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Old 10-29-2013, 11:10 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
Default *rearranges*
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Minerva still giggling shook her head, b] "No professor, I'm fine, I promise. Just need to pay a bit more attention is all."[/b] Her face really didn't even heart anymore, mostly her pride from being an air head for a moment.

Sitting and waiting for class to start she looked up as Hadley began talking. Gloves, Jackets, were they going to play in the snow? This always interested, but she loved her muggle things so she felt like she was home for even the smallest time. Putting her hand up with the question, "Professor we.. I mean muggles use hand warmies. They are little packets that heat up to keep your hands and feet warm while outside." She had used them at sports events with her dad a few times.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
So they used a fireplace from what Hadley was saying. Plus they probably had their own heating system. Radiator and the more advanced muggle stuff. Nigel was going to say not open the windows. But Pen already said that. It was good advice. Oh Nigel did know of something

"Hand and Body Warmers"

Though muggles could not use the hot air charm. So they had to think of something.
Fina nodded at the two prefects who suggested hand warmers. And body warmers. "Yes, Muggles have these little packets, I believe I have some..." she trailed off as she rummaged through the bag and selected two packets out. "They last for several hours, so if you're going to be playing a sport in the freezing cold, they're good for that so your fingers or toes don't freeze off. Only thing is that to activate, muggles need to use this electronic called a microwave. Which is a small oven used to heat things up. Here, feel free to pass them around and read the packaging." She passed it to Minerva first.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
And now more windows were open. Merlin, Penelope was really wishing for that jacket now. Could she just summon it? Or run and get it since this was Muggle Studies and usually magic wasn't used for this. She was fine with that. But class was starting now and she doubted that would be allowed right now. So meh. She supposed she could handle it for now.

What did Muggles do to keep warm? "Stay inside where it's warm and not open the windows," she answered, raising her hand. Those were pretty basic ways to stay warm, but still true. If it was cold outside and you wanted to be warm, then you stay where it's warm, which was usually inside. And don't let the cold air in. She eyed the open windows for a moment.
"That would be pretty good advice, ordinarily," Fina smiled at the Gryffindor. "... but you'll find that I don't do things without reason. So the windows are open for a reason." And it wasn't due to hot flashes either.

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Hadley was a cutie. Elodie liked her.

Not as much as 'fessor F. But enough to constitute big smiles at her all the time during class. And winter things were her absolute favourite, so...right now she was super bouncy too. HI HADLEY.

La. La. La.

Her hand went up and she wiggled her fingers, mainly because she'd had lots of sugar on her porridge that morning, but also because she wanted to say hi and she hadn't when she'd first came in. She was too busy choosing a seat. Heh. "Radiators!" Another of her favourite things.

And one of her names for horrible people.
Originally Posted by Syd View Post
Jake loved muggle studies. It was probably his easiest class. Considering his mum was a muggle.

He raised his hand. "They use a heater in their house. It's like an air conditioner, only with... hot air instead of cold air." Wizards used fires mostly, didn't they? ... Jake was glad he wasn't planning on having a wizard sort of house later in life.
Originally Posted by george is cool View Post
This question was easyyyyy. But there were too many ways to count. Lilly had spent enough freezing cold muggle London winters to know plenty about keeping warm. A lot of the time they were needed in summer too. Ohhhh, Britain.

"There's central heating, Professor. It's a system for warming your house by heating water or air in one place then it flows through pipes and radiators," Lilly said. How awesome clever was she? Muggle Studies was definitely her best subject. It almost took her mind off things.
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
Um. Ummm. Ummmmmmmmmm.

Tobias thought super hard about that. Except for the fact that he kind of... didn't. Because he knew a possible answer and it also related to that muggle studies lab that worked in the school. Sooooooooooo he raised his hand.

"They use heaters and stuff. But also there are some kinds of things that give off heat that they use, like computers and game systems and stuff and in winter and stuff, when you're inside, they work just as good as heaters AND they're a way to pass time too."

