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Old 09-30-2013, 01:06 AM   #11 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Anna Keller
Sardines ♥ // Nomsy, yo

Jake really liked the seminars that Hogwarts had, and this one seemed like it would be no different. Wandlore! How cool was that?

"Hello," he greeted who he assumed was the instructor as he walked by. The Gryffindor found a seat and pulled his permission slip out of his bag.

Text Cut: permission slip
Child's name: Jacob Keller
Year: Seventh
House: Gryffindor

I __Lizabeth Keller__ declare that __Jacob Keller__ is permitted to leave Hogwarts ground on a school sanctioned field trip to the Forest of Dean for the purpose of learning about Wandlore. I understand that while all precautions will be taken to keep my child safe, Hogwarts, Ollivanders, and the employees of both, do not take responsibility for any foul play or accidents which may occur during the field trip, and that my child must act responsibly and respectfully at all times while off Hogwarts grounds. My child agrees to follow all instructions given by the teacher, and understands that attendance is privilege not a right.

Parents signature: Lizabeth A Keller
Child's signature: Jacob Keller

And... the form, yeah? For his wand. Jake filled that out too.

Wand Wood: Holly
Wand Core: Phoenix feather
Wand length: 11.5 inches
Wand flexibility: Fairly stiff
Is this your first wand? Yes/No
If No, List the characteristics of any old wands here, and explain what happened to them:
House: Gryffindor
Name: Jake Keller

everlasting companion
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