Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Cell culture hood
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Mona Deandra Hellmann Gryffindor First Year x5 x6
| ¼ of the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pls Text Cut: Replies Text Cut: The shouting lot Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi "IS IT NAP TIME OR EATING TIME?" He shouted out loud because he couldn't hear himself. "OH! PROFESSOR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE...WAIT AM I IN CLASS? I WAS SURE IT WAS NAP TIME...." It didn't even occured to him that he had actually called him Professor for the very first time.
Oh wait, potions. He was going to make some kind of potion! Ha! he was so smart. Even at his age he was still smart. He put on the gloves and took out a bupopoby or whatever it was called out of the potions kit and squeeeezed the pus out in to a glass bowl. He then wiped his gloved hand on the table and proceeded to grab a bunch of asphodel roots before crushing them in the mortar without cleaning it first. When he was done he looked at his work so far and had the feeling he was forgotten something......
THE WATER! He had forgotten to add the water....wait...in where again? Lucky for the Gryffindor, PRofessor Culloden had been too busy with others to pay much attention to him to notice he had been sleeping. When he shouted though--he succeeded pretty well to draw his attention and the man jumped, anger rising in himself.
WHAT even?
Turning to GLARE at the boy, he narrowed his eyes and waited for him to stop behaving in a silly way. Which he did. Good. He was getting to work.
...not. Correctly. He was working INcorrectly!
Taking DEEP, DEEP breaths, Cosgrach toooowered over the boy. If looks could kill... "Aguamenti," he simply said, wand already directed in the glass bowl, and filled it with some water. He didn't say anything, though, and preferred to stare gravely. He also knew Kevin didn't clean his mortar and pestle, and doubted they had been clean really, but it wasn't Cosgrach problem unless it threatened others, so he let that be. Next time? Kevin was fixing his mistake on his own. Next time shouting-- Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir When he was calm and FREEEEEE OF EMOTIONS again, Tobias opened his eyes and raised his hand. He spoke up rather loudly and croakily. "I can't hear what you're saying, sir." SPEAK UP, SONNY JIM. "And I can't see what's on the board."
He didn't LOOK at Culloden, per se. Just sort of... towards the front of the room. --TOBY, of all the people, HAD TO shout too!
Cosgrach didn't jump this time, but he was even MORE angry! WHAT was going on here? Was this some kind of a joke-- Quote:
Originally Posted by aaetha Aaaaand people were yelling (DuckyLinJi and Felixir). Why were people yelling? Adrienne cast a nasty look at them. They were disrupting class, and for no reason whatsoever! Was she expected to be able to learn in an environment like this? "There's no need to shout, so please shut it," she said loudly, directing her comments towards the two idiots who couldn't speak at a normal volume. --And people were answering them! Cosgrach couldn't breathe properly for a moment. He grabbed at his neck, leaned on his desk and tried to calm down. Calm, calm, he was caaaalm. "I appreciate your good intentions," he said to the girl caaaalmly, "but that's not very friendly." As in other words, he got this. He wouldn't warn her, or anyone else, for another next time.
Now. To figure out WHAT to do about the shouting people. Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir And then he looked at Culloden. SURELY he'd be on Toby's side THIS time.
Surely. He had to be. Please. Cosgrach was. On Toby's side, that is. He just... didn't understand why Toby had to shout in the first place. Surely the aging wasn't that terrible? Could it be? Could it... really be that...
Cosgrach sighed dramatically to himself. He didn't even know, but he was thinking of something to help the kids. Quote:
Originally Posted by aaetha Ugh. Adrienne could not believe there was someone this immature in her year. Honestly! He couldn't even be bothered to respond when someone was speaking to him? And now he was staring at her like an idiot. She rolled her eyes and glared at him and then turned back to the board. At least he was quiet now, so she could get going on her potion. Cosgrach had either missed the glare or ignored it, because he didn't look at or say anything to the girl. He was just glad they dropped the matter. He knew how to help Toby, Kevin and all those that had to get up to see the blackboard anyway.
Text Cut: Tora Quote:
Originally Posted by amadshade She continued thinking about his topic while she did a quick "Scorgify of her glass bowl and got all the ingredients out. She didn't bother to double check to see if she had all the ingredients. She stuck the tip of her wand into her bag and said Accio gloves! She had been working on this advanced spell for a while now, but still wasn't getting very far. As proof of her failed efforts, nothing happened in the bag. Rather nothing that Tora wanted to happen happened as a great deal of crashing sounds came from where she had tried to summon her gloves to her. This caused her to give a great sigh before she gave up on magic and just rooted around for them blindly with her hand. Finally stumbling upon the gloves, she tugged them on and picked up the pus with a bit of distaste. Here goes nothing.[/color] Crashing.
