Join Date: Oct 2006 Location: in my head [GMT-6]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Amelia Adara Graduated Hogwarts RPG Name: Emma Montmorency (#301199) Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da) Ravenclaw Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Kara Walsh (#aa1506) Gryffindor First Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Tiffany Rose Slytherin Third Year
x12 x8
| YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Anya tapped her quill thoughtfully to her chin. What to draw. What to draw?
Wait. Her hand raised up. "Professor. I've got a question." she asked. "Are we supposed to choose one shape and move it those four ways? Or are we supposed to do four tile designs?" Because those were two completely opposite things. And if she was supposed to make four tile designs, that would be fun. But if she was just supposed to pick one shape and draw it those four different ways, then she could do it with something really random that didn't tile. Hearing a question, Hadley looked up distractedly. "Yes, choose one shape and move it one of those four ways." The Arithmancy Professor nodded at the Gryffindor, as she glanced around and noticed many of them hard at work already. ooc: whoops. We weren't really online until late last night and then we fell asleep before we got to respond in here *blushes* If you were waiting on an answer to this question before doing the first task for classwork, then go ahead and still do it *nods* Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Done.
She was done and grinning at her elephants and still hungry, Hadley. Where was that ice cream, huh? Could she have it now? Ella would totally continue to pay attention and be a good listener and she wouldn't even doodle anymore unless asked and pleaseeeeeee? Did puppy-dog eyes work on Hadleys? Ella was getting pretty good at those and she'd resort to them if necessary cause now that she didn't have anything to do all she could think of was the frozen treat and sigh...she just really wanted it.
Anyway, she was done. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo This drawing thing was turning out just fiiiiine, if this worked out the Professor would probably have to schedule a class like this one once every year to get her mind off all the numbers they had to focus on.
Alexa squinted at her parchment trying to figure out if there was anything else she would need to add but when she couldn't think of anything else she decided it was enough and dropped her quill. "Professor, I think I'm done now. Is this the part where we get ice-cream or is there something else planned first?" Please don't be the second option.
What if all the ice-cream melted by the time they got through with this?? She would be WIBBLING for the rest of the class!!! Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight She colored in the figures. Doing all the stuff the Professor had told them to and every now and again looked up at the examples. After finishing the glide reflection she took a good look at her drawing. Yeap she could turn this in, luckily for the Professor she had caught Nerida on one of her good drawing days.
Yeap! She was done! Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF After dippin his Fwooper quill in the ink, the Prefect held the scroll down with the use of his left hand and moved his right to the paper. A drop of ink fell on it when he hovered above the paper for a bit too long and it smudged out on the parchment.
With a soft groan, Daichi placed the parchment aside and grabbed a new one. Yes, he grabbed a new piece just because of one ink drop. Dipping the quill back in the ink, Daichi made sure it didn't drip anymore and began to draw.
The head of the duck first which was a simple circle. The body followed next, making sure to add a bow on the end. He'd decided to leave he feet cause he was horrible at them anyways. With the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner , Daichi drew the duck on paper.
When he was halfway done, he looked at his piece of *art* and frowned. Okay, so it wasn't like he had thought of in his mind, but atleast you could see it was a duck. Dipping the quill back in the ink, he now began to draw the beak of the duck...it's wings aaaand the finishing touch, the eye~
Grinning, Daichi held his parchment in front of him to admire his work. So now he had to make tessellations of them. Looking at the blackboard, he began to draw a few more ducks until he was done Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger Honestly, Kendall hadn’t needed to put in too much thought as to what she was going to draw. There really hadn’t been too many options, if she stuck with images she liked. She hadn’t been about to try and draw a spider, even if the class still made her think of them. That had brought it to ninjas or butterflies, and she hadn’t really felt like figuring out if she wanted to draw an actual ninja or just a ninja star like her necklace. Therefore, butterflies it was, and there really hadn’t needed to be too much considered there. She knew exactly what kind of butterfly to draw, and as she looked in her bag, she realized she could color it in. That made her even happier since it meant she’d have a colorful assignment, and on that thought, and after she set up her parchment, she’d started sketching. She had a lot of butterflies to draw after all.
