Join Date: Sep 2003 Location: Perth, AU (GMT +8)
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Jasper Hart First Year
x10 x10
| ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf SPOILER!!: Replies! ^__^ Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo How was it the last Herbology class already?? She felt like it was just last week they walked in and talked about umbrella plants. This term was moving quickly. Before she knew it, it would be the feast. One big gathering, a long wait for a speech that would be equally as long then finally...disgusting food. Just the thought made her want a bowl of ice-cream.
The first thing she noticed was the Professor...the HUGE Professor but see...Lex knew better than to point that out soooo she BEAMed at her instead. "Good day Professor!!!! How are you and the baaaaaby?????" She took a look at around.
This all looked really neat!! "I hope you're keeping well." And like...not about to abandon them as Head of House for a baby!!! Couldn't stress that point enough. She LIKED her head of house and the whole baby thing might have given her ideas. Sigh. Babies always got in the way, didn't they? It was like their thing.
T'is why she didn't like the one at home, the little Daddy Stealer. And so Lex was the first to arrive... again... this was impressive. "I'm well thank you... and baby's well too," she nodded, grinning. Though she really wished the thing would come out now. It was so darn uncomfortable. Not practical for teaching, or gardening, or doing anything at all. Ugh. Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Toby arrived at the greenhouses having made sure he had everything he needed in his bag. There was one thing he would ALWAYS remember and that was his smile, which he flashed even as he entered. The Hufflepuff's eyes flickered to the professor's belly and then to the floaty parts, and kind of staaaared at them in wonder for a second before going a little further into the room and finding a place. "Hi Professor!"
He glanced at her belly again. Wow... someone REALLY liked ice cream. And he thought his team ate a lot. But Tobias KNEW it was rude to point that out, so he just grinned at the professor and bounced slightly on the balls of his feet. "Hello Toby," Seren greeted the super cuteHufflepuff, watching him bounce. Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Herbology.
Ella bounced in, a small smile on her face. Her green eyes widened slightly at the sight of the floating saplings, her curiosity immediately piquing. This was going to be fun. "Hello Professor, I hope you're well." Eyes on the belly. Yeah...she wasn't like going to have the thing in class, was she? That wouldn't be good.
Smiles for Tobias and Lex and then Ella waited quietly for the lesson to start. "Very well," she assured Ella with a few nods for good measure. "And I trust you're well?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Plants.
He was to scared of them like Oakey was. But still. They did not interest him. But Wow the professor was umm......Yeah. "Hello, Professor."
The floating plants were pretty coo. Nigel has to admit. "Hi Nigel," Seren greeted flashing the Ravenclaw a smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker She always took a lot of time to remember why she showed up. It'd usually take the whole way from the dungeons to the greenhouses to remember that you needed to learn about your enemies. Mhhhmm. Plants were in enemies categories. Cassia was just surprised that no one saw them like that. How it dawned on her to see people feeling comfy next to those creatures. Tsk..tsk..tsk.
Anyway, here she was clutching her bag's string and walking in carefully. Wouldn't want to brush by any branch leaf or anything. Oh and pregnant Professor there. Was it safe for her to teach like that? Cassia tried not to stare. It'd be rude. "Good day Professor," Though no day can be good here. But what can she say. "It is a very good day," she agreed, nodding in Cassia's direction. How very observant of her. Quote:
Originally Posted by xXxPandora Floating plants with their exposed roots galore! The term was quickly coming to a finish. Beezus tried hard not to think of the fact that this was going to be their last Herbology lesson but it was hard, especially when Professor Bentley's large belly was in your near vicinity - the fetus was going to make its way out to the world soon and would later be called a baby.....this only constituted to the nagging feeling that the school year was going to end in a few.
Beezus sighed, pushing the pair of reading glasses up on her nose bridge. She bowed slightly at the woman and said, "Good day, Professor Bentley. Baby..." Beezus offered her a smile before the brunette went to take a seat.
And wait. "Hello Beatrice," Seren greeted warmly, offering her favouritethe Ravenclawa smile. The baby was smiling too, for sure... they did that, didn't they? She'd read it in one of the fifty how-to-be-a-mummy books. Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Look at the plants! Jory stood for a while, as if mesmerized because they were floating. So cool! "Hi, Professor!'' Jory greeted the still very pregnant woman. "And little one, too.'' He waved his hand towards the plants. "I can't wait to see what we'll be doing today.'' It would be his final class, so he was looking forward to something memorable. "Hello Jory," Seren replied brightly. Oh, he was waving at the saplings? How sweet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Princesspower Those roots were awesome.. well that was the first thing Sarah noticed when she entered the greenhouse. The wonders of nature, roots that usually anchored plants to the ground... she had read about mundane plant tissues once and she wondered if these too had xylem vessles that pumped things up from the roots.