Something was crashing!
Trying not to look frantic, Cosgrach turned around to spot the culpable. WHO crashed something? That--this--AHA! It was HER! His eyes narrowed and in a few strides, he was beside her. "Is everything alright, Miss?"
Y'know, calm, he was. Perfectly calm. He was simply asking if she needed help.
Text Cut: Delilah Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of Light "Ew." Delilah muttered to herself in disgust as she started to squeeze the bubotuber's pus into the bowl. This was so gross. She somehow managed to get it done before she started to crush the asphodel roots in the mortar, giving a small yawn. Okay, done. She took off her gloves and made a note of the first step. See? Efficient. See, Cosgrach had changed his strategy. Instead of vanishing the contents of those who didn't clean their materials, he was just going to let the dirty stuff lead to a chaos and exploding potions, and students needing The Healer. He wasn't even going to warn them. It was their responsibility. So, this time, he didn't say anything too, but conjured water into her glass bowl for her, because she seemed to have forgotten that. Next time, though, she was completely on her own, cleaning included.
Text Cut: Dirty lot Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 So Marigold shifted a bit and prepared her bowl. She poured some water in it.
And ewww squishing pus out. She got a bit squeamish while doing that, but was fine afterwards. She crushed the roots as best she could, though they were a bit uneven.
WHoops. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo With that done she shoved the bowl to the side then began crushing the asphodel roots in the mortar. This was for later as well, yeah? Quote:
Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow Bay made sure that he had clean equipment to start brewing. he placed his glass bowl on his work station and poured in the water. "alrighty thats done now.. what next?" he looked down at his notes.. okay so he had to put on his gloves now…
He put on his gloves and kept looking at his notes.. he had to squeeze the bubotuber's pus.. he looked in his bag to find it.. "oh there it is" he said while grabbing it and adding it to the water.
after that he pulled out his mortar and started to crush his asphodel roots.. "man these things are hard" he said while putting all the force he could muster into crushing them… alright so thats done… Yep, yep, Cosgrach was calm. He wasn't picky. He wasn't obsessed about cleanliness. He was going to ignore. Ignore until the dirty pestle and mortar led to mistakes and disgusting potions and all that.
Yes. Ignoring. Not warning them to clean it. Not vanishing anything. He was going to enjoy their squirming later.
Text Cut: Bart Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Bart looked down at his feet. His slippers were great weren’t they? All frogged out with his matching Pj pants. “They are more comfortable than my shoes. Plus my back has been really bothering me lately and bending down to put the shoes on was just so much effort so slippers had to do.” He was there on time that should be good enough.
Once it was done he went back to his desk to make sure he had all the ingredients. “Are you kidding me.” He said frustrated putting up his hand. “Professor I forgot my potions kit.” How could he forget his favorite subject things. ...okay, this ageing REALLY was real. And disturbing. And spreading. And affecting people's lives.
......if Cosgrach locked himself up in his office and spoke to no one until they were all cured? What if he, too, was getting old rapidly?! What if he died tomorrow?!
MERLIN! He couldn't die tomorrow!
Taking deep breaths, he tried his best to look calm, because he was NOT calm. "Slippers, yes, right, okay." Okay. So long as Bart kept away from him in those slippers, he was fine with them. He vaguely remembered he had to answer some of his questions, but what those were, he didn't even remember.
...the Gryffindor tower was several floors up... Cosgrach grunted to himself. "Share it with a friend or use from my stock," he said grudgingly. He didn't like it. He didn't like it at all--how the school looked like a care-house now. Was he the only one that noticed stuff?
Text Cut: Adi Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Hydrated? Dehydrated? Er...It was safe to say Adi had forgotten which of the words meant dried out. He look confusedly at the Professor. "Um...the one that means stuff are drying out or loosing their moisture content.'' Dehydrated, it was? Gah! All of a sudden he wondered what potion they were even talking about. Why were they even talking about hydration and dehydration? "Then it should be 'dehydrated'." Err--it was a simple mistake of his tongue, right? Right?! Not that ageing stuff again?
Text Cut: Sophie B. Quote:
Originally Posted by feeheeheeny Then, just... to be extra safe and because she could feel Culloden's scrutiny whether he was avidly paying attention to her or not, she took her wand and did a quick, "Scourgify," on everything once more - the outside of the two new glasses, her bowl, the tabletop, her gloves, her mortar and pestle, all of her various other tools again... but then she acknowledged that she was being overly meticulous and neat, and set her wand down to stop herself. Everything was good and clean, Soph. Yes. Okay. Good. But she had JUST cleaned everything? Cosgrach watched her for a moment, questioning his memory in the process, then grinned and shook his head at her. She was great, did she know? Truly. The best protege anyone could ever have.
