Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate Keep the Streets Empty for Me- Fever Ray Whispering
Mourning keep the streets empty for me
Mourning keep the streets empty for me
I’m laying down eating snow
My fur is hot, my tongue is cold
On a bed of spiderweb
I think of how to change myself Wind blew through me, the sky a motionless blue. All the world seemed deafeningly still, even as a dog ran by barking, the world sat undisturbed. Puddles of water on the charcoal road looked like black ice, soaking life like a dementor sucks a human soul. I was walking into the sun, turning my head to the ground to avoid the glare. A single crow cawed past me, becoming absorbed by the stillness of the wind. My flannel cardigan waved like a flag on a flagpole. I should have worn my woolen robes and cape. They are warm, wool maybe.
__________________  ... ATHLETIC ... SPUNKY ... GRACEFUL ... |