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7 am was the perfect time to make things explode. Most people were not up and the Lake would be empty. Best not hit anyone the debris. Now he could not remember if Lex told him to meet her earlier or not. But whatever. It was still pretty early.
Nigel had brought with him some prime materials to blow up. It would be awesome to make them explode different colors and watch it. Maybe they could make fireworks and sell them. Eh, just an idea. He walked up to her from behind and noticed her paying attention to a pile of rocks. She did not seems to notice him. Which gave him an idea.
There was only one way to make them both as wide awake as possible. Nigel pointed his wand at the pile and cast the spell.
Now that was an explosion.
She knew she'd been
expecting a 'BOOM' and they said the mind was a powerful thing but THAT was ridiculous! How had it even? She didn't do anything yet and Nigel was late--Nigel! Lex whipped around, now understanding that she didn't in fact have the power to blow things up in her mind so that one Puffer kid was perfectly safe. Bummer.
"Nice one! Nearly gave me a heart attack while you were at it." GRIN. Oh but now he was here and they could properly get started.
"I've brought some things and I see you have too. This'll be epic, I imagine a morning full of explosions, can you picture it?"
And there was that dazed look, the one that said she was completely lost in the idea and couldn't wait to get started.
"Are we gonna see how high we can get it while we're at it?"