Join Date: May 2009 Location: Western US
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| Super Slytherin Buddy | | ⅓ She-Snake Trio | | a normal girl with normal knees Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Another tricky one.
The only prefect/captain that Theo listened to was Dylan for obvious reasons, and he certainly didn't think that they knew more than he did. Especially a certain Head Boy... but he didn't want to get buzzed again. He let out a soft grumble and pressed the green button. NO WAIT - he meant the red one. THE RED ONE. Theo clicked that one quickly after and hoped that they would disregard the first one.
Total accident. ZAAAAA- DING! Almost lost it there, but that young Slytherin had awesome reflexes.
Didn't feel that zap, did he? Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Well, typically anyone could know more than Prefects and Captains, but they represent the School and were picked by the Professors to do so. This was a fairly easy question. Jory rang in by pressing his red buzzer. Smart Hufflepuff! The RED button turned GREEN and gave a pleasant DING! Quote:
Originally Posted by Silver Ninja She still was flat out refusing to touch those buttons. Mainly because she wasn't sure which one was to agree and which was to disagree. The next question from the headmistress had her smirking though. They knew better? SNORT, yeah she knew better than to believe that. She completely agreed with that but just sat watching others get zapped answer the question.
Wait??? Did she just say the prefects and captains don't know more than she did? Snorting aloud, she covered her mouth, yeah Zoe definitely disagreed that the captains and prefects didn't know more than the headmistress. It was kinda hard to miss those students who didn't participate with pressing a button. The loud "dings" and "zaps" were noticeable enough to show a gap between the students. "Something vrong vith your buzzers, Miss Tillstorm?" She'd noticed the lack of participation with the last two rounds. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker Now this was a trick question. Actually they all were. But so far she'd been answering awesomely like the awesome person she was. And as for this one, she paused considering the question. Would the Prefects and the captains know better? Ummm...Well, they might have been chosen for this role? Maybe. She wasn't told why they were chosen actually.
"Well, last year they told us the trophies were stolen and it turned out as a joke," She commented before pressing down on the green button.
How does she know when are they joking and when not? Better to trust her own instincts. ZAP!
Despite the Slytherin's careful reasoning, the GREEN button glowed RED. Oh, what student didn't joke around every once in awhile? "Oh, you aren't going to re-vrite your judgement on someone because of a little event, are you Miss Somerland?" Somerland...
Summerland. That girl had too awesome of a last name. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Laura couldn't believe her hand was hurting like crazy. "OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Laura shook her hands trying to relieve the pain in her hands "Professor my hand is hurting like crazy." Laura couldn't believe what was going on with her hand, she listened to the next question and pressed the red button once, praying she was right, her hand was killing her. Yes, well, that's what happens when you press the wrong button more than once...or even JUST once. Lucky for the fifth year though, the RED button glowed a brilliant GREEN and made a little DING! Quote:
Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie Tobias looked up, his face in a sliiiiiiight pout (which he soon corrected), and then frowned slightly. "We don't have enough context to answer the questions properly. They're like trick questions," he pointed out, and was impressed that he was managing not to whine or anything, but kept his voice quite matter of fact. He also managed to hold back from pointing out the unfairness of withholding certain information and whatnot.
But there was still the issue with the question, and he did want points after all... but Tobias had no idea, so he used the only method for solving dilemmas that he knew... "Eeniemeeniemineymo, catchafishiebyit'stoe, ifitwriggleslethimgo, eeniemeenieminey-"
SLAM his hand went, onto the green buzzer. "In regards to a situation that endangers your safety, Mister Tempus." It should've been straight forward from there. Leave it to the students to get all technical. Unlucky for the precious Puff though, the once trustworthy way of choosing between options gave him the wrong answer. The GREEN buzzer instantly turned a brilliant RED and... ZAAP! Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty Mika just snorted when she heard the next question. It was debatable as always, seeing that the Prefects and Quidditch captains were older students...they should know more? But they were from all of the houses and, well...the only Quidditch Captain and Prefect she really listened to were those in her own house. It was the house were the logical people lived...and sometimes Prefects from other houses had good ideas. Like don't touch people's hair.
