Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz West was seriously zoning out, as had become habit lately. His usual drive and curiosity in classes seemed to be lacking. He was watching the tree though, eyeing it up, thinking about things...
... but not answering. Just... there. Was West having a go at the whole strong, silent type thing?... because he seemed miserable. Not himself. Seren itched to hug him Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hand. "Has someone been feeding them something awful or have you not kept them far enough apparent." Laura sighed that would have meant that they were fighting for food and energy. Seren nodded. "Possibly." Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie THEY WERE ILL?!
Toby couldn't stop himself. He let out a softly spoken "oh no!" That wasn't fun... he wanted them to be not ill.
But they weren't going to DIE because the professor surely wouldn't give them a lesson on dying trees... would she? Hm. Hopefully not.
Tobias didn't know much about plants but there was one thing he did know. "Maybe nobody has been talking to them," he offered with his hand raised. Ya know. 'Cause plants like talking. "Or playing them music. So they're all lonely and stuff. So they're sad."
Apparently muggle plants liked that so why not wizard ones? Aaaaww, that was the sweetest, and Seren strongly approved. "Quite possible," she said, nodding her head strongly. Quote:
Originally Posted by Talikins Oh? Gravity-Resistant tree?
Nope, never head of that one. The red head looked up and down at the tree once more, to put the name to the face, or in this case a tree. Right. So whenever Gravity-Resistant was mentioned, she'd think of this which wasn't difficult considering the tree floated.
Waaaait. These trees were ill? Like she'd know.
With a pout, Renesmee looked at her tree once more, this time much closer and she noticed a few things which at first she thought was normal. One. There weren't proper leaves, just buds. two. The roots they were decayed in some cases. So what was it's problem? She could only think of one thing.
Water. Lack of water....No. couldn't be that actually. Or maybe? She had an argument in her mind before eventually raising her hand. "I think it's something to do with water, Professor. Maybe too much?" Her previous guess wasn't too bad, so how could this one be much worse? Worth a try. Not a bad theory, the girl had taken its symptoms in mind. "Good thought." Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Gravity-resistant trees. COOL. Ella smiled and observed them curiously, feeling a bit bad that they were ill. Would they be nursing them back to health, then? The blonde hoped so. She didn't think she could handle watching the things die or something. Meep.
As for why they were ill, the sixteen year old noted the parts of the trees that seemed a bit off. She couldn't be sure what caused it, though. Deciding a guess was better than nothing, she raised her hand. "Perhaps they didn't get the right amount of nutrients they'd need to grow?" Because plants needed nutrients and she supposed floating ones would need even more since they weren't in the soil. Seren nodded, vigorously. Nutrients. Yes... though, it was a little more specific than that. "Yes... on the right track." Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo They would still be floating even when they were bigger. Excellent. They couldn't climb them, yet. There was obviously a yet in this situation. She was positive once they got bigger and had all those thick branches they'd make for an epic adventure--
Lex tilted her head and stared at them. How could she tell? They looked fine to her...maybe she was looking at it from the wrong angle? Yes? No? It seemed that no matter what way she tilted her head they still looked the same. Ummmm.... "Is it because there's no levitated water near the roots so they can have water while they're doing that floating thing they're doing?"
Or was it some plant disease? If it was then she definitely had no idea what was wrong with them. Herbology wasn't her strongest subject. She just liked playing in the dirt. Was that so much to ask for?? No medical stuff and sick plants, those were meant to be pulled from the ground and burned but 'cept, these weren't in the ground and the Professor might have frowned at that suggestion. "Not a plant disease, no," she replied. Thank goodness... or having them in the greenhouses may have been detrimental. "Water could be an issue," she added, not giving the answer away just yet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga What was wrong with them... Wrong with what? Minerva had totally zones out trying to calm herself. Now she was starting to see how Oakey felt from day one in this class. She tried to remind herself that none of the plants were going to catch fire in here. Bentley would never allowed that to happen, she hoped. Glancing up she snapped back into the lesson. Oh yeah the floating things.. What did she say they were... Gravity- resistant trees.
So what was wrong with them. Couldn't her plant boy just tell her so she could not think about this. She shook that thought out she had never wanted to just float through a lesson before she needed to stop and focus. What was wrong with them, they were in the air for starters, but that wasn't the answer now was it. "Professor could they have maybe not gotten the right amount of sunlight?" She heard the cracking of her voice and shifted her eyes back to her parchment. "Possibly," she mused, nodding. Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Tobias staaaaaaaared at the plants. Maybe it WASN'T talking 'cause like... there were trees everywhere in the world that grew with nobody to talk to them. Well... maybe there was one thing. He raised his hand again. "It's been super cold recently. Is that it? Does that make a difference?" he tried when there was another gap in students answering.