She’d looked up at the example on the board a few times while she’d been drawing, too, just to make sure she hadn’t gotten the wrong idea. She didn’t need to show just how confused she was with why this was a topic for Arithmancy. Not when it was drawing, which was her strong suit. Actually, that almost made the lesson better. There wasn’t any math involved, no calculations. Just pretty pink butterflies, as she finished off the last sketch. All that she had left was to label them all, for her own notes if not the actual assignment. She didn’t think that she wasn’t going to be able to keep the page. Anyway, the labeling didn’t take long either, and soon enough she had finished. Now to wait and see if she’d put in all that work for nothing, or if she’d actually made sense of something in Arithmancy. Quote:
Originally Posted by Talikins So ballet shoes. Couldn't be too hard to draw?
The red head grabbed her quill and got to work. First she drew a pair of shoes on the left hand corner of her parchment, just under her name,year and house, then she did the same another three times, each in a different corner. Now she had four replica sketches of her shoes.
Next step. Actually using the four Tessellation that was. Reflection was her first corner, she copied her shoes exact but just switched them around so they'd become a reflection, because that's what it was. Second corner was rotation and to make things easier she rotated her drawing ninety degrees rather than less. She hoped it was okay with Hadley because this way all she needed to do was turn her parchment around and draw the exact same thing. Simple enough. Now. Third corner. She drew an arrow beside her already drawn set of shoes and above that arrow redrew those shoes. Her last corner. Pretty much the same as the third, just with a bit of reflection. Done she was then. All the different Tessellation methods drawn then. She was ready to move on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower She moved quickly along with it, first sketching a 'normal' bird in each of the remaining corners, then she began to draw a rotated bird in the one corner. At the bottom, she 'translated' the picture of a bird, during one diagonally up from the original one. Finishing off the tail she went on to the seventh bird and this time mirrored the image again and translated it. She examined her picture.... okay. Now she had to colour it.
What colour should it be. Birds could be in all colours.. right? Of course she was not going to draw a brown or black bird yet they do exist. Maybe a springy colour... blue? no... GREEN. She could colour the birds in green, green symbolised growth and all. Yes, Green was a great colour for spring. She took out a colour and began to colour... she had ot be careful to colour in the lines and all, yet that was about it. Once the birds were coloured in green she took black agian and went over the lines. Using other colours she finished it off.
Finally she was done. She wrote over each 'scene' what happened there, trying as neatly as possible. Then she put her colouring things away. Now, just look at that drawing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mrinal Classwork! Wow! Wait! Drawing??? Seriously!!! No!!!
My scream died before it managed to choke my throat. Why does Professor has to do this to me? She may be an art lover but drawing is just not cup of my tea. I will be hopeless at it. I know that and after few more minutes the entire class and Professor will also come to know that I don't have the slightest taste of tha word Art. Oh my God what am I going to do?
Was sorting hat has lost its marble when it put me to Ravenclaw? Ravenclaw, where clever people has place and I am such an idiot that I can't even draw. But it was work that has been done. I now I'll be the laugh of the class forget about class points but my house point will be reduced for such hopeless work. Laughter of every single person in the class as a bonus.
My head was blocked. It was not blank but blocked yet I had to do something. I took my parchment and begin to scribble. Professor is going to see the most hilarious, dreadful, horrible drawing of her life. I hope she did not take me too seriously to forget what does real art means. For any art lover my drawing is surely a trauma never to recover..
I tried to draw but I was too scared that my hand was trembling, once upon a time I used to have nice Handwriting which is definitely not the case now...
I was done for the day, may be after this I'll never be able to ask a doubt a question or not even show my existence again.. this was my end...
