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Old 01-20-2014, 10:58 AM   #18 (permalink)
Branwen's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 115
Default Eyes

In my opinion, black 'n white pictures are beautiful, but
sometimes they need a contrasting colour to bring the
colourlessness up. So I choose to give my b'nw:s some

The eyes are important thing in the character, and the eye
colour can tell a lot from it's owner. I'm quite irritated that
the eye colours in the movies are almost all wrong. Yes, I
know that they tried to give Dan green contacts and he
became allergic to them, but still I think Harry's eyes need
to be green... and Ron's blue... and Voldemort's red.

So, I decided to give them the exact eye colour I have
imagined them to have.
It doesn't show well in these
kind of small pictures, but their eyes are all coloured.

SPOILER!!: thirty-two mirrors to the soul

Harry's eyes are described bright green, and this
fact is said thorought all the books so many times,
that it should be natural.

Ron's eyes are described blue, and I thinks this kind
of really bright blue would fit with his hair the best.

Hermione's eyes are described brown, and I imagine
them to be warm chocolate kind of brown.

We don't know any specifics about Neville's eyes,
but in the movie he's got grey-blue eyes, and I
think those fits him.

Ginny's eyes are described brown, and in my opinion
a darker brown would fit her better, rather than
choclate brown what Hermione has.

Draco's eyes are described grey, and they look just
perfect in the movie, light steely grey with maybe
a little hint of blue.

Luna's eyes are described to be silvery grey, but in
the movie they are blue (and I absolutely adore
Evanna's Luna in the movies). I kind of mixed them
together giving her silvery blue eyes with a little hint
of purple.

Voldemort's eyes are described red, and what could be
more fitting than rich blood red.
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