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Old 06-06-2013, 08:15 PM   #150 (permalink)
Erik Vinteren

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Erik Odin Vinteren
Vinteren, Erik Vinteren

Originally Posted by McFeisty View Post
So they were learning a spell in history of magic? That was nice - and a good change of pace maybe? Mika sat there for a minute as the new spells wording hit her. They were going to reveal the presence of spirits in rooms and then ask them questions maybe?

Well, you obviously wouldn't have to use it find Myrtle. Just listen for ghost-tears falling and sobbing noises. She did feel sorry for the girl - but she was also quite annoyed with the tears by now.

Raising her hand, "Professor, Homenum Revelio is a spell that is used to reveal the presence of any human in the area however there is debate on whether it can reveal the quantity of people or just the presence." So it wasn't a surefire thing. "is it also safe to assume that Spiritum Revelio, will reveal presence not quantity as well?" She asked and still delved into practicing the shape of the wand movements.

"Spiritum Revelio" she spoke without the wand-movement, just trying the word out. It was a good thing to check. "Spiritum Revelio" again with the movements - and nothing. Which was expected. Because that would mean that someone had died in here that wasn't accounted for. Hand shooting into the air again, "Professor, is it safe to say that if part of the school wasn't destroyed in the Great-War that this room could have had a death in it - say, the former Professor Binns?" What he was a ghost and died in his classroom right?
"No, do not assume vhat," Erik replied to the Ravenclaw with a shake of his head. "Professor Binns did also not die in vhis classroom. If he had, your spell vould reveal something to you. It is not revealing anyvhing, is it?"

Originally Posted by MaverickMagpie View Post
Ehhhh... Tobias was still very reluctant. It weirded him out a bit, and he glanced around the room to see if anyone was trying the spell and looking horrified. Gah, it was weird. Tobias didn't want to be able to know if someone had died in a specific place. That was a sad thing and Tobias didn't deal with sad.


Biting his lip nervously but then raised his hand tentatively before speaking. "Mister..." yeah he couldn't remember his name... starting again "... Sir? If you did this somewhere outside or something, wouldn't it like show up loads of red? I mean because of old battlegrounds people might not have discovered yet, from wizards or muggles, or going way back through time loads have people might have died in one area... it's, you know, possible. Does the spell ever like... I don't know... is there a time limit on how long ago the people died before their outlines no longer show?"

Not putting off trying the spell. Not at all. But he was interested anyway.
"For one vhing, vhis spell shows vhere a person died in green," Erik gave the boy, who was clearly not practising the spell, a look, "and for another, it does have limits. You'll only see who died in vithin vhe confines of vhis room, for example. And no, time is of no consequence to vhis spell."

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
You could hide it with a concealment charm? West perked up. This was a good thing to KNOW. He wondered too if it worked in reverse.... Hand up. "Professor, if you can conceal the revelio charm, can you also take measures to conceal yourself from it? Or conceal traces of a death from one too and like.... hide that stuff somehow?" And... he had more questions. Not that he was planning on murder it was just interesting.

"Does how long ago the death happened matter? And does the method of death effect how much it shows up or whatever? Like... a more violent death rather than just some old dude dying in their sleep or something?" West too had his hand up for questions, just like that one kid...

Also, "Does it show ghosts?"

And.... and he was gonna practice now. This was definitely interesting.

He drew the circle counter clockwise in the air a few times and then pointed his wand through it. A couple times with that, until he sorta felt alright with it. Not natural but not weird either.

"Spiritum Revelio!" But.... nothing.
"I do not vhink you can conceal yourself from such a spell, nor can you conceal a body from vhis spell," he gave the boy a serious nod, "but good questions." And he had more of them. "Time does not matter, but vhe method of death does. A more violent death vill show up with a brighter aura, a brighter green outline. And no...vhis does not reveal anything about ghosts." Other than that they had died in a particular area and thus might be more likely to haunt it.

Originally Posted by xXxPandora View Post
Right. She was listening to what the Professor was saying....and the questions her peers were asking had sparked a question from her too. The Ravenclaw put her hand up, "Professor, is there a certain.....range to this spell? For example, if only one of us would cast the spell, would it cover the whole classroom and locate all spirits around?" Not that she was hoping that there would be. " it limited to, say, a meter radius or something?"

