Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Botros had listened to every one of them, nodding his head and writing the interpretation underneath the message. "Yes, Very good. It says," offering the Captain a smile but going on, "'The Slytherin Quidditch Team. To my Quidditch family. Never forget that you are infinite. And champions. Don't forget that either. Love Dylan.'" The old man clapped twice before patting the seventh year's shoulder and ushering him back to his seat. "I'm sure every captain feels the need to write an encouraging letter to their teams now." Chuckling Botros turned to the rest of the class. "Okay, we are done for today. Your homework will be interpreting the messages you got in class and hand them over to me. Don't forget your Gandrs." He turned to the blackboard and wrote them a message on the board from him. Quote:
Originally Posted by The Blackboard
"If there are no questions, you may leave." He told them with a sad-but-happy smile. He was going to miss the kids in summer, for real. ooc: - class is over. Your homework's deadline is the same as the long-term assignment homework (31st July).
- Write the letter your charrie received in class and send it to me via PM. If your character didn't receive any letters in class, then use the professor's letter to the class.
- Thank you for attending and being such fun folks. <3 |