Thread: Seminar I
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Old 07-06-2013, 03:51 AM   #193 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Default sorry, we don't do catch-up here :)
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Ow. OW. Owwwww. Okay, this buzzing thing HAD to stop.

What? Was the point of this seminar to teach her to trust creepy, attractive History of magic professors with funny accents? Alice wasn't buying it, but she did catch the look James was giving her, so she pulled back her completely sore hand- surprising it wasn't smoking by now, huh? Or maybe it was and she just hadn't noticed- and thought about the next one. It was easy and didn't even require much of an opinion, so obviously she was going to get it right.

Still thinking about how Colin MacKenzie wouldn't have been ELECTROCUTING STUDENTS, she sulkily pressed down on the green buzzer.

THERE, professors. Finally, an answer from her they actually wanted. Hmph.
Finally, the buzzer let out an audible DING! for the stubborn Gryffindor. Her hand was surely grateful she'd gotten over her issues with the last question.

Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Nerida hadn't had time to press the buzzer on the last one. Which was fine with her she had some doubts about certain Professors...The new ones...Knox and Vinteren...Yeah they probably didn't have the kids best interests at hearts. Though the rest of the professors probably did, she could trust them. Yeap even Lafay who said to the class she didn't care for any of them. But now that, that question was gone she pressed down on the green button only once.
Green was good! DING!

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
That last one had come up kind of quick, so Sky hadn't had the time to press a buzzer. Which was all well and good, because she wasn't buying that Knox had their best interests at heart. At all. The Headmistress either. And the jury was still out on Vinteren as well. The rest of the professors, though, she could believe had their best interests at heart (yes, even Lafay). But all that didn't matter now, as the next statement was made. She took the opportunity before answering to send a banishing spell at Alexa's buzzers, though. Seriously, everyone gets after the first one. You didn't keep pushing the buttons.

That done, she pressed the green button once.
All spell-casting aside (the Headmistress hadn't noticed, but if she had, she would have probably taken the girl's wand), the green buzzer let out a cheerful DING! with Sky's press.

Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
Yeah, of course he could. But would he was another question, and Forrest wanted to save its answer to himself. He pressed the green button again and stiffled a yawn. It was very boring stuff.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura just stared at the Professor, just stared, this question was made for her wasn't it, seriously she knew it and she knew the answer, in her second year, she had put a swamp in the second floor because she hated Hadley back then, in her third year she had lost points for being cheeky and throwing a water fight with the suit of armour and last year she had done quiet a lot, this year she was calming down and had realised that it was safer this way, you didn't get detention, and she wanted to keep it that way, she continued to stare at the Professor's whilst she pressed her green button, she was sulking now, why pick on her.
Green was good! Good Laura, good girl! Good job! DING! the buzzer was HAPPY for her, see!

Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
Hogwarts a safe and happy home?

Daichi perked up at the question, immediately thinking of ice cream and his goofy grin was back. Yes, yes he could make this place happier...he wasn't going to comment on the SAFE part though. Because no, he wouldn't make it a safer place even if he wanted it. He'd probably blow up the castle by accident.

So....did that mean he had to press both buttons? Since his answer was half agree half disagree. He rubbed his chin as he debated before slamming his hand on the green button with a bright smile.

His gaze then searched for a certain Captain and wondered which one he would press. Daichi was going to LAUGH if he would press green cause....well, that guy was grumpy and stupid all the time. At least to him.

Looking back at the buttons, the Slytherin had this sudden itching feeling. He wanted to know , just out of curiousity what the zap would feel like. Since he had answered every question he had answered right, he had no idea. With curious expression on his face, Daichi pressed the red button as well and waited.

Or maybe the green button had been the wrong answer?
Green was the right answer, smart prefect. The button started to DIN--- ZAP! Oh no, shouldn't have second-guessed himself. Tsk tsk tsk!

Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Well, no... that wasn't his job, was it? That was the professor's job. Theo had a feeling he would get zapped for this but he pressed the RED button and didn't even care. Sure, he wanted Hogwarts to be happy and safe, but he also wanted other people to make sure of that for him.
ZAP! He knew he would get zapped and so he did.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
They were nearly done yeah? West eyed Professor James for a moment and then with a sigh just went ahead and hit the green buzzer. This was underwhelming. At least they were trying to make stuff happen? Maybe he should be more... y'know, understanding and whatever?
DING! That wasn't that hard, now was it?

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Now onto the question, that was GREEN for sure, "and I have been trying". Some people like staff members did get in her way.
DING! Trying, have you? Mhmm.

Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie View Post
"Mmmph," Tobias didn't yelp at the zap this time, because he was kind of totally expecting it. He kept his lips clamped tightly shut and kind of 'ouched' that way.

Now he felt bad, and also kind of sad because he was confused and he felt like a meanie.

But at the next question, Tobias' face positively lit up in a massive characteristic BEEEEAM. Because he KNEW the answer to this one because he KNEW he COULD help.

Without even thinking about it he slammed both hands down onto the green buzzer and GRINNED up at the staff.

There was potential in the answer for there to be a trick (the bit about the 'everyone' because 'everyone' could include evil and/or dangerous people) but Tobias was confident about this one. Yep yep yep.
No tricks here! Tobias' green buzzer let out a very positive DING!

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post

Kat pressed the green button. Because she was a prefect and didn't wanna be such a lame excuse for a student leader. COUGHCOUGH like someoooooone she knew. It did say 'can' and not 'will'. She had paid attention to the small details. She would try... but that didn't assure that she will succeed. At least she tried to do something rather than be a coward and stuff.

And no more further explanation for everyone else, thanks.
DING! This was why she was a prefect, people, take note.

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
This question was different than the others, Cassia thought. Because it was somehow more directed to them. Like personally rather than their behavior. Or so she felt. She wasn't sure what she could do but she wanted the answer to be yes. Though, there were stuffs she didn't like. Especially this year with the all the paying, she still liked her school.

So yup. She hoped she will.

The snake pressed down on the green button.
DING! Good snake, maybe she had prefect potential too?

Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Ella gave Professor James a tiny smile as she spoke because she seemed a bit surprised that anyone believed Professors wouldn't have their best interest at heart. She wondered if Professor James got the chance to have a proper chat with Bond-dude whether she'd feel the same. Anyway, back to questions.

Could she do that? Her, Ella Bishop? Welp...maybe.

She was trying, of course. That's why she'd gone to Professor Botros at the start of term, cause she wanted to help. Actually, her gaze flicked up to the man and she gave him a tiny smile cause Botros and she was fond of the man and yeah.

Besides, she was a captain. If anything, she could make the school a safer place for her team. Y'know, when they weren't having fights about metaphorical quaffles and such. SIGH. Seriously, she was so tempted to write mean letters because of that.

But yeah...buzzer.


Captains were just as smart as prefects. DING!

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel felt it was more the Captain, Prefects and Professors job to keep Hogwarts safe. Not his. You had to have a little fun. No harm in that.

Plus Nigel did not really want to help. He pressed red waiting fro the zap.

One zap ain't bad
And another ZAP! bites the hand.

Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Dylan was just looking around for a moment. Legit...although, he could relate to their mistrust. Sometimes it might have felt that people were out to get you....NOT NAMING NAMES, again....but that was a legit thing. The Slytherin felt that loads of times...

Suspicious Captain was suspicious.

Anyway, it mattered not. Last year for him...They'd be left to deal with whatever was really going down around here.

Next question felt like a no-brainer to him..."Everyone...." Dylan was amused as he pressed the GREEN BUTTON firmly. Everyone, indeed...
"Everyone indeed," the Headmistress agreed with the Snake Captain yet again.

DING! went his green buzzer.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Okay. Really. Oooooooooooowww. This time the finger wiggling was harder. She, this, the buzzers, just oww. She caught the look on Professor James' face and gave her an apologetic smile. Yeah she believed she had their best interest at heart but there was still Knox who was after her gems. The woman wasn't getting them. Nope. So the red buzzer was necessary and despite her possibly dying hand she would press the buzzer again if she had to. Someone needed to see that woman for what she was; A KNEAZLE WAND-HANDLER!!!

She smiled over at the Professor as she explained and this statement here was easier. Kinda a no brainer and they would all be proud of her too for this one but just before she could slam down on the green buzzer it vanished. They both did.


She looked across at the Ruuuuuuuuuuude Slytherin that decided it would have been OKAY to take HER buzzers. Rude. Really just rude. "That's steeeealing! Give those back and get your own!" Lex began waving her good hand around in the air, CLEARLY not amused. "Professor, I can't actually agree or disagree because she STOLE my buzzers--both of 'em!! Her, she did it!!!" Point. Point. Point. "Make her give them back."

Then they wondered why she dedicated her studies to learning hexes and the like.

The girl's buzzer was still ringing with a cheerful DINNNNNNNNG! even as it vanished into thin air. Bunz conveniently happened to be looking elsewhere as it happened. She didn't even hear Cambridge's cries of protest. Huh. It must have been too loud in the room, what with all the DING!ing and ZAP!ing going on...