See? He knew his stuff.
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Wade shifted in his seat a little as he heard the question. Was it that cold in here? Glancing at the open window, as it actually felt kind of nice to him as he had been settling in all comfortable. He was much too use to these cold conditions. Now as for how muggles dealt with them, he rose his hand. "They do have these portable heaters, like a fan but it blows hot air instead." He couldn't help smiling at some of the other answers mentioned.
Originally Posted by Jack-O-Lissy View Post
Caleb actually knew a lot about how muggles kept warm - after all, his dad loved muggle stuff, and until he was about five or so they had a lot of muggle contraptions in their house. The most important one, obviously, was the TV. But then it got too expensive to pay the electric bill (and a hassle to convert galleons to pounds, of course) so they just got rid of it. He DID miss it sometimes. At least that made this class a bit easier...

He raised his hand. "Muggles have all these things in their house that make up a heating system. They have a furnace, and a water heating...thing, and heaters that circulate hot air through the house," he explained. That was about as technical as he could get.
Lots of people suggested heaters! It seemed they were more common knowledge than other things. "Yes. Heaters, either portable or radiators or baseboard heating, are common ways that muggles use to keep their homes warm. Or, as Tobias mentioned, sometimes even having computers or televisions in the home radiates some heat, but often the heat that radiates from such technologies is not enough for heating up the home on a cold winter night, for instance."

Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy View Post

This class was awesome, just so everyone knew. Since he was awesome at it and all. Not that he was bragging, it was just a fact. Because if the muggle born did poorly in this class there was a problem. It was kinda hard sometimes though... since he didn't know a whole lot about England things. He was just very very lucky he had been forced to use a pay phone before.

When the window opened, he had one of those quick spazamy shiver things as the cold breeze first hit him. Meh, not so bad, just... colder than he was.

How did muggles keep warm? Kaiden's hand flew up. "The use fires, both in the house, and outside. Most people use matches to start them, but I..." He awkwardly stuck his hand in his pocket. "use one of these." He pulled out the fire starter that lived in his pocket at all times. Always be preparedness and all that. Plus, you never knew when one needed a fire on the grounds. "Its called a Fire Starter."
"Yes, those are very handy for starting a fire, Kaiden," Hadley nodded. "Glad you brought that though, because we just might need it...." she smiled slightly.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
Heaters, radiators they were all the answers everyone gave. Tag quietly laughed at Ascanius' answer. Just quietly. It was sort of amusing, until Tag thought about particular events. Laughter gone. Now, to give Professor a real answer.

Maybe she wasn't even looking for something only muggles use. Maybe she was looking for a common ground? "Firewood? A chimney is being put to good use as well when using firewood."

An, you Alec, got a smile.
"Firewood. Yes, something else that's needed for a fire. Which will, yes, keep you warm or warm you up." Did they get that fire was a good thing?

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
OHAI Lottie. Alexa grinned at her best friend as she took the seat next to her. "Look, grocery bags. Food maybe? You think? Yes?" Food?

She looked to the Professor who was saying something about her not getting her hopes up. Really? But the bags were RIGHT there. Unless she was using them to conceal illegal weapons (which Lex totally wanted to get a turn at holding) then it was safe to assume it was FOOD and her belly would be full by the end of this class and she would no longer regret showing up. Lex liked not regretting when she showed up.

As for the question? "Some of them have fireplaces in their homes but they're so weird because they don't have them registered for flooing and that kind of thing. It's kinda weird. When I visit my neighbour she finds it odd that I like creeping into her fireplace." Muggles were strange. Why wouldn't you test out a fireplace?

Sigh. One day there would be hope for them but apparently not any time soon from what she was seeing but EH, she wasn't a muggle and wasn't gonna live like one.

Now back to the food yes?
"Oh yes, muggles don't use fireplaces as a mean of transportation, the way we do. They use it for .... fire!" How weird and unique was that?! A fireplace used a place for fire? Like, who'd have thought? "But you know what's weirder is that they used it for fire and warmth before we started using it for our floo networks." They started the fire!

Originally Posted by Talikins View Post
DUUH! Abbi knew this!

For a moment the auburn first year utterly forgot about the bag and what was inside it and instead had her full attention paid onto the Professor. She smiled widely and raised her hand feeling all clever and cool for knowing things for once.

"Professor, they use heaters and hot water bottles and shnuggies and magic electric blankets and under floor heating..." and Abbi could go on forever and ever, but instead she stopped with the listing and ended off. "We use lots and lots of cool things, Professor." Sometimes even better than these magic fires in Abbi's opinion. These fires were so witchy! They needed to be more fairy like. MHHHM.
"You're right. They do have lots of unique gadgets for keeping warm!" Hadley beamed at the first year.

