Thread: Seminar I
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Old 07-03-2013, 04:00 PM   #155 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
See? Even the professor's reply had to specify a certain situation. Not all situations. Not always. Which was what the statement had said. If it didn't have those absolutes one way or another, more people probably would have actually answered and answered 'correctly'.

And that zap wasn't too bad. Especially since it was only her first one so far.

Next statement though.

Hmm. Yeah, that one seemed right. Sometimes the things that were hard to do, that you didn't really want to do, were actually the right and good things to do. So Penelope simply pressed the green agreement button.
The green button made a DING! and glowed happily.
Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Pretty soon he would be know a Zap Man. Since he was taking all these zap. Nigel should stop soon or he might get seriously hurt.

But please this question was so obvious that Nigel did not even want to answer it. This was an seminar about Safety by Professors. If you say no to this question. Zap. If he was wrong. He would just press both next time.

Nigel needed a break. So he decided to glare at Romanos for giving such an obvious question.
... Botros raised his eyebrows at the Ravenlcaw boy staring at the twitching professor.
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
Shaking her head she gave the professor a bright smile "No, certainly not ma'am. I just don't understand the questions." Heh, that was one way of putting it. She wasn't exactly lying but wasn't confessing the full truth either. AND she didn't care to get zapped again! Folding her hands nicely in her lap she sat there nice and straight and listened for the next question.

Hmmm, that answer could be either! What if it was a bad thing? Would you still do it because it was for the sake of the greater good? Ew! Nope, she wasn't answering that question, for the simple fact auntie might get upset with her if she answered it saying she would even if it was bad!
She didn't understand the questions? Hmm. Botros gave her a long thoughtful look... the kid was strangely familiar to him. And not from class, he didn't remember her taking his class yet. HMMMM.
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon View Post
Well, it was a loaded question that only another question could answer, and the answer she got in return was just about as muddy as the question in the first place - but that's what she'd been expecting and that was sort of a lot of clear expectations for something as unpredictable as the content of the original question. Eliza just gave a small shrug and smiled back at her teacher. She liked the woman and knew she probably didn't know how to tell the students to think and reason any better than the students knew how to do themselves anyway.

This next question was pretty easy too. She may not like it, and the question may have sounded like an excuse for some really poor behavior, but she knew there were situations where you had to really think of the big picture. Even if you wished you could take the big picture and break into thousands of small pieces to solve and fix perfectly on their own individual time - sometimes there just wasn't the option for that. So....she pressed the green button to agree.
Hallelujah! Someone with tough guts to actually press a button! The green button lit green with a pleasant DING!
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Hm? Pressing only once? But...but that wasn't nearly as fun. Sure her hand HURT now and she could feel it twitching but that was half the fun--that was the ONLY fun from what she was seeing.

She pretended to listen to what the Professor was saying as she rocked from side to side while she helped herself to more ice-cream. It was almost done now and she was set to ask for an ice-cream break to go get more but then the next question came.

Unfortunately she agreed and slammed her fist down on the GREEN but. Once. Just once. See?

Er...but maybe just one zap? She slammed her fist against the RED once. Again, only once...but then just once more....and another, nothing serious. She could stop any time she wanted to. This was no big deal. Press. Press.........PressPressPressPress. Ahem. She was done.
DING! Botros was shortly pleased the Gryffindor didn't go all frantic over the buttons this time, she was finally taking this serio-


Oh well. A man could hope.
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Kat tried not to make a face with the previous question. The one about the prefects and captains one. She was so tempted to press the green button, because obviously... it was her. Hello. Prefect and stuff. She also had lots of respect for the other student leaders too... but of course. There were the ones who pressed the green button.

Y'all got stares. Excuse me. Especially with her ickle little Snakey sister. CASSIA. AHEM. Kat wasn't part of the event, okay? No hate on her.

The next question. Yep, sacrifices and that stuff. Kat had been in one of those experiences before. It wasn't as enjoyable as she wanted it to be, but at least everything is okay now. The prefect then pressed the GREEN button. So far, no zaps? Awesome.

Keep it that way, Hudson, yeah?
Another DING! came out and this time from the Prefect. Heh. That was kind of expected.
Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
West eyed Professor Romanos right back and then pressed the green buzzer. Finally a statement that didn't have any ambiguity. West was comfortable agreeing with that, sometimes YOU did have to do stuff you weren't really ABOUT for the benefit of all.
DING! A cool green glow for the literal boy. Woo!
Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post

And was it just her, or was Professor Romanos twitching every time the buzzers went off? And giving relieved smiles to those of them that hadn't anwsered? Interesting. Though, with all the people who were trying to amuse themselves by pressing the buzzers lots of times, it wasn't really that surprising. In fact, Sky herself was ready to hex the buzzers somewhere far away from one Alexa Cambridge if she. Didn't. Stop. But before she could get her wand out, the Gryffindor thankfully did stop. Whew.