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
So... this was really weird. Answering questions by pushing buzzers and then getting zapped if you answered incorrectly. He could almost picture the look on his Dad's face if he told him about all of this.

At least he could tell him that the ice cream in this place was good.

Another question? Could he make Hogwarts a safe and happy home for everyone? ... He hoped so! Even if it wasn't his job so to say but... a helping hand would be useful yeah? So, he pressed down on the green button, grinning widely. Ice cream would help with that, actually. Ice cream and hugs but... mainly ice cream.

At the sound of Candy Girl's voice, Alec jumped about a foot in the air and he turned his head to look over at her. Stolen buzzers? What?!
Ice cream could definitely help make the school a happy home. Well, chocolate did a better job, according to the Headmistress, but ice cream was a good filler for when you ran out of chocolate.

DING! went the young Puff's buzzer.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Hmmm. Tricky statement. Sure, he would try to but that still would not make everyone happy. Basically, what he was getting at, no one could please anyone but one could certainly try. Jory pressed the green button.
DING! Do or do not, there is no try.

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
"I have absolutely no idea what she's talking about, professors," Sky replied calmly, cooly and matter-of-factly. Because it was true. She hadn't STOLEN them. She'd just banished them and if the Gryffindor looked a few feet to her left, she'd find them. So, they hadn't even left the room. But it did keep her from press, press, pressing on them. Win/win. And for that, the Slytherin was giving herself a mental pat on the back.
"I'm not sure what's going on either, girls," Bunz finally turned her head from staring out the window to staring at the red-green Gryffindor-Slytherin buzzer drama. "But whatever it is, you had better resolve it amongst yourselves NOW."

Or else feel the wrath of the Headmistress! IN FRONT OF ALL YOUR PEERS! Mwahahahahaha!

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
Hey! Look, there was a buzzer on her foot. Leaning down Mika picked up what was Lexa’s buzzer and just shrugged. ”Which color?” she asked as she leaned over to her friend beaming. She was going to press it for her.

Still, she had her own guess for her own buzzer that is. She took her own hand and pressed it into the green button. And press press press press press….that looked fun she didn’t really think that this one would shock Professor Romanos so – not bad right? AND her hand probably wasn’t going to be zapped.

It was zapped enough but she didn’t care.
DING! DING DING DING DING DING! No zaps for her, but just lots of ringing dings. Her ears might have been dinging by now too.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post

She used to think stealing was against rules here but no one seemed to care that her buzzers were stolen right before her eyes. She SCOWLED over at the girl trying to act innocent, were it another setting she would have thrown her shoe or a hex at her. As it stood, Professors. Lex took another spoon of her ice-cream and got set to shoot back at her but then she heard Mika.



No button, gimme." She grinned, reached over and snatched her buzzers from Mika's leg. "Thanks Mika! You're a buzzer saver." BEEEEEAAAAM.

Now then, she believed she was answering a question. Smirk. Lex slammed her fist down on the GREEN buzzer once then turned to smile sweetly at Sky right before Press. Press. Press. PressPressPressPress. PressPress. Pressidy Press.

"For the love of Mer----" the Headmistress started to say, just as she saw Cambridge re-acquire her buzzers. But suddenly the room seemed to be FILLED with the sound of DING! DING. DING. DING. DINGDINGDINGDING. DINGDING. DIIIIIIIIIIIIIING DING!

"OKAY and with THAT question," the redhead whipped out her wand and promptly VANISHED ALL the buzzers before Cambridge could touch another one, "we are finished with the question and answer part of the seminar. To recap, you can ALL make Hogwarts a safer place WHEN YOU apply the strategies we are trying to teach you today. Strategies such as NOT screaming, listening to your prefects, and trusting in your professors AND YOUR HEADMISTRESS to keep your best interests at heart."

She forced a tense smile onto her face. "Now then, children, let's talk about making Hogwarts a safer place together. When you are in a scary or dangerous situation, what should you do? We've just gone over some scenarios that will hopefully help you better analyze the situation and what to do when, but here's a helpful acronym for you to learn and apply."

The redhead pointed her wand at the board which had been hanging empty at the front of the room all lesson. Tidy blue block letters appeared on it, spelling out:
A lert the authorities
U se teamwork
R emain calm
O nly use magic IF NECESSARY
R emember where the exits are!
"Obviously it spells out AUROR, who are some of the best people around trained in combat and DEFENSIVE magic." She made certain to emphasize the word defensive here, especially for the 'courageous' Gryffindors in the room.

"Who can elaborate on this acronym and explain what each line really means? Put it into the context of how to handle.... say, some sort of magical creature getting loose from class, if you'd like." Just as an example.

yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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