What was the incantation again? Spiritum Revelio. Yes, that one. Wand movement is a clockwise circle and a point through it. Got that. As always, she repeated the incantation in her head first for a few times, then moved on to the wand motion without the incantation.....before performing both together. She drew a circle in the air in front of her, clockcwise in direction and then pointed through it. "Spiritum Revelio!"


....That was a good thing.
"It's not really a radius thing so much as it is thing." Erik shrugged, he was losing track of how to explain this spell amongst so many questions. Now he saw how many professors lost patience with their students. "It reveals vhe locations of deaths only in vhe room you're currently in." No spirits. "If you think of a particular person as you cast vhe spell, vhen vhe spell vill only reveal their outline to you." So that prevented the problem of the battlefield, if that other kid was listening.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Lex was still beaming. He said her answer was VERY good. Not just good or 'okay' NO, it was VERY good and now she was VERY happy with herself. Nodnodnod.

The newer spell sounded neat, it sounded even neater after that Tobias kid--that was his name right?--mentioned something about stepping outside and seeing a lot of it because of old battle grounds. Coooooool! This was interesting stuff and Aidan wasn't even here to hear it. Pity, she'd have to fill him in later and by the looks of if, Cassia as well.

She raised her wand and first practised the wand motion. This wasn't one of the more difficult ones and she was soon ready to move on to adding it to the incantation. "Spiritum Revelio!' Needless to say her eyes darted around the room for even a glistening speck of green but there was nothing. Bummer. Or maybe her wand was being rude again and the spell hadn't worked but everyone else was seeing green??? She tried again. "Spiritum Revelio!"

Blink. Still nothing. Okay, fine, no one died in here, jeeeeez.

Lex stuck her hand in the air. "This is a neat trick professor, but, is there one that shows you how the person died? You know, like a flashback playing kinda spell?" Did those exist? They'd really make history come alive for her.

"No, none vhat I can think of." That should be something spell inventors worked on though, as it would be a cool spell.

Originally Posted by Princesspower View Post
Now it was time for her to do it properly. "Spiritum Revelio" she said making a circle with her wand and doing the wand movement with cirlce in the in. Then there was nothing. Convinced that she had done it wrong (as that was very likely) Sarah redid it. Yet still nothing. So maybe no one had died in the room? Sarah hoped there would be no more deaths in Hogwarts, unless they were bad people.

Then she raised her hand, "What about if they are horcruxes, like Voldermort's. Will there be an outline in every place he died?"
Erm...Erik wasn't sure he understood this question. "I'm not sure I know vhat you are asking..." he mused. "Vhis spell reveals vhe locations of one-time deaths, actual physical deaths of humans. Not ov horcruxes." Which were really little bits of the soul, that was all. No bodies to outline.

Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post
The spirit spell only reveals to the caster the location of where someone died... And it showed where the spirit left the body. Creepy stuff. ... So that's how wizards find out where someone's died? And that would be... a first hand source, yeah? Because the spell wouldn't lie and... and...

He needed to stop thinking so much.

And now it was time for them to try? What would happen if the spell actually worked and a green outline appeared? Were they going to investigate that? Or was this... just for practice?

Shaking his head, Alec pulled out his wand and took a deep breath. Spiritum Revelio... spi-ri-tum... re-ve-lio... spi-ri-tum re-ve-lio... "Spiritum Revelio!" Counter-clockwise circle and point through the circle! ... Nothing. Should he... try again? "Spiritum Revelio!" Counter clockwise circle and point through the circle!

... Still nothing.

Slightly confused, the sixteen year old raised his hand in the air, his grey-blue eyes on the older man. "Erm... Professor Vinteren?" Professor Vinteren or Sir Vinteren? Which one? "Erm... I have a question. If you cast the spell and nothing happens because... no one has died in the area... how do you know that you've cast the spell properly?" ... Or... was this a silly question?
"Good question," Erik replied to the Hufflepuff, "but vhere really is no way of knowing if you cast it wrong if it reveals nothing, as is true ov many spells. Vhis is why practise is important." Because practise made perfect, and he was going to give them a good chance to practise now.

"Everyone, if you vould please take your wands and follow me...I'll give you a chance to practise this spell in a place vhere it definitely works." He led the way out of the classroom without further ado. And on to the ground floor....
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