Yep, that was a good one.
Taking her buzzer she began a huge game of button mashing. She press press press press press press press press pressed the red button many many times...almost twenty. DING! DING! DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING! GREEN! GREEN! DING DING DING! GREEN DING!
"Once is quite enough, Miss Johanson!" Please and thank yoouu? Medea didn't know how many more times she could TWITCH during this seminar, but it was starting to become a tad irratible. Her fingers kept twitching to the dings and zaps. Ice cream was needed.
Originally Posted by Deniiz Finally, Forrest told to himself and mentally patted his back. At last he got one correct. He wondered how many questions he could get correct if he kept pressing the red button. Surely it wouldn't be any worse than his current statistics that stood at 50%... hmm...
He giggled at the way Lady Headmistress spoke it out, though his giggle died away too quickly because he realised he was laughing at the headmistress. Well, not laughing at her but--. Ahem. Red button. Of course they knew more than a mudblood first year. Hufflepuff was correeeect! And it showed with a pleasant DING! as the RED buzzer turned a very nice GREEN. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo "This sounds vaguely familiar." She mused, hand already hovering over the GREEN buzzer. "How'd you know???" GRIN. Lex slammed down on the buzzer a few more times to drive her point across. Press. Press. Press. Press. Press. Her hand was beginning to protest but this was too much fun!! Press. Press. Press. Press.
Bloody idiots definitely didn't know more than her. She could make her own decisions and didn't NEED anyone but Genevieve Branxton telling her what to do. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP ZAP ZAP! ZAP ZAP ZAP ZAP!
And twitch twitch twitch went Medea's hands. And eyes. And lips. And everything else. "Please, Miss Cambridge! You only need to press it just once." Hoooly mother of stress free zones. What in Merlin's beard was she going to say after that again? Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Frown.
This question probably depended on the person but seeing as she was a Captain and she hoped her team would trust her with things, she pressed the RED button. Not that she thought she knew more than anyone. She just figured that the student leaders were appointed leaders because the adults thought they could handle the pressure of certain situations and she hoped they would be respected and listened to if they were trying to instruct people on what to do. Shrug. ...
Must've been difficult for the prefects and captains to answer.
But DING! went the buzzer, lighting up to a brilliant GREEN. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Nigel was basically numb to the buzzer now. Now onto the next question. Nigel were sure some Captains and Prefects were smarter than him. But that required Debate. He did not blindly trust authority. Not a good way to live.
Nigel pressed Green six times and then red five times.
Lets see what you do Alice ZAP! ZAP ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! DING! DING! DING DING DING!
Nothing good would come out of clicking both the buttons, no matter HOW many times one pressed them. Except maybe that little DING sound. How was his hand feeling NOW? Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Anyway, the next one made him smirk. Could the Slytherin add some of them...NOT NAMING NAMES...shouldn't ever be listened to? Would that have been considered rude?
Most likely.
Nope, he was just going to grin...all secretive-like. RED BUTTON!press to disagree with the statement, though. So far so good with the Captains. DING! went the RED buzzer, turning a very nice GREEN for the Slytherin. Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Well, that depended, didn't it? Mo had always thought Ravenclaw house leaders were particularly impressive, and he'd liked Miss Selina last year. And Alice and Ella weren't bad at all, although they were new leaders and so not particularly prone to being overly impressed with themselves.
But then there were others... Mo's eyes slid in that direction without him even being able to help it. There were others who were big-headed bullies who wouldn't know how to lead if someone handed them a rope and a flashlight-hat. He didn't think listening to those types of people would be good for his physical well-being.
