Thread: Potions 2
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Old 02-10-2014, 08:56 AM   #207 (permalink)
Special Services to the School

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
ΒΌ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

Text Cut: Problems
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
Cleaning his wooden stirrer again, Alec stirred the potion three times counter clockwise... paused... and then stirred another three times counter clockwise. Was that it? Had he done it? Yeah? He reached up a hand and ruffled his hair. So much for getting an O in this OWL.
The potion looks as if it wants to EAT the wooden stirrer and the boy who's holding it and it takes the ANGRY potion some time to calm down, possibly causing the boy some hair and anxious moments, but the colour slowly turns to milky white again, and with one last audible hiss, the potion is back to 'normal'.

Mhmm, the Head Boy definitely has some head.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
He started moving around his work station shuffling his slippers around. It had to be somewhere, right?
Cosgrach was contemplating whether it was the 9 AM thing that made everyone so restless, or whether people were weird because of this turning old thing. He still had his suspicions it was fake, but what could he say? He was doing everything he could for the lesson to go on normally. He sighed to himself and moved to Bart, the only Gryffindor he liked.

"What's it, child?" Didn't he know potions was no joke and it could be a whole different thing if left on fire one more second?

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Three stirs clockwise.....three counter-clockwise....yes, that was taken care of. The Gryffindor waited patiently behind her cauldron for the next step while scribbling out the step she'd just done.

Something is wrong, because the potion turns black all of a sudden--the opposite of everyone else's milky white--and it starts to move on its own in a slow clockwise motion. It isn't boiling or threatening anyone, but you never know.

The Prefect's scribbling and action contradict each other, clearly, and she'd better hurry to fix it before all her efforts are vanished.

Originally Posted by carpediem View Post
"Professor? Something went wrong with my potion." He was already mad. And she wasn't calling out. NOPE. Because she needed help and she was waiting to be called on to answer. Not calling out.
"Do I have to start over?" Again, not calling out. NEVER. She wasn't losing more housepoints for this. This was not worth housepoints.
...another one? TRULY. ANOTHER ONE.

The first thing he checked was whether it threatened someone, and upon seeing it didn't, he didn't vanish it right away. Instead, clearly breathing in difficulty, he walked to the girl.

"WHAT did you do?" No endearing words, no calm voices, no nothing. He was getting angry. It was getting harder to keep calm--breathing deeply or not. He needed a calming draught, or else, he was going to break hearts.

Originally Posted by Ivana R View Post
"What? Professor Culloden! My potion!" She took out her hands from her pockets and gestured towards her emptied cauldron, desperately. As if it was two gloves for fingers, her fingers were wearing the emptied eyes that she was supposed to have thrown out. Awkwardly, she hid her hands behind her body.

"I don't have the slightest idea bout what happened..." She took her parchment with her free hand and checked the instructions. She had followed every instruction. Then, cautiously, she looked at her other hand, which fingers were still wearing the eyes. Much to her surprise, a big part of the hollow eyeball had vanished. She looked around and then to the floor and there was no trace of the eyeball.

Pretending to be calm, she said "A part of a puffer-fish eye may have fallen into the cauldron, Professor... It had never happened before... I'm always so careful with my potions..." She looked into his eyes sadly. "May I try to brew this potion again? I love to brew potions... Please, Professor. Let me try again." She could feel her eyes watering when she said the last words. She breathed deeply while waiting for him to reply.
"Your potion, yes," he hissed nastily, frowning. He then looked at her hands when she brought them out, and he seemed to have forgotten his anger for a moment. Instead, he was busy being confused, but before he could make something out of it, her hands were hidden again.

His anger appeared with immediate effect.

Setting his jaw tight, he looked like he was trying to bore his eyebrows into each other, because he had never frowned so deeply before. He looked flushed, closed his eyes for a moment, and opened them again. The girl was still there--begging him, and he relaxed his facial muscles.

Wrinkles were bad. He didn't need them, let alone for this girl.

"You will do that," he said as he waved his wand again while saying "Reparo," at her cauldron. "You will have extra time if you need it. Next time, you'd better keep the eyes intact."


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
One...two...three counterclockwise.
The potion shakes impatiently.

Isn't the boy forgetting something?

Cosgrach was going to finish the class, with or without silly students a few problems.

So, instead of going to front this time, he called out to them from the back.

"The next step is adding the leech, counting to ten and adding water-dwelling planaria." He waved his wand then, and the step added itself on the blackboard.

Originally Posted by Blackboard
6. Add one leech. Count to ten and add water-dwelling planaria.

OOC-Reminder: The planaria is in a small glass of water, so your characters need to pour that into the cauldron.

Last edited by StarShine; 02-10-2014 at 11:18 AM.
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