Thread: Potions 2
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Old 02-08-2014, 10:40 PM   #140 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mona Deandra Hellmann
First Year
x5 x6
¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls

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Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
ePulling her wand out, she pointed it at the bowl. "Aguamenti!" Andd it worked. Yaaay. She was happy. She beamed as she pulled her gloves on, and began squeezing the pus out. It looked disgusting. But she was just glad that she had been able to do the spell. Once that was finished, she put it away to use later, and began crushing the asphodel roots. Crushh Crushh Crushhh. And then that was done. Smiling, she pushed that away to use later.
But she did wrong.

Cosgrach didn't bother warning her when she used the glass bowl and mortar without cleaning them. He wasn't going to warn students to be clean all the time. He was just going to let them be, and see if being dirty taught them anything. So, he just gave her a LOOK, but passed on without saying anything.

Originally Posted by Ivana R View Post
After a minute, the girl lowered the heater to medium and looked at the teacher, grinning.
Cosgrach caught the girl's look this time, and stopped for a moment to look back. Why... was she grinning? Had she... done something wrong? Hopefully not? He frowned to himself--he didn't see her do anything wrong, but... he gave her a small, awkward smile in return in the end.

Children. Better to watch that one moe closely.

Originally Posted by Saiai View Post
Pushing her hair back from her class Ana unholstered her wand and turned it towards the bowl in front of her, "Aguamenti," she whispered as water poured from the end of her wand and into the bowl. Ending the spell she pushed herself from the chair and walked slowly over to the Professors desk to get the seal milk. She'd have to get onto buying those shoes Tessa had ASAP. The ones she was wearing currently weren't the most comfortable, and so after grabbing the milk she scurried quickly back to her own desk. Ahh, the relief of sitting back down.

Frowning Ana grabbed her gloves and put them on before grabbing the bubotuber and squeezing the pus into it. Ugh. Gross. Pushing the concoction off to one side Ana grabbed her mortar and pestle, dragging it towards her along with the asphodel. She patiently began crushing the asphodel and once that was done she pushed the mortar and pestle away too.

Turning to her cauldron Ana cast, "Scrougify," before grabbing the correct amount of seal milk and chucking it in, turning the heat up to high. Ana got distracted slightly by the calming blue of the room, and so accidentally left the heat on high for 30 seconds too long. She looked around to see if anyone had noticed while turning the heat to medium. Surely 30 seconds extra on high wouldn't do that much damage. She hoped. There was a reason she didn't do cooking. That was also the same reason why Potions wasn't the highlight of her academic career.
This one too. Not cleaning. Cosgrach died to ask them just WHY--WHY did they clean the cauldron and NOT the other material? He then sighed to himself. It would be a useless question, so he didn't vanish her work or anything, but looked at her with the hope of reminding her to clean everything. He looked away, though, because looking at children too much proved to be harmful. As he looked away, he missed those extra 30 seconds. Lucky for her. For now. One could only wonder if her potion was damaged or not until trying it on.

Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah View Post
With a careful hand, Cutty poured his seal milk into his cauldron and drew his wand to light the flames beneath the cauldron, but he consider how he would control them in the precise manner required for the potion.
Had Cutty Mordaunt cleaned his cauldron beforehand? Cosgrach couldn't remember, and he wasn't going to LOOOOK at the boy for something he wasn't sure about. Still... he hoped Cutty had. It would be a shame if his potion went wrong due to dirtiness.

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
So STARTING all over again, he scourgified his cauldron and added the seal milk to his cauldron before turning the heat up high. He made sure to count to sixty and drum a little on his desk to keep track of the time also to be annoying. Once a minute was up he turned the head down to a solid medium.
And he wasn't going to PREPARE the bubotuber BEFOREhand? He was just going to skip that step? Did he really think he could do it later? Well, HIS choice. Cosgrach had warned him once, and he wasn't going to warn him again. He wouldn't have any time to squeeze the bubotuber pus, though, and he certainly was going to need it for the potion. And he was a Slytherin... a Slytherin about to get a potion wrong.


Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa View Post
Oichi then noticed a some specs that did not look like asphodel in the small bowl of it she put to the side. She quickly poured it out and scougifyed both the mortar and pestle and the boul with the tainted asphodel. She then crushed new asphodel and put that to the side. She then moved on to step 2. She grabbed the seal milk and added it to the potion. She then turned on her heater to high and then waited a minute and then turned it to medium. Whats next.
Cosgrach nodded at her prudence. Good move, girl. How she crushed new asphodel. Really smooth. He hoped that she wasn't going to be imprudent, though, with adding the milk without cleaning her potion first... she had surely cleaned it BEFORE?

One could only hope.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Carefully, she added the milk, being sure that none spilled over on the table or anything. It was important to keep a clean work station at all times.
It was also important to keep a clean cauldron, which Cosgrach couldn't remember if she had done so, but which he wasn't going to question. He just HOPED she had cleaned her cauldron before adding the milk, and went on patrolling the class slowly.

Merlin. He could do with a memory strengthening potion now.

Originally Posted by SweetPeea View Post
She couldn't help but said to the nice man, "Thank you Professor.." Now to start on the first step as the Professor had done.

She did as everyone else had done performing an almost EXCELLENT performance of Scourgify (THANK YOU ELLA), thus making her cauldron nearly sparkling clean. After doing this she, she'd added water to her bowl & almost went to squeeze the bubotuber's pus but not before puttinng on her gloves. Then going on to crush her asphodel roots in mortar. Just as she'd finished that, she'd heard the Professor already going onto the next step.
...what about cleaning the MORTAR, PESTLE and GLASS BOWL, though? Cosgrach dramatically sighed to himself. Maybe he ought to hold a class about that--cleaning alone. Not saying anything again, he moved onto the next student who probably forgot to clean something too.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Now add the sealed milk. Well okay then. Milk added.
The Ravenclaw prefect... surely wouldn't do such a mistake to add the milk to a dirty cauldron? Surely? Yes? Could Cosgrach hope that much?

Blimey. He WAS going to assign them to research the importance of cleanliness as the homework.

Now, to SHOUT or to speak normally? Cosgrach hesitated for a moment, then chose the latter. Those with failing hearing would see the blackboard soon anyway.

...not EVERYONE had terrible ears, did they?

Eyeing them, he took a deep breath and said "The next step is kind of tricky and requires a good hand." He eyed them again. "So if the eye slips out of your hands, CLEAN it before trying again. If you ruin an eye, seek help." Because, obviously, he didn't want them to ruin several eyes. Every ingredient was too precious to waste. Hoping that they understood, he tapped his wand again and the new step added itself with BIG letters.

Originally Posted by Blackboard
3. Add hellebore syrup. Make a small cut at the back of the puffer-fish eyes and squish them to the cauldron. Add ONLY their liquid and vanish the eyes themselves or dispose of them in the rubbish bin.

NOTE: CLEAN before trying again if the eye slips out of your hands. SEEK HELP if you ruin an eye.
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