Hmm, difficult. Mo put the buzzer back on his head (for hair-raising reasons) and pushed green. Mo was being shocking (in every sense of the word), since he'd always respected authority figures. "I don't think we can generalize like that, Headmistress. Some house leaders would rather lead you to your own death than ask for directions, and I don't think I can follow someone like that." ZAP! went the green buzzer, turning a brilliant shade of RED.
"Mister Branxton, our school leaders haff been chosen for a reason." She honestly would say more, if she wasn't fidgeting and trying to make the twitching stop. These buzzers were going to be the end of her. General answers for the win! Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 This question was kind of tricky. Kace had to really think about this one. Once he thought of it, he pressed the Green button and he hoped it was the right answer. Then he pressed the Red button too since he changed his mind and incase it was a trick questions...
Kace was sure the captains and prefects were smarter than him, he was a first year after all, what little did he know. Everyone was smarter than him. Perhaps he should've tried the red buzzer first. ZAP! went the green button, turning a nice shade of RED. Although, DING! went the red button, turning an even nicer shade of GREEN.
...Confused yet? Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Killing it, she was. Seemed being the niece of a former MLEer turned Department Head was finally paying off. Along with the safety lectures from said aunt and her basic common sense. So now, would she agree with the Headmistress' statement? Well, she didn't exactly agree with it. Following a Gryffindor or Hufflepuff was ALWAYS a bad idea. And that left Ravenclaws and Slytherins. And it definitely depended on both the situation and the person. Like, if it were something duck related, Daichi definitely knew more about it than she did. Likewise Dylan and Quidditch. Kat and the Ravenclaw prefects she didn't know as well, so it would definitely depend on whether or not what they were saying meshed with what she knew.
All that said, Sky definitely wasn't dumb enough to push the red button. But she wasn't about to push the green one, either. So, she didn't press either and gave a "Depends on the person and the situation," as an explanation. "Your technicality is alvays velcome, Miss Hope." Medea nodded, trying to put on a smile that didn't look so relieved. Honestly, she was glad for the lack of DING or ZAP. And....yea....
Just gunna leave it at that. Quote:
Originally Posted by Syd ...HAH. Jake almost laughed out loud. But he didn't. That would be mean.
He didn't need to think about the answer to that question, though. Student leaders were generally more experienced and whatever else the question/statement said. A smile on his face, Jake pressed the red button. He did, however, add out loud, "For the most part." Because there were some cases in which he wouldn't listen to certain student leaders. DING! Well, at least Mister Fancy Mouth picked the right button. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Nerida didn't exactly agree with it, again she was overthinking it but she didn't want to press the green one because it really just depended on the situation, of course a quidditch captain would know about quidditch more than her. It also depended on who it was, and what they were doing. She wasn't going to push the red button. But she wasn't about to push the green one, either. So, she didn't press either. "Depends on the person and also the situation" Oh? Another technical person?
"Very vell, Miss Eventide." If she didn't want to press the buttons, that was fine. That was moooooore than fine. Medea was FINE with it. Though she did hear the Headmistress mention points being given out for participating. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Also, how was she meant to answer this one? Alice WAS a Captain, and she always listened to herself. Not some of the others though (like Oakey, lolol, who listened to him? Really?). So she was refraining from answeing this one, because it didn't make any sense. At all. This was silly. And NOT Quidditch related.
But she WAS shooting looks to a certain Alexa Cambridge. "Oi. I'M a Captain and I'm smarter than you. Hit the red one." Ahem. Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Blink. Blink.
Press the red. "....Okay..." She slammed her fist down on the RED before going back to hitting the green. There? Happy? We disagree. That shouldn't have been so amusing. But it was. DING! went the red butto- ZAP! went the green button. And TWITCH went the Professor. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz This one was confusing. West couldn't help but speak up. "Those are three different things to me." Y'know, cos Prefects and Captains totally didn't know more than him. Not in general. Maybe Dylan sometimes did, but as a general statement the first part was true. The second sentence was in two parts, since he believed in listening to prefects, but also that his own best interests weren't an 'instead' so much as a reason for listening to them in the first place. Contradictory then.