Originally Posted by Vilhelm Andersen View Post
Muggle studies. Vilhelm looked around the classroom with distaste. Not because he had anything against muggles, but... Did they have to be learning about them? He just saw this as a waste of time, when he could be preparing for the next task.

The professor seemed eager enough though. Vilhelm considered answering her question fully, then decided to answer in one word.

"Fire," he grunted. How long was this class?
"Yes. Fire is used to keep one warm." She smiled at the 'visiting student' in acknowledgement mostly of his presence. Surely he had such a class back home that he was missing?

Originally Posted by imaginarynumb3rs View Post
Fern took Professor Hadley's offer to loan out mittens as a challenge. She didn't need any gloves. And forget about the jackets. She was a Quimbley, and Quimbley's were hard core (also, she had just learned Siccus Airous in Herbology, so that helped). Bring it on, chilly weather, bring it on!

As for the question, the 11-year-old had no clue, so at first she just listened to the other answers. Minnie's one about hand warmies made her giggle. But the one about the radiators - Fern's eyes opened wide in horror at the very word. What were radiators!? They sounded evil!! She tried to school her terrified expression, though, because she didn't want her head of house or any of the cool teenagers to think she would let something like a radiator scare her.

Ooooh, but then that one boy actually had a real example! A weird example, to be honest, but it was an example all the same, and Fern felt a little jealous because here he was one-uping her in HER class. THE HUFFLEPUFF CLASS. Never mind that he was also a Hufflepuff, Fern was supposed to be the best in Muggle Studies, and therefore that was not okay. She glanced around, desperate to find her own example, but there was nothing to be found, and her hair got caught her mouth from all the whipping her head around looking -

Wait a minute.

That was it! Fern raised her hand excitedly, "Hair, professor! Muggles can keep themselves warm by having lots of hair! Like me!" She grabbed a chunk of her unruly brown hair, and gave it a little tug, to show Professor Hadley that she had a real example too, only it was attached to her head!
"Yes. Hair does keep muggles warm. For those who have it, anyway!" Hadley beamed at the young badger and her unique suggestion...

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Was it wrong that his first thought was snogging? Was it? Because that was what Ascanius had THOUGHT when she asked about how muggles kept warm, yeah? And, y'know, it was one of Ascanius' favourite forms of warmth. Among other things.

At first he told himself to keep the comment inward. No need to bring that up and get the snickering from his fellow classmates...but another STRONGER side of him wanted to just say it.

So he did, "Snogging, Professor."
Originally Posted by Lislchen View Post
It. Was. So. Cold. In. Here.

What was up with their Head of House? Was she experiencing hot flashes? Was she pregnant? Menopausal? Either way, Olly did not like this. Not one bit. She hadn't expected to be needing her jacket, hat and gloves today. And another sweater as well probably. Then again, it seemed none of the others had did either. Couldn't they pleeeeease just shut the windows? They didn't need to experience the cold to talk about it.

Smirking at the Slytherin when Ascanius suggested snogging, Olly decided to soooort of take this a step further. She raised her hand. "Other people's body heat, professor?" Speaking of, was anyone in here willing to share that with her? It didn't look like they were closing the windows any time soon after all. Anyone? Where was Schuyler?
Originally Posted by PhoenixStar View Post
She was surprised that so many people seemed to know so much about muggles. She assumed that many of them were half blood and that was pretty unfortunate for them. She couldn't imagine living a life like that.

Hannah listened to the answers and decided to go with the first thing that came to her mind. "Perhaps they huddle together and hope for the best." How smart were muggles anyways? She really didn't care and only hoped that they would not being getting cold themselves. She didn't do well with cold weather.
And these answers, Hadley was admittedly worried that she would get. She wasn't naive enough to believe that some of them - the older ones especially - didn't snog. Or hug. Or 'huddle together', as Hannah suggested, but she had hoped maybe that they wouldn't say so for the sake of the younger kids present. "Yes. Those are certainly ways muggles keep warm." Moving on now? Because there would be no sharing body heat with eleven year olds present, thank you.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
OH HEY! He got to sit next to the Leprechaun this lesson? Awesome! Alec looked over at the blonde and grinned. If they had to work in partners, the sixth year was calling dibs on working with the Gryffindor. Maybe. He'd see when the time called for it.

