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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Chapter 02 Wellington, New Zealand
02:30 amThe upside of living with a boy was no one would complain about the untidiness of their flat, or the lack of cooked food in their fridge. Louisa could not waste her time tidy things up or brush up on her nonexistent cooking skills. Mack, had a knack of being the weirdest, softest boy Louisa ever met. He complained about her books being everywhere (which usually meant the floor, the coffee table and the kitchen's counter. That's not everywhere), her failed attempts at cooking stinking the house in the process, and her hair clogging up the shower. Louisa admitted that her cooking was bad enough to complain about, but her hair did not clog any showers, it was him and the fact that he changed colors (the muggle way) every other day.
To top it all, she couldn't bring her cats along because he had a small dog. And his dog despised Louisa and kept attacking her whenever she gave him a frown or a gentle kick to move aside. Though when she had the flu, the dog was the only communication she had with the outside world and he seemed quite happy to deliver the notes she tied to his neck in exchange of drinking her soup. So they weren't always on different terms.
After twelve hours in the plane, and another two trying to reach her house, Louisa fell asleep on her bed when Mack and his dog were outside and the only thing that made her jolt wide awake was something wet tickling her leg.
Mack's dog. Mack laughed out loud from the doorway, leaning with his arm crossed and a wide grin on his face. A smug grin.
"Take your dog away from my leg. Such a pervert." She draped her arm over her eyes and stayed lying down on her bed.
"When are you going to admit you like him?"
Louisa suppressed a grin and bumped the dog with her leg, he whimpered and jumped up on her bed. "Gosh, such an annoying pet." Her eyelids cracked open a little and instantly she got licked with a bad breathed and wet tongue. "Ekhh!" The giggles were a sign to the pet that she liked it though she squirmed away, but he went ahead and sat on her belly, his head hanging over her face. "I'm already dizzy from the flying deathly box, I don't want a dog staring down at me."
At some point, Mack had walked in and flopped down on the chair behind her study desk. "How are you still dizzy from planes? You travel back and forth to England a lot."
That was because she sometimes arranges a series of floo and portkeys. But Mack wasn't a wizard as far as she knew so he wasn't allowed to know.
"Eh." Louisa rolled on her side to look at her flatmate, his dog still taking residence on top of her. "How was your summer?" All she knew about Mack's family was that his parents were divorced, he lived with his father and his sister lived with his mother. It wasn't so bad between the parents though, he mentioned something about different interests being the cause of the divorce.
He shrugged at her question, "Normal. Got around to see old friends and catch up. How was yours?"
Louisa told him nothing about her family. She nodded, "Same. Caught up with the family and friends."
He kept his good natured smile on before clapping for his dog, that sprang off of her and out of her room towards his corner outside. "I'll leave you to continue your... nap or something."
"About time." She grinned, and flopped onto her back again.
"Maybe you'll consider changing into your PJs."
"And taking off your shoes."
"And putting some sheets on."
"And dropping your bags off the bed."
"You barely have enough space on your bed to begin with."
He moved inside the room and gave a small sigh, though he smiled at how reckless and stubborn his blonde flatmate was. He got rid of her shoes for her, carefully put down her bags on the floor and threw a sheet over her. It was getting nippy in the evening. There was something poking out from Louisa's side, something wooden. He bent down frowning and gingerly slipped the stick out so that it didn't poke her while she was asleep.
The stick felt warm in his hands, it had some gravings on it. There was a handle carved on one end too. He held the stick from the handle and his breath caught in his throat when he realized what t his was.
A wand.
Last edited by Magical Soul; 07-24-2014 at 04:40 PM.