Thread: Seminar I
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Old 06-30-2013, 07:49 AM   #50 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
What in Merlin's beard??? NOOOOOO! NO no no no NO NO NO! NO! Who's dumb idea was that? She balled her hand into a fist and slammed down on the RED. Heheehhee, this was fun. "It might not be dangerous, what if he's just lost and wants some ice-cream? We have more than enough to share. The weapon might have been his birthday gift that he was willing to trade for our delicious treat. We won't know if we jump to conclusions and call in the joy-killers." Besides, the moment you alerted an adult, you stood to lose whatever valuables you could have lifted.

And another thing. When would you get time to CALMLY go find an adult?? They were the hardest things to find when you weren't in trouble and actually needed them. Press. Press. Press. Press. Was there a rule against how many times one could press these. Press. Press. Press. Press. GIGGLE.
Regardless of explanation... the button glowed RED and then, ZAP!'d her hand.

ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! Every single time. ZAP! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!


Any more?

Originally Posted by Silver Ninja View Post
Wait she wasn't Gryffindor, she was Slytherin! So of course she'd go find help!

So back to the button thing, green was no....right? Hitting the red button she beamed at the headmistress. She really should have been paying attention more when the headmistress explained it once again....
The ZAP! to her hand wasn't nearly as nice as how the button glowed RED.

Ohhh, so close. That had to hurt.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Nigel nodded to Mo before listening to the first question. Red. Disagree. Would the armed creature give you the time to summon an adult if it was smart. Headmistress TrueBridge did not say it was a dumb creature.

"The Armed Creature would not give you the time to calmly summon an adult if it was smart and you did not say it was dumb."

Though she did not say it was smart either. But Nigel was disagreeing to all answers. So this suited his argument.

Nigel pressed the red button. The first of many presses.
Outsmarting the question wouldn't work. ZAP! Right up the lad's hand. Was the pretty RED glow of the button worth it?

Originally Posted by lazykitty View Post
Sigh. A lecture. On safety. Which she didn't need, seeing as her aunt gave her one every time she snuck out of the house. One time, the woman had even called in some of her coworkers from the MLE to give her the lecture. Needless to say, this was one snake who was full up on safety knowledge. Umm hmm. Sky's hand came down on her green buzzer with a flourish. And no explanation needed, so she just sat there, shaking her head at those that had hit the red button.
Finally! The button lit up to a brilliant green! No zaps for you.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Nigel pushed the red button, so Mo pushed green. Easy as that. And did he really have to explain himself? It didn't seem like everyone else was... oh, no. They were all explaining themselves.

He sighed the heavy sigh of the martyr. "Unless you're alone and in absolute danger in the moment, seeking out assistance from a professional is safest."
Look-y here! The button lit up to a brilliant green! Well done, smarty pants.

Originally Posted by Team ronmione View Post
The logical answer to this all was that yes, if Tag were faced with an armed creature he should try to get the help of a adult or professor. Paying close attention Tag looked down at his green and red button. Well, what if he himself couldn't actually find a teacher without putting himself in danger and exposing himself to the creature. "Well, yes, you should find the assistance of an adult. But, if there are none near you, what I would do is at least get two of my classmates, or anyone else nearby. One would stay with me just so I can have a backup if something went bad. And the other classmate can find an adult." Like a buddy system and a rescue mission, yes?

So, very carefully Tag pushed his finger upon the green button. There!
Common sense has it's rewards. The button lit up to a brilliant green!

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
Looking around she placed her fingers above both the red and green buttons and pressed. What she was serious. Both answers could fit.

"I'd say if you weren't able to get to a Professor or adult Wizard first help others and try to protect people...and still if you were able to then you should get to a Professor or adult before attacking said Armed creature."
Outsmarting the buttons wasn't going to work either.

The green button lit up to a brilliant green! While the red button glowed RED and gave a sudden ZAP! to her hand.

Originally Posted by lemon View Post
Not bothering to think of an answer, she immediately began surveying the buzzers. Hmm.. what did they do? Which was the wrong answer and which was the right one?

She wanted to know what ALL THE BUTTONS did.

Alice considered her options for a moment and then pushed down hard on both of them.

What happened now?
The buttons didn't like that. The green button lit up to a brilliant green! While the red button glowed a marvelous RED before it-

ZAP!'d her hand! Ouch.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Staying quiet, West simply pressed the green buzzer.

He didn't bother justifying his response, what was the point? Quidditch was life, this was just about pesky Goblins.
Slow and steady won the race huh? So did moody and quiet it seemed. The button lit up to a brilliant green! Lucky duck.

Originally Posted by Luna_Midnight View Post
Looking around Nerida placed both of her hands above both the red and green buttons and pressed down. Both answers could fit. Getting an adult would be the most logical and right thing to do but Professors or adults were always hard to find during a dangerous situation, you could call out or if you were skilled enough handle the situation yourself. She knew if her godmother was here she would freak about her pressing the red button and would probably drag her to some of her MLE friends, yeah she would get in trouble. Though she had pressed the green one too.
Nope, it wasn't going to work! The red button was quick to glow a superb RED and gave a ZAP! Right up the girl's hand.

Lucky for her, the green button lit up to a brilliant green!

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
Without giving an explanation, because really she just didn't care and wanted to get to a more exciting activity, she pushed the green buzzer, waiting for something to happen. To Alice, not herself. What happened when you pressed BOTH buzzers at the same time?
Smart choice! The button lit up to a brilliant green! No zaps for yoouu!

Originally Posted by PotterHeadforLife View Post
Kat didn't require thinking at the moment. As Headmistress Truebridge asked the question, the Prefect pressed the green button. No comment after that. The other though... well, yeah they were doing stuff. Kat tried to ignore that, but she felt as if something was going to happen if they pressed both or the wrong button.

Oh snap, she just DIDN'T wanna know at all. And they weren't really required to make an explanation right? Yeah, she'll just do that. Keep quiet and wait for stuff to happen. 'Tis all.
The button lit up to a brilliant green! Excellent choice.

It was incredibly unfortunate that their previous plans for today's seminar had to be cancelled. Simply awful! Even more so that she couldn't make a quick trip to the kitchens for some ice cream before the seminar started. She hadn't had any in like...A DAY! She was becoming fidgety!

Twitch. Oh, a zap. Twitch. Another zap. Twitch. GOODNESS why were the students pressing red?? That Alexa Cambridge...

"Don't think too far into the question, you guys!" she spoke up suddenly before recoiling slightly and clearing her throat quietly with a glance to the Headmistress. Ahem. "The correct answer is, if you find an armed creature attacking the school, you are to calmly find the nearest professor. I know ve all vont to defend our classmates and save the day, however... ve can't very vell keep everyone safe ven you're all running tovards danger. You do not engage vith the creature...unless absolutely inevitably necessary to escape. You find a professor and then stay in your common room unless stated othervise. There's no "but"'s vith this."

They got that, right? Fidget. "Alright, let's try a simpler statement:

"When in a stressful situation, it will help if I scream. Loudly. And repeatedly."

Finger twitch. "Remember. Green to agree, and red to disagree." Just so they knew. Again.
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