Oh, the professor. Preggy as ever. Sarah wanted to keep an unobtrusive eye on the stomach in case she got to see it kicking. Maybe the teacher will go into labour during that lesson... that would be exciting. Then Hogwarts will have another baby... Sarah loved babies and wondered why Alexa did not like them. Her sister in law as expecting the summer again and Sarah was hoping for a niece. Her nephew was cute, yet she could dress a niece more creatively. "Hi Professor!" she said, "great to see you still well". Her mother had told her that childbirth was dangerous and stuff, so Sarah never took healthy pregnancies for granted.
Then she went to sit down, feeling rather fatigued. Maybe she should see the evil!healer after all, she had TEN hours of sleep each night the whole week and she was still exhausted. Aaaww and how sweet was Sarah! "Yes, still well... thank goodness." Though she did have her moments. It was a good thing she had apples, peppermint and chamomile on her side. Made things somewhat easier to manage. Quote:
Originally Posted by Talikins Her last Herbology lesson on these grounds. That half made Ness smile but frown at the same time too. She was never really fan of getting all touchy with plants and muds and caring for them, but still it was okay and Bentley was kinda nice so that made things better.
With that half smile on her face, Renesmee entered the Greenhouses and to her expectations of some sort of plant, she saw the saplings. She looked at them for a moment then got distracted with how huge Bentley had gotten. Geez. Pregnant people grew fast. Maybe one day that would be her....but NO WAYS now. Nope. Now she'd just watch the older people and smile, because it was cute, you know pregnant people and babies. "Hello, Professor!" She greeted with a smile then looked at the tummy. "And hello to you too, fellah." Yes she was talking to her stomach and no she was not weird...or maybe she was. "Hello Renesmee," Seren greeted with a nod. She raised a curious eyebrow as the Hufflepuff acknowledged the huge bump. "Do you know something I don't?" she asked, wondering about the choice of words, fellah. Quote:
Originally Posted by jrtpuplvr Asher skipped into the greenhouse, looking forward to another lesson. Noticing the Professor, he casually said "Hiya Professor, nice belly" then headed towards the left hand side of the room.
When he arrived to his place in class, Asher glanced through his bag, making sure he had what he would needed. He hadn't done well earlier in the year and he was going to make up for it. Oohhh look at this! A skipper! "Hello!" Seren greeted abruptly, mildly taken aback by the nice belly comment. "Thanks..." she thought. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF OOOOH Professor pregant lady time~!
Daichi skipped again towards the greenhouses for another lesson in Herbology. Entering the Greenhouse one, he was immediately greeted with the sight of something green dangling in the air. He stared at it for a moment before his attention went to the Professor.
MEEEEP BIG BELLY! "HAI Professor Bentley~" he waved his hand then lowered a little "HAI Bentley's baby~!" he or she got a wave as well. Then he skipped to find a place.
SKIPPING WAS AWESOME RIGHT? whoever invented it should get an ice cream for being AWESOME! Another skipper? Shouldn't duck boys waddle? At any rate, these kids weren't eating ice cream for breakfast were they? Seeing as ice cream was the trending food for the year. Odd. "Hey Daichi," she greeted warmly. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Herbology! Yes...Dylan was NOT missing this one. Professor Bentley and her totally adorable wobbling...
As soon as he entered Greenhouse One, though...his eyes shot open. It was set up kinda awesome...All the floating plants and roots...Oh, man. It was so different than anything else they'd done all term. So, that was exciting. Also, it was kinda a mess with all the dirt and stuff that was falling away from the plants. What was new, though? Dylan had never attended a Herbology lesson and NOT left filthy. It was kinda the rules.
Where was Professor Bentley, though?
Stepping in further, the Captain spied her slumped against a table. She did NOT look well....."Erm....Professor...?" It was exhausting, staying upright, that was no lie, but she was perfectly fine... so it amused her, and touched her, that Dylan sounded concern. "Everything is fine... I promise," she replied, giving the Slytherin an assuring smile. She appreciated that he cared. Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Theo was generally in a good mood this morning, but was feeling a little bit achy from Quidditch still. Not badly enough to complain about it, though. Theo dragged himself and all of his stuff along to the greenhouses and took his regular spot by the table. Whatever was on those tables didn't interest him much.
"Hi, professor." Woah she was looking... big and stuff. Was she pregnant?