Right now, though, it seemed as if they were talking about... keeping warm? Considering the fact that it was still really cold outside, this... was probably really perfect. As for the question, Alec's mind initially went to Elodie and Jake's answers. General Kaid's answer got a little nod. And then... someone mentioned hair and Alec grinned. HAIR! Of course! What an AWESOME answer!

... Erm... right. Question.

After a couple of minutes, the boy raised his hand in the air. "Some people can also use those..." What were they called? "... those hot water bottles? Sometimes they're used if you have a bad back but... it could keep you warm, too!" ... Should he mention something about blanket burritos too?

... He wanted a burrito. When was dinner time?
"Yes, hot water bottles are often used to relieve muscular pains, but they can also be used as a source of heat. Good." And more child appropriate than the other suggestion.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Adi had been about to answer the question when he caught sight of someone slinking into the room. Oh! It was one of the Durmstrang students! Seems like they'll be in their classes for all that term.

He now focused back to Professor Hadley, his hand in the air. "By drinking something warm, Professor. Like cocoa or coffee or tea.''
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 View Post
Marigold GRINNED at the Professor when she asked this question. This class was FUN, even if it was easy because of her mum. Anyway, Marigold took out parchment to take notes on while raising her hand.

"Well, my mum always had stories of snuggling up with blankets and drinking hot cider," she said, wondering if that was the only thing. "And heat."

Speaking of which, she was cold. Brrrrr.
"Yes, drinking hot teas or ciders are definitely warming to both the mind, body, and soul," Hadley agreed.

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Okay so...... why was it cold? Had Kat known, she would've brought with her a coat. She wanted a blanket now... or maybe cuddles, but she wasn't going to say anything about that. Yeah sure, that would keep her warm but not in class though. Could they like make a fire in here? Could they conjure wood using ferula and maybe Kat could Incendio it up a bit, that'd be nice. Ahem, anyway... back to the lesson.

What DID Muggles use to keep themselves warm? How should she know? Kat wasn't raised a Muggle, just saying, but at least she'd try to make a guess. It wouldn't be that bad right? Maybe. She didn't know, but she'd try just for the sake of knowing.

She raised her hand up to answer. "How about blankets and comforters. Those stuff that are made of cotton or wool too." That was all. Could they have a blanket now? You wouldn't want to freeze your pretty Head Girl while having class, would you Professor Hadley?
Originally Posted by Danielle_Daughn View Post
Mackenzie raised her hand "Professor, don't they use blankets and fires like we do? " she knew that obviously they couldn't just start a fire like they could but surely they could still start them..

note to self: Muggle Studies is a bit strange yep! it was why couldn't they just go one about their day and not worry about the muggles?
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
She was frozen already.

Why was the boyfriend so far away again? Not that snuggling was allowed in class or anything but still. And then Ascanius Face had to go and mention snogging and Ella casually glanced in Alec's direction and then away again. No kisses llater for you, Summers. Girlfriend was cold and lonely sitting wayyyy over her by her lonesome. Just saying.

As for ways that muggles kept warm, Ella agreed with everything that had already been said. She had some ideas of her own too though. "Blanket forts, Professor. Or better yet, eating soup inside of a cozy blanket fort. That'd do the trick."

Oh great. Now she wanted a blanket fort.
"Oh yes. Blankets and forts! Very good and fun to make too!" Hadley nodded at those suggestions as well. She had that. And surely it wasn't THAT cold in here, was it? It was cold, but not like deathly cold. Besides, there was reason.

Originally Posted by Silence of the Lemons View Post
It was so COLD. Alice hated the cold- she wasn't quite that fond of Hadley or her class at the moment either- but she disliked being told NOT to look in the bag right in front of her even more. Why show it to them in the first place if they couldn't look?

With the current topic of the lesson and her luck, though, it'd end up being fire and singeing her eyebrows off if she peeked.

And Alice was quite fond of her eyebrows.

"I bet they use whatever's in the bag, professor." Could she shut the dumb windows already? Merlinnn.
Well wasn't the Gryffindor Captain just being smart. "Yes ... they probably could use some of what's in the bag." Considering the bag held quite more than it appeared. Undetectable extension charms worked wonders. Pity muggles couldn't use THAT.