Now that that was over, she pressed down on the green button.
This particular snake seemed to be on edge of something. Hmm. However, her answer was once again met with a green glow and a DING!
Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Laura listened to the next question her hand was still hurting from the zapping and she knew this one, she went to press the button but slipped and pressed the red one. OOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Laura looked shocked at herself for slipping. "No I didn't mean to.." laura pressed the green button like 10 times really fast, showing everyone that was supposed to be her answer.
ZAP! The red button lit red and sent a mild shock through the girl's fingers before the green button started singing DINGDINGDINGDINGDING! Okay, we get it. It was a mistake.
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Nerida gave a smile towards Professor Romanos who seemed happy with the ones that hadn't answered, or pressed the button. The DING noise made her twitch too. Though it wasn't surprising everyone pushing them repeatedly, was getting annoying. Hearing the question she pressed the green button.
A DING! for the Ravenclaw, good choice.
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF View Post
So, he had not pressed one of the buttons during the previous question. Why not? Because he felt awkward with the question being asked, that's why. He shifted his body until he said crossed legged on the cushion and listened to the next question or statement.

He thought for a few seconds before his hand went to the green button. His hand hovered above it, unsure before it landed down.
Y-y-yeeeeeees, abooout to preeeeess aaaaaaand DING! Finally.
Originally Posted by Emzily View Post
Theo expected that zap. He wasn't happy about it, but he didn't complain too much this time around. His fault for not thinking things through properly. The next question was pretty simple, and he even agreed with it completely for once! He looked at both buzzers carefully, then pressed the green one.
A nice, confident and loud DING! for the boy.
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post

The fourth-year automatically drew her hand closer to her body when she was zapped, but that didn't do any good but it was a reflex. She frowned at the uncomfortable feeling. Or she couldn't frown at the feeling, she frowned at the buzzer.

How come Lex and a couple of others seemed to be enjoying the zap. Weird.

The next question didn't take much thinking. Actually, none of the previous questions took much time. And, yes, she would do stuff for the greater good. Like she was going to ignore her last name with an added 'n'. Miiiiight come in handy sometimes, a spare lastname. No one knew.

Still frowning at the buzzer, Cassia pressed down on the green button.
Why the long face? The button lit green with a DING!
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie View Post
"Yeeeeeep! Tobias squealed to himself as he finally received a zap for his button pressing efforts. Ah. So that was what it felt like. Well... it certainly wasn't pleasant, but it least it wasn't like getting hit in the face with a quaffle.

As he shook his right hand so that it would forget what the zap felt like, Tobias listened to the next question.


Well that was an easy one but it still felt like something they could be tricked with. But he'd ended up pressing the green one last time which went along with those kind of rules. So may as well go with his FIRST instinct. He should probably be answering with his first instinct anyway 'cause that would be how he reacted.

Which was probably not the point of the seminar.

Tobias went to press the green buzzer with his right hand again, but quickly swapped for his left hand over the same buzzer... if he was wrong he wanted his hands to have equal hand zappage.

Before he pressed it, Tobias looked up. He felt like he could give an explanation for this one. "Sometimes. But also the greater good shouldn't be used as an excuse."

And then he pressed down on the green buzzer, eyes shut tight.
The kid knew that explaining his choice would not change the button's mind, right? Botros however gave him an impressed smile. That was a thoughtful explanation.

DING! No zapping.
Originally Posted by Govoni View Post
Dylan smirked at everyone in his general vicinity. See? He DID know more than most of them. He'd say MOST...because he didn't know more than West Odessa. No one did....and yea...Just West. He was pretty sure he DID know more than the rest, though.

Not feeling another ZAP!, the Slytherin Captain waited for the next question...and flinched upon hearing it. 'Greater good'...Sounded like something he'd read in a text book about Gellert Grindelwald. They'd honestly thought they were working towards the greater good...



In any case, Dylan pressed the GREEN BUTTON.

Sometimes people were misguided...but he was just going to assume this was about paying for things this term. They had to pay to eat and get into their common rooms....and to watch Quidditch matches...Greater good of supporting their school.
Originally Posted by Deniiz View Post
Forrest relaxed a little as he got two correct answers in row. Well, maybe it wasn't so hard. He still didn't like this game though, and he was beginning to be distracted.


Green. That's what he pressed.
The green button made a DING! and the green light glowed beneath the boy's fingers.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post

Ella didn't like the phrasing of this question cause she'd read things and stuff where such phrasing had been used and it wasn't exactly on the up and up. She got it though, the sentiment. Sometimes you had to eat the veggies before you got the ice cream, so to speak. Ahem.

DING! for the quidditch captain.

Giving Romanos a slightly concerned look (what with all the twitching), Botros leaned forward on his cane to speak, "I'm glad you all are aware that sometimes we have to give up our heart desires for a greater goal or purpose. And I remind you, dear students, that saying you agree with this is one thing, and actually being prepared to do so is another. It takes a lot of self-control and sense of responsibility." So.

Moving on.

"I recognize that my professors always have my well-being and safety at heart." Again, green button if they agree, red button if they don't.

Last edited by Magical Soul; 07-03-2013 at 06:25 PM. Reason: adding in the student I missed >_<
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