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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by Deniiz Pressing the green button for the previous question, Forrest listened to some of the expressions, then resolved to sulking of his own. Obviously, a Quidditch player would be much, much more enjoyable than this. Oh well. Back to pressing buttons.
He didn't even have to think that one, and pressed green quickly. To draw attention and get help, he wanted to reason, but he was too cowered to speak, so... let others explain. The button lit RED and sent a jarring ZAP! to the little boy's hand. Tsk tsk, poor Hufflepuff. Quote:
Originally Posted by lazykitty Phew! Though, Sky felt a little sorry for those dumb enough to press the red button. Especially for Alexa, who'd pressed it repeatedly. She wouldn't be surprised if the Gryffindor's hair was standing on end by the time this little lecture was over. As for the statement, since when did screaming help anything. She hit the red button this time and waited to see who would be dumb enough to press the green one. Two green lights on a row. Good job. The green light made a tiny DING. Quote:
Originally Posted by Tegz Seriously? West looked around at the zapping. Obviously that was gonna happen. Didn't these people read things about behavioural modification or was that just him? Just him? Okay.
.... next question? West pressed the red button and again didn't bother trying to justify it or read into it. It would NOT help, therefore.... red.
.... was it about the Head Girl? Maybe. Maybe if the word 'screech' had been used instead... DING! The green light illuminated under the boy's hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight Nerida held on to her aching hand. Ouch! She did not like being zapped at all!! Next time she would just answer the question no thinking into it at all!!! Screaming never helped anybody unless someone was trying to kill you then it just might help you. She pressed the red button and looked around to see who the unlucky people were that pressed the green button. Green light showed up when the girl pressed the button, a correct answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by JennMarie Whhat was this?! Ariana bad been busy daydreaming off in her own mind and wondering if Odessa was okay when suddenly all she heard was ZAP.ZAP.ZAP.ZAAAP. that was scary yo. She was half tempted to push the button for her answer but decided against it. She didn't like this game, Could they play another? ....?!?! Where is all the pressing? Botros gave her a quizzical look. Quote:
Originally Posted by Govoni Yea...........Dylan had pressed his green button...but maybe he hadn't pressed hard enough. Huh...He stared down at the two different colored buttons with disdain. Was everything they gave out these days defective?
Not thinking much on it, he heard the next question and snorted. Slytherins didn't scream and shout. They were able to remain cool, calm, and collected when thrown into stressful situations...It was a mark of their House.
He pressed the RED BUTTON more firmly than he had the last.
Hopefully this thing would work now... DING! The button lit green. Correct. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lollipop! Teachers weren't allowed electrocute students right?!
They were making this day even worse.
No Quidditch seminar and now they were zapping students' fingers off.
Nice one, professors of Hogwarts. You rule!!!!!
If she pressed the red one to disagree, would she still get zapped if she was right? Well, it was wrong to continuously scream because that would just anger any possible helpers that would come to your rescue. So she pressed down on the red and pulled her hand away quickly. Just in case. DIN- oh it needed just a liiiittle more pressing. No biggie, it was still correct. No funny business whatsoever. hehe Quote:
Originally Posted by Emzily Theo grinned when Dora came to sit with him. Now really wasn't a place for a snog, though. Oh, it was starting. That was quick.
This was... different.
Theo raised an eyebrow at the professors, then the students, and then his buzzer that was just handed to him. It didn't electrocute people did it? He pressed the green button for the first question, obviously. His eyes widened when the buzzers started zapping at people who pressed the red button...... O_O
And the second question was just as straightforward. Who would get these wrong? Theo pressed the red button quickly.
Though... Theo knew that in stressful situations, HE would probably scream. The button gave a GREEN glow, DING! Correct. Quote:
Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife Okay. It was a good thing Kat didn't get ZAP'd like the others. PHEW! There was a tidal wave of relief inside her and she awaited for the next question. Getting the wrong answer looked... painful. Meh. Oh... scream during a stressful situation. Wow... that only required common sense. Shrug. Kat pressed the red button for this question.
