Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
Posts: 25,070
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| Sorrrryyy for the delay! ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Nerida smiled yeap she had no clue what the tree was called!! But it was floating...."Is it a floating tree?" Yeah not the name but could it fit under the category if yes then couldn't she be semi right.... "Good observation..." though it didn't answer the question. How sad. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura looked at the Professor and raised her hands. "Well I would say that it's a tree that doesn't need gravity." Laura really thought that was it looked like, she would really love one of those trees. "Yesss..."? Seren started, nodding encouragingly. She needed a bit more detail in that response. Quote:
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr Asher studied the tree, wondering exactly what it was. "I believe it's a hovertree." He wondered how it was going to do that when it was full size. Then he wondered if he could climb it when it was full sized. Hovertree? ... "Not quite." Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Cassia tried not to stare too much as the Professor stood. Which looked like it needed tremendous effort. Why hold a lesson when you're tired. Maybe they should leave and let the poor woman rest. That'd be very noble. Should she stand and call the others to leave. She almost was very sure no one was going to listen to her. How cruel. Very cruel. She couldn't believe she was part if this cruelness act.
Not that she really had a choice.
Triple their size?? Did the woman think it was something pleasant. Obviously. So did the others. More monsters at Hogwarts. Gigantic ones too. And actually she would've gladly answered but she didn't really have any idea. So she kept silent. She also was internally freaking out don't mind her. No guess? ... How sad. Though Seren did appreciate the girls pensive demeanor. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Jory continued to look at the floating saplings. He didn't know why but they fascinated him. Sure, he had seen loads of stuff floating in mid air but plants was not on the list.
What could those saplings be? The badger studied them, then raised his hand. "Er Umbrella flowers?'' he asked, feeling silly. He really had no idea what they were. 0____________________o say what?
Since when were Umbrella Flowers trees?... And, hadn't Jory helped out with the plant sales? ...
Seren just shook her head, trying not to look mortified by the Badgers response. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva heard the question and took a few deep breaths before looking up. These things weren't the same as what was in the dungeon she told herself she would be fine. No one was setting anything on fire today, well at least she hoped not. Looking at them she really had no clue what they were and her anxiety from even seeing them was enough to drive her more crazy than she was already feeling at the moment. "Are they some sort of trees."
It was probably the most uneducated guess Minerva had ever given in any class. Clearly her focus was not there today. Her eyes shifted back down to the table and she tired to get her mind off of plants, which was very hard since they were in a greenhouse. ... another observation. Seren dearly wanted to reply with something sarcastic, but it wasn't in her nature... even with the hormones, so she simply moved on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Talikins With a pout out, the red head listened to the Professor as well as half blankly stare at the saplings floating in the air. A little strange and for sure something she had never ever seen before, but of course interesting
So they would learn about these plants? Yep. Just like she thought so, except she couldn't exactly answer the Professors question because she had no idea what they were called. But wording. Because she said hazard a guess the Puff would do so.
Raising her hand she waited her turn. "Professor, A Dirigible tree?" Because wasn't there a Dirigible plum tree where plums floated or something? Maybe she was just getting confused. Probably. "Not a bad guess, but no."
At least she wasn't telling her something as obvious as it was floating, and it was a tree. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deniiz There will be no birth today. "Haha--" Forrest had the virtue to look around at that moment to see whether anyone else laughed, and upon seeing that NO ONE even smiled, his face went the deepest shade of red. "Ha. Ahem."
Now he had to answer the question correctly to make up for his rudeness, didn't he?
...not happening today. He preferred to lean down as much as possible in his desk and hide behind it, thank you. Let the others answer it correctly. ... well that wasn't awkward. Seren kindly bypassed the Hufflepuff, he didn't need picking on just yet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Sarah must learn some more magical plants... at home they had a lot more mundane plants then magical, that was mainly because muggles expected them to be like them. She could think of muggle plants, like Bamboo and Redwood that grew really tall and stuff, yet that float? She could only think of lillies- and they float in water. However she did remember reading about these kind of saplings once. Seren was surprised by Sarah. The girl seemed unusually quiet for the first question of the lesson. Not that there was anything wrong with that. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Ella was well so she nodded and gave a small smile when Professor Bentley asked. She was happy to hear the woman assure the class that she wouldn't be having the baby, y'know, during the lesson. That was reassuring.
As for the trees, Ella tilted her head and eyed them curiously. Hmm. "Are they a type of Pine tree, Professor?" The sixteen year old knew that pine could be used for wands and that it was a type of evergreen, right? That would maybe explain the buds. ...Maybe. Or she could be completely off like she usually was in these types of situations. Oh well, it was worth a try. "Nope, not these ones." Once the foliage grew it would be clearer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Good, no birthing. That would be GROSS.
