSSIANT.” WAS THAT LOUD ENOUGH FOR YOU??? ”Alright, you all came up with a fairly decent list. All reasonable complaints. All of which I agree with.” Unfortunately. ” Today we will be aiding a few of these little bugs. The first little handy spell is one I like to call the Swish-and-Facelift. A simple swish of the wand, a simple incantation, and--” Piers snapped his wrinkled fingers for emphasis ”Your face is defying gravity. You look younger, feel younger, less saggy, less wrinkly.” Turning to board again, he again started to write. Frontis Allevatus (FRON-TISS - AL-EH-VAY-TUSS) ”Frontis Allevatus,” he read out loud, putting a hand behind his back secretly trying to massage it because it ACHED. ”With a swish of your wand, this charm will lift your facial wrinkles. Now, as with most things in life, practice makes perfect. You’re not going to look young with just one single swish. It’ll take a few to get rid of stubborn wrinkles. However... TOO many times will have you looking like a balloon at its limit. And your face WILL stick that way, so be careful.” He was so not liable for this, right?
That being said, it was time to demonstrate. ”Everyone pay attention!” Piers grabbed his wand and a mirror. Looking at his sad wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, He swished his wand over the area once while saying the incantation, ”Frontis Allevatus.” and his wrinkles were lifted away from his eye, almost as good as new. Almost. ”I want you to practice the incantation first before trying it on your own. If you are lucky enough not to look like a raisin, find someone with the symptoms and practice on them. I’m sure they would be willing to get any help they can.” Who wouldn’t want a free facelift??!?! OOC: Please make at least three posts for this activity. For example, one for practicing the incantation and two for trying out the charm. You will get two points per post, but only 6 points (three posts) total. You CAN make as many posts as you want, but if your post doesn't contain either practicing the incantation or performing the charm, please don't number it. It's distracting. You only need to number the posts that I explained. You will have 45ish hours to complete this task before we move on! Have fun! Feel free to work with a partner and I encourage to to RP with someone you normally don't! =) |