Welcome Witch | Blue Galactic Hand Slytherin Graduate Stars- Fun Some nights I rule the world
With lights and pretty girls
Most mights I stay straight
And think about my mom
Oh I miss her so much I turned the page in my photo book to the photograph of Lilly, James and I. Lilly smiled and tried to wave, only she was holding me in her arms. She passed me to James to set her hands free, and then waved; blew a kiss.
I cannot remember being with my parents; but looking at these photographs helps them seem more real. Reminding me that at one point, I was with them; alive and tangible.
Undoubtedly, this was a powerful memory. Not joyful like professor Lupin’s suggestion; but I wonder if it will still work for producing a patronus.
__________________  ... ATHLETIC ... SPUNKY ... GRACEFUL ... |