And the whole question sort of reminded her of Nessie though. Oh... was Nessie even here? Who cares. All Kat was concerned about was trying not to get electrocuted. Cos that hurts like heck. She knew the feeling... cos of reasons regarding the misuse of different Muggle inventions that were related to plugs and sockets. Yeah... that wasn't going to happen again. Not ever. More green lights seemed to light this time round. DING! A green light told them this girl had sensible instincts. Quote:
Originally Posted by the fastest seeker
And the other question. Cassia listened with interest. Scream. Well, she happens to have a high-pitched sound of voice. Very effective. She used to scream at the top of her lungs when she was little if she didn't get what she wanted. And mostly her desires were fulfilled just to get her to zip it. But that was ages ago and now she was trying to control the sound of her voice as to not ruin people's hearings.
As for stressful situations. If it just stress like for an exam she surely wouldn't because she'd be kicked out of the exam. Wouldn't want that to happen.
Besides why waste time screaming. Better think and not waste effort screaming. Especially it she wasn't supposed to draw attention to herself.
So nope. She won't scream.
On the red button she pressed down. The green light matching this girl's tie illuminated under her hand, DING! Correct. Quote:
Originally Posted by Meizzner Hmm.. A Tingling Zap went right up his arm. Ascanius punch felt worse than this. Though it seemed that you could not outsmart the questions. Where is the fun in that. Merlin. Which just made this lesson more boring. Yawn.
Nigel pressed the red button again and waited to see what happens. There is no matching light for this one, though. The button glowed green with the same tiny DING! Good. Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Lots of things were happening and Alec Summers couldn't keep up. Not really.
Except he did notice people getting zapped -- ZAPPED! -- when they seemed to answer differently. Or... those who had not pressed down on the green button beforehand. That was weird. And kind of scary too! He looked down at his own buzzer, glad that he had pressed down on the green one beforehand.
... And what happened to you if you didn't press either buttons? What if you simply... refused?
Hearing the sound of Romanos's voice, the boy looked up and grinned at the woman. Was it okay to scream loudly in a stressful situation? Now... why did this remind him of LochNessie? Trying not to chuckle to himself, Alec pressed down on the red buzzer with both of his thumbs. YEAH!
Okay, now what? DINNG! The button lit green, correct! Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Calmly? Jory highly doubted he would calmly inform the nearest adult. Probably with shouts but definitely not calmly. But he would inform an adult... hmmm. Decisions, decisions. "I'll go with green,'' he decided as he pressed the buzzer. Of course, one could not really answer honestly about what they would do unless actually faced with the situation. Another button lighting green, DING! Quote:
Originally Posted by lemon Looks went unnoticed because it wasn't Alice's fault Mo didn't want to sit by her today. And also because she was focusing on the little zap that had just hit her hand. Was that meant to hurt? Really? The professors could do better than that, surely.
She was kind of curious to see how many questions she could purposely answer wrong without the zaps becoming too painful.
Experimental purposes, see? Not as good as Quidditch, but Alice was pressing both buttons again, and would continue to do so for every question. Or maybe she would just press both repeatedly. Because she was testing her ENDURANCE. And stuff. Safety, like she needed that.
Both buzzers were pushed.. and then again and again. DING-ZAP-DING-ZAP-ZAAAAAAAAAAP!
Botros clapped his hands once, "Captain Fischer, please postpone any antics until after we're out of questions. We are discussing serious matters." He gave her a soft look, though. Curiosity did that to kids, it didn't harm to reason with them.
Giving the rest of the students a wide smile, he glanced at the DADA professor and stepped up next to her. "Very good, most of you got this one right. But let's enlighten those who'd rather scream or not do anything at all--" Eyes on the Slytherin girl (Arianna). "--It's most likely when you're stressed that shouting, those high-pitched sound waves, will only add pressure on your nerves, as well as on everyone and everything surrounding you, eliciting a potential aggressive reaction making the situation worse than it already is." He personally recoiled from loud voices, his earpiece didn't agree with them, either, no matter how well he adjusted it. But this wasn't about him... ahem.
He met their eyes carefully, making sure they all were paying attention. "Okay, another one:" "If I don't know what to do in a tricky situation, I should run away and seek cover." Pause. "Remember to press the green button if you agree, or the red one if you disagree." |