Theo looked over at the saplings and wooooah, they were floating. That was quite cool, but he couldn't quite think of any name for it. He listened to what everyone else had to say, and when someone said a hover tree, Theo immediately agreed with that. He just nodded in their general direction but didn't feel the need to say it again. With no response from the Snake, Seren moved on, looking for other hands to go up. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 OOOOHHHH so she didn't know the sexy of the baby yet. Hmmm that was understandable. Most people loved surprises and Kace did too. He smiled at the professor once more and noticed she was starting the lesson. He looked at the saplings and noticed they were babies still. She asked what they could be?
Kace had NO idea. But he could venture a guess right? "Professor perhaps could it be a Maple tree? I mean i hope it is because i do love Maple syrup!" he smiled with glee. Oohhh, a little warmer. "Almost, but not quite." Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon Eliza stood at her station, concerned eyes on Ethan and Minerva...and on that big baby belly. She was glad to hear there wouldn't be any need to rush her to the hospital to deliver - so at least she could put that thought away for a moment. The other one though, about her friends, she had more trouble with. What's the matter with them? She knew they hadn't been around and had heard something about a detention, but she hadn't gotten the full details yet. They seemed awfully sad and that made her sad, a little. Mostly though she wanted to give them ice cream because it would probably help. Later though.
She looked at the floating plant and hazarded a guess. "Is it some kind of hybrid? A dirigible plum mixed with some sort of pine tree?" Or maybe it was just a regular tree that she had levitated to fool all of them. She wouldn't know until the professor revealed the answer. Now there was an original idea. "Unfortunately no..." Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Annabeth didn't know anything about those floating plants. Anything. But she disliked remaining silent much more than hazarding a completely nonsense guess. They would grow the triple their size... It should be an oak or something like that. She raised her hand and said, not much aloud - hopeful that her guess wouldn't be heard by all the students: "It should be floating oaks."
She grinned, looking at the teacher and then to her belly. She frowned. She was not sure that the baby could wait until the ending of the lesson. Should be? Meaning... it wasn't? Hhhmm. "No... not quite." Not quite indeed. Quote:
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr After listening to several of the students, Asher began to think about his first answer. If they professor really thought they needed to guess to find out what kind of tree it was, it has to be more special.
He studied it more closely and tried to even see what it smelled like. "Maybe it's an ice cream tree. Grows little scoops of ice cream and has chocolate syrup in the trunk." An ice cream tree?..... Merlin. It wasn't as if the school needed any more of that... the students already seemed to be having plenty. Never mind the fact that she didn't know where it was coming from to begin with... ice cream really ought not to be in a budget. "Nope." Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Anya continued staring up at the tree. What was it? She had no idea. But she wanted one.
And she wanted to ride that too now that the little first year mentioned it. Were they allowed to? Or... could she get one and then ride it? It looked... comparable to riding a topiary. No comment? Seren smiled and turned away. Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie "They," Tobias said with a raised hand and a gesture of his head. "Are floating trees."
And then he smiled. Toby thought that he had appropriately deduced that mystery... kind of. He didn't know but darn it he'd TRIED. That had to count for something.
The Hufflepuff stared at the plants after he'd answered... thinking. Maybe he should start... reading ahead. Yeah. That'd probably be a good idea. Floating... trees. Seren nodded, but it didn't really answer the question. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Yes, Dylan was concerned....Everything about pregnant woman....made him nervous as it was. His mother had just given birth to twins. The whole experience was clearly remembered by the Slytherin Captain, thank you very much...
...but if Professor Bentley was positive all was well...Okay. He'd roll with that. "Some kind of magical-version of a cherry tree?" Dylan really didn't know..."Or....maybe a birch tree?"
Herbology was clearly not his strongest subject... "Not a bad guess," Seren encouraged with a nod. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Oh, good, at least she was alright. If coping meant she was alright. But she said nothing was gonna happen with the baby today, so that seemed alright to Penelope. So she sat in her seat and then the lesson was beginning.
And of course the first question would be about what those trees were. The Gryffindor eyed them for a couple minutes as she sorta listened to the other students offer their guesses, but none of them really stuck out to her as correct, which meant she definitely didn't know. She also had no guesses different from the ones others had already said either, so...she just kept quiet and listened - did that one firstie suggest riding it? Now THERE was an idea... - and waited for the next question to come. Was there something the Lions hadn't told her? ... were they all alright? Did they need counselling sessions? ... Or were they all mute? Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell BULLSEYE!!
Michael burst out laughing as the bulb smacked Z straight in the head, but it immediately died five seconds later when he felt the bulb down his shirt and Z HUGGING him. In front of everyone. Mikey felt his face go bright red. How many times did he have to tell her not to do that in public?
And just like that he forgot his embarrassment when she mentioned riding the willow and he felt his face split into grin. "How could I forget? I still have the bruises." It had been the best day ever. Seren flashed Michael a warning look... chatting to a minimum in class... and less touchy feely with the girl. Mmhhmm. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Mo was very interested in the floating trees. Less so the chubby professor. Lady really needed to lay off the ice cream. He'd seen babies, and they weren't nearly that big. So the rest was ice cream. Mo's theory.