Maybe? Toby had something more to add? Enthusiastic! "Certainly it's something to take into consideration," she nodded. And it had been particularly crisp of late... odd. Quote:
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr Asher was sad hearing the trees were sick. "We should help them." He said with a determined look upon his face. "I bet if we trimmed off the sick, shriveled roots, it would allow the healthy ones to work better. Maybe even trim back some of the branches that aren't doing as well."
He thought more about what could be making the trees sick. Maybe they weren't getting enough water, or maybe too much. Or, they could have been too hidden from the sunlight. "Maybe they just need to be out in the sun for a while. Get some fresh water and a bit of fertilizer."
Asher kept thinking of things that might be wrong with the trees, but most of all, he was thinking of ice cream. The boys call for action was cute, super cute.. in fact she wanted to cry because it was so cute. Happy tears and all... but she didn't. Yet. "Mmm.. all very good ideas." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell HOW COME HE WAS GETTING A LOOK? Zahra was the one shoving things down his shirt and then hugging HIM!! Why wasn't she...
Whoop there it is!
Michael had to hide his laughter behind his hand as Bentley reprimanded his BFF. That was just too funny.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa??? "I'M NOT...SHE'S NOT...WE'RE NOT...THAT'S JUST EWW..." Girlfriends and boyfriends meant kissing and...stuff and that was...Mikey shuddered just thinking about it. No offense Z, but this Toussaint was not into that.
Before he could say anything more, something he was likely to regret later, he heard the Professor pretty much say that he was the only one who answered correctly.
He threw his BFF a smug look. "Beat that Kettleburn." Mikey turned back to the Professor just in time to hear her next question. He had no idea what the answer was though, but put up his hand anyway. "Someone's probably been feeding that awful ice cream." ................................................ palmface.
She'd expected it, and had encouraged it, to an extent... but why did boys have to react so strongly to mushy lovey things? Did the boy still believe in cooties? Did he not want Zahra cooties? Zahra was a lovely girl, big personality, but lovely... he could do worse. Cootie-wise. "You'll survive." "Ice cream?... I certainly hope not." She hardly approved of it being so prevalent in the students' diet, let alone in a plants. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz ....
Zahra wasn't USING HER HANDS. She was using her ARMS for HUGS and there wasn't anything wrong with HUGS.... MAN. MAN she was ALWAYS getting in trouble here. She didn't get in trouble for hugs at HOME, not ever, not even ONCE.
...but she totally lost it when Prof. BELLY called them boyfriend and girlfriend and Mikey got all bent out of shape about it. Seriously, she just about DIED of laughter. And she couldn't stop. Every time she tried, she just laughed harder, and then she'd look at Mikey and crack up all over again. It was seriously the FUNNIEST THING she'd ever heard. Zahra pulled her robe up over her face to try and help.
Zahra ducked down behind Mikey to try and get control of the uncontrollable giggles. She literally COULDN'T beat Mikey's answer. Sooooooooooooooooooo funny. But she did HAVE an answer, if she could get it out. "MAYBE," GIGGLE HAHAHAHA SNORT GIGGLE HAAAAAAAAA," the tree just needs a HUG. Sometimes, "HAHAHAHA BREATHE BREATHE CRACK, "all trees need is LOVE. Like Mikey, Professor. Just LIKE MIKEY."
..she didn't hug him again, 'cause Prof said NO, but.... HAHAHAHA. "I VOLUNTEER FOR TREE HUGS,TOO!" JUST IN CASE! Seren ignored the giggling, laughing and carrying on for the most part. Excitable first years. Probably hyped up on ice cream... what was there to be done?
A hug. "And you'd be the expert on that," it seemed... "Not a bad idea though." She did approve of hugs, just not student hugging in lessons.. that was a no no. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Annabeth quickly went toward the exit. Feeling secure enough, she raised her hand and said: "Professor, I think the roots are putrefying, it often happens when we give too much water to a plant who was in the ground or a vase, but as we are talking about Gravity-Resistant tree, their roots are supposed to be aired and not immersed in water, I guess. Perhaps they were in exceedingly wet climate, or without variations, as Nepal has monsoon climate with wet and dry seasons of about 3 months each. They could be drowning here." She was confident about it: she had studied about Nepal at her former school. Then the firstie asked: "Professor, are you sure the trees aren't about to fall on our heads?" She looked to the trees frightened. And that, was a very diligent answer. "You're on the right track Annabeth, but not quite."
She did let out a light laugh though... hehe. "No, it won't fall on your head.. I promise." Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was not sure if he wanted to hug the Gravity-Resistant tree. But riding it sounded fun. Since Bentley did not answer his question fully. Maybe they would go over it later in the lesson. This a cool plant to own if you could. "Not enough water."
It was said already. But Gravity would push the water down to the ground even if you sprayed the tree with it.
Nigel did wonder what made the tree Gravity-Resistant and if you can try it on a human being for testing purposes. "Not a bad idea," she mused, but not quite. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Kace was SOO close with his answer. He gasped and whispered to himself, "I said Maple though..." But they were gravity resistant trees. He had NO idea what they were. But apparently they disguised themselves as maple trees *shrugs* At least muggles would see them as normal trees if they lived in the muggle world.
