Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... stare... stare... stare...
Really it was time for not so old man to start talking. Bart wanted to just facepalm on his desk, because the minute the man started talking Bart stopped understanding. Why couldn't History Man keep talking. He couldn't really hear either of them, but still at least one spoke his language. While the other was way to long winded and confusing. "What... a spell.. what?" Why did he keep talking and just as Bart got his wand out the man was talking again so all spell thoughts and tapping a rune were forgotten.
He looked around the room where was history man? Why was he not talking. Once he found him he leaned out over his desk trying to get his attention. "Psssst... PSSSSST." Did history man hear him? Without the other one hearing him.
He leaned over more when the desk started going forward and he crashed on his face. "OWWWWW" Did he break something, it sure felt like his face or shoulder or something, but it hurt and now he was face down on the ground stuck with his bum in the air as the desk was turned upside down as well.
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