Thread: Seminar I
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Old 07-08-2013, 03:52 AM   #215 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees

Oh, buzzers were gone. How absolutely wonderful.

Letting the kids give there thoughts on the acronym, Medea couldn't help but stare at Alexa for most of the time. Words, soooo many words in sentence format that could be said to her, but weren't. Speaking of sentence format words, oops! She was up!

"Good, most of you haff the hang of it. A, alert the authorities. Meaning a professor FIRST, and then if you cannot find a professor, than a prefect or captain. U, use teamvork, to get out of situations. Not to conquer them yourselves unless stated othervise by a professor. R, remain calm. If you don't, you'll be haffing one on one yoga sessions vith me." Just a little incentive for them there. "O, only use magic IF NECESSARY. Please, please, do not go and use magic right avay or at all if you can. I know ve all vont to help, but...don't. Unless stated othervise. By a professor. Ve'll talk more about this in just a moment. And finally, R, remember vhere the exits are. Take a look around your classroom the next time you're there and in the hallvays. Even your common rooms. You all know of the great entrance in front of the castle, and the paths down to the boating docks as vell as to Hogsmeade." DEEP BREATHE. "Please do find a prefect, captain, or professor to help you figure these out if you don't know vhere they are."

Hooooly Merlin, what else were they going to talk about? Fidget fidget. Ice cream. Oh! "Only use magic if necessary. Right. Let's go over the "if necessary" part and vot spells you should use. Ve all know our basic shield and disarming charms, correct? If you doooon't, this might be a good assignment for you to use your defense long term project hours for...and the more advanced shields for you older students." Riiiiiight? Hint hint.

"Does anyone know of any other basic defensive spells you might use in an emergency situation?"
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