Thread: Seminar I
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Old 07-09-2013, 09:44 AM   #227 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default good job everyone ^_^
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Well, everyone was saying interesting charms. So Nigel was going to say the most obvious one. "There is Protego. But if it is an unknown curse. Then duck and cover can work."

Nigel was just happy that the buzzers were gone. His hands were beginning to hurt from all the zaps he had taken The fun had ran out and now his hands were in pain. Nigel rubs his hands hoping the feeling will go away.
Duck and cover sounded.. hmm. "Yes, not very useful in most cases though, the threats we're talking about here are alive, so I figure it's run, climb a tree, and cover." He grinned at the boy.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
"I'm afraid I have a bit of problems with most shield charms Professor, I mean, I have the simple ones like Protego and a few others but those won't always help. Couldn't you just blast whatever's headed toward you with Expulso or Confringo? The best defense is a good offense, isn't that right?"
Holy Merlin's Beard. Botros cleared his throat and nodded, "They might come in handy, maybe when you're running to get help and a tree's log blocks your way." Blasting off creatures though? It troubled him even if the creature was vicious. "Let's not blast anything until it's our very, very last resort, please." She got a nervous smile from him.

Mooooving on. The ancient runes man took one last glance at twitching Ms. Romanos. "Those are very good spells. I would add some more," Especially if they were being attacked, "Flipendo, the Knock Back Jinx, and Everte Statum, the Hurling Hex. Not defensive spells but mighty useful to keep a dangerous threat at bay." He would use them rather than the blasting ones Cambridge suggested. Ahem. "Can we get volunteers who can demonstrate some of those spells to their fellow students, please?" Botros placed both of his hands on his cane and encouragingly looked at the kids. Two volunteers for each spell.
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