Theo didn't like the look of pregnancy, it looked extremely uncomfortable. One of the many reasons why he was glad to not be a girl. The boys quiet demeanour didn't go unnoticed. Was he ill? Slept poorly? "Hi Theo." Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl So, time for Herbology. Hopefully this would be a cool lesson...and by the looks of those trees, it probably was gonna be. Because those were pretty cool, floating in midair and all that. Penelope didn't think she'd ever seen those things before. So yeah, this could be fun. "Hi, Professor." She almost left it at that greeting and went to get a seat but...Professor Bentley didn't look too good. Not that Penelope was exactly sure how good someone could look when pregnant. Didn't look or sound too fun or comfortable though. "You alright?" "Hello Penelope," she greeted her Lion. "I'm coping," she nodded. It wasn't easy, but she'd survive a bit of discomfort. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Kace was keen on going to Herbology again. He liked the lessons and the homework assignments for this class. I mean he had experience with plants in the muggle world before. His grandma taught him how to plant so he knew the basics. But dealing with magical plants was a different ballgame.
As he made his way to the classroom, he noticed the Professor's belly. Woooahhh she looked like she was ready to POP! He didn't say it out loud though. That would be rude. Kace smiled to her and said, "Hello Professor! Do you know the sex of the baby yet?" He was curious and i am sure all the others were. Why not ask. It couldn't hurt.
He went and found a seat and waited for the lesson to begin. Kace.
Such a cute!sweet Hufflepuff. Shame he wasn't a Lion... "Hello dear," she greeted, grinning. "No!... I want it to be a surprise." So no, she didn't know... which seemed to surprise people. Mmm. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Sky could practically feel herself aging as walked into Greenhouse One for yet another final lesson of the year: Herbology. Because once this school year ended, it would be official. She would be a seventh year. Not only that, she would be seventeen, which would mean that she was officially an adult in their world. Ugh. But now wasn't the time for that. Now it was time for....... floating plants, appearently. So, that was on the border of cool and weird. She tried to avoid the dirt falling from the mid-air plants' roots as she took her seat, but managed to get some on her shoulder anyway. But what was more alarming was the looks of Professor Bentley. "Hey, professor. Does someone need to go get Healer Tilstrom?" Because of the slumping........? This was beginning to get funny, and Seren couldn't help but stifle a giggle. "No, that won't be necessary... I'm not due for a few weeks yet." So all was well. Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Minerva was standing outside the greenhouse door. Her anxiety was super high. How was she going in there. After that detention she didn't want to look at another plant, but she had to go to class. Trying to calm her breathing she walked into the classroom and jumped at the sight of floating plants. Eyes darting around.. where was Ethan.. she needed him here more than ever. She had beat him here it seemed like. As her eyes scanned the room she became very self conscious and put her hand absentmindedly to her not fully grown back hair. She wished that potion worked a bit faster, but she couldn't expect miracles either.
Heart racing she stopped in front of Professor Bentley. She had to say hi, but she was struggling to even look at students in the eye at the moment let alone the staff. Did everyone know by now what happened in the dungeon or was that just a few rumors and whispers. She wasn't sure, but in a small voice, "Hello professor, are.. are you feeling alright." She kept her eyes to the ground, but glanced up just enough to see her belly. She looked cute pregnant, but wouldn't say more. She turned to find a place to sit. What was up with Minerva? ... she was unusually quiet and... disengaged? "Just uncomfortable," though that couldn't be helped, "... but are you feeling alright?" Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay Feeling like an inferi, Ethan managed to drag himself down to the greenhouse for today's Herbology class. Working with plants was always one of his favorite things and he had hoped that today's lesson would help to pull him out of his recent funk.
Walking to the front of the classroom, he stopped briefly at Bentley's workstation. "Hello, Professor," he greeted her in a small voice devoid of much emotion. "If it's possible, would I be able to speak with you in your office after class?" If she didn't go into labor before then, of course. He had been meaning to speak to her for some time an, by the looks of it, this might be his last opportunity.
He soon turned to head towards his usual workstation, not really making any eye contact with anyone else in the room or even noticing who was there. His slid into his regular seat and glanced up to notice Minerva was already sitting there. "Oh.. hello," he said upon sight of her, managing to give her a small smile. Once he set his messenger bag down on the floor next to his stool, he gazed up at the saplings floating in front of them. Botanical work would make him feel better.. "Hi Ethan," she greeted the Ravenclaw. "Of course, that's not a problem," she added at his request to meet. Quote:
Originally Posted by Ivana R Annabeth entered the Greenhouse One whistling happily. It was a nice day to plant seedlings and seeds. And the Greenhouse was so beautiful with all that tiny plants and buds. She loved tiny things! Then she looked at the teacher. She was far from being tiny, or not so far. Her belly could burst at any time. Inside of that swollen belly was a baby. A tiny baby! Oh, a cute baby! "Hi, professor Bentley!" She grinned and added affectionately: "Hi, little baby! I'm noticing that you're wanting to born..." Wait until your mum finish the class, she added, in thought. "Professor, do you want a chair or something?" She'd gotten used to people talking to her navel, but it still amused her, particularly from students. So darn CUTTEEE! Seren grinned warmly at the Hufflepuff. "I'll sit in a while, but it's easier to see you all when I'm standing," or slumping... same thing, ish. "Thank you, though." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz "Belly, Belly, belly belly," Zahra SING-SANG-SONGED as she finally made it to a Herbology LESSON. WOOT. She didn't wish her Head of House ILL or nothing like that - but if she had to GO and lay down and leave them to PLAY IN THE GREENHOUSES...
