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Old 02-04-2014, 05:50 PM   #99 (permalink)

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Default Catch-Up and Tessa
cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy

Bumper Cars!

Ana had only driven a bumper car once before, it was at a fair last year with that good for nothing... She'd only driven once before. But she knew they were fun, and a great way to take out aggression. What made it better was that they were going to have a competition.

This was clearly the best lesson ever. Hadley was so competing with Professor Airey to be An'a favourite. Not that Hadley knew that, but hey. She was.

Smiling in delight Ana rushed to choose a car when they were given the go ahead, eagerly jumping behind the wheel of a green one. Now, she had to grab a green balloon and tie it to a green...what was the word again? For the life of her Ana couldn't remember. It felt like it was on the tip of her tongue but she simply couldn't recall it. Oh well, the name wasn't really all that important. She had to grab a green balloon and tie it to the green thingamajig to get points.

Once she was secure in the car and had her hands on the wheel she pressed down on the accelerator hard. She could spy a green balloon with her name on it.

Ana was careful to avoid other students as she went for the balloon, it was moving but she managed to get along side it. Only it was just out of her reach. Frowning she stood up, making sure to keep her foot on the accelerator, and one hand on the wheel, she didn't want to live too dangerously just to get the balloon.

Ana's fingertips brushed against the string for a few seconds, and she leaned a bit further forward and to the side so that she could grab it. Success.

Ana was just lowering her body back into the car when she was bumped. She jolted forward and her torso smacked hard against the steering wheel as she'd lost as her balance. She winced when she felt something crack. That hurt, that really, really hurt.

"It's fine," Ana called back to Tessa, having noted that it was her old friend who'd bumped into her. After all, if Ana had of been sitting down it likely would have been.

Somehow having managed to keep hold of the balloon Ana slowly and carefully lowered herself back into the drivers seat. Her ribs were killing her, she was pretty sure some of them were broken. But this was a competition and she wanted to get at least one balloon tied to her teams thingie. Her ribs could wait until after class.

She drove more slowly towards her teams hurdle, holding in a gasp as she let her car come to a stop so she could tie the balloon on, making sure it was secure. She was met with the sight of green balloon, tied to green hurdle and was glad. She'd gotten at least one point.
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