Now the Professor asked a question about what was wrong with the trees? They did seem like they were decaying and not having enough nutrients and water. He didn't want to repeat those answers. Kace held up his hand and kind of repeated what Tobias said..."Professor i do not think they got enough sunlight due to the winter conditions we have been having."
At least he guessed and if he was wrong. Then he was wrong. That is why he was in the class right? Similar answer to... er... who had said it? She'd forgotten. At any rate, it wasn't wrong. "It's likely," she nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Did he LOOK like he was paying attention? Huh? ....'Cause he wasn't.
And that meant that her question was sort of confusing to him, so he was just going to not answer. Mostly because he was lost and also because it seemed like everyone else knew what was going on. He'd wait until he got what was going on before he opened his mouth. ... this whole end-of-term-silent thing was a little disheartening. Perhaps they ought to have had some ice cream before class? To perk themselves up? Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Gravity Resistant Trees? That doesn't even sound like a real tree name! Just...a description of a tree or something. But she believed her professor and knew it must be what they were really called. Maybe they're not doing well because...they're sad like the forest? Maybe they need ice cream to make them happier? She wanted to say these things, but she knew that some of the professor's had been not so happy about ice cream talk, so she thought some more.
The roots did seem a little troubling, but she wasn't sure what it meant. Initially her mind went to dehydration, but after hearing another student explain that a similar thing happened to roots when they got too much water, she was confused again. "Well, I think it's water related, but now I'm not sure if it's because there's too much or not enough. Or maybe there was something in the soil that did that to them? Or well...since they're not really deep in the soil....maybe something in the air?" She wasn't sure, maybe a tree virus or bad bugs? Eliza's response seemed too be more of a collection of thoughts, thinking out loud type thing, or at least... that's the way it seemed to her. Not that there was anything wrong with that, it was perfectly fine. "Soil... you touched on soil," she said simply.. she'd explain shortly. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Two right answers in a row.
Alice was on a roll.
Try for a third? Why were the trees dying? There probably was a dumb answer somewhere in her mind, but she began paying closer attention to the trees.. and.. the way those things were floating made her think of Fizzing Whizbees..
She was hungry. Bentley was still craving apples, yeah? Did she have any here? Alice appeared to be distracted... though, considering this wasn't the Lions strongest subject, she'd done well to participate so far, and to a higher standard than usual. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Dylan was taking notes on all of things. She was talking kinda fast but that was okay. He was a rather quick writer...Too bad he'd been wrong about the other. Not a birch or magical-cherry tree...Gravity-Resistant seemed so...obvious now that he thought about it... "Um....maybe it needed it's soil and fertilizer switched out? Maybe the roots needed more water?"
He continued to write and jot things down... Interesting... Dylan touched on it too. The answer was right there, under their proverbial noses... "Close... with the soil thing.." she replied with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Gravity-resistant trees...well THAT seemed obvious now that it was said. Why hadn't she thought of that? Meh. Oh well.
But now even when she knew what they were, she wasn't sure what was making them sick. The others had pretty good answers/guesses already, which meant she had nothing original to add. Penelope did continue to eye them though, attempting to figure it out in her head. Something to do with water sounded right to her. Considering they were floating and what not, wouldn't it be harder for them to get water and to keep it and have some stored for a day when they might not get water from rain or people? Maybe. She wasn't sure. But she continued listening. No response? How sad...
Still, Seren was sure nobody would supply the correct answer for this one, cause it was a little hard for those that weren't familiar with Gravity-Resistant Trees. SPOILER!!: Most Correct Answer Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter How the heck did any of these people know that they were gravity-resistant trees?? They were magical... any tree could be levitated.
Anyhow, Lily was moved onto the next question. What was wrong with the plant? The fifth year paused for several moments, studying the plant. Most of the others were saying something about water, but it didn't quite feel right to the claw. Raising her hand, Lily posed a guess. "Is there a problem with the soil?? Like part of it has soil among it's roots and there are some parts that seem to lack soil." Hopefully that was right... or at least a good prediction. Seren started nodding as soon as the girl mentioned soil... and she was definitely heading in the right direction with this.
"Now everyone, gather around a tree, and have a close look at the roots," she instructed. "Notice how some parts are covered in thick muddy soil... and other parts are bare." Owing to the fact that it had crumbled to the floor. "This is what has been causing the trees ill-health." She gave them a moment to properly observe, or take notes, or whatever they deemed fit for the time. "Gravity-Resistant Tress, do not require soil to survive, they receive their nutrients in liquid or gas form, and soil only inhibits their ability to absorb these nutrients." Reduced absorption, reduced water and nutrients, reduced growth all led to decay... and death... "Today, and until the end of term, our objective is to nurse these trees back to health. So could you all get your gloves out and put them on please." OOC: Activity task will begin in approx 12 hours.
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