But the tree was awesome, and he considered how fun it would be to climb one. Were they going to get a chance? Please please please? He didn't respond, considering all his classmates had, but Mo did reach generally out and tried to capture dirt from the exposed roots. Just his luck... it was out of reach. At least it wasn't only her Lions that were quiet... this made her think it was probably and end of term winding down thing. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Floating trees? Alice immediately started nodding when that one baby Gryffindor suggested riding it. SHE wanted to ride the tree. Her. Pick her! Please? Nodding a few more times, she tried considering the type of plant it was and drew more blanks. What had she said that one lesson when people were arguing over umbrella flowers versus puffapods? That the plant wasn't a snargaluff. "... it's not a whomping willow, Professor." Straight face for you, Bentley. Hand up, too, best behavior, see? Also. For those people who said.. dirigible trees? ".. and I thought dirigible plums grew on bushes." What? What TREES? Those existed? Really?
Herbology was so hard, one question in and she already had an headache. "You're right... it's not a whomping willow," Seren agreed, cause you know, it answered her question to a tea. Mmmhhmm. Her expression was equally as serious as Alice's, for a moment, and then she continued smiling. "You're quite right... bushes, not trees." SPOILER!!: Questions Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo It was good they were both well, wonderful even and with the summer coming up she could have that time with the baby then be RIGHT BACK THERE at the staff dais. YUP.
Annnyway, the plant. The plant that she didn't. Lex blinked at it.
Guessing what they were? Well...they were floating so..."Epic."
She didn't know of any other plants that did that whole 'gravity got nothin' on me' thing, granted, she didn't know much of anything about plants, but whatever. That was what she would say it was, an epic plant that would grow three times that size. "Will it still float even when it's fully grown?" THAT would make it so much more epic and of course she'd want to climb it because TREES DIDN'T TYPICALLY FLOAT where she lived. Not many opportunities you understand and well...if she fell...how many people could say they fell out of a floating tree????
It'd all be real legit. She was currently working that out in her head. "Oh yes, absolutely.. though they'll require more room. Though they are capable of growing indoors, when properly maintained, regularly trimmed." Almost anything was possible with a bit of magic. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was more interested in how they survive if they were floating. It seemed that they would get enough sunlight. But where would it get the nutrients it needed. Interesting. "Professor. How can the tree survive if it is floating?"
Maybe when it grew. Gravity would take over and push it down into the ground.
Sounds plausible. Aaahhh, a good question, but not one she could answer just yet. "We'll get to that shortly." No point getting ahead of themselves. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz Zahra took a BULB to the BRAIN from Mikey Toussaint. And it hurt, but she wasn't NO BABY, so she totally didn't cry. Totally didn't. But when Professor BELLY asked her question, she crept FORWARD and STUFFED that bulb into MIKEY TOUSSAINT'S SHIRT.
Now he had a baby tree in his shirt. Bet he was OHHHH SO TERRIFIED HAHAHA.
...she might have hugged him, too. From behind. Because why not? Why NOT HUG your best friend in the middle of class after stuffing a baby tree in his shirt? SENSE! ALL THE SENSE.
Her hands were too busy, see, to raise her hand properly so Zahra kind of put a foot up. "I don't know what KIND of tree it is, but if you want a volunteer to RIDE IT...." YOU KNOW, JUST SAYING. Then to Mikey, "REMEMBER that time, we RODE that - coughcoughOTHER THREEcoughcough -. Hhaahaaahaaa."
Ahem. HUGGGS. Merlin. "Zahra, I'll kindly ask you to keep your hands to yourself in class time... this is hardly the time or place to be chummy with your boyfriend." It was an offhanded comment. A joke and caution all in one, and whether or not the two children were in a relationship was another matter, one she didn't care for right now. "And no... we do not climb," climb, not ride, "saplings..." they were still much to young and fragile. Silly silly. SPOILER!!: Correct Answer Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell HOLY MERLIN!!
He actually knew the answer to this. Well he hoped he did. Mikey raised his hand in the air, stretching as high as he could go. If he tried to get it any higher he was going to pull his arm out of the socket. "Oooh. Oooh it's a gravity-resistant tree."
And finally... a correct response. Happy days! "Yes! Gravity-resistant," she repeated, nodding. "When healthy, Gravity-Resistant trees resemble Maple trees, only with a deeper shade of green." And they'd come to see that, in time, though there was work to be done. "Now.. first of all, let me be clear... nobody is to attempt to climb these trees, because they're saplings they are still quite weak and will not yet be able to safely support your body weight, secondly, they're ill." Perhaps it wasn't obvious to them yet, but in time, perhaps they'd see the signs. "The Gravity-Resistant tree was first cultivated in Nepal, but has since been introduced to most of Europe successfully." "I want you all to take a moment to observe the trees, and see if you can identify the cause of their ill-health." Seren too cast her eyes up at the trees, no leaves as yet, just twiggy with green buds which would soon bring foliage. The roots were of a considerable size in parts, other areas seemed to be shriveled or decaying in others. "Where have they gone wrong with its care requirements?" she asked more directly, they, being the wizards she'd salvaged them from. OOC: The lesson will continue in approx 18 hours.
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