Originally Posted by amadshade View Post
Ummm... there were other things other than normal heating stuff used to keep Muggle families warm? They couldn't use spells, of course, but didn't they have fire too? "I remember something about lightbulbs and how they get hot. Is that how they keep warm?" she guessed, raising her hand to answer.

Brrrrrrrrr! It was chiiiillyyyyyyy.... She pulled her robes tighter around her and reached into her bag to pull out her sweater. Thank Merlin for Gram's charmwork in making her bag huge on the inside and feather light. She could carry everything with her without having to bother returning to the common room, no problem! Slipping out of her robes, so she only had her school uniform on underneath, she tugged on the white knit jumper and then put her robes back on top.

Her eyes moved to notice the bag. Before she could help herself she had raised her hand again. "Are extra gloves and mittens in the bags?" she asked, but wait, no gloves were in the other bag... so what was in the paper ones? Oh! oh, oh, oh! "Are we going to build SNOWMEN?" she asked excitedly. There could be snowmen supplies in those bags!
"Lightbulbs DO get hot, yes, and radiate some heat, but like computers and televisions, it's often not enough to keep warm with." Hadley replied.

"I have extra gloves and mittens here. In this basket, even, if you needed some?" But, as for the other question. "No, we're not building snowmen. Not today!"

Originally Posted by TheDoctor View Post
Tessa sat there thinking of ways Muggles could use to keep warm. Surely a fire would be a good start. Nothing could warm you up faster than a nice fire could. She nodded her head at her thought, wishing she was sitting beside a fire right then. Oh come on. It can't be that easy. The first year thought to herself.

Slowly Tessa raised her hand. "Exercise? You know, to get the blood pumping and in turn stay warm." That's how that works....I think.That was a good answer, right? Sure it was! I should get a cupcake for that answer. Tessa thought with a smile. She didn't know if it was an acceptable answer, but class participation was a good thing anyway, thus she would reward herself later with a cupcake.
Hadley smiled at the tentative raising of the first year's hand. Ooh... another unique answer! "Yes. Exercise does get the blood flowing and in turn, keeps you warm." She glanced around at some of the students. "So if any of you are feeling too cold, please, feel free to move your legs back and forth to get the blood flowing... But we'll be up and moving very shortly anyway."

Originally Posted by Mischa Moller View Post
Mischa edged into the Muggle Studies classroom. He was keen on knowing what the Hogwartians were being taught during this class. He settled in to a seat with a nod to the Professor.

Ah. Keeping warm during the cold months. Mischa could think of a few ideas. However he decided he would just listen to the students instead.
Originally Posted by Karina Wozniacki View Post
Muggle studies, this was something Karina excelled at, so of course she knew what kept people warm Muggle-style. However, because the Durmstranger next to her (Mischa) had not put in a note, Karina remained silent. This subject was one in which they both excelled and even though they had already completed a task that had to do with Muggle Studies, it wouldn't do to just blurt out how much she really knew. Besides, these Hogwartians needed to learn the things she learned years ago. Honestly, who didn't know how Muggles kept warm in the winter?
Hadley gave a smile of acknowledgment to two more visiting students who were joining her lesson today.

Originally Posted by hpfan18 View Post
Kace heard the professors question and wondered what muggles and wizards do to keep themselves warm. Kace smirked and knew an answer that some have not said yet. He raised his hand and said...

"Professor i know that you can use leg warmers and they come in like cool designs and you can also have toe socks to keep you warm! I am even wearing my toe socks now." he said pointing it out there. They did keep his feet warm that is for sure. He hands were getting quite cold, he wished he brought his mittens but he kept them safely and warmly in his robes.
"Yes. Leg warmers and toe socks certainly help in keeping you warm and keeping your body heat inside of you." Hadley acknowledged of his answer.

Right then. Moving on. "SO today, we are going to be working with one of the methods for how muggles keep warm. Which is the art of building a campfire!" Which explained why the room was set up the way it was. They needed open space. "So ...... does anyone have any ideas about building a campfire?" Surely this wasn't a purely muggle hobby to do. So even those with no muggle background should have some idea, yes?

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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