He didn't press, but he was participating, see? See professors? He was. Medea just stared, eyebrow slowly raising. She just...Not able to answer at the present moment. Quote:
Originally Posted by grangerfan8 Dora didn't push any buttons.
She was watching her friends instead, intently amused.
They were providing entertainment in this lesson, and also making valid points. Except Alice, who was demanding that she was smarter than.... well Alexa, okay sure. But that was not a good reason for Dora to press the red button. She didn't agree with the full statement, since she wouldn't always act in her own best interest if the other person was someone she cared about enough to act in their interest instead, and sometimes she did listen to her best, but that didn't warrant her agreement to the statement.
Dora put her elbow in her knee and rested her chin in her palm, staaaaaring at her buttons and then the professors. Oh? OH? What was thiiiiiis? No button pressing? Okaaay. Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl The statements were getting worse and worse as they went on, it seemed. Penelope was still completely unimpressed, especially this one. Because really? It was like a few others had said. It depended. Sure, some student leaders probably knew about some things better than she did, but that didn't mean she always had to listen to them or follow what they said. And just because she didn't always listen didn't mean she was always acting only for her best interests. She wasn't that selfish, Merlin's beard. Just because you didn't listen to some people did not mean you were some heartless, selfish person.
So she pressed down once on both buzzers. Just because she could. And she wasn't siding either way. DING!ZAP!
Could they make a rule about hitting only ONE buzzer for each question only ONCE? Could they? Headmistress? Quote:
Originally Posted by DecemberMoon All right good. She was glad the headmistress was on board with not hurting animals who hadn't provoked you first. She gave a little look to everyone who'd said to hurt the creatures. Hopefully they wouldn't grow up to be weird...creepy people or anything. Just leave the animals alone, okay?!
Okay now this question had a LOT of grey area. She just couldn't help but agree with some of the other students on it. "Well...generally, they are out leaders and would hopefully know the best thing to do and would want to help the best way they can...but that doesn't mean they know more than any one person does. Maybe they don't know what's going on any more than the other students do. It's kind of a situational thing." But she did know that you should listen to your leaders just in case. You should never be rude and ignore anyone really, regardless of their rank. She understood the need for order, even though the idea of ranking and having someone not much older than her boss her around didn't really make her very happy. On the other hand there were some who she trusted, like Ethan, whose advice was probably good. She pressed the red button, but it was still a wishy washy question and really didn't deserve a button press at all. Too many things to consider for one definitive answer in her opinion.
She wondered how many more questions there would be and if they'd be rewarded somehow for their let down of a seminar. Seminar was sort of a strong word for this though, inquisition was more like it. Interrogation. Being held without counsel or representation. Injustice! She fidgeted in her seat and felt a small rebelling coming on, maybe. Ravenclaw being a Ravenclaw. Medea was pretty sure she just spoke what half the students in here were thinking. She could just SEEEEEE it on their faces! The red button gave a pleasant DING however, glowing a brilliant GREEN when she pressed it. Oooooh dear...
It was honestly surprising how many ZAP's there were.
"Ven it comes to a certain situation..." She started, rubbing the bridge of her nose while addressing EVERYONE, also in reply to Eliza. "...that involves the safety of you and your classmates, there honestly probably von't be enough time to really...debate your options here. Our students leaders vere chosen for their roll for a reason and haff been vell informed on the procedures to take ven needed. They haff your best interest at heart and vill do their best to make sure you are safely avay from votever danger may be present. Othervise...they know vot'll happen if they don't."
Or...perhaps they didn't? She'll just leave that up to their imagination then. Medea smiiiiiled.
Moving onto the next question! So she could twitch less. "Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do for the sake of the greater good." |