..that'd be cool. Zahra wouldn't mind.
She had her hands out in front of her, like SHE had a big belly too, and kept singing "Belly belly, belllllyyyyyyyyyy belly b-b-b-b-bellyyyyyyyy." Seren's eyes were wide with amusement. Her pregnancy warranted a song now? A belly song? ... It was rather catchy. Seren found herself humming to it, in her head.. and grinned in Zahra's direction. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mell Michael was definitely no green thumb but he did enjoy these classes because they were outside and he was hoping that he might find a stray garden gnome that he might wrestle. No such luck yet though.
He entered the greehouse just after his BFF and he was just wondering why she was singing that tune when he noticed the Professor. "Er...hello...Professor." He looked at her huge belly and winced. "You're not going to have that baby here, are you?" Because that would be just ewww. He gave the woman a nervous look before find seat which happened to be beside some first year Huffelepuff. "The first signs of ANYTHING and I am out of here." Just sayin. "Hi Michael," she greeted her young Lion. The poor boys additional comment made her laugh. "There's no need to worry, still a few weeks out, though should anything happen..." which it wouldn't... "you'd be welcome to leave."
Boys generally didn't do well with girly things, and it made her wonder how Aron would react on the day... Quote:
Originally Posted by LilFox06 Anya happily skipped out to the Greenhouses. Herbology. Despite her issues with certain plants, she hadn't lost her love of gardening and greenhouses. "Hello Professor." she greeted as she passed.
Oh... wow... ... ... Poor Professor. Anya made a mental note to never teach classes looking like that. It looked... very not pleasant.
Oh. And wow. Look at the plants just floating around. Was that on purpose? The Gryffindor went and stood by a station and looked up clearly enjoying the sight of the floating plants. "Hello Anya." Seren offered her Lion a bright smile. It was that time of year, coming to a close, the promise of holidays just over the horizon. Quote:
Originally Posted by ScarletCharm104 Marigold skipped into Herbology. Skipskipskip. "Hiya Professor! And baby!" More skipping ensued.
She wondered what the flying plants were for. Good lesson in the making, she hoped. More skipping?.... did she miss a memo on this or something? Was this one of Medea's physical activity defense stuff? .... "Hello dear," she nodded. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hermione Lily Potter Lily took her time getting down to the herbology lesson, not because she didn't like the class, but rather because she didn't want to get there too early and feel weird. So when she made it into the greenhouses sorta early but not super early, she was pleased. Greeting the professor with a smile and a "Hello Professor.", Lily turned and made her way to a seat, sorta near some of her claw classmates/teammates. They each got a nod before the fifth year sat and pulled out her notepad. "Hi Lily," Seren greeted the pensive Claw. Quote:
Originally Posted by Mad Eye Touz "AHAHAHHAHAHAH. Mikey TOUSSAINT is afraid of a BABY." HAHAHAHAHAH Just everyone.... note that? HAHAHHAHAHHAHA "Waaaaaaah wahh wahhhhhhhhhhhh" she faked cried at him. Like a baby. 'Cause he was TOTALLY afraid of one.HAHHAA "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah." "It's not fair to taunt, Zahra," she started, "it's a boy thing, they can't help it." All wussy and whatnot.
Urrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh. Pushing herself off from the edge of the table, Seren placed her hands in the small of her back to ease the pain and give it a bit of support, pushing out her bump in the process, making it appear just that little bit bigger. "Welcome..." she started, taking a moment to catch a breath, "... to the last herbology lesson of the term. Before we begin, I assure you there will be no birthing today, and I am fine... " so they didn't need to worry and such. Though, she was wondering why she didn't take leave sooner. Laying in bed at home would be nice right about now... with more apples....
Snapping back to reality, Seren smile. "Now, today we're looking at a very special kind of tree... what you see here are just saplings, and they'll grow to be triple their size in time." Not any time soon... and they wouldn't fit in the greenhouses at full height, still, they were darlings. "Can anybody hazard a guess at what they are?" OOC: The lesson will continue in approx 12-18 hours form the time of this post. Please don't edit your answers.
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