Text Cut: Gwen Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black She set her glass bowl exactly in front of her at the table and pulled her gloves from her bag slipping them onto her fingers. Apparently over-cautiousness was good at this school. Next, squeeze bobotuber pus. Ugh. She hated the word. The stuff was gross. She leaned back a little as she squeezed the nasty pus into her glass bowl. Gross. Cograch waited for her to add the water until the last minute, y'know, but when she didn't, he added it for her without saying anything. He was giving everyone one mistake chance, basically, but they were on their own with their next mistake.
Text Cut: Sophie of Hufflepuff Quote:
Originally Posted by Hey Ju SHE WOULD GLADLY!! HEEHEE!!! "That would depend on the magic used preciously, professor." She said, excitedly, yet politely. "For example, Finite Incantatem could work." It was indeed a powerful little spell, that one. Lovely! "Or maybe an Anti-Aging Charm. Or even a Beauty Spell could work, too." Who knew! Sophie was totally up for trying it. Oh wait, maybe the Anti-Aging Charm wouldn't work because the person would already be old. "Or maybe a Stretching Charm even?" And now Sophie was literally just thinking out loud as she started to consider more... unrelated spells. Ooo, maybe there was a collagenous-related spell? Or a moisturizing Charm of some sort. Huh! Sophie had never been interested in such things, but she was now considering all of it. Eh, no wonder Cosgrach didn't know those charms then. He hated beauty sector, thought it was silly, and it hurt him to see such young brains were infected with it too. Everyone here seemed to know more about it, and if it weren't for the... curious incidents, he would feel bad for them.
He sitll felt bad for them. Anyway.
Nodding at the girl politely and definitely appreciating her answer, he smiled and went on to address to the class...
Text Cut: Questions Quote:
Originally Posted by Rosa Chispa Princessa But Oichi still felt compelled to ask, "Professor, how do you milk a seal?". Oichi then started to write the notes on the board on her parchment.
She the crushed the asphodel with the mortar and put it to the side. "They are mammals too," he said as an answer to the girl, "so they have mammae." Err--he doubted it was like a cow's, really, but it wasn't too different?
She too. Didn't clean her pestle and mortar. Her choice. He was done reminding them the cleanliness. Quote:
Originally Posted by SlytherinSistah "Proffessor Culloden?" His hand went up before he said anything more. "Do we want a perfectly smooth paste or should it be a bit...gritty?" Who was it? Oh, that Slytherin boy. Cosgrach nodded at him to ask his question. "We want a perfect one." Because the skin has to be perfect too. Yes. Quote:
Originally Posted by carpediem "Professor?" Because she didn't learn names very well. "Why are we using a glass bowl? Is there any special reason?" And she wrote the question down. Just because it might come in handy. For life and stuff. And while she waited for an answer she pulled out her wand. Might as well continue with the steps while she worked. "Yes?" This turning-around-trying-to-spot-the-student made him dizzy, but he survived it this time too and made eye contact with the girl. He remembered her from the last class. She had rather different questions. "Because glass doesn't react to bubotuber," he said in response, and nodded at her work. She worked as well as she could ask questions.
Text Cut: Ascanius Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Then he cast aguamenti and a follow up finite to get his water in the cauldron. Done, done.
He threw his gloves on and proceeded to get all of that pus into the cauldron. Jeez, was this REALLY necessary. This was going to CAUSE wrinkles, not help remove them. WHAT was he doing? Didn't he hear? Didn't he see?! Cosgrach was beside the young man in only a few seconds, and POOF everything in his cauldron went. "Read the blackboard, please." Please. But Cosgrach beat him to it, in case he was one of those with poor eye-sight too. "It says, add water to a glass bowl and squeeze the bubotuber in that." He EYED the boy. What had he done instead? Adding it to the cauldron! "These are for future use." Understood? Clear? Done?
So, obviously, they had a problem.
Cosgrach looked thoughtful for a moment, then tapped his wand at the blackboard again as he muttered to himself. The blackboard expanded, covering nearly the whole wall now, and the letters got BIGGER too--almost their double length and width. "IS THAT--" he pointed at the blackboard while shouting for everyone to hear, "CLEAR NOW?" He turned to look at it again. It seemed so. He was impressed with himself.
He tapped his wand at the blackboard again, and a message appeared in BIG letters: 'Write what you have to say on a paper if your hearing is failing.'
It stayed there for a full minute for everyone to see, then it erased himself, and the next step appeared beneath the first one: Quote:
Originally Posted by Blackboard 2. Add the seal milk. Turn the heater to high for a minute, then lower to medium. "NEXT. STEP!" Could everyone see it? Yes? No?
Merlin. He had to see Annie as soon as this class was over. |