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Old 10-02-2013, 12:53 PM   #83 (permalink)
Formerly: Tegz
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ronnie Thurkell
Seventh Year

x12 x12
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Soo. The thing that flew had feathers. Well that kind of narrowed it down a little. It must have been a bird then. Clement looked up at the list trying to narrow it down to the things that weren't on that list. Hmm. Oooh. He had one. Though it seemed a little bit of a weird wand core to him, but you could find lots of these creatures in the forest of Dean. "Could it be an owl feather? Owls....are easily found in it could be why were are trying to harvest it." So it could make sense.

He still didnt get why someone would wand owl feather in their wand though.

"... no not an owl." No. No. Owls weren't magical, they were just useful. Seriously. Ira eyed the boy.

And judged him.

Originally Posted by aaetha View Post
Hum, okay, it was true that Adrienne hadn't really taken location into account. Flying things with feathers that could potentially be found in the forest of Dean... "Augurey?" she guessed, a little bit desperately. She couldn't see that Augurey feathers would make a particularly good wand, though, since they were so consistently melancholy and, though powerful, incredibly shy. As for the swimming one she had... no idea. She'd been about to guess Plimpies, but they weren't exactly dangerous, so she kept her mouth shut.
Ahhh yes. "Augurey is right, a polish kit for you." Finally someone gets it. Honestly. But it'd be NICE to have an explanation as to why. No? Fine.

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post

Okay, Kat was like... really into this because it was so interesting and what if this was her future? The chances were slim, but what if? Being a wandmaker seemed pretty awesome, ain't it? So... the one that grows was said in class. Kat pondered on the other two. One that swims and one that flies. Uhm... yeah, she had no idea what the flying one was but she had something in mind for the one that swims. HAND UP. A chance, you know. "Kelpie hair?" That would be awesome. They could totes charm one to let it stay put, you know.
"That's right, specifically Kelpie mane, also known as Kelpie Bulrushes. A Polish kit for you."

Ira put the three cores on the board.

Originally Posted by cores for students to attempt to harvest in the Forest of Dean
Dittany Stalks
Augurey Feather
Kelpie Bulrushes
"These aren't necessarily simple cores to harvest but they're easier than most, and more importantly, available in the forest of Dean and presuming you don't be idiots and get yourselves eaten by a Kelpie, you're less likely to die harvesting these than most cores." Which was why he'd chosen them. All of those reasons together. And besides, if someone got all pecked and clawed by an Augurey, or escaped a near death encounter with a Kelpie, then they could just fix themselves up with dittany. Sorted.

"What do you lot know about these three cores then? What do you know about Kelpies, the Augurey, and Dittany in general?" It was important for them to pay attention now, you know, in case of death.

OOC: So go ahead and have your charrie say anything they know about any of those three, a little or a lot, whatever, we don't mind. Still can post charries arriving, or join in or whatever, just follow the instructions in the first post about the permission slip and wand information.

love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
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