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So thaaaaaaat was it.
Lex looked extra hard at the root. It made so much sense when the Professor mentioned it all like that she could see why it would be an unhealthy plant. "So then...the soil is basically suffocating the roots and making the plant sick...?" Yup, she was starting to understand.
Lex slipped on her gloves while she thought of how they'd get these trees back in working order.
Probably hacking away at the clumps of dirt until they were all gone? But then...that might have been dangerous. They could hurt the roots then the plant would REALLY be sick. Yeah....she'd just wait to find out? That was always an option.
A boring one but one nonetheless.
"In a nutshell," Seren agreed, nodding. It was amazing what damage could be done if you didn't have the right herbological know-how.
Seeing as most of the students were ready to get going, now was a good time to set the first task.
"Alright guys, gather round a tree, small groups only, no more than four to a tree..." or else they'd be too distracted.
"And I'd like you all to start by cleaning off the remaining soil from the roots, you may use tergeo or use your hands. Just be sure you're not rough with them, remember they may be quite fragile in places."
Seren took this opportunity to conjure a chair, nothing fancy and throne-like, just something to support immense weight. Uuggghh... she felt so lazy.
OOC: I plan on moving on in approx 20 hours from the time of this post. Minimum of 3 posts to be eligible for full marks.