My so called drawing was ready. Attachment 4985
Will the professor recognize my golden snitch??? Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon She had tried several drafts of different shapes and items but they all just seemed to not quite fit together. Do they need to fit together seamlessly? Maybe not...? But I think they do? She thought that they did, so she went with a simple shape. Socks. They were a bit squarish...but it that would make them fit together easily later if they needed to do the full mosaic.
She sat back and wondered what everyone else was drawing. Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Having decided on a badger related piece of work, Tobias got to it. He put a lot of concentration into creative things, and he certainly found drawing a lot easier to do than essays, where his mind seemed to wander every few minutes. Despite this, it still took him a while to finish it because it proved annoying to try and get the drawing the same every time. He soon decided not to worry so much about getting it exact and instead focused on enjoying the drawing bit, because he knew that otherwise he might get frustrated with it.
In time, he had finished, and Tobias added his name and a title and the top of his work before sitting back in his chair with a smile on his face. Yeah, that would do. Quote:
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr Asher continued to work on his assignment, finding the perfect picture of an ice cream cone to use. He knew he wasn't great at drawing, so finding a picture in his bag to trace and manipulate was the perfect solution.
When he finished, Asher put his parchment down in front of him. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Okay... okay... drawing turtles was actually becoming difficult. Like really difficult. And all of his turtles were turning out weird. Frown.
But Alec continued drawing and scribbling away, hoping that this would be good enough for Hadley. There was ice cream at stake, after all. He rubbed his right temple before continuing, trying to replicate the turtles in four different places. ... Were... the fins actually the same shape? Or did they look different.
Okay, no, he was... just going to stick with this.
Right. Tessellation time. The easiest one had to be the translation one because, well, it was just moving the turtle to a new place, yeah? And drawing an arrow on there too. The other three, though, were a little trickier and required a lot more time. Especially the glide reflection. It had to be moved somewhere AND reflected and what if the reflected image didn't end up looking like the main one? Frown some more.
A couple of minutes later, Alec sat back and looked at his parchment. It... wasn't his best piece of work, actually but hopefully, Hadley wouldn't mind. Hopefully. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon .. no takers for the jelly slug offer?
Fine, then. Alice scowled at her parchment for a while before finally resting her chin in her free hand and scribbling with the other. Why did teachers seem to think this was like an art school? Or that they were three year olds who liked to color? Nope. Ridiculous. Done, though.
At least the smiley teeth cheered her up some. Some. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Drawing...Dylan was down for that...and he wasn't even ashamed that he was about to reuse something, either. For his Astronomy homework, the Slytherin had done a lot of detailed drawing...and for the Draco constellation...had even sketched a dragon.
So, yea...
Sketching some dragons for this...
It took several moments...and total concentration...he finally finished and displayed his artwork for the Professor to see. Was she going to walk around and view them individually? Dylan didn't know...
Also, were they going to make a pattern next? He eyed the drawing and quickly decided that a pattern couldn't be made from it... Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Carefully drawing her circle with a triangular-ish shaped part "cut out" of it, Penelope's mind inevitably wandered to food. Because this was definitely making her hungry. And the idea that they'd be having ice cream soon too didn't help. Couldn't they just have it now? Or could she take a break and get a snack from the kitchen?
Probably not...but she was definitely heading there right when this lesson ended. Least it wasn't too far away, just a few floors. That was less than the amount between it and the common room, at least.
Turning her attention back to her parchment, she looked it over once and decided she was done. Well, that wasn't too bad. Well it seemed as if most of them figured it out. As she looked over each of their sketches, she put a little smiley face ice cream sticker on their parchment. "Alright, since most of you got the hang of what tessellations, let's move on." Yes, we heard your question Miss Cambridge, but it didn't warrant a proper answer since they were moving on to the next task. Ice cream at the end. Ice cream sticker now. "When it comes down to use of tessellations, there is a particular famous individual, whose designs and artwork is considerably important to the subject." Fina continued. "His artwork is detailed in such way that it challenges our space interpretation. Any idea who this famous individual is?"
__________________  ___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem ✯ |